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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Seriously, for that? Is there anyone on this board that didn't pirate something somewhere in their past at any point?

Gonna PM ThLunarian my e-mail address just in case I ever inadvertently trip the ban hammer...))
((Ok, we will continue on without Jackben for the time being. If you're reading this dude, good luck to you, and we all look forward to Tarkus returning to PC status, since he's going to be an NPC for a little while, unless we can arrange something over email. If anyone can get in touch with him, give him my email, which is my username, and you can guess the rest.

I'll either continue the story tonight or tomorrow morning))


((ridiculous ban. Especially since the guy who defended the woman driving on the sidewalk while a schoolbus was letting handicapped kids off at a daycare didnt get banned.))
Tarkus looks between the two canoes, narrows his eyes at Elim/Valance, grunts/snorts (they're very similar gestures for half-orcs), and joins Sarm, Suvne, and Evaneth.

The two canoes are quite steady, as they are each counterbalanced by a pontoon ((I think that's what they're called)), and so the journey is relatively smooth. You all have been traveling for much of the day, and it's a relief to not have to walk for a while; Elim/Valance paddles for the first canoe, and Tarkus for the second.

The water is completely opaque, and is of a creepy blackish hue. The sky is gray, and the few trees poking out of the water are gnarled and sport very few leaves. Swamp grass is all around, and the constant chirping of insects, frogs, and other unsettling creatures inundates the air. Speaking of the air, it is cold, clammy, and uncomfortable.

The paddling continues for two hours, and although you may try to pass the time with conversation, it doesn't distract you from an intangible, unsettling feeling in the air. Although the sun isn't visible, things have grown slightly darker than they were, implying that the sun is at least on its way down.

Finally, Elim stops paddling. "Well, gentlemen - and lady," he nods at Suvne, "Here we are. The monastery is perhaps thirty yards ahead, and if I have my bearings correct, we should be facing the direction of the front door."

"Wait, I see something," Tarkus calls from the back of the second canoe. He leans over the left edge of the boat. "Something moving in water--"


Without warning, the pontoon of the back boat is torn from the body, and for a split second, it looks as though an olive-skinned woman in a collared purple shirt leaps out of the water and takes a huge bite out of the canoe.

It's actually a crocodile, though, and suddenly Tarkus, Sarm, Suvne, and Evaneth find themselves without purchase and flailing about in the water, as both boats are swarmed by crocodiles - and a particularly gargantuan one is quickly approaching the boat that's still intact.

"Valgar, take this!" shouts Valance, thrusting the blue Ring of Water Mobility into his hand ((putting it on will be a free action)). "I have to keep the boat steady!"

((Annnnnd here we go! No need to roll initiative; you guys will go first, as the bad guys spent their surprise turn wrecking the boat.

There are modifiers to attack rolls and damage in underwater combat, but I will keep track of those; you just give me the normal numbers.

Suvne, Sarm, and Evaneth are unable to take move actions this round, as they're caught off balance by suddenly landing in the water. They are at the surface though, and are able to attack and/or cast spells if they want, though casting a spell will require a Concentration check (DC of 15 + spell level) if it has somatic components.

Val, while wearing the ring, you can glide effortlessly through the water as though you were flying through the air, and your attacks will be at full strength.

Here is a battle map. The crossed out thing was going to be another bad guy, but I changed my mind; consider that the ruins of the boat. You're not sure where Tarkus is; for the moment, he is submerged. Good luck!))

Quintus casts water breathing on himself, and touches Elim, granting him the same if he needs it(lasts 7 hours each).... assuming he doesn't screw up the concentration check.

Concentration: 1D20+16 => [ 4 ] +16 = 20
((level 3 spell so dc is only 18... that said i should note that the site i keep my sheet on is down now, so i can't check it, but i'm pretty sure i've been keeping concentration maxed so this should be the right number with my amazing int
Derp... just checked my sheet (finally) and concentration is based on con. I have a +14 on it, so i should still pass.))
Sarm rises from the water with a harsh gasp and looks around alarmingly with being woken by the freezing chill and sudden pull of being thrown into the Marsh. He sees Evaneth and Suvne pull up, but not Tarkus. "Tarkus?! Does anyone see Tarkus?!"

((Are Sarm, Suvne, and Evaneth next to each other, or are they separated in such a way that would require movement?))
Sarm rises from the water with a harsh gasp and looks around alarmingly with being woken by the freezing chill and sudden pull of being thrown into the Marsh. He sees Evaneth and Suvne pull up, but not Tarkus. "Tarkus?! Does anyone see Tarkus?!"

((Are Sarm, Suvne, and Evaneth next to each other, or are they separated in such a way that would require movement?))

You're all grouped together; no movement needed.

Also Quintus, you're still safe on the canoe, so you don't need concentration checks at the moment

Mike M

Nick N
Without warning, the pontoon of the back boat is torn from the body, and for a split second, it looks as though an olive-skinned woman in a collared purple shirt leaps out of the water and takes a huge bite out of the canoe.

It's actually a crocodile, though,


((Speaking of derpiness, I haven't gotten around to updating my character sheet with the ring of protection yet, won't have a chance until lunch break. Just something to keep in mind in case Val gets attacked before I get to it.))

Val's eyes widen at the size of the crocodiles that emerge from the opaque depths of the swamp and attack without warning. "Sweet merciful shit, if these are the least of our problems, I fucking quit!"

Grabbing the enchanted ring from Valance's hand, he hurriedly places it on an available finger and plunges into the murky water. Val's not the greatest swimmer, but he has faith in his brother's little trinket. Surprisingly, he finds it not unlike being under the effects of Quintus' flight spell, only... Wetter. And much colder. Also, he can't see that well beneath the surface.

Okay, so it's a bit unlike the flight spell.

Coming to the surface, he shouts to the victims of the capsized boat, rivulets of the dark water running down his face. "We won't be able to help Tarkus if we're dead, watch your flanks!" With that, he sails at the giant croc closest to the boat ((the one on the left in the diagram)), hoping his rapier is sturdy enough to puncture its naturally armored hide.

Attack:  1d20 + 14 = 18
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 17


Evaneth glances around for Tarkus and does not see him.

"Well, here goes nothing."

Mindful of who he is with, and also mindful that they might not appreciate his normal summoning Evaneth attempts Summon Monster I to summon a Celestial Porpoise to aid them in this battle.

Concentration check:

The porpoise arrives and Evaneth directs it towards the closest Crocodile ((the one on the bottom right by Suvne and myself)).

"I wonder what I know about Crocodile weaknesses"

Evaneth desperately tries to think of anything he's ever read or heard about Crocodiles and their weaknesses

Base Intelligence check

((Derp, I quoted instead of coded here))
((Yeah I had to look up Celestial Porpoise too.

Also Sarm, in case you didn't realize it, you haven't actually taken an action yet. If that's intentional, let me know.

Edit: And neither has Suvne, so I'm guessing you just haven't gotten back to the thread yet. Sorry for seeming impatient))


((Well, prior to now, my character would have summoned the Octopus, but its considered CE and I doubt the Cleric and his follower would have liked that at all.))
((too bad, a fiendish octupus sounds way better then a dolphin... anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and make a Nature roll for the crocs as well.))

Knowledge - Nature: 1D20+8 => [ 7 ] +8 = 15


((It does, especially with its grapple bonus and such. Anyways I as a person know that a bright light will cause most crocodiles or alligators to freeze and loud sounds tend to bother them but, well, my character doesn't know that unless he or someone else passes their rolls and tells him lol))
((That sounds like an excellent in-character discussion to have with Sarm and Suvne when we're not in combat, regarding how they feel about the alignments of summoned creatures. In fact, I highly encourage it at some point.))
((I needed to know whether I could use touch spells. Also, I apologize for the delay, I ended up sleeping.))

((Well, prior to now, my character would have summoned the Octopus, but its considered CE and I doubt the Cleric and his follower would have liked that at all.))
((For the purposes of gameplay, it would be possible for Sarm to let it slide especially since even though it probably has horns and is basically a miniature Chulthu and is oozing unknown substances from its pores, it's still just an Octopus and is being used for a non-evil purpose. I wouldn't want to limit your abilities and potentially endanger ourselves just by being here.))

Sarm attempts to give Suvne his only casting of Freedom of Movement, knowing that she'll need it more than him.

Concentration (DC 19) - 1d20 + 11, Rolled a 5, totaling 16 which is a fail​

((EDIT: Oh wait, they can't attack this turn. Hmm... Okay I'll ahve her attack since the goal is to kill them all anyway.))

Suvne goes ahead and attacks the nearest Croc if she can.

Attack Roll - 1d20 + 10, rolled a 2, totaling 12 which is a fail in my heart​
((General Knowledge check will only tell you that crocodiles have sharp teeth, live around swamps, and are dangerous in and out of water.

Quintus's Knowledge Nature check tells him that crocodiles are wily and stealthy creatures, easily able to conceal themselves, especially in water like this, and wait for prey to come to them. They like to get an ironclad grip on their prey and simply hold onto it, allowing it to struggle until it tires itself out, and then the feast begins. Sometimes, with the prey in its mouth, the crocodile will spin around rapidly to disorient it, and ensure victory. Particularly large crocodiles such as the Dire one near the boat are known to swallow their prey whole once they get a grip on it.

Tarkus attacks Giant Crocodile 1. Natural 1, miss.

Dire Crocodile moves forward and attacks Quintus. Natural 1, miss. (Maybe I'll start using actual dice. This is making me suspicious)

Giant Crocodile 1 (the one on the left) attacks the Porpoise that just appeared in front of his face. 25 to hit. Porpoise takes 22 damage.

Giant Crocodile 2 (the one on the right) attacks Suvne. 16 to hit misses if she's in her full plate, but hits if she switched to leather. Since Sarm bought the Leather Armors for exactly this purpose (fighting in the water), I'm going to assume that Sarm and Suvne both switched out, so Suvne will take 14 damage, and then the Crocodile makes an automatic grapple check of a 28. If Suvne's grapple check doesn't meet or beat that, she becomes grappled in the crocodile's mouth))

As Quintus prepares himself and Elim for the possibility of also finding themselves in the water, Val leaps into action without hesitation, donning the magical ring and diving into the water, making a beeline for Crocodile 1 and deftly piercing its leathery flesh, causing a nasty gash with his rapier.

The fearsome gargantuan crocodile coming in from the right marks Quintus as a tasty morsel, opening its mouth wide and intending to eat him, but Quintus thinks quickly and simply sidesteps the creature's maw, leaving it snapping at the air.

Once the initial confusion of the ground falling out from under them wears off, the suddenly-stranded party members attempt to fortify themselves against the crocodile menace. Sarm attempts to cast a spell, but is distracted mid-casting by the need to keep himself afloat, and he loses the spell.

Evaneth has better luck, but he notices that the act of summoning this creature is unusually difficult, and takes much more out of him than it should, as a trickle of blood runs from his nose while he casts ((take 1 nonlethal damage)). His first thought is that it has something to do with the nature of this plane.

The celestial porpoise nevertheless materializes in the water and prepares to ram itself into the giant crocodile nearby... only to get torn asunder in a single blow by the awesome power of the crocodile's jaws.

Suvne does her best to swing her sword at the oncoming beast, but she is also not used to aquatic combat and misses horribly. The crocodile strikes back, sinking its jaws into her and holding on tight, leaving her to frantically escape its maw.

Tarkus leaps suddenly out of the water and actually garners some height, as though he intentionally picked up as much speed as possible before breaching the surface, letting out a fierce battle cry (probably not the best idea, since he should be taking this opportunity to breathe, but that's Tarkus for you).... and completely overshoots his intended target, sailing clear over the crocodile's head and landing in the water near the pontoon of the intact canoe.

((Begin Round 2))


"Well, at least Tarkus is ok!"

Evaneth feels the difficulty in summoning the Porpoise.

Thats odd he thinks. Perhaps its this plane. Or perhaps I should have just went with something else at first to begin with.

"Sarm, please don't attack what I'm about to summon!"

Evaneth attempts Summon Monster I again, this time deciding to summon an Octopus to try and help Suvne escape this monster's jaws.

Concentration roll:

= Success

Evaneth directs the fiendish Octopus at the croc holding Suvne.

"I hope this works. If not, I'll have to do something drastic."
Quintus doesn't like this whole sitting duck thing, but even with water breathing he isn't that great a swimmer... so he decides to make himself one! He cast Alter Self, transforming him...self, into a Locathah, then jumping into the water and swimming away from the crocs as best he can.


Mike M

Nick N
The aquatic battlefield has erupted in chaos, the efforts of all the parties splashing large quantities of the murky black water in all directions, partially obscuring Val's view. He's pretty certain he witnessed Tarkus rocket past overhead, and is that a shiny dolphin in the jaws of that crocodile?

His own quarry so far has ignored him, despite his having drawn blood. Val knows little and less about crocodiles, and doesn't know if he's just not inflicting damage, or if the reptile merely does not feel the pain so acutely.

Whatever the answer, it's an academic point at this juncture. Val musters forth a pair of jabs, hoping to do the beast in before it turns its attention on him.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 32
Critical confirmation:  1d20 + 14 = 28
Damage = 1d6 + 12 = 17

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 14 
Damage = 1d6 + 12 = 18

((Oh, why could I not have rolled that damage on the critical instead of the hit that probably missed? *Sigh*

Dodge bonus on croc 1...))
((Good news. Jackben's ban is short. I relayed his PSN message to ThLunarian.))

((Anyway, I had planned on waiting until we were at the point to start swimming to decide what I was going to do with Suvne and armor, but in hindsight it does make sense that they would change out before the trip so I'll go ahead and take that 14 damage.))

((Getting grappled makes having Freedom of Movement not working suck all that much more.))

Suvne will try to free herself this round.

Opposed Grapple Check for previous turn - 1d20 + 5 + 4, rolled a 9, totaling 18 which isn't enough
Initiative - 1d20 + 4, rolled a 19, totaling 24
Opposed Grapple this turn - 1d20 + 5 + 4, rolled a 14, totaling 23 which isn't enough​

Sarm will swim towards the crocodile and try to attack it in order to kill it to free Suvne.

Initiative - 1d20 + 1, rolled a 15, totaling 16
Swim Check - 1d20 + 3 - 1, rolled a 4, totaling 6​

Nevermind, he's lucky to still be above water. He casts Bull's Strength on Suvne.

Concentration - 1d20 + 11, rolled a 13, totaling 24 which exceeds DC 17​
((Evaneth takes 2 additional nonlethal damage this turn, as a blood vessel in his other nostril ruptures, though it's probably hard to actually see, since there's water splashing all about.

Tarkus charges at Crocodile 1, scoring a hit exceeding its armor class and kills it, since it only had 3 HP left after Val was done with it (Val, you forgot to roll double damage for your Critical, so I just added in the max damage from your hit that missed).

Crocodile 2 succeeds at keeping Suvne in the grapple, and opts to simply deal damage to her. Suvne takes 18 damage.

Dire Crocodile swims forward and chomps at Sarm; 37 to hit. Sarm takes 27 damage and the crocodile starts an automatic grapple: 41 on the Grapple check. ))

Suvne and Sarm are not having a very good time with the giant crocodile that currently has Suvne trapped between its uncomfortably sharp teeth. Sarm does manage to cast a spell to enhance Suvne's strength, but it's not enough; she only winds up taking even more damage as the teeth continue ripping her to shreds.

Meanwhile, Val and Tarkus team up to tear the other smaller (relatively speaking) crocodile a new one, as Val pokes enough holes in it for Tarkus's greatsword to connect the dots.

Quintus, unwilling to leave himself exposed to the enormous creature that just tried to eat him, casts a spell and turns himself into a fish-man, then hops off the boat and flees the area of immediate danger, presumably hoping to fling spells at the predators from afar.

The dire crocodile momentarily looks back and forth between Sarm and Elim, and decides Sarm is the easier target, swimming forward and effortlessly plucking him from the water. It tilts its head up so that Sarm is up in the air, out of the water and very much entwined between the monster's teeth.

Evaneth, undeterred by the grisly fate of his celestial porpoise, only slightly alters his tactics, and this time summons an octopus with an evil aura, which is ready to do its summoner's bidding on the next turn.

((Begin Round 3, and to be clear, Evaneth, this time the Octopus gets to act))
41 on the Grapple check.
((Not even going to bother to roll.))

Sarm reaches over to try to heal Suvne, but is suddenly thrust into the air by the Dire Croc's massive teeth and his body being torn into by massive fangs. Thinking quickly he decides to fire a Burning Hands straight into the beast's throat.

Concentration - 1d20 + 11, rolled a 19, total 30
Spell resist - 1d20 + 7, rolled a 13, total 20
Burning Hands damage - 5d4, rolled 2, 2, 4, 3, 4, total 15​

((I am not sure if lay on hands is a legal move during a grapple. It lists all of the things your'e allowed to do on d20srd but doesn't explicitly state that special abilities like that are unable to be used. If it's allowed, I will have her heal for full amount she can (which IIRC is 16), if not then I'll just have her try to escape once more with the rolls below.))

Grapple Check - 1d20 + 5 + 4 + 2, rolled a 10, result 21, crap​
Once he feels he is far enough away, Quintus turns, and casts Ray of Enfeeblement on the croc with a hold on Suvne.

Range Touch attack: 1d20+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
((...Nope. If that does somehow hit, its does 1d6+3 str damage.))
Once he feels he is far enough away, Quintus turns, and casts Ray of Enfeeblement on the croc with a hold on Suvne.

Range Touch attack: 1d20+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
((...Nope. If that does somehow hit, its does 1d6+3 str damage.))

Believe it or not, that does hit on the nose. It gets -2 to AC for being Huge, and is denied its Dex bonus for being in a grapple. Go ahead and roll that d6.

Mike M

Nick N
Val watches with some small measure of pride as the victim of his tandem attack with Tarkus ceases movement and slowly slips below the waves in taciturn defeat.

Surveying the field of battle, the situation appears to have grown even more complicated. Quintus seems to have vanished, leaving a bizarre fish-man in his stead. Yet another exotic marine creature seems to have entered the fray, this time an octopus of considerable size that emirates a palpable aura of menace, yet seems to be acting on their behalf. Sarm and his neophyte apprentice are caught within the jaws of the remaining aggressors and are in need of aid.

Judging Sarm's situation to be more dire ((womp womp)) and figuring that the bigger of the reptiles warrants the bigger of available swords, Val waves Tarkus off in the direction of the larger of the crocodiles. "You help Sarm! I'll see what I can do for Suvne!"

Without waiting for response, Val dives below the surface and swims in the direction of the giant crocodile attempting to crush Suvne's bones. His zoological knowledge isn't much, but he reckons predators of this size rarely contend with attacks from beneath. Taking advantage of the effects of the magic tourism ring, he shoots through the water along the bed of the swamp and positions himself directly beneath the giant crocodile to land a blow on its underside.

Attack:  1d20 + 14 = 18
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 17

((Not sure that hits, but I'm rolling some nice damage this encounter.

Dodge bonus on giant croc 2, who I guess just drops the 2 at this point))


Evaneth notices the slight drain on his energy, but pays it no mind.

Evaneth looks to his summoned Octupus.

"Attack the crcocodiles!"

Evaneth points towards the one holding Suvne.

Evaneth uses his fundamental ability Arrow of Dusk on the same Crocodile.

Ranged touch attack.


((Damage if it hits))
A dark bolt of shadow energy shoots from his hand towards the Crocodile.

((This is non lethal damage))
((Actually Sarm, sorry but Burning Hands has a Somatic component that would be impossible to perform while in a grapple (and this is specified in the entry on d20.org). I would let it slide if it were a technicality, but it's important to be consistent that a grappled wizard's spellcasting ability is severely limited (which may be helpful to you guys in future battles when you fight wizards and/or clerics). So the spell fails.

Lay On Hands isn't a spell and it doesn't say anything about somatic components, so that goes off fine, and Suvne heals 16 HP.

Fiendish Octopus charges at the Giant Crocodile and attacks: 9 to hit, miss.

Tarkus swims over to the Dire Croc and attacks it with his greatsword: 21 to hit, Tarkus deals 18 damage to the creature.

Giant Croc (whose strength has just been decreased) releases Suvne from the grapple and descends to attack Val: 15 to hit, miss.

Dire Crocodile attempts a Grapple check to try and Swallow Whole: 48 on the check. Sarm gets swallowed whole by the creature.

A Swallowed creature is still alive and conscious. You will take some acid damage each round (not this round though), and may try to cut your way out with a weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage. You are no longer considered grappled, so you may cast spells.))

The Giant Crocodile gets blasted by Quintus's energy-draining ray and suddenly begins struggling to keep a hold on Suvne; in addition, it just got stabbed in the gut, so it releases its hold on the Paladin and shifts its target to Val, going underwater and attempting to chomp at him, missing as Val deftly dodges out of the way.

Evaneth fires off a bolt of dark energy at the Giant Crocodile, successfully bruising its flesh, but it's not a particularly large wound; his octopus charges forward and attempts to slap the crocodile with its tentacles, but it's not very effective.

Tarkus nods at Val's recommendation and swim-charges toward the enormous beast holding Sarm in its mouth, connecting with a satisfying crunch of steel-on-crocodile, forming a small (relative to the creature's size) gash on it.

The Dire Crocodile, unhappy about the blow it just suffered but also only able to deal with one threat at a time, takes a moment to swallow Sarm whole; Tarkus, Suvne, Evaneth, and Quintus watch on in horror as the cleric is forced down into the creature's stomach and out of sight (Val is underwater so he probably didn't see this happen).

((Begin Round 4))

Mike M

Nick N
Val is a little surprised at the speed and flexibility of the giant crocodile, as it demonstrates that it is decidedly more limber than he had anticipated. If not for the enchantment of Valance's ring, he'd probably have traded places with Suvne in the jaws of the primordial creature. Instead, he effortlessly glides away as the space he'd occupied just a second previously is perforated by jagged teeth.

Even if the aquatic environs would accommodate a verbal riposte, it'd be wasted on the unthinking, brutish beast. So instead, he offers a physical one.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 18
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 17

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 27
Confirming critical:  1d20 + 9 = 29 ((Christ!))
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 18 x 2 = 36 ((What the shit!!!))

((Dodge bonus on giant croc, if he's still alive, otherwise on dire croc obviously.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Shiiiiit, I think the random number generator in my character sheet/dice rolling app is borked somehow. If I roll a rapier attack from my character sheet from a cold start up of the app, I always get 18 to hit with 17 damage. Not replicating it in the naked dice roller function though, so I think I'll just have to stick to that. Don't recall having this issue before...

Lunarian, your call on whether you want to let that first attack stand. I made the second attack outside my character sheet because I was suspicious that my first roll for my second attack yielded the exact same critical attack as before. Ironically, it was still a critical, go figure.))
((Oh wow, that is an embarrassing oversight on my part especially since the information was there. My learning experiences and making mistakes with this game tend to go badly.

Still not as bad as when poor communication led me to not learn how to use bluff properly and end up in a dumb argument later.))

In a fleet of freedom, Sarm feels the release of the teeth from his body and his body engulfed in the weightless air about him. It is only just a brief second that contains no thought before moist flesh slams on him like a door. After some description I refuse to write, Sarm is eaten and he has to get out. He looks at the Rod of Pelor, but even the smaller end is too blunt. He slides it back into his belt and pulls out his old trusty mace which has a pointed design, holds it with the large end pointed downward and begins to drive it into the immediate slimy fabric of a wall that keeps him imprisoned.

Suvne now freed and much more alive and driven by Sarm's predicament would swim towards the Dire Crocodile and slash at it.

Attack Roll - 1d20 + 9, rolled a 19, total 28
Damage (piercing) - 1d8 + 3, rolled a 4, total 7

Swim - 1d20 + 6 - 1, rolled a 6, total 11 (I assume this is a success if the water is calm)
Attack Roll - 1d20 + 12, rolled an 8, total 20
Damage - 1d8 + 1 + 6, rolled a 4, total 11​
((The crit kills it anyway, so the first attack is immaterial. Though when you double the damage, you'd actually roll 2d6 + 24 rather than rolling one die and doubling the result... however you still exceeded its max HP by a few points so I won't have you reroll that. You're fine))
Quintus swims down, points at the dire croc and fires another Ray of Enfeeblement.

Range Touch: 1D20+6 => [ 11 ] +6 = 17
STR Damage: 1D6+3 => [ 3 ] +3 = 6


Evaneth fires an Arrow of Dusk at the Dire Croc and directs the Octopus at it as well.

Ranged touch attack.



((Non lethal of course))
((The Dire Croc's inner stomach has a small hole punctured in it, which isn't big enough to get through but definitely will be with another solid strike.

Fiendish Octopus charges at the Dire Crocodile and attacks; an 11 misses.

Tarkus attacks the Dire Crocodile twice: 19 on first attack misses, and 10 on second attack misses.

Sarm takes 13 Acid damage from the Crocodile's stomach acid.

Dire Crocodile attacks Tarkus: 26 hits. Tarkus takes 28 damage (44 HP remaining). Dire Crocodile attempts to grapple Tarkus, and fails automatically because of Freedom of Movement.))

Val skewers the Giant Crocodile's skull with a particularly well-placed jab of the rapier, and it stops moving. That leaves Quintus, Evaneth, and Tarkus free to focus their fire on the Dire Crocodile, as Quintus saps some of its strength away and Evaneth fires another of his mysteriously dark, magical arrows at it. Tarkus attempts to swing at the creature with two very hard swings, but he perhaps is a bit overzealous, missing entirely with both strikes.

Sarm, meanwhile, is not going to take being digested lying down, and begins to saw at the stomach lining of the creature, tearing a jagged hole that is not quite enough to fit through, but may be soon...

((Begin Round 5))
((I think you forgot to say whether Suvne's attack worked (I somehow doubt it did since even a 19 is a miss) or whether the swim check was a success.))

Sarm starts to feel like he's being cooked, which is precisely why he's going to try continuing to get out.

If she wasn't able to swim over last time, Suvne will try to swim over to the Dire Croc to attack it again.

Attack Roll - 1d20+9, rolled an 18, total 27
Damage Roll (Piercing) - 1d8+3, rolled a 6, total 9

Swim Check - 1d20 + 6 - 1, rolled a 12, total 17 (if the swim check from last turn didn't work)
Attack Roll - 1d20+12, rolled a 2​

EDIT: ((Oh cool looks like Jackben's back))
Assuming this huge thing is sticking out of the surface of the water, Quintus will surface as well, pulling out his crossbow and firing at the little bugger. If that is not that case, he just kinda watches and hopes for the best... because he isn't getting close to that thing.

Crossbow: [ 7 ] +7 = 14
Damage: 1D8+1 => [ 4 ] +1 = 5

Mike M

Nick N
Val disengages from the giant croc as it begins to sink into the murky depths.

Grinning like the cat who caught the canary, he surfaces to assess the situation. His grin quickly disappears as a quick head count reveals they are short one cleric.

Without hesitation, he dives beneath the water, rapier outstretched before him like an aquatic arrow. Moving in a parabolic arc, he attempts to repeat his successful strategy of attacking from below.

Attack:  1d20 + 14 =30
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 13
((Sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry when I made that last post. Suvne made it to the Dire Croc on the previous turn, but the 20 to attack missed it.

I'll email Jackben to confirm his return. However if Evaneth posts today and Jackben hasn't by midnight, I'll go ahead and take his next turn for him just in case))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I have returned. Sorry about that, guys. Thanks for filling in for me Lunarian. I'll try and scratch out a post tonight once I get caught up, I'm a few posts behind on the campaign. I laughed at the bits about Mavis Beacon. As far as good mood music goes, FF always has great stuff. Also this always plays in my mind when the battle reaches a turning point.))
((I have returned. Sorry about that, guys. Thanks for filling in for me Lunarian. I'll try and scratch out a post tonight once I get caught up, I'm a few posts behind on the campaign. I laughed at the bits about Mavis Beacon. As far as good mood music goes, FF always has great stuff. Also this always plays in my mind when the battle reaches a turning point.))

((Yeah I actually have had songs in mind for most of the big scenes during the campaign, I just neglected to post them for whatever reason. During the whole Battle of Alydar, for example, I was picturing the song that plays during the original Wild ARMs when Adlehyde gets invaded and they steal the Tear Drop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olWI5riClPE (that's some chick recording a playthrough of it, but whatever) ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Yikes, you leave for a week and you become completely incompetent at rolling. I'm lost. What size is the Dire Croc in terms of attack rolls? Not sure if I did my stuff right in this case so I spoiler'd the damage rolls, but let me know)).

Attack 1: 1d20 [12] + 12 = 24

[spoiler]Damage: 2d6 [4] + [2] + 9 = 15[/spoiler]

Attack 2: 1d20 [7] + 12 = 19

[spoiler]Damage: 2d6 [4] + [4] + 9 = 17[/spoiler]

Tarkus suddenly blinks his eyes and momentarily surveys the field, the party in the throes of battling back a vicious and messy assault. He is not sure if it is the swamp air or some of the murky water he swallowed when the party was capsized but he feels slightly dizzy, as if he has been operating on auto pilot. Taking a moment to process, he looks around at the giant toothy serpent who has swallowed his friend, Quintus transformative magicks, the summoned creatures operating at Evaneth's beck and call and the aquatic acrobatics being performed. The metaphorical gerbil running the wheel powering Tarkus' brain collapses in exhaustion at the mere consideration of all this at once.

He shakes his head once quickly, righting himself and focusing on his rage in order to save Sarm. He moves to attack again, hoping to continue on Val's advice to free a gash that will allow the cleric to tear his way out from the inside.
((It's been two days since Ganhyun has posted, so we'll go ahead and move on. Since I don't have his spell list, I'll just presume that he does the same thing he's been doing the past two turns.

Tarkus: he size modifiers are built into its AC already so don't worry about that. As far as the actual size of the thing, it's about 20 feet by 20 feet.

Now that three of you are surrounding the Dire Croc, I'm considering it Flanked, so both of Tarkus's attacks connected.

Sarm escapes the Crocodile's stomach.

Evaneth shoots an Arrow of Dusk at the Dire Croc: 9 to touch hits; Croc takes 8 damage.

Fiendish Octopus attacks and rolls a natural 1.

Dire Crocodile attacks Val: 26 to hit. Val takes 25 damage. Automatic grapple check of 42. Val, if your modifier for Escape Artist isn't big enough to normally beat a 42, then a 20 on the die will do it. If you don't beat it, you are Grappled.))

Tarkus smashes into the Dire Crocodile with two brutal swings, narrowly missing Sarm, who has just cut himself free of the creature and spills out of its stomach, struggling to swim to the surface (and succeeding). Suvne, for her part, just sort of flails about in the water, clearly out of her element.

Val also happens to witness Sarm's escape from below as he pokes a few more holes in the beast, but is again caught off guard, as the Dire Crocodile incredibly does a stationary somersault, snapping Val into its jaws and holding him there as it resurfaces, giving Val a momentary feeling of vertigo ((no in-game effects, just flavor there)) and leaving him trapped between the very sharp fangs of the creature.

Quintus, not wishing to endanger himself, hangs back and attempts to nail the crocodile with a crossbow bolt, but the shot goes wild and doesn't come anywhere near it.

Evaneth feels that consistency is the better part of valor, and continues firing Arrows of Dusk, which have so far been reliable against the crocodiles, further battering the creature, which still has some fight in it; his octopus is less successful, seemingly outclassed by the much larger aquatic predator.

((Begin Round 6))


((Sorry about not posting. That is what I would have done actually.))

Evaneth is worried. His allies are too close for him to perform any of his other magic directly on the Croc without possibly hurting them. He decides to try another spell to continue chipping away at this monster. Evaneth casts Ray of Frost at the creature.


Damage Roll: (1d3 I used a d6 and 1-2 was 1, 3-4 was 2, and 5-6 was 3)


This means the damage is actually 2.

Since this would be the Octopus's last turn here, Evaneth orders it to attack again, hoping it can at least distract the Croc somewhat since it is not really handling the situation very well.
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