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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus eyes flash open as he feels himself floating deep underwater, surprisingly not dead like he feared. His short adventuring life and unfulfilled past flashing before his eyes fills him with conviction to make the most of this second chance. Thanks to the boots he is able to swim freely despite his heavy armor and breaks the surface gasping for breath. He spots Evaneth struggling to remain afloat in the strong current as well as an angry Orc in pursuit presumably knocked down by his companions above.

Tarkus moves to intercept the green-cloak and introduce him to his frustration first hand.

Mike M

Nick N
One doesn't need a keen tactical intellect to see that the remaining members of the party are in some shit here. Outnumbered, no cover, little room to maneuver, the enemy has the high ground, three quarters of them doubtlessly have ranged attacks, and the remainder is considerably more than anyone's physical equal.


Val briefly considers following Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne's lead over the edge of the bridge, but quickly discards such a notion. Even though he still possesses the ring of water mobility, he has no idea of the distance to the water or the depth once he gets there.

Much as it pains him to admit it, in the absence of Tarkus, Val is probably the most martially inclined person on the bridge. The casters are clearly not going to be foolish enough to get within melee range if they can help it, but their orc friend looks as though he may have only marginally more sense than his missing compatriot...

Oh, I am so going to regret this, he thinks inwardly.

Standing outside what he judges to be the effective range of the flight spell, he taunts the remaining orc. "That's quite an impressively sized weapon you've got there. Myself, I've always been a rapier man, but then again I don't have the need to overcompensate for inadequate equipment elsewhere. Can't help but notice your cadre of clearly smarter friends behind you. Tell me, do they take turns mounting you or do you just kind of take them all at once?"

((Full defense, dodge bonus on the orc))
((Lol... Val, give me an Intimidate check.

Also, the Orc on the bridge gets blinded by the Glitterdust, but the other three are unaffected.

Oh, and based on how long it took to hear the splashes, you have a very rough estimate that the water is about 200 feet down from the bridge))
Sarm regrets not having Silence right now, and grows increasingly worried about each person that falls down into the chasm. He'll pull himself back onto the track so that he won't fall when Quintis' Levitate wears off, and casts Holy Smite on the group of Wizards behind the Orc.

((Holy Smite might not do good damage since there's no guarantee that they're evil and they can save, and I am expecting extremely crappy "I wasted my turn and spell" kind of damage, but I don't have a lot of options, and the blinded Orc means I might not need to cast Hold Person yet.))

Holy Smite Caster Level Check: 1d20 + 8
Holy Smite Damage:
4d8, rolled 6, 6, 5, 1 = 18 or 9 on neutral enemies and 4 on neutral enemies that saved

((Is Suvne down there with Tarkus and Evaneth, or did she drift away already?))


((Yea, my home computer issues continue to multiply, so I had no access until today at work. Sorry guys. Im still working on that front. My OS backup was corrupted as well, so I had to get an OS disk and do an install that way. I should be up and running on my laptop again tonight/tomorrow. ThLunarian thats fine. I don't mind if you have to do things like that for me. Especially in this case. ))

Evaneth barely has time to register the crashing carts before he is clipped and falling. He hits the water hard, the impact shocking him briefly. He struggles to get above water. Before he can move another loud splash sounds and a seriously upset orc appears. It begins rushing Evaneth, who can barely manage to handle staying afloat at this point.

"Well fuck. This isn't good."

Evaneth decides to Summon a Fiendish Squid to slow down, and possibly take out this Orc.

Concentration Check:
DC= 10 plus spell level = 12


Surprisingly, even though he is having issues swimming, Evaneth is able to summon the fiendish squid with ease.
((Sarm: You don't know what happened to Suvne yet. Technically you shouldn't know what happened to Tarkus or Evaneth either, but it would be annoying to have entire posts full of black bars so I'm not doing that.

The flying casters behind the Orc all take the full 18 damage.

The Intimidate check fails to make the Orc disregard his orders.

The Orc charges at Val and attacks with his two-handed axe. 17 on the die; after accounting for the +2 bonus from charging and the -5 from being blind, that's a 30 to hit. I'm pretty sure that connects, even with all the AC bonuses that Val has. Val will take 20 damage.

Vecna Cleric flies forward in tandem with the Orc and casts True Seeing on the Orc, which completely negates the blindness.

Vecna Warmage also flies in formation with the rest and casts Magic Missile on Val, dealing 18 damage.

Vecna Wizard (also keeping formation) uses a Metamagic Rod to Quicken a Spectral Hand, and uses the Spectral Hand to cast Bestow Curse on Val from afar. DC 19 Will Save; if you fail, you have a permanent -4 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the curse is dispelled.

Down in the water, the Orc swims at Tarkus and makes an attempt to Disarm. Tarkus takes an opportunity attack and deals 14 damage to the Orc. The Orc's disarm check is a 31. This is an opposed attack roll, but Tarkus, you add an additional 4 to your roll because you are armed while your opponent is not. If you get less than a 31, the Orc wrests your Greatsword away from you.))

As the dust clears from the calamity of the mine-cart crash, the party wastes no time in addressing the group who just tried to kill them. Quintus creates a cloud of golden, microscopic particles which converge on the enemies and successfully blind the Orc; Val attempts to incite it to make a mistake, but his taunt falls on deaf ears, as the Orc is already too distracted by the glitterdust.

Sarm prays to Pelor for these presumably-evil cultists to suffer, and his suppositions about their character turn out to be true, as a penetrating bloom of light briefly envelops them and causes significant injury.

The quartet are bruised, but not broken, and together they move forward, careful to keep their Flight enchantment intact. Even with his inability to see, the Orcish warrior manages to hit, and hit hard, cleaving a serious wound into Val's midsection. The Warmage focuses fire, hurling an unusually potent Magic Missile at the unfortunate swashbuckler, while the Wizard conjures a ghostly, disembodied hand, which promptly flies at Val and touches him; Val feels a chill as the foul essence of a curse attempts to creep its way into his body.

The cleric of the opposing party, meanwhile, concentrates on curing his teammate's condition by bestowing the gift of True Seeing upon the Orc, giving him total awareness of everything and everyone around him.

Down below, the Orc notices Tarkus coming for him, and switches targets off of Evaneth. He lunges forward and attempts to steal the Greatsword out of Tarkus's hands, knowing that he is at a severe disadvantage without the ability to both swim and wield a weapon.

Evaneth successfully summons a Fiendish Squid, which appears in front of him and offers a stabilizing structure for Evaneth to grab onto ((I'll allow you to anchor yourself to the Squid if you want, or you can send it out to fight the Orc; it's up to you))

((Begin next round))

Mike M

Nick N
((D20 + 3 for Will save equals... 4. Womp womp.

Any restrictions on attacking the flying opponents, or is it just reflected in the DC?))


Seeing Tarkus and the Orc in a battle for Tarkus's sword, Evaneth decides to keep the Squid with him to hang onto for now. Evaneth sees an effective way to possibly hurt the Orc's ability to wrest the sword from Tarkus.

"Step away from my FRIEND!!"

The last word literally races from Evaneth's lips in a rush and a deafening boom is heard by the Orc, and only the enemy orc as Evaneth uses Sonic Snap to try and deafen the target and possibly rupture his eardrums. Either way, it should provide Tarkus enough distraction to hopefully keep his sword.

((Target takes 1 damage. Will save DC 16 or be deafened for a round as well))
((No restrictions on attacking the flyers; if they're close enough to melee-attack you, you can reciprocate without penalty.

The spellcasters are behind the Orc, though, and you can't get past him unless you try a Tumble check, which would be higher than normal because you're on a bridge, and probably not worth it.

Quintus: Slow succeeds on the Orc and the Warmage. The Cleric and Wizard resist it, assuming DC 21. If I'm wrong and the DC is higher than 21, then the Cleric will fail the save too.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's attempt to goad the orc has either failed miserably, or succeeded wildly. He'll decide which it is later should he survive the results of his gambit, as now he has the whole host of Vecna cultists arrayed exclusively against him.

His gracile weapon of choice is impotent to parry the blow of the axe he had but a moment ago been making light of, and even making the attempt leaves him open to the bite of its bladed head, followed immediately by the tremendous impact of a bolt of potent magical force that spins him about on the axis of his heel.

Falling to his knee, he seems oblivious to the looming presence of a great malevolent spectral hand that closes about him like an ectoplasmic fist, it's frigid digits reaching into the very core of his being.

Thanks to the enchanted pendant, however, Val still has some fight left in him. Staggering to his unsteady feet, he spits a rivulet of blood to the side and gazes up at the levitating quartet. "I seem to have hit a sore spot," he chokes out. "Forgive me, I'm sure you're all able to plough each others' arses with your petite little members as I am to fuck your mothers with this tree branch between my legs. I meant no offense by implying otherwise."

With an abrupt cry of wordless rage, Val ceases his crude taunting and attempts to stab the orc a couple times.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 25
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 16

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 13
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 18

((Pretty sure that second attack doesn't hit, hell the first might not. Dodge bonus on the orc again.))
Sarm casts Hold Person on the Orc, knowing he must be disabled quickly. ((Aw, man, I was gonna ask Val to just shove the Orc off if the spell worked.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thought this theme might be appropriate, given the title. Also uncertain if I can defend against his disarm and attack in the same round. I know I get a free opposing disarm but seeing as he isn't holding anything I ignored that. If I can attack I've rolled already in the spoiler text))

Tarkus feels his blood pumping in his ears as the rushing water continues to carry the Orc, Evaneth and himself to an unknown source. His eyes narrow and he yells in surprise when the green-cloaked fiend switches course and attempts to grab Tarkus arm with one hand and wrest his weapon out with the other. As he wrestles with the Orc in the rapids he feels a slight vibration pass by.

Disarm Defense Roll: 1d20 [16] + 12 + 4 (Bonus) = 32

Tapping into reserves of strength he was unaware of, he summons a burst of energy despite his aching ribs that is able to wrestle his attacker's hands off of him.

[spoiler]Attack roll: 1d20 [13] + 12 = 25
Damage If Hit: 2d6 [2] + [4] + 9 = 15[/spoiler]
((Okay, first, Tarkus, your character sheet is off. Your Base Attack Bonus (without strength) should be an 8, which would bring your total attack with a normal weapon to a +14. Then, your Greatsword +2 gives you an additional +2 to your attack roll, which means you're at a +16 to attack with it. Also, when attacking with a two-handed weapon, your Strength bonus to damage is multiplied by 1.5. So, when you hit with the Greatsword, you should be dealing 2d6 + 11, including the 2-damage bonus from your +2 weapon. I think you've been cheating yourself for a while; I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier!
Also, fending off a Disarm attempt does not take your action, and you were right to attack last time.

On to the combat....

Orc on the bridge fails his Will Save versus Hold Person, rolling an 11.

Orc on the bridge attempts to save versus Hold Person on his turn and only rolls a 12 so he is still held.

Cleric casts Freedom of Movement on the Orc, releasing him from being held.

Wizard casts Haste, which cancels out Slow on the Orc and Warmage while granting Haste to the Wizard and Cleric.

Warmage casts Hail Storm in an area targeting Val, Sarm, and Quintus, dealing 10 cold damage plus 6 bludgeoning damage.

Orc in the water again tries to grab Tarkus's sword. Tarkus misses on his opportunity attack with a 23. The Orc's Disarm check is 33 this time.))

Val, undeterred by the large gash in his abdomen and the curse that seems to have infected his soul, stabs viciously at the Orc, who Sarm had just rendered immobile with a timely casting of Hold Person. The orc's flesh is pierced twice over, even as it is unable to express the rage it is no doubt experiencing.

The opposing cleric comes to the Orc's rescue, however, and his Freedom of Movement frees up the Orc for another round of attacks.

Meanwhile, the Wizard notes Quintus's second attempt to Slow him and his companions; although the attempt is successful, the wizard uses his own turn to perform a casting of Haste, effectively canceling out Quintus's efforts while simultaneously granting superhuman speed to himself and the Cleric who were unaffected by the Slow.

In the midst of the chaos, the Warmage raises his arms and shouts some magic-laced syllables, and uncomfortably large boulders of ice appear out of thin air and rain down upon the party, much to the chagrin of Val's precarious hit-point total.

Down below, Tarkus fends off the Orc's attempt to disarm and responds in kind with a slash to the face; the wound is washed clean by the rapids. The Orc then cries out in sudden pain and grabs his ears, as though he is attempting to protect himself from some loud sound that is apparently out of Tarkus's aural range.

The orc recovers quickly enough, though, and redoubles on his efforts to tear the sword away from Tarkus, knowing that it's the only way he stands a chance in this fight as long as it remains in the water.


Evaneth glances around to see if he can see Suvne, hoping for some assistance in this battle because right now he is not much help to Tarkus at all. Commanding the Squid to attack the Orc grabbing at Tarkus's weapon, Evaneth gives up his anchor in the water.

((Swim Check. That level of Monk sure does help!))


((Check to see if I can see Suvne))


((If Evaneth does see Suvne, he will try to get to her if he can since his Squid is attacking the Orc until its gone now))
Quintus backs away from the Hail, then looks up with anger in his eyes. He points a finger, and suddenly a ball of fire explodes, (hopefully) hitting all of 4 enemies, but making it a point to hit the spell casters(in case I can't hit them all).

Fireball DC 20(Reflex Half): 8D6 => [ 1 +5 +6 +6 +3 +4 +2 +5 ] = 32
Sarm is beginning to hate the Monocle as much as the Arm of Vecna now, they were able to send mages that know how to counter their spells.

He stands behind Val and casts Cure Moderate Wounds on him.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 8, rolled 2, 6 = 16​

Mike M

Nick N
Val feels off his game, though whether that be from the effects of his cumulative injuries or whatever lingering taint the spectral hand has left on his inate abilities, he could not say. Thankfully the brief moment of synergy allowed by Sarm's timely incantation to halt the movements of the orc lets him get a few blows that might otherwise not have connected. How regretful then, that the orc's unholy compatriot would so quickly nulify what little advantage he enjoyed.

The sudden manifestation of enormous hail assails his already battered body, and Val finds his addled thoughts wondering idly how much a good buckler would cost back in town, and whether he could find one the same shade of green as his armor. The warm glow of Pelor's light fills him then, reinforcing him and restoring some measure of strength. Lifting himself back to his feet, he grips his rapier defiantly and grins at the hovering four forms before him.

"I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you this was all a clever ruse and I've been on your side the entire time?"

((Gonna hold off on my action for a moment and solicit some advice. Sarm's healing spell wiped out the hail damage, but once again Val's one hit from being out of commission, and I sincerely doubt he's going to take out the orc in the next hit, even if he makes a full attack action. He could jump off the bridge, but then things would just be even worse for Sarm and Quintus. Ideas?))


((Things are bad up there. I have to say, this encounter is entirely in their favor at the moment. If you guys were to jump down they would surely follow since they want our artifacts. Im not sure if we would be better off all in the water or not, but either way we work better as a group it seems. I will say if everyone comes down here and one of those mages knows a chain-lightning spell we are all screwed))
((Orc, Warmage, and Cleric are still kickin' it up there, yes. All three have been messed up though. None of them made any of their saves for either of the damaging spells. Only the Orc is in decent shape, because of his higher HP total))


((Not sure how that changes things for Val but if Quintus can keep up those heavy duty spells and Sarm can heal things might turn out ok up there.))

Mike M

Nick N
((And Val can't get in position to take on anyone else without a tumble check, right? Yeeeeah, not risking that. Pretty sure this is Val's last act before he gets knocked out of combat, and his dying wish is to target that fucking cleric so he doesn't patch up all of Val's hard work on this fucking orc.))

As the green clad wizard departs this mortal plane in a pyroclastic explosion, Val seeks to exploit the momentary distraction for another couplet of blows on the orc.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 27
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 16

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 29 (!!!)
Confirming critical:  1d20 + 9 = 20
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 15
Critical damage:  1d6  + 12 = 17

((Guessing 20 is too low to confirm, but who knows...

Dodge bonus on the orc again. One day, it will pay off!))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Okay, first, Tarkus, your character sheet is off. I think you've been cheating yourself for a while; I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier! Also, fending off a Disarm attempt does not take your action, and you were right to attack last time. Orc in the water again tries to grab Tarkus's sword. Tarkus misses on his opportunity attack with a 23. The Orc's Disarm check is 33 this time.))
((No worries, I feel bad for Tarkus, I've been gimping his attacks this whole time! Thanks for pointing it out, I will update his character sheet. Not sure where I went wrong there.))

Tarkus continues to struggle with the Orc and prevent him from taking his weapon.

Disarm Defense Roll: 1d20 [19] + 16 + 4 (Bonus) = 39
Attack roll: 1d20 [6] + 16 = 22
((As mentioned earlier, Fireball kills the Wizard, who lands limply on the bridge. The Mass Fly spell ends because its caster died. The Orc and Cleric were close enough to the ground to land on their feet. The Warmage was not. He fails his Tumble check and falls off of the bridge.

Cleric casts Cure Moderate Wounds on the Orc. Orc heals 18 HP.

Orc attacks Val with the two-handed axe; Val takes 20 damage. I believe that knocks him unconscious, down to -2 HP. Orc remains in place, lacking any room to advance while Val's body is in the way.

Warmage casts Scorching Ray on Sarm as he falls down to the water below, directing both rays at him and dealing 31 Fire damage.

Down below, Orc attempts to pull out his own weapon, fails his Swim check, and is thrown off balance, getting swept up in the current and unable to act. He is still moving at the same speed as Tarkus and Evaneth.))

Quintus's Fireball erupts in a flaming explosion, catching the opposing team off-guard, having directed all of their attention toward Val. The wizard is unfortunate enough to catch the brunt of the explosion and abruptly falls from the sky, unconscious.

This has dire consequences for the Warmage, who immediately begins to fall. Having not positioned himself directly over the bridge, he attempts to grab for it as he plummets, and fails; as a last-ditch act of spite, he blasts Sarm with two Scorching Rays before disappearing into the watery darkness below.

The Orc, while not particularly affected by his sudden lack of aerial mobility, is in rather poor health from Val's last series of pokes and prods. He takes his frustrations out on the foul-mouthed puny man, tearing a hefty chunk out of Val and causing him to collapse from the shock of the blow.

The opposing cleric (now on foot), rather than attempting to heal his precariously-positioned partner, casts Animate Dead on the recently-deceased Wizard. The corpse moans and rises, a mere shell of its former self, with lifeless eyes that nonetheless seem compelled to want to tear Sarm and Quintus apart.

((Zombies reanimated from this spell have no memory of their former life and do not retain any spell-casting ability, just FYI))


Down in the water, Evaneth scans the rapids as far out as he can, taking full advantage of his Darkvision. Off in the distance, he spots a long-haired figure actively swimming along with the rapids that is almost certainly Suvne. She appears to be alive and well, but if she is aware of the struggle taking place some distance behind her, she gives no indication of it.

The Orc attempting to tangle with Tarkus is not having much luck of it. Finally conceding any chance of wresting the indomitable half-orc's sword away, the full Orc makes a last-ditch gambit by attempting to draw his own two-handed battle axe. While he is able to successfully wield it, the shift in body weight sends him reeling uncontrollably, yielding all control to the rapids as he struggles to regain his composure.

Somewhere upstream, a figure can be spotted falling into the water from high above.

((Next Round! Also I know I'm late on this, but great choice for battle music, Jackben))

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, I hadn't updated my character sheet with the Constitution +2 amulet until this afternoon when I was trying to figure out if Val was still conscious. 56 base HP + 9 from the amulet is 65 total. So add in those HP and Val is stil at +7 HP.))
((am I missing something here or did the cleric act twice, healing and animating a zombie?))

((EDIT: Forget what I wrote before))

Quintus points with his other hand, cause another fireball to burst from thin air, hitting the opponents still left up here.

Fireball again: 8D6 => [ 5 +6 +5 +1 +2 +1 +3 +5 ] = 28


bitch I'm taking calls.
Question from a lurker, did Val's and Tarkus' attacks from the last round hit?
((Hi there. Tarkus' attack did not hit [rolled 22], which is why I didn't bother to roll damage since a similar previous attack roll of 23 didn't connect. Val's attack did connect and took a nasty chunk out of the Orc as mentioned in the flavor text of thLunarian's post.))

Tarkus grins in grim satisfaction as the Orc begins to flail in the water after attempting to draw his own weapon.

"You want blade? Take it!"

Attack roll: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3805386/]1d20+16=25[/url]
[spoiler]Damage if Hit: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3805390/]2d6+11=14[/url][/spoiler]
There isn't anyway Sarm could predict that the falling warmage could be precise enough to blast him with such a powerful spell. He lets out an enlongated scream of pain as the spell cooks him, but emerges still whole and still in better shape than Val.

With the creation of undead, Sarm reacts by performing a turn to rid the newly formed zombie.

Turning check: 1d20 + 0, rolled 16
Turning Damage: 2d6 + 8 + 0, rolled 3, 1 = 12​


((So, how har out is Suvne currently? I imagine far enough that I could not reach her with my Squid before it dissipates.))
((So, how har out is Suvne currently? I imagine far enough that I could not reach her with my Squid before it dissipates.))

((If it's one round per level, you're currently on the 3rd round of it. Given that the squid is at home in the water, it could make it there by itself within the remaining 5 rounds. Think about how Suvne might react to being accosted by a Fiendish Squid, though

Edit: Crap, Quintus is right. I forgot to delete that first part where I originally had the Cleric heal the Orc. I decided mid-post that this cleric didn't have any healing spells prepared, and since he's evil, he can't spontaneously cast them. Sorry about the confusion. Ignore that part; the Orc did NOT get healed))


((If it's one round per level, you're currently on the 3rd round of it. Given that the squid is at home in the water, it could make it there by itself within the remaining 5 rounds. Think about how Suvne might react to being accosted by a Fiendish Squid, though

Edit: Crap, Quintus is right. I forgot to delete that first part where I originally had the Cleric heal the Orc. I decided mid-post that this cleric didn't have any healing spells prepared, and since he's evil, he can't spontaneously cast them. Sorry about the confusion. Ignore that part; the Orc did NOT get healed))

((Remember though, I only get 4 rounds since im technically only a 4th level Sorc. (Or does it take in the other caster level too? I forget, but I thought it only counted my Sorc level. If not, then I've been doing damage and such for my spells all wrong.) I can always summon a celestial porpoise again to go get her, but I don't know if 4 rounds is enough time (They have a Swim of 80 per round) for it to get there or not.))
((Remember though, I only get 4 rounds since im technically only a 4th level Sorc. (Or does it take in the other caster level too? I forget, but I thought it only counted my Sorc level. If not, then I've been doing damage and such for my spells all wrong.) I can always summon a celestial porpoise again to go get her, but I don't know if 4 rounds is enough time (They have a Swim of 80 per round) for it to get there or not.))

((I have to be honest, until you just mentioned it, I had no idea that you were multiclassing. Clearly I need to look at your character sheet more carefully; sorry about that. I was wondering why you were only casting lower-level spells, and now it makes sense. What are you planning as your Prestige class? The book that it's printed in would be helpful too.

Anyway, yeah the Squid couldn't make it over there in 1 round, but a freshly-summoned Porpoise could.))


((No worries, Im pretty gimped until I get my prestige class going. Its Noctumancer in the Tome of Magic. Its a fun Prestige Class and will be fun to play. Luckily, my next level gets to go into it. LOL trust me if I hadnt multiclassed and had went straight Shadow Caster I'd be alot more useful and mean at this point. ))

Evaneth realizes that his Squid is about to leave, so he summons a Celestial Porpoise to go retrieve Suvne and bring her back to him and Tarkus.

Concentration Check
DC 10 + spell level = 11

Mike M

Nick N
Somewhere in the part of Val's mind still capable of higher cognition, the orc's decent to his own height registers some degree of satisfaction. If he were in better shape, he might make a quip along the lines of dragging the orc down to his level and beating him with experience.

Instead, the bloodied orc takes another chunk of his flesh with a swing of his axe. Thankfully, the orc seems to be as near death as Val, as he misses his follow-up swing despite Val offering little resistance at this point.

His vision reduced to what appears to be viewing the orc at a distance through a long, red tunnel, Val is barely cognizant of the warmage's parting assault on Sarm or the cleric's resurrection of the wizard. Putting everything he has left into it, he less stabs the orc than falls on him with his sword a couple times.

"Have the godsdamned... decency to... die, already..."

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 30
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 16

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 12
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 17
((Bridge-orc dies to Val's first attack.

Sarm's Turning attempt is successful.

Cleric saves against the Fireball and is still alive.

Water-orc fails his swim check again and loses his action.

Warmage casts Lightning Bolt and points it at Tarkus. Tarkus must make a DC 18 Reflex save. If he fails, he takes 40 damage; if he passes, he takes 20. Evaneth must make a DC 18 Reflex save. If he fails, he takes 20 damage; if he passes, he takes 10. Orc-in-the-water fails his reflex save and takes 20 lightning damage.

Cleric uses his move action to move forward into the dead Orc's square and attacks Val with a dagger. Natural 20, but he does not confirm the critical. Val takes 9 damage and falls unconscious.))

The scene on the bridge has turned into a true battle of attrition, as combatants are falling left and right. Val stumbles forward with his rapier outstretched and deals a fatal blow to the Orc, and is just barely able to avoid getting crushed by the massive weight of the gray-skinned corpse.

Sarm attempts to Turn Undead at the same time that Quintus lets loose another Fireball, burning the reanimated zombie to a crisp by both holy light and actual fire. The cleric miraculously avoids the worst of the blast, but the smell of burning flesh and hair is pungent in the air.

The cleric, badly burned but still alive, steps over his fallen Orcish comrade with hatred in his eyes and produces a previously-concealed dagger, plunging it into Val's gut and piercing an important organ; Val falls unconscious to the ground, sprawled partially over the orc's body.

Down below, Tarkus takes grim satisfaction in hacking at his flailing assailer, who is defenseless against him, but gets an unexpected shock as a bolt of lightning surges through him and surges through the water, partially electrocuting both Evaneth and the helpless orc. It seems that the figure that just fell into the water upstream knows how to swim. ((He is 100 feet upstream. Tarkus, while swimming upstream your movement is only 30 (though you could take two move actions to close the gap faster).

From downstream, a female scream of confusion and partial panic enters Tarkus and Evaneth's earshot. Suvne has arrived on the scene, sans her armor, and she appears to be riding a celestial porpoise, though not entirely willingly; the creature seems to have swooped in, scooped her up, and returned to Evaneth's side. Suvne finally quiets down when she sees Tarkus and Evaneth, but she still seems upset. "Have you found M'Lord Sarm??" she yells frantically out over the roar of the rapids, "I lost sight of him when I fell in the water!"

((I know that technically the porpoise shouldn't have returned for at least two turns, but that scene was just too awesome to put off for that long. Sarm, you can control Suvne now. That will involve making attack rolls at whichever target you want. The porpoise can swim upstream at 40 feet per move action, so it won't be able to reach the Warmage this turn. The porpoise will follow her commands unless Evaneth has it do something else))
Quintus says "Go help our friends down there Sarm... I've got this punk!" then then charges at the cleric and punches him in the gut with the Arm of Vecna!

((EDIT: I'm sorry))
"This hand of mine glows with a dark power! It's Unholy grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!"
((/EDIT: Probably not that sorry though))

Charged melee touch attack(DC 15): 1D20+4 => [ 5 ] +4 +2= 11

((wlep... heres hoping he has no touch attack ac bonuses... at all. Oh right, he is hasted isn't he? Oh well, still awesome))


((I would suggest Sarm stay upstairs and revive Val since, well, I have no way of getting us back up there in time to save him if Sarm drops down. Yea, I figured one of them had a lightning spell.))

Reflex Save:

((Whew. Barely))

Evaneth cheers as Tarkus begins to take down the now helpless orc. However, he barely manages to escape the worst of the lightning spell that rips through Tarkus and the enemy Orc.

He sees and hears Suvne arriving.

"Sarm is still up there. Quintus cast a spell to keep him from falling, but we could not catch you too. Tarkus and I got knocked off by their cart which rammed ours. Can you heal from a distance? Without your armor I'd be hesitant to throw you into a battle against this guy."

((Does Suvne still have her weapon? That will help me decide how to proceed from here. with my turn.))

((This is the rest of my turn))

Evaneth notices she is at least armed. Deciding that they also need some air support in this fight, Evaneth also summons a Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetle to assist and attack/distract the mage. At least this way they can get closer in so he can use other spells.
((Suvne does still have her sword, which she draws when she sees that there are hostiles about.

And Quintus's touch attack barely hits, thanks to Haste dropping when the wizard died and the cleric only having 12 Dex; narrative description incoming after everyone is done taking turns))
After the Quintis takes command, the healer shakes his head, "But what about Val? I can't just leave him up here. I will heal him first." He casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Val.

Suvne answers Evaneth, "Forgive me. My healing powers cannot carry distance."

Cure Moderate Wounds - 2d8 + 8, rolled 4, 1 = 13​

((Hmm, how far apart are Suvne/Evaneth and Tarkus? And from there the Mage? Still trying to gague the situation.))
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