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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus watches cautiously as the events unfold, amazed at the glowing and preserved life of the spirits in the monastery. As Evaneth begins to break down at the sight of the ethereal figures, he tenses up. Whispering to the group, he says "If need to banish ghosts...only enchant and magic harm them, yes?" He stays where he is just outside the entrance for the time being, certain any ability at diplomacy is outside of his control and not wanting to provoke action by acting prematurely.
As Evaneth begins to move forward in the monastery, the ethereal figures go on high alert. One of them performs a flying kick directly at Evaneth; though the shadow-Mage is too preoccupied to notice, fortunately the kick doesn't quite reach through to this plane, and the ghostly figure passes straight through him.

However, the figures do not react well to this, and are now overtly hostile as they launch an all-out attack on the group.

Between sobs, you notice a small child hiding behind the stairs, peeking out at you; with some alarm you remember that that is the exact spot that you chose to hide in as you watched them kill your family. And the face of the child also looks exceedingly familiar - so familiar, in fact, that after another moment you realize that it is YOU that you're staring at, exactly as you were as a child.

((Roll initiative to determine who acts first. Some of you may not necessarily want to act yet; that's okay. We are just establishing the order))
As Tarkus works open the door, Sarm comments, "Hopefully danger will be slow to meet us." He still isn't sure how the ghosts will react at this point.

He straightens himself vertically so that the water will pull him downward more easily to stand near the entrance with the others. As the imagery is presented, he is caught off guard it soon dawns on him that his pre-conceived ideas about the monks as ghosts are not entirely accurate, "I... I did not expect there to be entire families here.. Are even the children warriors in training?"

When the ghosts take up a defensive stance, Sarm noticeably reacts with a reeled back movement, and resists taking up a defensive stance. He tries to think of something with the team, before he realizes that Evaneth is emotionally breaking down, "...Evaneth?" He is confused before suddenly he's jolted by the figure sprouting from his back.

Initiative - 1d20 + 1: rolled a 19, total 20​

((Don't want to act my turn yet, EDIT: to better clarify, I want to figure out what I want to do this turn))
Init: 1D20+7 => [ 9 ] +7 = 16
((quick question, how long has it been since the crocs? like to know if i'm still in fishy form or not.))
Init: 1D20+7 => [ 9 ] +7 = 16
((quick question, how long has it been since the crocs? like to know if i'm still in fishy form or not.))

Factoring in rest time and the short journey to the bottom, it's been maybe 45 minutes. You still have fish capabilities for the next half hour
Quintus feels like something isn't quite right here... so he swim up and into the middle of the room(or as close to it as he can get to it in one move), and then a burst of negative energy, coming from his right arm, fills the room. Odds are at least Sarm probably recognizes this as Rebuke Undead.

1D20+1 => [ 17 ] +1 = 18
((now if i'm reading this right, every ghost with 9 hd or less(within 60 feet) is now rebuked... and anyone with 4 or less is now under mine command.))


Initiative Roll


At this point Evaneth is in complete disarray. He is reliving his friends and family's deaths when the monastery he lived in was invaded. Sobbing, on his knees, Evaneth merely stares and continues to sob at the scenes in his mind and at the fact that he has now seen himself.

"Does this mean... that the people I took revenge upon, were not the ones who killed my friends and family? Am I to blame? "

It does not register with Evaneth that Quintis is doing anything at all. He merely looks upon the ghosts with extreme sadness.

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative check:  1d20 + 5 = 13

Val's eyes widen in surprise as the situation suddenly and unexpectedly spirals completely out of control.

Having had quite enough combat for one day, he makes one final desperate attempt to pantomime their intent to the ghosts. Gesticulating wildly, he attempts something along the lines of "Ao and his god friends sent us."

Diplomacy check:  1d20 + 5 = 7

((That probably comes across more as "Ao said to go sit on it and rotate."))
((We are still in the middle of round 1, but here is some info to possibly help Sarm and Tarkus figure out their actions))

Quintus's rebuking attempt goes off exactly as it should... and yet the ghosts don't react to it at all.

Knowledge Religion DC 11 (trained only)
These things are probably not undead. Even if they were too strong to be rebuked, they would at least have reacted to the attempt.

Knowledge Planes DC 20
Something is markedly different in this monastery from everywhere else on this plane, as though the structural integrity of the plane itself has been compromised.

Evaneth only
You catch another glimpse of your younger self staring at you, and suddenly you remember being in that position yourself, watching the attack, and the ghostly man who sat in your spot, crying.

You realize with a start that you're not watching the ghosts of your family - through some cruel twist of fate, this monastery is linked through time, to your plane, and you're about to participate in the very massacre that made you who you are today.

((Your character is smart enough to know about time paradoxes and the theory behind them. What he does with that knowledge is another story...))

((Sarm, you definitely recognized the evil power emanate from Quintus, and this may be the first time you've noticed him blatantly use the Hand of Vecna like this...))
K R:1D20+11 => [ 5 ] +11 = 16
K P: 1D20+13 => [ 19 ] +13 = 32
"Just as I thought, these aren't ghosts, they aren't even on the same plane as us... not exactly anyways. Chances are, they aren't even under water, where ever they are."
Quintis' sudden use of negative energy comes without warning, and somehow he can tell where it came from, "Why did he... Was that!?" He's not sure what he's more angry about, the fact that he didn't give Val a chance to negotiate or the fact that the Hand was used. "Nevermind! I need to get to Evaneth. He doesn't seem to be moving."

Knowledge: Religion - 1d20 + 9: rolled a 12, result 21
Knowledge: Planes - 1d20 + 5: rolled a 19, result 24​

Looking over where the blast of negative energy had bathed the 'ghosts', it dawns on him that they did not react how he learned a ghost would and gives a quick comment behind him before moving, "I am no longer sure they actually are ghosts. The material plane is acting differently." It does give him another theory, but it's too much of a stretch to entertain with the information he knows. ((I got ninja'd by Quintis as I was writing this.))

He uses his turn to move side ways to try and work his way around the closest Monk. He doesn't draw his weapon yet.
I won't bother to make a map this time because everyone is way too mobile for it to stay relevant more than a turn, but right now the monks are spread out enough for you to get between them pretty easily. They are more or less arranged in a row, in front of you. For the purposes of the combat, there are no obstacles impeding anyone - however, Sarm and Evaneth are still at a movement disadvantage for being underwater (Val has the ring, Tarkus has the boots, and Quintus is a fish-man).

Also, now that Quintus mentioned it, you all notice that the monks are quite clearly standing flat on the floor, and their movement is unimpeded - they are not acting at all like they're underwater, nor are they floating like you might think a ghost would.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Initiative check:  1d20 [9] + 6 = 15

Tarkus reluctance to fight due to Evaneth's strange behavior and the presence of the ghost kids battles in his mind with his fear of the supernatural and natural instinct to fight. As everyone tenses up to fight Tarkus steps forward towards Evaneth and tries to shake him out of his stupor.
((The four male monks move to Quintus and attack: 24, 15, 18, and 19 to hit. Your character sheet doesn't show up on the iPhone, so i dont know Quintus's AC, but each blow has a 50% miss chance; the 24, 18, and 19 connect, while the 15 did not make its 50% roll so it doesn't hit even if your AC is under 15.

If the other three hit, Quintus takes 7, 8, and 8 damage.

The women attack Sarm with staves: 26, 13, and 11 to hit. The 26 did not make its 50% miss chance, so Sarm takes no damage.

Also FYI, I will worry about your 50% miss chances, so if you attack, just do it as normal))

The party has the initiative, but declines to go on the offensive, leaving the ethereal monks an opening. Four of them rush Quintus, and this time three of the four attacks manage to cross over into this plane and strike the unlucky fish-wizard while also leaving him surrounded; the three women move to stop Sarm from advancing, and though none manage to connect, his path forward is now blocked.

((Begin round 2))

Mike M

Nick N
His own movements having been unhindered by the aqueous nature of their environs, Val fails to notice that the "ghosts" are similarly unhindered until it's pointed out explicitly. But if they are truly not underwater, nor are they actual ghosts, then that means...

"Everyone! Up!" In demonstration, Val sails up to the roof of the monastery, putting some metaphorical breathing room between himself and the agitated phantoms.

All hopes of a peaceful resolution to this conflict having been dashed, Val reluctantly draws his rapier. Maybe the tactical advantage of holding the high ground can convince the spectral monks to withdraw.

Provided that they don't have arrows.

Do monks have arrows?

Gods, please don't let them have arrows.

((Total defense this round))
Sarm feels 'thuds' physical thuds hit against him, but the pain subsidizes quickly. Soon he finds a staff having poked through his stomach with no effect at all.

He doesn't hesitate to follow Val's advice. He makes a withdraw action to swim upwards (this will probably still provoke since in a 3D space he'll moves out of another threatened square). "Tarkus, I hope you can get Evaneth out of there." he says as he swims upward.

((I don't know if I need to make swim checks still, but since me and Evaneth are the only ones without aided movement underwater I assume I need to. Also, that attack still didn't hit but my AC is 14 since I decided to have Sarm leave his shield for better swimming.))

Swim - 1d20 + 3: rolled a 4, total 7​



Evaneth looks on in horror as the battle that shaped his childhood begins to play out again.


Evaneth begins to wonder though. A seed of doubt springs into his mind from somewhere. If this was that battle, why did he remember it differently up to now? Was this some test of Ao? Some way to "save" his family? Surely Ao would not be cruel enough to force him to kill his own family! With that in mind Evaneth makes a decision. While it might be the wrong decision, in his heart he feels it to be the right one. He does not want anyone he is traveling with hurt. Nor does he want his family to be hurt.

"I hope this works. I also hope this does not blow up in our faces."

Evaneth stands and makes no moves to attack. He begins to repeatedly draw the symbol of Ao in the water in front of him in slow, deliberate motions. He looks at his younger self, at the symbol he draws, and back to himself. He wills himself to understand that there is no threat here. He also looks at the "attacking" members of his family as well. He wills everyone to understand. He prays to Ao that this works.

Diplomacy check for this
((Good Diplomacy check there))

When Evaneth "stands", the monks glance at him, and one of them recognizes what he's doing. An expression of what appears to be comprehension decorates his face, and he silently yells to the other monks, who have similar reactions. They all immediately back off from Quintus and Sarm, drop any staves, turn to face the giant statue, and fall to their knees, praying to the physical representation of their god.

((Unless someone attacks them, combat is over))

Evaneth begins to both feel and look funny; suddenly he himself begins to grow partially transparent, though it's not constant or steady; it's more of a flickering effect ((Marty McFly-style)).

Knowledge Planes DC 20 or Arcana DC 25
The timeline has been changed, and Evaneth seems to be disappearing from it. If you guys don't find some way to anchor him to this reality soon, he will cease to exist. Given what you know about the Relics, and Evaneth's connection to Ao, that belt might do the trick...


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Watch for edits, I jumped the shark with my original post. Love that Shining Force tune. Ironically, this song came on my playlist when Ganhyun was pleading with the ghosts, and I thought it was eerily appropriate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnvZ6Dqv7Ws))

As the ghostly figures move in to attack, Tarkus hears Val's advice and dives towards Evaneth hoping to help swim him up with the rest of the party. As the group of ghosts close in he draws his weapon, his back to Evaneth he glances about anxiously at the approaching monks. Turning back to look he notices Evaneth making strange symbols in the water and shouts "Evaneth! We must go!"

Realizing there are too many for him to hold off from this position he re-sheathes his weapon and shakes Evaneth, still convinced that he is acting in a crazy manner. With one hand on Evaneth's cloak he attempts to push off the ground hoping to pull Evaneth up with him out of harms way. As he moves up he scrunches his face in a confused frown.

That's when Tarkus notices his hand is not on Evaneth's shoulder as it was a moment ago, but rather floating THROUGH it.

Evaneth has suddenly taken on the same ethereal appearance of the monks. "Evaneth turning ghost!?" he shouts, bubbles frothing around him as he motions for the others to look. Finally actually looking around the scene himself, he notices the ghost monks have stopped attacking and started praying to their god. Tarkus, fear plain on his face is completely out of his depths in knowing what to do. He stares at Evaneth's appearance, distraught.


Evaneth begins to feel weird and fuzzy. He was afraid that this might happen. But he feels no regrets about it. As he starts to fade in and out, he sees Tarkus in a distraught state.

"Its ok Tarkus."

Evaneth wonders what will happen next.

Knowledge Arcana:


Then in a flash he recalls that his deity can save him. Perhaps the belt might save him.

He looks towards his family, now saved, and smiles at them. He mimics a belt around his waist. He looks at Tarkus and the others and does this as well. ((discount double-check lol!))

"Perhaps the Belt can help?""

((If I cant help myself here thats fine.))
((I failed my roll))

Sarm lets himself drift back to the sea floor in time to hear Evaneth speak. "Do you know what is happening to you? Is there even any time to find the belt?"
Evaneth, you can still move around and talk as long as you're not completely gone.

As for everyone else (including Evaneth, actually), if you want to search for the belt as Evaneth just pleaded for you to do, you can use narrative descriptive roleplay, skill checks, magic spells, or any combination of the above. Certain actions will trigger hints from me. Bonus points for creativity!

Mike M

Nick N
Val has absolutely no idea what has just occurred, but clearly recognizes that Evaneth is fading fast ((yuk yuk yuk)) and needs some timely intervention.

Alright, they need to find the belt of Ao. The statue of Ao's only article of clothing is a pair of pants. If Val were to display a god's belt in their monastery, that's where he'd put it. With that ironclad logic in mind, he dolphin swims up to the statue and begins inspecting it, using his thieving experience to be on the look out for any tell-tale signs of hidden switches or moving parts.

Search check:  1d20 + 5 = 25

((Fist pump!))
Staircases in back lead to upper floors, which you have not explored. The entire bottom floor is this one huge area, so it's reasonable to think living quarters, kitchens, and other rooms are above.
((Cue Zelda puzzle-solving sound))

Val inspects the statue more closely, and realizes immediately that the stone carving of him is wearing a belt... which is also a part of the stone carving.

The belt looks like a very simple, thick strand of rope, with knots spaced evenly all around, and is tied at the front.

So, while you don't have the actual belt yet, you at least will know it when you see it.

You know with absolute certainty that there are no hidden switches or doors anywhere around the statue. It's just a solid stone carving.
(("Val, you find a hole underneath the back of the statue which when you look in, which seems to be a tube that leads up inside the statue..."))

EDIT: ((Adding in stuff in response to Evaneth's query))

"You mean that these monks are still alive...? I'll hurry to seek the belt."
Sarm decides not to waste whatever little time they have. He first glances at the worshiping that is commencing currently, and tries to think of what significance the statue has either through deductive reasoning or whatever obscure knowledge he may unearth from himself.

Knowledge: Religion - 1d20 + 9: rolled 15, result 24​

He then says to the others that he will try looking upstairs, now equipped with knowing what the belt looks like from what Val says.

Sarm would most likely bypass any basic, mundane room first and look for any room that seems like it would have significant imagery and purpose.

((Also, thanks for reminding me about Detect Magic, I can cast that in a room that Sarm feels is significant.))


Evaneth looks at Sarm.

"In my past, my family was killed while I was a child. I thought I had slain those responsible, but it seems that was not true. That is my family, and should you have fought them, it would have been us who killed them. I have apparently changed my own timeline by preventing this and am fading away. My idea is that the belt will help prevent that. "

Evaneth would point out the different rooms he recalls as a child as a start.

((Can my family hear me now? Or even still see me? Or am I fading from both groups' views?))

Evaneth will walk over to his younger self and give him a reassuring smile. He will actually go to the statue his family is worshiping at the statue. He sees Val swim to it and begin searching.

"Well, someone else had my idea it seems. I'll still try and help here. Here comes another bright idea."

Evaneth casts Detect Magic and looks around, which is quite possibly a brilliant idea or, more likely, a surefire way to blind himself if things here are extremely powerful.
Quintus curses himself for only prepare one casting of detect magic and wasting it on that ring... Not able to think of much else to do right now, he go up stairs and begins searching the good old fashion way, probably searching the rooms Sarm skipped, because what better place to find a hidden artifact then where people would think not to look first?

Perception: 1D20+5 => [ 8 ] +5 = 13
((...should really work on that skill.))
As Sarm struggles to slowly swim up the stairs, he thinks about what he knows regarding Ao.

Ao is the god of balance, and in this monastery it's clear that everything is meticulously symmetrical. In this respect, everything radiates out from the center line dividing the structure; this might suggest that the belt is somewhere on or very close to this line.

As Sarm reaches the second floor, Quintus blazes past him, clearly showing off in his fishy body. Upstairs is a hallway that follows the same line as the carpet downstairs, and there are rooms on either side; Sarm sees Quintus swim into one of them. At what appears to be the halfway point of the hallway, there is a ladder that leads straight upward; visibility from the torch doesn't extend that far up so you can't see where it ends, but there is at least one more floor directly above this one.

Quintus attempts to search the bedrooms, but they are very sparsely decorated, and there's not a whole lot to look through. He doesn't find anything of interest on any of the rooms on the second floor.

Downstairs, Evaneth casts Detect Magic, and it's immediately clear that a dull aura is permeating the entire inside of the monastery, though no particular item is glowing more than another. It's not blinding, though.

Also Evaneth, your family doesn't seem to hear you, and in fact they're looking at you oddly; you're pretty sure that you're also fading away from their perspective as well. You REALLY need to find that belt.


bitch I'm taking calls.
(( Haha, discount double check made me choke on my coffee. I feel creatively bankrupt today. I am starting to realise I didn't design Tarkus with many non-combat abilities or skills = ))

A worried look continues to rest on Tarkus brow as he listens to the others speak and then spread out to search for the artifact that may help save Evaneth.

Bubbles begin to froth around his mouth as he snorts angrily, frustrated because he has no idea what to do. "I only know war and fighting. How can I help without smarts of magick or special skill?!"

Closing his eyes to calm himself, the Half-Orc begins to reflect on what Evaneth has said about Ao. Balance. Harmony. Symmetry. These are all concepts very foreign to Tarkus' life. Nevertheless he realizes that the art of war does have concept of balance; war occurs because of shifts in the distribution of power. Peace may be the relative balance in good and evil. Concentrating on this idea, he thinks of the most early and natural form of balance: images of equally weighted scales and nature spring to mind. Wild life is often balanced by nature and nature's methods often lie in simplicity.

Tarkus opens his eyes and voices his thoughts: "If balance like nature, maybe solution is simplicity. Balance is in middle of two extremes. Belt in middle of your body. Artifact perhaps in middle of balanced monestary."

He moves to the other side of the chamber, concentrating on the details of the room looking for significance in the spacial middle and perhaps a way to balance the chamber's sides.

Concentration check: 1d20 [14] + 6 = 20
Tarkus's careful analysis of the bottom-floor chamber leads him to conclude that there's no way the belt could be down here; it's definitely not in the carpet, it's not hanging from the ceiling, and there is no basement, so its presence would make things too asymmetrical, since it can't be anywhere along the center line.

Mike M

Nick N
After Tarkus, Evaneth, and Val conclude that the belt doesn't seem to be on the bottom floor, Val swims upstairs. Seeing that Sarm and Quintus seem to be tackling the rooms on this floor, he informs them of his discovery of what the belt looks like, and that they haven't found it down below, and over the course of this exchange his attention is drawn to the ladder in the center of the hallway. Holding his everburning torch aloft, he follows it up to what he presumes to be the third floor or perhaps an attic, on the alert for a knotted length of rope or anything else out of the ordinary.

Perception check:  1d20 + 8 =20
((Can I assume that Val told Sarm about what he learned from Tarkus? I'll edit this post with my actions so I'm not too spammy.))


With what Val has told him, Sarm suggests to Val, "Do you think it's possible that there is a second statue of Ao to counter balance the first, which would be wearing the actual belt?" He starts to swim up the ladder by pulling himself up it to propel himself after Val goes up.
The third floor of the monastery has a kitchen and a storage area; it's all wide open, and the supplies and exposed foodstuffs are totally intact, as though frozen in time.

The ladder continues up, and leads to the belfry, where you can see the bell, though it's still shadowy, at the fringes of the light from the torch. You can make out a rope tied to the bell, probably intended to ring it; the rope looks a whole lot like the belt worn by the statue down below....

((Going to need a Use Rope or a Thievery check to get it untied quickly. At this point, anyone/everyone can make the check. DC 15 to get it immediately; if no one beats that, it will take a little longer... which could be detrimental to Evaneth's health...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val's Thievery bonus is 14. I got this shit on lockdown.))

Thievery check:  1d20 + 14 = 27

Val spies the pull rope intended to ring the bell of the monastery and immediately recognizes it as the sought after belt. With the enchanted ring still in effect, there's nothing the water can do to slow his nimble, practiced fingers.

In scant seconds, the belt comes loose from the bell and into his hands. "Make a hole!" he bellows, as he rockets down the ladder back to where he left Evaneth, leaving a churning wave of turbulence in his wake.
((Lol at the relay race you guys have going on here))

The bell rings ominously as Val scrambles to unattach it from the belt; the echoes of the gongs reverberate eerily through the murky water and can be heard likely for miles. Val hands the rope off to Quintus, who makes it to Evaneth in a matter of seconds, who eagerly takes the belt and wraps it around his waist, tying it into a knot.

A few things happen as soon as the knot is complete. The thing everyone else notices first is that there is a significant discharge of water outward from the monastery, in all directions. It's not so much that anyone gets carried away in it (though Sarm might get thrown a few feet), but it's noisy and stirs things up for a few seconds.

When the water settles back down, the ruins of the monastery have completely changed. Gone is the pristine stonework, unchanged by time and swamp-rot; this place actually looks like it's been submerged for a thousand years. The only plants around are the sort you would expect to find at the bottom of the swamp. The ethereal manifestations of monks from another plane are gone. All remnants of cloth have been reduced to scraps, and the remains of the benches are brittle and worn-down. Even the water itself seems murkier and a little harder to see through.

Only the statue remains as it was, and Evaneth notes that it still has a very small, faint magical aura about it (probably just an enchantment to preserve it through the years); the rest of the magical glow has disappeared from the monastery.

Evaneth, on the other hand, feels much better now; he is no longer flickering, and is now firmly in this plane. He also feels the wisdom of Ao surging through him.

((Evaneth, as long as you're wearing the belt, you have a free level of Monk. Your experience points don't change, but you have all the benefits that a first-level monk would have. You get the full 8 extra hit points from the hit die, as well as save bonuses, bonus feats, and other innate Monk abilities. Oh yeah, and you're also not going to disappear from the time stream))

The moment the belt is fastened around your waist, you hear the voice of your god, Ao, speak directly into your mind. You have done well, Evaneth. The first part of your quest is complete. Now listen well, and stay true, for the next step may at first be difficult for you to accept. You must NOT allow the Holy Relics to be assembled.

I know that this runs at cross purposes to your traveling companions; that is why you must not let them know your intention. However, it is vitally important that they not succeed on their mission.

Now that we have a direct link to one another, I will be paying very close attention and monitoring you at all times. When possible, I will help you; however, things are... difficult here in Faerun, and I may not always be available. I ask that you keep the faith, even when I cannot answer your call.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus claps Evaneth on the back and looks visibly relieved.

"Glad we not lose you to ghost world. You might be dust."

He smiles and looks around at the changed ruins with wonder.

"Let us leave swamp for good now. Creepy and too much muck, even for Tarkus."

Mike M

Nick N
Val passes off the belt to Quintus in his fish-man form and watches as he easily outpaces his own efforts. He makes it down to the first floor just in time to witness Evaneth's return to the present space-time continuum and the monastery's metamorphosis into what Val assumes to be its true nature.

"Well, certainly glad to see your situation was resolved in your favor," he says brightly on his approach. The levity falls from his voice as he adds in a more serious tone, "We ought to quit this place as quickly as possible. I doubt what we just experienced was part of the usual tour of this place, there may actually be genuine ghosts lurking about these decayed stones..."
Almost as soon as everyone leaves the monastery (there is no longer a door; only an entryway where a door used to be), a female voice calls out from afar: "Lord Sarm!"

A short swim in its direction reveals Suvne, looking quite haggard and unhappy; she is standing on the muddy floor of the body of water, her Waterbreathing enchantment still in effect.

"Thank Pelor you're alright," she says wearily. "Elim said there were men from Vecna's cult coming. He made me hide underwater and wait for you. I didn't have the strength to protest. I saw the boat row away from down here, and I think he was right because I saw another boat follow his trail only moments later."

She turns to Quintus, working past her instinctive reaction to his somewhat monstrous form. "Lord Quintus. Elim had a message for you specifically. He said to tell you that we should ride the Dire Crocodile out of the swamp. I don't know how that's supposed to help though; that one is dead, and didn't he say they're very rare?" She points up to the corpse of the beast, still floating on the surface of the water.
Sarm quickly responds to Suvne, completely unsurprised at the revelation, "I am glad just the same for you. We'll tell you about what happened here later. We should hurry and follow his commands, even if they seem strange."
Quintus laughs, a lot, swims up to the Dire croc's corpse and touches it((actually, about this... can i use the hand to turn already dead things into undead? if not, I'll just say I cast Animate dead instead.)). Moments later the beast springs to unlife! Quintus pats its head and say, "Good boy! You know, I can't believe I didn't think of this myself, I think I'm starting to like that Elim guy." Quintus looks down at the others, "...Well what are you waiting for? Hop on!"
Quintus laughs, a lot, swims up to the Dire croc's corpse and touches it((actually, about this... can i use the hand to turn already dead things into undead? if not, I'll just say I cast Animate dead instead.)). Moments later the beast springs to unlife! Quintus pats its head and say, "Good boy! You know, I can't believe I didn't think of this myself, I think I'm starting to like that Elim guy." Quintus looks down at the others, "...Well what are you waiting for? Hop on!"

((The idea was to use the Hand of Vecna on it. Animate Dead is a 5th level spell anyway. But yeah, you can animate dead things, assuming that they are in good enough condition to move around... Which the crocodile is. You do have to spend almost all of your time concentrating on keeping it under your control though, so you can't really do much else))

Suvne recoils in horror as she witnesses the unapologetic use of necromancy to raise that frightening creature from the dead. "Lord Sarm... Is this... How would Pelor feel about this?" She looks genuinely troubled, and is clearly seeking some spiritual guidance here.
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