((Sarm: You don't know what happened to Suvne yet. Technically you shouldn't know what happened to Tarkus or Evaneth either, but it would be annoying to have entire posts full of black bars so I'm not doing that.
The flying casters behind the Orc all take the full 18 damage.
The Intimidate check fails to make the Orc disregard his orders.
The Orc charges at Val and attacks with his two-handed axe. 17 on the die; after accounting for the +2 bonus from charging and the -5 from being blind, that's a 30 to hit. I'm pretty sure that connects, even with all the AC bonuses that Val has. Val will take 20 damage.
Vecna Cleric flies forward in tandem with the Orc and casts True Seeing on the Orc, which completely negates the blindness.
Vecna Warmage also flies in formation with the rest and casts Magic Missile on Val, dealing 18 damage.
Vecna Wizard (also keeping formation) uses a Metamagic Rod to Quicken a Spectral Hand, and uses the Spectral Hand to cast Bestow Curse on Val from afar. DC 19 Will Save; if you fail, you have a permanent -4 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the curse is dispelled.
Down in the water, the Orc swims at Tarkus and makes an attempt to Disarm. Tarkus takes an opportunity attack and deals 14 damage to the Orc. The Orc's disarm check is a 31. This is an opposed attack roll, but Tarkus, you add an additional 4 to your roll because you are armed while your opponent is not. If you get less than a 31, the Orc wrests your Greatsword away from you.))
As the dust clears from the calamity of the mine-cart crash, the party wastes no time in addressing the group who just tried to kill them. Quintus creates a cloud of golden, microscopic particles which converge on the enemies and successfully blind the Orc; Val attempts to incite it to make a mistake, but his taunt falls on deaf ears, as the Orc is already too distracted by the glitterdust.
Sarm prays to Pelor for these presumably-evil cultists to suffer, and his suppositions about their character turn out to be true, as a penetrating bloom of light briefly envelops them and causes significant injury.
The quartet are bruised, but not broken, and together they move forward, careful to keep their Flight enchantment intact. Even with his inability to see, the Orcish warrior manages to hit, and hit hard, cleaving a serious wound into Val's midsection. The Warmage focuses fire, hurling an unusually potent Magic Missile at the unfortunate swashbuckler, while the Wizard conjures a ghostly, disembodied hand, which promptly flies at Val and touches him; Val feels a chill as the foul essence of a curse attempts to creep its way into his body.
The cleric of the opposing party, meanwhile, concentrates on curing his teammate's condition by bestowing the gift of True Seeing upon the Orc, giving him total awareness of everything and everyone around him.
Down below, the Orc notices Tarkus coming for him, and switches targets off of Evaneth. He lunges forward and attempts to steal the Greatsword out of Tarkus's hands, knowing that he is at a severe disadvantage without the ability to both swim and wield a weapon.
Evaneth successfully summons a Fiendish Squid, which appears in front of him and offers a stabilizing structure for Evaneth to grab onto ((I'll allow you to anchor yourself to the Squid if you want, or you can send it out to fight the Orc; it's up to you))
((Begin next round))