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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Val's lips are pressed together, tight and bloodless as he rotates slowly and faces the array of tunnels leading off haphazardly from their location. Running his fingers through his blood-matted hair, he grips the back of his head and tries not to think of the countless tons of rock above their heads.

A lonely, ignoble death... Slowly starving in the dark bowels of the earth...

His voice choked with forced control of his emotions, he echoes Suvne's sentiment. "Yes, we could use some rest. In the mor--... When we wake up, we can devise a plan. I've chalk, pen and paper, and a good amount of rope. We can keep track of our movements and chart the tunnels... Find our way to the surface..."

Val lowers his arms and slumps noticeably. "I know it practically never works, but those of us with conduits directly to the gods may want to impress upon them that their relics are in immediate danger of being irretrievably lost. Assistance would be appreciated."

Thinking of his bedroll, he reaches into the haversack, and naturally it's right there at the top of the improbably sized pile of items contained within. Laying it out, he sits upon it and hugs his knees. "I'll take watch after Suvne. I doubt I'll sleep much anyway..."

((Wait, who's got the Fangs?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((No one asked for them specifically iirc so I don't think it would be much to assume Val wrapped them up and stowed them in the Haversack))

Tarkus nods at Val's assessment so far and agrees to take whatever watch is left. Despite his determination his movements are rigid, brow is furrowed by the expansive cavern of the tunnels before them.

"Set camp nearest wall." He walks over to Val and asks if he thinks it would be feasible to hang some of the rope across the tunnel ahead in a semi-circle around their camp. "Attach cups and cookstuffs" he makes a gesture as if plucking a string "It make a noise if touched."

Afterward he would help Suvne into the Plate Armor +2 they found since she is without armor. Risizing it to her build, he assists in cutting new holes in the straps with his pocket knife and tightening them to help her fit them for the first watch. Afterwards he would lay his bedroll down near a wall, resting with a hand on the hilt of his greatsword.

((In response to Mike: Good point, I didn't think of that. When we do make it out of here I will definitely buy another haversack. Maybe a parachute as well, haha.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Not intending to post spam, I just wanted to be sure Val actually had the Fangs since I never explicitly stated that he'd grabbed them))

Val idly handles the curious false teeth mouthpiece apparently carved from bone, wondering if Set would even be able to communicate if he were willing. The other relics all contain a piece of their representative deity's soul, but if the note on the corpse of Set's host is to be believed, this small trinket now comprises the sum total of the snake god's remaining essence.

((DM only))
Hello in there, anybody home? I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but if you're to cling to the hope of ever even possibly finding another host again, you may want to lend a hand. Metaphorically speaking. Or so help me, my last act before I die will be to hurl these fangs into that river where no one will ever hope to retrieve them.

Eventually he grows aware that Tarkus is discussing security strategy for the night. Val quickly agrees that they should put a stone wall behind them. Rigging some rope with cups and pans around the camp would also be prudent, but did anyone being cookware?

Val makes a mental note that on the future, they might want to consider packing the sum total of their gear that they keep in Sarm's wagon into the haversack.

Presuming there is a future...

((EDIT: Just renembered, Val's still cursed!))
Val only
The Great and Powerful Ssssset will not be threatened by a dupliccccccitous, puny mortal. I DEMAND that you wear my fangsssss sssso that I may take possession of your body! My previousssss host wassss weak, but you may prove adequate enough that I may conssssume the ssssoul fragments of the Betrayersss and return to full sssstrength. In return, you shall live to witnesssss my reascenssssion!

There is enough cookware to craft a crude alarm system, as Tarkus suggested.
((Should we expect to level up anytime soon? Now might be a good time since we're currently updating our character sheets with new equipment.))

Before Suvne walks off to give her words to Evaneth, Sarm says to her, "You need not worry in hindsight, but considering Val had nearly fallen for good this battle, you are right to wish to have protected us. At the same time, I am grateful you were able to help Tarkus and Evaneth. Everyone deserves the protection a Paladin provides."

He then nods at her request for the armor, "I hope you don't mind, Tarkus."

As the day goes on and the others make plans to make camp, Sarm apologizes about overlooking the idea of bringing the apples, "I honestly did not expect that we would become trapped. I can at least create drinkable water."

He would otherwise spend the remainder of his night healing wounds before his nightly prayers and sleeping.

((I'm gonna cast a Level 1 heal on myself since I'm down to 20 HP at the moment. Is anyone else still badly hurt? I have one CLW left.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Unless I overlooked a healing since your CMW spell, Val is only at 13HP, but he did grab the potions.))

((EDIT: Oh, there it is. Now uncurse me! : ) ))
((I am specifically not leveling you guys up right now for a reason, which I'm sure Quintus can figure out pretty easily. Sorry, but no Ding just yet :) ))


((Evaneth is at 36 of 46 HP, but thats not too bad))

Evaneth donates what little cookware he has the rudimentary alarm. He then meditates and prays mentally to his deity before going to sleep.

DM only

Mighty Ao, I know you wish me to prevent the bringing together of these artifacts, but I am uncertain of how to do this. The easiest way would be to take your belt and hide it away somewhere, but I am not sure suicide is what you wish of me. My compatriots are good men and women, and have treated me with respect and kindness. I beseech you for guidance.
Evaneth, my loyal disciple, you have much to learn. Your traveling companions are deeply flawed, and lack the True Balance, as does everything in this Multiverse.

I have spent aeons in pursuit of attaining the Perfect Balance. I traversed the planes, I consulted with the inferior gods of the Astral Plane. I created the plane of Faerun, in the hope that with my divine guidance I could craft a microcosm worthy of the balance that this multiverse so desperately needs.

I have finally come to terms with the truth: This existence will never attain the harmony of being that is required of it, and as such, it must all be torn down. The Eldrazi will be the force of Cleansing, to wipe the slate clean and usher in a beautiful state of nonexistence.

The ten Relics are the only force in the Multiverse with the potential to stop the Eldrazi in their task of obliteration. Though they cannot be destroyed, their powers are only a threat if they are all brought together.

Do what is necessary, Evaneth. The Relics must NOT be reunited. The Eldrazi MUST be allowed to complete their sacred task, for the sake of the Perfect Balance.

The party probably sleeps for much longer than they normally would on the surface, as there is no sunrise to awaken them; as such, they are very well rested - even those who kept watch.

That is perhaps the only silver lining as the journey through the caves continues. They travel for what feels like an entire day, and only manage to descend deeper into the underground network. Finally, when everyone is fatigued (sans Tarkus, thanks to his magical boots), they stop for the "night" and set up camp again.

The next day is not much better. The air grows stale, but still breathable; the party begins to notice creatures which are giving them a wide berth, and which are not judged to be a threat. The descent seems to have leveled out, but there is still no sign of an incline. The network of caves seems endless, and extends in a countless number of directions; the party has little choice but to choose randomly and hope for the best, lacking any sort of experience in navigating underground terrain.

Another day passes.

And another.

And another.

Morale is growing thin. Rations are still available, but are beginning to run low. The smell of six travelers who have not washed for days grows pungent in the stale cave air. Nerves are frayed.

Finally, after a maddening, claustrophobic week wandering through the underground and after having traveled for miles and miles through unpopulated caverns and tunnels, an incline begins. A spark of hope ignited within them, they follow it vigorously, picking up speed even as it grows steeper.

The incline finally culminates in an entrance to a large hallway that looks suspiciously manufactured, but which is still obviously underground, and deserted. The hallway is made of stone, but it looks a little too well-carved to be completely natural. Along the sides of this hallway are entrances to other seemingly more natural tunnels, similar to the one that the party has just emerged from.

The hallway has smooth stone floors, and is also on an incline; presumably, the party would go in the uphill direction. They travel this hallway for less than an hour before reaching its end.

At the end is a sturdy, spiral, stone staircase leading up. Given the darkness in this place, it's impossible to see what's at the top of this staircase; it certainly extends beyond the Darkvision of Tarkus and Evaneth.

((Although it's obvious that the party would continue up the staircase at this point, I'm going to pause here for in-character reactions to the situation, since this post has spanned so much time))
Quintus, wishing he had one more 3rd level spell slot so he could cast fly on everyone and skip a good portion of walking they are about to do(and not to mention a good portion of the walking they already did...), looks up at the seemingly never ending stairway. Then, groaning loudly, and mumbling some curses in Infernal, he prepares to begin ascending.

Mike M

Nick N
((My turn for ambience!))

Val's heart skips a beat and his pulse quickens as the slope of the tunnel floors they have been traversing gradually level out and reverse course. When they discover that their tunnel leads to a structure obviously wrought by intelligent hands, he feels outright elation.

There's an "I told you so" in this situation, but his mind is too addled by exhaustion and filth to muster the snark. Instead, he offers, "What do you think? Dwarven?" to no one in particular.

Typically he would be ecstatic to discover a lost and hidden ruin in a mountain like this. Think of the knowledge to be gained, the artifacts to be ransac-- er... studied. But looting would have to come later, the first order of business is survival.

A small part of him dies when they come upon the massive staircase. Sure, it leads up, very far up, and that's a good thing, but... Gods damn, that's a lot of fucking stairs.

Leaning against the wall to support himself, he cranes his neck up and stares as far up as he can see. "I don't suppose we can all just hop into the haversack and let Tarkus carry us up?"

((Can we just say Sarm removed Val's curse with the rod in the interim?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Haha, you got me. "they go up!"))

Tarkus eyes have adjusted well to the lingering darkness and his feet are un-sore thanks to the boots of the travel god and a history of forced march in the mercenary legions. However, he begins to understand what it means to miss the sun for the first time in his life, his skin clammy and cold with an unsavory sheen of sweat and dust from their week long trek. His appetite and longing for warmth are perhaps the most fierce urges propelling him to escape the darkness, the measly rations they have been eating further divided to make them last.

As they come upon the immaculate design of the stairs inside the otherwise abandoned mine, he is hopeful but despite himself he cannot help but sigh at the staircase and the implications of the architecture. He mentally reminds himself: patience, discipline.

Shaking his head as the group prepares to ascend the stairs his stomach growls. He can only imagine how far underground they have traveled to reach this point and there is little indication where they might resurface at but he is certain it will not be Iron Hill.

"No patience left. What come between us and reaching surface, prepare to be cut down."

Narrowing his eyes a bit before approaching the staircase he says "Maybe check for trap...."


Evaneth travels quietly with the group without much complaint. Having been raised a slave after the original events of his life, he knows things could be much worse. Also, he is not as afraid of the dark as some of the others might be, since he has traveled in the Shadow Plane for large periods of time as well. Besides, he is apparently supposed to kill all life with his task. That thought alone makes him shudder slightly and keeps his mind off the unpleasantness of being underground.

Upon reaching this temple, Evaneth momentarily stops. He has seen Drow before, and does not know if this world has them or not. The animals they passed certainly remind him of Rothe.

"While this might be Dwarven, it might also be... something else. Does your world contain Drow? Dark Elves who live underground and worship Lolth?"

Evaneth eyes the staircase warily. It is indeed high up.

((Just in case I confuse anyone, the only things Evaneth says are in quotes. Everything else is either thinking to himself or a physical action.))
Sarm makes sure to cast Daylight every day as they travel both for light in travelling through the tunnels and light to keep them from being driven insane by the darkness. Unfortunately the light lasts a short time compared to the days they must travel.

This particular day, he clasps his cheek, noticing that unkept hairs are growing on his face, acting as an incredibly crude measure of time. His feet feel painfully crooked from stepping on constant uneven terrain for days.

Casting Daylight at this point, then lifting his eyes slowly to unwrap the depth the stairs go. He takes a very deep breath but almost remains silent. Hearing Evaneth's query on the Drow, he answers, "I have heard of the Drow... It seems we're about to find out if they live here..."
((Val: About your curse, yeah that makes sense. Consider it gone at this point.))

At the mention of Drow, Val and Tarkus are at a loss, having never heard the term before. Quintus has only a vague familiarity with them; as far as he knows, Drow do not exist on this plane.

The journey up the stairs is a temporarily grueling ordeal. Round and round it goes, further and further up; the rapid pace of ascent causes a noticeable change in air pressure. Here and there are the remains of traps, sprung long ago; they pose no danger to the party. There are no doors or stopping-off points; there is only one way to go forward, and it's up.

The stairs continue up for a good thirty minutes of climbing before they literally end at the ceiling, also made of stone. At the point where the stairs meet the ceiling, however, is a square of loosely-compacted soil. The soil is loose enough and the hole is big enough for a person to climb through.

With little other choice, the party attempts to wriggle through the dirt.

The first thing they notice is the stench. It's not quite on the level of dead bodies rotting, but it is an acrid aroma of squalor and decay. This room is well-lit compared to the caves, and everyone emerges into a very large, wide-open room. The floor is dirt, as are the walls; the ceiling is made of solid stone. The party emerges in one corner of the rectangular room (which is about 200 by 150 feet); in the opposite corner is a giant pit that takes up fully one-quarter of the floor space of the entire room. Further examination reveals that the pit is filled with very long, very large, very sharp spikes.

On the other side of the pit is a heavy, metal door, which is built in such a way that the opening and locking mechanisms are inaccessible from this side.

The room is populated with destitute people, dressed in dirty rags. Some of them eye the party with mild curiosity; others don't even bat an eye. They are all filthy and smelly.

When Suvne emerges from the soil, she gasps and places her hand on the hilt of her blade. "M'Lord," she whispers urgently, "These people... I can see their auras. They are all black as night. Every single one of them is evil."

As the party takes in their surroundings and tries to sort things out, they are approached by a scraggly, middle-aged man, whose brown facial hair is wild and overgrown. "Ah! So you've found your way out of the caves!" he says in a strained voice. "Congratulations. I go by the name of Rand. Would ye be so kind as to get this pesky collar off of me? I'll make it worth your while."

He pushes his cumbersome beard out of the way, and reveals a collar that is fastened securely around his neck. There are two very sturdy locks holding it in place.

Arcana DC 25
It's a magical suppression device, designed to create a small anti-magic field around the wearer and prevent him from casting spells.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus brushes the dirt from his shoulders and looks around the room. Noting the simplistic surroundings and the sealed metal door surrounded by spikes he clenches his fists. "Ascend from depths into prison. True godly jest." Hearing Suvne's proclamation he narrows his eyes and looks down upon the middle-aged man with derision.

"Perhaps we remove collar. Perhaps use body as bridge to reach other side of pit." Tarkus spits on the ground. Being of foul mood with little patience for conversation Tarkus settles on intimidation, sharpening his greatsword and allowing the more charming members of the group to take up the interrogation.
Sarm hears Suvne's examination of the dark auras of what must be prisoners trapped for their crimes.

Seeing the man before him, he is at a loss at what to make of his purpose and whether they should trust him.

((I'll let ThLunarian roll a sense motive for me if applicable here, I know some DMs are particular about its use.))

While looking to Rand, he leans over to Suvne and whispers to her, "Did you sense blackness from this one as well?"


Arcana Roll:


Evaneth comes into the prison silently behind Tarkus. He notices the collar and realizes what it is. He says nothing at first, and his eyes narrow as the man mentions they escaped the caves. He looks around the room for any other way for someone who cannot perform magic to be able to know this. After Tarkus's intimidating response, Evaneth speaks.

"What sort of prison is this Rand? And why are you in it with that fancy collar? Someone obviously doesn't want you or these others here out and about."

Evaneth never gets within reach of Rand, or any other prisoner, at all. This way he cannot be grabbed and used against the group.

"And how did you know we were in the caves?"

Evaneth also never looks directly into this man's eyes. Something seems off. Extremely off.

((My Perception Roll))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fun fact: At my last in person gaming session, my character kinda inadvertently started a race war with the Drow by killing a bunch of them because he was trying to get back at one who sassed him. He was having difficulties telling them apart because he's an idiot and also apparently kinda racist. Good times.))

The dreams of the wealth of virgin ancient ruins dissipate from Val's mind as soon as they breech the strange dirt hole at the top of the stairs and find themselves in this bizarre room. "Well, at least we fit in, what with the way we smell right now," he mutters softly.

Already a bit on edge at this unusual turn of events, his fight or flight response ratchets up another several notches at Suvne's pronouncement that they are not in the presence of friendly company. He doesn't see any weapons, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous.

This Rand fellow in particular seems especially unbalanced. Following Evaneth's lead, he stays well outside reaching distance and listens to the presumptive prisoner's responses to the shadowmancer's inquiries.

((As long as we've got people viewing auras and such, I don't know if it's relevant, but Val has an undetectable alignment from the Mask of Lies))


((Which Drow House did you start a war with if you don't mind me asking? Also, depending on how much Evaneth's aura has changed, it might not look to much out of place here.))
Arcana: 1D20+21 => [ 7 ] +21 = 28

Quintus checks out the device on Rand's neck and says "Yes, I could do something about that, but first, what are you doing here and why did someone see to it that you couldn't be allowed to use magic?"
Rand grins, his teeth blindingly white and in immaculate shape - very out of place, considering how dirty the rest of him is. When he speaks, his accent seems to shift back and forth between the telltale drawl of a commoner and the dignified air of nobility, like a musician tuning his instrument. "Nothing gets by you lot. Forgive my attempt at deception; you're a right brighter bunch than you look. Alright, you got me, this is a prison, and I am a sorcerer. This collar here is keeping me from using my magic to escape this infernal dungeon. What I did to get here is of no consequence. I'll lay it out straight for ya: You get me outta this contraption and I'll get us all outta here, lickety-split, no questions asked. Whaddaya say?"

Suvne looks at Sarm and nods gravely in response to his question.

You get a very creepy feeling from this man, and you can't be sure what he's lying about and what he's being truthful about.

Mike M

Nick N
((Which Drow House did you start a war with if you don't mind me asking? Also, depending on how much Evaneth's aura has changed, it might not look to much out of place here.))
((No idea, not even sure the DM knows. His campaign is extraordinarily fast and lose with the rules, it's so home brewed as to be nearly unrecognizable as proper D&D. It's not a very serious game, which is good because I have grave difficulties playing for anything but comic relief in person. Heh.))

Val attempts to keep a lid on an audible guffaw, but fails. "I'd say what you did to warrant imprisonment is highly relevant, friend. Allow me to make a counter-offer: If you can disclose the nature of the safeguards here and how you intend to circumvent them once free, perhaps we can mount the escape and you can seek freedom from your collar at your leisure once we're a nice safe distance away."
Sarm, while he can't exactly discern lie from truth precisely, decides that Suvne's nod and the creepy vibe he gets is all he needs to decide that he can't be trusted. He places a hand on Val's shoulder and says "He will most likely only use his magic on himself. If we do must rely on him, we will use him, not bargain with him."
Rand pounces on Val's offer, not allowing Sarm a chance to get a word in. "Done! We shall escape this wretched prison together, and then I will happily part ways and find my own way out of this wretched collar. The pit's the main problem here, y'see, but there ain't no magical defenses 'cept these fuckin' collars for us magicky-types. If we can find a way to cross the pit and breach the doorway, we may have to contend with guards on the other side, but I daresay you're more than well enough equipped to dispatch a few bloody prison-guard wankers."

Mike M

Nick N
Val holds up his hand. "Hold up there, friend, I think you're glossing over a few details here. We've been able to discern for ourselves that the pit is the problem, but if the best you can offer in the way of a plan is 'find a way to cross the uncrossable pit, breech the door with no discernible locking mechanism, and fight some guards maybe,' you don't exactly bring much to the table now, savvy?

"You've also yet to explain why you lot are here in the first place and why you seem knowledgable of the caves below this chamber yet remain up here. Far be it from me to cast aspersions on new acquaintances, but that seems a touch... Evasive."

They're clearly being played. Val attempts to see if he can't intuit what Read is hiding when he speaks.
Sense Motive check:  1d20 + 9 = 29!
Rand's smile remains plastered upon his face. "You just came from the caves, and from the look of you, you were down there for a while, so I think you know the answer to that question. Given the choice between the hellhole where I get to eat and the hellhole where I wander in perpetuity until I die of dehydration and/or starvation, I'll take that slop they pour down here any day of the week.

"As for the level of help I can provide, that's why my initial proposal involved you removing this collar from my neck. I will no doubt be of more use to you if I were in full control of my faculties. However, if you insist, I will gladly provide distractions, act as a decoy, or embarrass myself in whatever way imaginable if it will help us all get out of here."

This man is clearly willing to do whatever is necessary to get out, even if it means helping you. He sure does seem eager to get that collar off, though, and you can sense that if he did, he'd either abandon you, or possibly kill you. However, as long as he has the collar on, you sense that he is absolutely no threat to you or anyone else in the party.

Mike M

Nick N
"Allow me a moment then to confer with my colleagues," Val says with a smile as he backs away from Read to huddle with the rest of the party by the hole they came in from.

"He probably means to kill us as soon as that collar is removed. Best case scenario, he doesn't help us at all and we're back to square one. But as long as that collar is on, we have leverage. He's desperate, and will do anything that might lead to the prospect of having it removed. It's a gambit, but I see few choices in here. Even if we decline his active participation, we need information about this place. Schedules, routines, protocols, anything he might know."

Standing up straight, he surveys the enormous prison cell once more, as though this time some obvious answer he previously overlooked might present itself. Sighing heavily, he mutters to himself, "I always suspected I'd end up planning a jail break..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus nods at Val's assessment. Hearing about being regularly fed he speaks up. "Can we contact guard?" He thinks the wardens of this jail must at the very least realize how many prisoners they keep. "Maybe worth try, but probably guard not care."

Impatient and irritated Tarkus occupies himself pacing the perimeter of the room, examining the other prisoners. Forced to dwell on his own past indenture the notion of being unfairly imprisoned sorely gnaws at Tarkus already foul mood. He begins to consider bashing the wall with his sword until someone comes to check the chamber. He gives the wall a few practice swings with his fist.
Sarm is apparently interrupted. Once he finally has an opportunity to speak, he whispers back to Val, "He has a dark aura and I find him unsettling. As he would not let me say before, I agree that he will simply escape without us. It is because of our predicament that we can be too eager to fall into a ploy."

He looks about the other prisoners, taking Evaneth's lead and making sure he cannot be grabbed by one. He motions Suvne to take a similar precaution. "I suspect the other prisoners will be apathetic to either cause. I do want to know what is stopping us from simply waiting until a guard arrives with food for assistance. The prescence of a Paladin among us should help suggest we are just travellers, I hope."
Further inspection of the room reveals the end of a narrow metal chute, splattered with bits of dried organic matter. "Food" (more like pig slop) is apparently poured down the chute at regular intervals throughout the day, and some cursory chit-chat with the local populace reveals that the only times that door opens is either when there's a new arrival, or when a dead body needs to be hauled off... and not before it's left to rot long enough for the smell to drift up the chute.

Tarkus beats his fist against the dirt walls, and finds that there is no opposite side; this place seems to have been dug out of the ground. The only manmade pieces of this room are the spiked pit, the door, and the solid-stone ceiling.

Rand stays close by the party at all times, but seems to be mindful of their personal space; he seems not to want to offend them overly much, sensing that at this point they are his only hope.
Quintus ponders the situation for a moment "Hmm... I could try using dimension door to get on the other side of that door(assuming it is within 720 feet of our side of the pit), but I'll only be able to bring two people with me. Just hope that wall isn't to thick... Once we open the door though, getting the rest of you should be easy. Alternatively, I could use polymorph to change someone into a small animal and they can climb or fly up that chute."


((This could be a bad idea, lol))

Evaneth stares at the chute. If smells can waft up it, then surely voices could too.

Quietly to Sarm

"Why not yell up the chute that there is a new hole in the prison and their prisoner could escape through it or that we have arrived that way?"

Evaneth gives Sarm a questioning look. He would just do it, but decides on a bit of caution.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hearing the group discuss options Tarkus walks back to listen. On Quin's suggestion he remarks "Magick sound best. Not fancy turning animal. Use magick door with Suvne and Val, Paladin Pure and Mr. Charm best chance to negotiate." Looking around the room he pauses to consider first the wisdom of splitting the group. "Maybe best to save magicks for last ditch option." Impatient to escape, he begins to pace around the room while the group discusses each option.

At Evaneth's suggestion of alerting the guard, Tarkus smirks and moves into action. "Let us do something!" Tarkus considers this the best thing he can offer at this present moment. He walks over to the chute and bangs and rattles the hilt of his sword inside, yelling as loud as he can hoping to attract the attention of the guard so they may talk. "GUARD! NON PRISONER! NOT PRISONER!"

Mike M

Nick N
Val laughs with genuine mirth at Sarm's take on the situation, the first sign of humor in a week. "Sarm, look at us. At a glance, the only difference between us and these prisoners is that we're armed. I, in particular, have been coated in the dried blood of an orc for days now, I look more deranged and deadly than anyone here. If guards do make an appearance, they'll probably not be intellectually curious enough to not kill first and ask questions later.

Gazing at the heavy door across the pit, he adds, "Besides, something tells me the prisoners here don't get a lot of face time with their jailers."

Val sits cross-legged on the ground, directly across from the presumptive exit, as close to the edge of the pit as he dares. The first thought that occurs to him is that the earthen walls might be excavated enough to skirt the pit, but there's no telling how long that would take. Even if they were successful, there doesn't appear to be even a lock to pick on this side of the door. It is well and truly designed to keep the contents of this room contained within.

No, it will have to be opened from the other side. And so far, the only other way into the room is that slop chute...

But then Quintus drops the bomb he can just magic himself out of there.

Well. That makes this easier.

"As long as you -- Idunno, aim -- this dimensional door thing directly at the other side of the door to this room, the thickness of the walls shouldn't be a problem. The door itself won't be hundreds of feet thick.

"Then you take me along to pick the lock from the other side, Sarm to cast his immobilizing spell if we encounter any unexpected surprises, and if we can't find any way on that side to get people across the pit, we could always repeat the strategy from bridge the other day. Then it's a simple matter of--"

Val is interrupted by Tarkus shouting up the chute. "Right. Or we could try that."
The effectiveness of Tarkus's antics in getting a guard's attention is uncertain, but it certainly causes a stir among the prisoners. A crowd of scrawny, deranged stragglers gathers loosely around the chute. Some of them eye his sword hungrily. None have the nerve to make a move on the intimidating half-orc, but he can tell that this is not a safe place to be, and eventually greed will win out over fear.

No response is forthcoming from above, so Quintus proceeds with the first backup plan. He brings Val and (Sarm's choice of either himself or Suvne); he closes his eyes, gripping each of their shoulders tightly, and says the necessary magic words that cause them to blink out of existence within the cell. When they do, this again attracts the attention or the crowd, which migrates to the edge of the pit. There is an uneasy tension in the air; there must be upwards of twenty people gathered around, waiting eagerly for something to happen.

The three reappear as intended, on the other side of the steel door. The room is small, with a set of stairs leading up; they can see the top of the staircase, but not what lays beyond (though it is well lit). The room is made of stone bricks, and there is a lock plainly accessible on the door.

((Give me Thievery (to pick the lock) and/or Search and/or Perception checks as appropriate, and if you take an action then also roll Stealth alongside whatever you're doing))
Sarm decides to make it a quick discussion, and asks Val & Quintis which of the two they would prefer to bring with them, and also asks Suvne herself what she wishes to do, knowing that she doesn't like to be separated from him either way.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus eyes the other prisoners warily and ceases making noise. Returning to the rest of the group who has remained behind he hefts his greatsword, staring angrily and intimidatingly at the crowding prisoners hoping to keep them from getting any ideas.

Intimidate Check: 1d20 [17] + 15= 32
Quintus isn't too worried about who comes with, but I guess he'll go with Sarm if I have to choose. He decides to keep watch for guards or anything else and attempts to be very quiet about it...

Perception: 1d20+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
Stealth: 1d20+3 => 1 + 3 = 4
Suvne understands that a brief separation is necessary for now, since neither she nor Sarm would be able to open the lock (meaning that Quibtus couldn't take both), and is therefore indifferent to whether she stays or goes, seeing pros and cons either way, considering the band of prisoners to worry about here and the unknown possibility of danger on the other side.

Mike M

Nick N
Val steps through the portal without hesitation, and with that single step finds him on the other side of the door. Dropping to his knee, his masterwork lock pick kit dances upon his fingers as he attempts to seduce the tumblers into compliance.

"Best case scenario," his whispers quietly, "opening this door will not trigger any mechanism that crosses the spike pit on the other side. Then Quintus can do his giant bird move and get our people out of there. If we're unlucky, we'll spring a bridge or something and then have to deal with a stampede of rampaging evil magic users trying to filter through this one choke point. So be prepared to think crowd control."

Lock pick check:  1d20 + 16 + 2 (Masterwork Thieves' Tools) = 24
Stealth check:  1d20 + 6 = 19
Sarm adjusts the fitting of his belt in a sort of decisive preparation, "Then I shall go. Please guard the others closely."

He stands attention next to Quintis as the spell is readied, and then the exploration team consisting of Cleric Sarm, Wizard Quintis, and Science Officer Val are beamed up and transported onto the other side.

Once there, he will keep watch of the stairs above for anyone that may spot them.
Tarkus's snarl and readied battle stance keeps the prisoners at bay, but their eyes are still glued eagerly to the door on the other side of the pit.

On the other side, while Val gets to work on the lock, Quintus looks around for anything to make note of. He sees a crank, which is not hidden but sort blends in with its surroundings by virtue of the color. There's no immediately obvious indication of what it might be for.

Val is very slowly making progress on the lock, though it's more difficult to pick than he initially thought it would be; either that, or he's gotten rusty since being forced to flee Ruby Keep. Maybe a bit of both.

A single bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face, blazing a trail through the dirt and grime already caked there. This is taking too long. He begins mentally formulating an elaborate backup plan if he can't pull this off when the final tumbler finally clicks into position.

Suppressing a cheer of triumph, Val attempts to quietly pull the door open. It creaks uncomfortably loudly as it swings toward him.

Sarm sees the two guards come into view, but it's too late to give any warning; they're already looking in this direction. They are wearing the familiar red dressings of a Ruby Keep soldier.

"Halt! What the devil do you think you're doing?!"

The door swings open, and Val is staring at Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne on the other side. He notices that there is a hollow immediately underneath the floor; there's likely a bridge that extends across the pit.

Chaos erupts on the other side of the pit. The prisoners see that the door is open, and they all abruptly charge forward at the same time. For the most part they attempt to filter around the three party members. They get to the edge of the pit and scream, making a huge racket. Some attempt to jump across, and are promptly skewered by multiple spikes down below.

Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne are now directly in the middle of a dense crowd of insane prisoners.


((If I cannot do all this at once let me know and I'll edit ThLunarian.))

Evaneth immediately has a bit of a plan. These people are prisoners, and most look to be out of shape and not able to put up much of a fight. however, even a crowd can kill more powerful foes due to sheer numbers. As the prisoners begin flowing around them, Evaneth pulls Suvne and Tarkus towards the back of the cell, away from the prisoners.

"This way. I have an idea. We don't want to be in the middle of this mob!"

After they escape the crowd of prisoners, hopefully also leaving behind the man in the anti-magic collar, Evaneth casts Carpet of Shadow in the middle of the prisoners, turning the ground into a sticky trap for them, making their movements doubly difficult. Hopefully this slows them down so the others can get them out of there or help get order restored.

"We have about four minutes until that dissipates and they are able to move freely again."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus's snarl and readied battle stance keeps the prisoners at bay, but their eyes are still glued eagerly to the door on the other side of the pit.

On the other side, while Val gets to work on the lock, Quintus looks around for anything to make note of. He sees a crank, which is not hidden but sort blends in with its surroundings by virtue of the color. There's no immediately obvious indication of what it might be for.

Val is very slowly making progress on the lock, though it's more difficult to pick than he initially thought it would be; either that, or he's gotten rusty since being forced to flee Ruby Keep. Maybe a bit of both.

A single bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face, blazing a trail through the dirt and grime already caked there. This is taking too long. He begins mentally formulating an elaborate backup plan if he can't pull this off when the final tumbler finally clicks into position.

Suppressing a cheer of triumph, Val attempts to quietly pull the door open. It creaks uncomfortably loudly as it swings toward him.

Sarm sees the two guards come into view, but it's too late to give any warning; they're already looking in this direction. They are wearing the familiar red dressings of a Ruby Keep soldier.

"Halt! What the devil do you think you're doing?!"

The door swings open, and Val is staring at Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne on the other side. He notices that there is a hollow immediately underneath the floor; there's likely a bridge that extends across the pit.

Chaos erupts on the other side of the pit. The prisoners see that the door is open, and they all abruptly charge forward at the same time. For the most part they attempt to filter around the three party members. They get to the edge of the pit and scream, making a huge racket. Some attempt to jump across, and are promptly skewered by multiple spikes down below.

Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne are now directly in the middle of a dense crowd of insane prisoners.
"This way. I have an idea. We don't want to be in the middle of this mob!"

After they escape the crowd of prisoners, hopefully also leaving behind the man in the anti-magic collar, Evaneth casts Carpet of Shadow in the middle of the prisoners.

"We have about four minutes until that dissipates and they are able to move freely again."
Tarkus is busy staring down a particularly surly prisoner when suddenly the loud, creaking groan of steel turns all heads toward the door. He sees the smile of a kneeling Val suddenly stricken by wide-eyed realization while Quin and Sarm are turned facing an alarmed duo of guardsmen.

As the crowd begins to rush forward and push angrily against the group, Tarkus roars and hits prisoners over the head with the hilt of his sword, attempting to knock out and keep as many away from Evaneth and Suvne as he can. "Back off! NO!" Some of the prisoners leap forward and scream in agony as they fall onto the spikes to a grisly death. Just as he begins to realize there are too many to keep at bay Evaneth grabs his shoulder and they move towards the back of the cell.

Tarkus huddles with Suvne and Evaneth and speaks with worry, the adrenaline pushing the words quickly out of his mouth. "We almost out but will not be free if we let prisoner escape!" Fortunately Evaneth appears to have another plan and casts a blanket of dark magicks on the floor underneath the swarming prisoners, slowing their movements and actions significantly.

Tarkus waits to see how the guards and the rest of the group react.
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