((Damn, I thought if i turned him with the arm I would be able to control him instantly >_< ))
((Quintus actually would have no reason to believe otherwise... which was the perfect setup for a nasty surprise

However, you do know for sure that once you actually perform the Rebuke action on a zombie you've created, it will automatically succeed and you will control it for as long as it's within range.))
((EDIT: Oh, and this was a great battle with a lot of twists and turns. MEANWHILE ON ANOTHER FORUM: Our group's first battle just ended halfway through the first turn, where the only enemy that got to act missed his attack.))
((I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying this game, and I also thought that this battle played out awesomely, but don't judge the other guy too harshly yet. I usually severely nerf the bad guys in the first battle of a campaign, because at that point you have no idea who's power-gaming and who's just in it for the story so it's tough to balance. He probably went a little too far, but maybe he'll adjust accordingly for next time))
The evil Cleric of Vecna sports a fearsome grin as an explosion of dark energy brings Val and Quintus to their knees... but Sarm stands strong, alone against the darkness.
Two clerics are the only figures left standing, one a messenger of darkness, secrecy, and foul magicks; the other a shining beacon of hope, truth, and light. Sarm, Pelor's avatar, looks on at his undead rival with grave determination: This evil MUST be stopped. He raises the Sacred Rod of Pelor, and wordlessly invokes the awe-inspiring wrath of his god. A shining illumination momentarily lights the entire cavern, and is then concentrated in a single sunbeam. Sarm focuses that sunbeam on the treacherous cleric of Vecna, and the undead abomination is vaporized on-site, its vestments and equipment falling onto the bridge, unharmed by Pelor's light.
((Quintus, I know you didn't actually fail your save or get knocked out; still, I figured this was a good time for dramatic license))
Down below, Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne survey their situation. They have been steadily floating down the river for half a minute, and seem to be accelerating; this river is on a fairly steep decline. Any attempts to swim against the flow prove both exhausting and futile, and so their only recourse is to look ahead.
Some minutes pass before an opportunity presents itself: An outcropping protrudes from the wall just ahead. The three waterlogged warriors all manage to grab a hold of it and pull themselves up; from there, they find a narrow, but traversible, path that runs along the river. It runs in both directions; they could conceivably try to double back toward the bridge, or they could continue forward.
Back on the bridge, after tending to the parties' wounds as best they can, Quintus and Sarm take advantage of Sarm's Daylight enchantment and the Levitation spell, both of which are still in effect. Quintus carefully lowers Sarm down to the river, which is about as far down as they'd estimated; there seems to be no sign of anyone or anything that had fallen down here. A simple casting of Detect Magic DOES yield evidence that someone was through here very recently; Sarm notices residual magical signatures from both Evocation magic and Conjuration spells - specifically of the Summoning variety - a short ways down the river.
After he is satisfied that he didn't miss any details, Sarm signals Quintus to bring him back up, where the party discusses their next move.