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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Suvne, Evaneth, Tarkus, and the orc are all within a 10 foot radius now. 100 feet upstream from them is the Warmage. Suvne can just barely see him, thanks to the light from Evaneth's torch. Since that direction is against the flow of the river, it will take two turns to reach him, and unless the distance closes, she will be at a -2 penalty to hit due to the very low light over there.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((EDIT: I'm sorry))
"This hand of mine glows with a dark power! It's Unholy grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!"
((/EDIT: Probably not that sorry though))
Val will just ly dow for a while.
((Haha I love you guys. Dork brigade.))
((Hmm, either I rush forward and risk getting blasted, or I prevent Tarkus from dying and get blasted anyway. How damaged is Tarkus anyway?))
((Tarkus failed his reflex save so he has 23 HP left. I'm thinking given that the Orc is damaged and failing his swim checks I should stay and take him out. Warmage doesn't seem to give a fuck that he is blasting his ally.))
((Oh, Tarkus is very much alive then. Suvne is going to go attack the Warmage then, she can at least live through a 40 damage super spell for one turn.))

Suvne asks Evaneth to tell the purpoise to take her to the Warmage.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus is busy hacking away at the helpless Orc before him when a blinding flash of light is picked up via his peripheral vision, appearing to drive its way through the air straight towards him. Taken by surprise the bolt of lightning strikes and burns straight through him, the searing heat charring his skin significantly. His vision bloody, he takes a ragged breath before shaking the jitters from his muscles. Renewing his assault he roars "Pray now, for you are next mage man!" determined to slay the frivolous Orc before him so he can take vengeance upon the Warmage.

Attack roll: 1d20 [13] + 16 = 29
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]2d6 [12] + 11 = 23[/spoiler]
((Cleric becomes undead, but hasn't been rebuked yet, so he's still acting of its own free will. He uses a scroll to cast Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds. DC 20 Will save for Sarm, Val, and Quintus. If you fail, 20 negative energy damage. If you pass, 10 negative energy damage.

Orc-in-water drops his axe and attempts to grapple Evaneth. 24 to touch. His Grapple check is a 31. Tarkus, if the Orc is grappling Evaneth when you take your turn, you will be at a -5 to hit the Orc.

Warmage blasts Suvne with Magic Missile. Suvne takes 23 damage.))

Sarm kneels down and bestows a healing touch upon the gravely-injured Val. A warm, soothing light envelops him, and he is roused to consciousness at the odd sensation of his internal organs mending at a noticeable pace. He looks up in time to see and hear Quintus make his uncharacteristically emotive declaration.

The Hand of Vecna connects with the cleric, clutching his arm and seeping its dark energies into him. Quintus notices that he does not seem to be resisting it.

The cleric's skin turns pale, wrinkled, and gray; his eyes sink further into his skull. He grins, and his teeth, partially coated in burnt blood, seem to grow larger as his gums shrivel. "Yes, My Lord, yes.... Bless me with your awesome power!" He emits a twisted cackle, and joyously produces a scroll from his belt pouch. "I SMITE THESE HEATHENS IN THE UNHOLY NAME OF VECNA!"

A sickening pulse of negative energy radiates from the cleric, assaulting the very life force of Sarm, Quintus, and Val as the scroll is consumed in black fire.

In the water, the Orc finally gives up on his axe and lets go, making a desperate grab for Evaneth to use as a shield from Tarkus's axe. The Orc is very near death, as Evaneth can attest to, from all the blood leaking onto him during the struggle.

As Suvne and the porpoise make their way toward the Warmage, they see him do a double take at the unlikely sight, before sending five streaks of white force energy at the Paladin, causing some damage, but not enough to halt her assault.

Mike M

Nick N
Val claws his way back to groggy, bloody conciousness.

"Hey guys, what'd I--"

Will save:  1d20 -1 = 2

Aaaand, he's out again.

((HP at -9, 5HP from death now. That amulet was a good investment!))
((I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm on the edge of my seat right now. This saving throw has huge ramifications for how this battle will end, and even though I have outlines for how to deal with every outcome, I still have no idea what's actually going to happen.

While I wait (and keep hitting Refresh), I want to thank you all for making this game such a joy to run. I have a pretty fulfilled life, and yet running this game is still almost my very favorite thing to do, and it's because you all bring the story to life in such a fantastic way. So..... thanks, and I hope you're all enjoying it too.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Gonna wait and see if Evaneth breaks his grapple before I attack. But I appreciate you as a DM Lunarian. Game is great fun. Your little edge-of-my-seat speech made me think of this though))
*party rolls exceptionally well*



GM: "Rocks fall. Everyone dies."
*party rolls awfully*

GM: "Rocks fall. Everyone dies."

Sarm shields himself from the negative energy blasting him, and is able to both have a strong inner being and the protection of his god to save him. Seeing Val keel over and begin dying again, he begins to lose himself and become angry from the frustration he is feeling over the life of his companion.

He uses Turn Undead once more in attempt to punish the heathen that willingly bathes in the coating of death and rot.

Will Saving Throw - 1d20 + 13, rolled 10 = 23 ((Sarm lives!))
Turn Undead Check - 1d20, rolled 15 (result: Cleric Level + 1)
Turn Undead Damage - 2d6 + 8, rolled 4, 4 = 16

((I am currently playing a game on Wii U and using the internet there, and getting back on the computer to look at my character sheet, so I don't really know what Suvne is going to do yet. Will I be able to charge the Warmage while riding the Dolphin?))

Suvne ((I'll be getting back on the console so I'm going ahead and rolling stuff.))
Attack Roll - 1d20 + 11 + 2 (from Charging), rolled 9 = 22 (If I can't charge but can reach the Warmage, that would be 20)
Damage - 1d8 + 1 + 4, rolled 3 = 8​

((Gonna suck if Val dies. I have other character concepts, but he was by far the most fun.))
((I'm doing my best to try to save you. I'm hoping if we can get rid of the Vecna cultist in one turn that Sarm can finally get you back up to speed with the remainder of his spells. And yeah, losing characters here will suck. I made a new character for another PBP but I already don't like him as much as Sarm so far.))

((Maybe Quintus could zombify you with his hand and then you can get cured by the Rod of Pelor. INVINCIBILITY LOOPHOLE))
((Lol. Probably doesn't work like that since a lot of the zombies that were being healed were already alive to begin with. It's kind of a "still alive but have the properties of zombies" kind of thing.))
((That turn check was JUST high enough - he was a level 9 cleric himself. That is more than enough damage to take out the cleric; combat on the bridge is over.

Conveniently enough, Suvne also manages to take out the Warmage; since the Orc is only at 5 HP, we can just narrativize Tarkus and Evaneth taking him out. I'll have a write-up for what happens next later on, but Sarm, feel free to perform some triage in the mean time))


((No way I could break that grapple to be honest. I have no strength modifier so thus Im grabbed. Im trying to figure out if I can still cast a 'ranged touch' spell this close and not screw myself over too))

((Well, nevermind. We got through by the skin of our teeth. ))
((Damn, I thought if i turned him with the arm I would be able to control him instantly >_<
Oh well, shit happens... How far down are they again? I'm tempted to throw out some scorching rays at that warmage, but I think they are way to far down for that.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Warmage is dead, also Val should have my 50ft silk rope still with him in the Haversack))

Tarkus hears the death gurgle of the Warmage from Suvne's attack and feels a flow of adrenaline surge through his body."LOK'TAR!" he roars as he swims over to Evaneth.

Despite his stature, the otherworldly mage is currently being enveloped by the burly but quickly fading Orc. Taking advantage of his battle fervor Tarkus puts all his energy into slamming the hilt of his Greatsword into the side of the Orc's head and freeing Evaneth. He spits dark blood into the frothing current and watches as it mixes with the charred flesh and blood he has already shed as it flows downstream. Coming down from his adrenaline high his face turns grim.

"Hope dark nightmare...almost over".

Tarkus grabs Evaneth by the arm and assists him in swimming upstream to regroup with Suvne so they may hopefully find a way out of the unforgiving river.
((Okay, back. I have one more level 2 Cleric spell for Val. That'll be 24 HP healed at least. I can also pass around five Level 1 heals. I don't remember Suvne using her lay hands or Cure Light Wounds so there's that too.

I also like how this battle mostly serves to express how much of a joke Set is, since these ragtag Vecna cultists gave a lot more trouble.))

Sarm takes a deep breath and nearly drops onto the rails in exhaustion from the battle. He casts Cure Moderate Wounds and touches the parts where there's noticeable burns from the negative energy to heal him.
Quintus' levitation spell is still going on Sarm(1 minute per level) and offers to send him down safely if he'd like to help out down there.

((The spell should be able to move up to 900 pounds, not sure if that would allow Sarm to carry people though.))

((EDIT: Opps! Forgot to post my results of the save against that Mass Inflict spell))

Will save: 1D20+11 => [ 12 ] +11 = 23
((...It was minutes per level? *double checks* Oh wow, I goofed, for some reason when I looked at the duration awhile back I interpreted the minutes as rounds. I could have used Burning Hands at some point with my superior positioning.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I believe the stated distance down was 200 feet. We'd need more rope, even combining it with the rope Val has as well.

Besides, they've been swept downstream a pretty good distance by this point... Idunno, some combination of flight, levitate, Val's ring and the ropes might suffice to MacGuyver something together.))
((200 feet down... I can only move him 20 feet up or down per round(which means one minute to reach the bottom and another minute to get him back up) and I currently lack a Fly spell, because really, how useful would Fly be in a mine? Turns out pretty freaking useful.)))
((My daylight spell never phased out (and no reason to turn it off purposefully). Can Scooby and Shaggy down below see the light of Fred, Velma, and Daphne up here?))


((EDIT: Oh, and this was a great battle with a lot of twists and turns. MEANWHILE ON ANOTHER FORUM: Our group's first battle just ended halfway through the first turn, where the only enemy that got to act missed his attack.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Lurkers coming out the wood works lately, sometimes I wonder just how many people are following this thread...))

((My daylight spell never phased out (and no reason to turn it off purposefully). Can Scooby and Shaggy down below see the light of Fred, Velma, and Daphne up here?))

((I... Guess Val would be Velma in this analogy? Because of his glasses and previously undisclosed penchant for orange turtlenecks?))
((Damn, I thought if i turned him with the arm I would be able to control him instantly >_< ))

((Quintus actually would have no reason to believe otherwise... which was the perfect setup for a nasty surprise ;) However, you do know for sure that once you actually perform the Rebuke action on a zombie you've created, it will automatically succeed and you will control it for as long as it's within range.))

((EDIT: Oh, and this was a great battle with a lot of twists and turns. MEANWHILE ON ANOTHER FORUM: Our group's first battle just ended halfway through the first turn, where the only enemy that got to act missed his attack.))

((I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying this game, and I also thought that this battle played out awesomely, but don't judge the other guy too harshly yet. I usually severely nerf the bad guys in the first battle of a campaign, because at that point you have no idea who's power-gaming and who's just in it for the story so it's tough to balance. He probably went a little too far, but maybe he'll adjust accordingly for next time))

The evil Cleric of Vecna sports a fearsome grin as an explosion of dark energy brings Val and Quintus to their knees... but Sarm stands strong, alone against the darkness.

Two clerics are the only figures left standing, one a messenger of darkness, secrecy, and foul magicks; the other a shining beacon of hope, truth, and light. Sarm, Pelor's avatar, looks on at his undead rival with grave determination: This evil MUST be stopped. He raises the Sacred Rod of Pelor, and wordlessly invokes the awe-inspiring wrath of his god. A shining illumination momentarily lights the entire cavern, and is then concentrated in a single sunbeam. Sarm focuses that sunbeam on the treacherous cleric of Vecna, and the undead abomination is vaporized on-site, its vestments and equipment falling onto the bridge, unharmed by Pelor's light.

((Quintus, I know you didn't actually fail your save or get knocked out; still, I figured this was a good time for dramatic license))


Down below, Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne survey their situation. They have been steadily floating down the river for half a minute, and seem to be accelerating; this river is on a fairly steep decline. Any attempts to swim against the flow prove both exhausting and futile, and so their only recourse is to look ahead.

Some minutes pass before an opportunity presents itself: An outcropping protrudes from the wall just ahead. The three waterlogged warriors all manage to grab a hold of it and pull themselves up; from there, they find a narrow, but traversible, path that runs along the river. It runs in both directions; they could conceivably try to double back toward the bridge, or they could continue forward.


Back on the bridge, after tending to the parties' wounds as best they can, Quintus and Sarm take advantage of Sarm's Daylight enchantment and the Levitation spell, both of which are still in effect. Quintus carefully lowers Sarm down to the river, which is about as far down as they'd estimated; there seems to be no sign of anyone or anything that had fallen down here. A simple casting of Detect Magic DOES yield evidence that someone was through here very recently; Sarm notices residual magical signatures from both Evocation magic and Conjuration spells - specifically of the Summoning variety - a short ways down the river.

After he is satisfied that he didn't miss any details, Sarm signals Quintus to bring him back up, where the party discusses their next move.

Mike M

Nick N
Once again, Val regains consciousness. He's not one hundred percent --nowhere near it, actually-- but in no immediate danger of dying, and the peril seems to have passed for the moment.

"I presume we won? Gods, do I look as bad as I feel? I hope so, we may be able to squeeze a few more gold and trinkets out of townsfolk, never underestimate the power of symp-- oh gods, the others. They went over the side..."

Scrambling across the bloody and burnt bridge, he lays flat upon the surface and stares helplessly down into the impenetrable darkness if the depths. The water sounds deep enough that they could have survived the fall, but there's little chance they're still anywhere nearby.

He pounds his gloves fist on the wooden planks. "Damn it! Even if they survived, who knows where this river goes? Underground rivers are exceedingly treacherous, they could be dashed to bits on rocks or dragged into a tunnel with no air..."

While Quintus and Sarm literally work their magic to descend down to the river and determine that at least some of the people who went over the edge survived in enough shape to be casting spells, Val starts itemizing the contents of the handy haversack for things that might be useful in this situation. His implements of duplicity -- the disguises, makeup, artisan tools, etc. -- would be of little use, but he has another 50 feet of rope in addition to Tarkus' contribution, some canvas, a spyglass, and a signal whistle that might prove helpful.

Blowing as hard as he can on the whistle, he strikes a piercing note that lasts as long as his lungs can muster. The acoustics up here provide a seemingly unending echo, but who's to say if it'd be audible down at the surface of the river wherever their missing companions are. Turning to Quintus and Sarm, he asks of them, "I don't suppose either of you have one of those magic sending thingies on hand?"

A thought occurs to Val, and he starts searching the Vecna corpses for anything that might be useful (or look valuable, financing heroic expeditions is a costly affair). "Vecna cultists operate in teams comprised of multiples of... What was it, three? Or was it four?" he asks aloud as he loots the body of the orc he had shared so much animosity with. "So unless there's another two or three cultists running about the mine -- oh please, gods, let that not be the case -- one of these sad sacks may have the Monocle, that would make it easy to home in on Tarkus and Evaneth, provided they have not been relieved of their relics. I just hope it wasn't on one of the two who went into the drink..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
For lack of any other option, Tarkus swims idly along with the Evaneth and Suvne until a rocky ledge appears a bit down the river. Swimming swiftly towards it, he throws his upper body onto the ledge like a fresh salmon, thrashing with all the strength he can muster to pull himself securely onto the outcropping. Once on he helps pull the others safely onto dry ground, they all rest, content with the blessing of being motionless, no longer moving in the cold water towards unknown darkness.

After some time Tarkus finally sits up and wrings out his cloak, grimacing at the burnt flesh on his shoulder and neck but altogether pleasantly surprised at how intact he still is. "Ride a cart..." he shakes his head and growls. "Never again. Green cloak still sons of swine, even more treacherous than Snake god..."


His eyes no longer being splashed he takes a moment to survey their surroundings. The rocks of the mine walls take on a foggy orange hue as they come into focus, his Orcish pupils dilating to pierce the dark. "Path flow by river ahead to where we enter mine and back up where we fall from bridge." Tarkus shakes his head. "Best to bridge, no tell how explosion affect path ahead near entrance."
((I can't blame him anyway, he literally wasn't allowed to make the encounter CR 6 like he wanted since the party had a lot of new forum members, myself included. Still I found it funny that there was such a huge contrast.

Anyway, the mechanics of the cultists not immediately being controlled made me realize that's why Clementine killed the cultists hung on Alydar's front gates instead of controlling them because she didn't seem to know the actual rebuke undead. Weird detail I now notice for some reason.))

Sarm would attempt to judge how deep the river is and how fast it flows, using the daylight emitting from his shield to shimmer light into the waters. He then casts detect magic, at first thinking that the Evocation spell may have just been the scorching ray used on him, but then he notices the presence of Conjuration. Could it have been Evaneth?

After being raised back up, he pulls himself back onto the rails and gives his testimony, "A magic battle had happened in the water, but I was not able to see any one person. It may be possible that we could survive the drop.." He then takes a deep breath and says with the strain of worry pulling at his features and voice, "But I don't know what kind of waterfall or chasm the waters lead to. I pray dearly that they make it safely."

Hearing Val's guess on the numbers, he answers, "I believe it was.. five just now? Their make up was diverse like us. I fear they're using the monocle to plan against us."
"Yeah they were far to well prepared for us, no doubt they've been watching us for some time. Anyways, let's just follow the bridge down stream, though Tarkus and Evaneth seem to see just fine in the dark, Savue does not, so they will almost certainly create a light source for her, making them easy to find. And Sarms fancy glowing shield should allow them to find us as well. And I've got a spell left that should allow us to easily get back together once we do find them." says Quintus, as they begin what hopefully be too long of a walk... After they check out whats on the bodies of these cult members of course.

((did Quintus get any healing from Sarm? if not, i can just down some of these clw potions i forgot i had))
((I may have been a little unclear in my description; I'm sorry about that. The two paths along the river either go deeper into the underground network of tunnels/caves, or back toward the bridge. There is no obvious path that might bring you anywhere near the entrance of the mines you originally came in. Having said that... since you're doubling back anyway, all is well))

The cultists do not have the Monocle of Ioun on them, nor any other potential holy relic, but they do have some valuable equipment. After picking clean what's left of their attackers, they find:

-Rod of Quicken Spell, Lesser
-Two Scrolls of Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass
-A two-handed Greataxe +3
-Bracers of Armor +4
-One set of Full Plate Armor +2
-Three Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (3d8 + 10 healed by them)
-One Periapt of Wisdom +4 (neck slot)
-One Dagger +2

Val, Quintus, and Sarm decide to move as far along the bridge as they can without going past the river it crosses, as Sarm makes sure to shine his Daylight-sporting shield as far downstream as it can go.

As Tarkus, Evaneth, and Suvne embark upon their decidedly longer journey upstream along the riverbank, Evaneth and Suvne feel it in their muscles; keeping yourself afloat is hard work. Tarkus, with his Freedom of Movement enchantment, would be in better shape if not for the severe electrocution imparted upon him by their departed foe.

After some minutes of hoofing it uphill, the distant echo of a high-pitched whistle can be heard over the din of the rushing water. Emboldened by the chirp of the signal-whistle, the trio redouble their efforts to reach its source.

Only a bit further up, they see a significant source of light shining onto a wall, and their hearts race faster in anticipation as they almost break into a run.

Finally the bridge comes into sight ahead of them, and as Evaneth's torch comes into view, Sarm reorients the light to a radius of illumination, and he, Val, and Quintus wave to them.

((Not sure what spell Quintus is talking about to easily reunite everyone, so I'll let him take care of that; whatever it is, the party is back together, either on the bridge or under it. Pause for roleplaying, and possible discussion of whether to follow the bridge or to walk along the riverbank))

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, I'd say we deserve a payday after that fight. How do spell scrolls work? I gather that they are single-use spells, but do you need to be a magic user to utilize them? Just thinking those scrolls might be nasty surprises for Tarkus and Val to carry.

Those aside, not much Val would call dibs on, except maybe the potions. After this encounter, he's definitely going to start packing some of those. Also, standing behind Tarkus more.

He could also conceivably get some use out of the dagger and replace one of his three concealed weapons that he's never had occasion to use. Heh : ) ))

Val is heartened that the party has been reunited in full, though there remains a considerable gulf between the half down below and the half up above. With Quintus' assurance that he can make the twain meet, he argues strenuously for following the bridge. While they may be venturing outside the area depicted on their charts ((or they might not)), it's still vastly preferable in his view than navigating a narrow ledge of rock along a subterranean river that for all they know may lead nowhere.
((To use a scroll, you first need to have an appropriate ability score of 10 + the spell's level (in this case, it's a Level 6 Divine spell, so you'd need 16 Wisdom), and then either A) already be a caster of the scroll's magic type (either Divine or Arcane; these scrolls are Divine), or B), make a Use Magic Device check with a DC of 20 + the caster level of the spell - in this case, that would make the DC 32. After checking everyone's character sheets, at the moment the only way Tarkus, Val, Evaneth, or even Quintus would be able to use the scrolls is to roll a natural 20 on the UMD check. Sarm could use them normally and without needing to roll, because he already casts Divine magic. Suvne could not, because she doesn't have a high enough Wisdom, unless she wore the newly-acquired Periapt.

TL;DR: For using the scrolls, Val, Tarkus, Quintus, and Evaneth are out of luck. Sarm could use them without a problem. Suvne could only do it by wearing the Periapt of Wisdom +4.

And Val, yeah the maps don't go much further than the other side of the chasm. Before long - actually, very soon - you'll be in uncharted territory))
Once the others are found Quintus casts polymorph and transforms into a Dragonhawk! He then flies down to pick up the others and brings them back onto the bridge.

((One of the most broken spells in the game... and I use it to play taxi. Anyways, I just picked the first huge flying creature I could find... if that seems like a bit much I could just go with a griffon or something.))

((Also, I think Quintus is gonna take the Bracers of Armor +4(everyone else has actual armor), the dagger +2(because this will be so useful) and that Metamagic rod(only up to level 3 spells, but still, oh god yes!)))
((I'm okay with Quintis getting that stuff. I might take the Periapht despite already having one, since more bonus spells = more healing for you guys.))

((EDIT: I would get an extra level 1 spell and an extra level 5 spell, which isn't that much more healing actually, but the extra Level 5 spell might be good.))


((That sounds like a logical split.))

Evaneth is very tired by the time they reach the others. He and Suvne have been using each other for support for a bit now.

"If only... I still had some of my other abilities... we'd be back by now.""

As they hear the chirp and push forward, the others come into view. Quintus uses a spell to pick everyone up and bring them to the bridge again. While the others split up the items they found off the Vecna cultists, Evaneth lingers in a corner, somewhat gloomy. He had thought that it would be easy to satisfy Ao. To show that he could be humble and then receive his abilities and powers back. My, how things were going right now. He couldn't remember the last time he was so tired! His muscles so sore.

(lowly to himself)

"I guess this is truly Ao's wish. For me to realize how useless I actually am without all of my abilities."

Evaneth glances over at the others and gives a small, halfhearted smile. Maybe one day he will be able to actually see his old friends again. He mentally sighs at himself. As it is, he has enough problems.
((I'm okay with Quintis getting that stuff. I might take the Periapht despite already having one, since more bonus spells = more healing for you guys.))

((EDIT: I would get an extra level 1 spell and an extra level 5 spell, which isn't that much more healing actually, but the extra Level 5 spell might be good.))

((Don't forget you also get a higher DC on your spells, and anything that makes Hold Person more likely to stick is a very good thing IMO))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Listen to this for my post))


The relief is clear on Tarkus face as he hears the shrill sound of the whistle, yelling hoarsely in answer until the light of Pelor illuminates the outcropping where their ragtag crew of the fallen have been walking. He calls out to them: "SAAARM! VAAAL! QUINTUS?" Before he can get an answer he is surprised by the presence of the mythical hawk beast swooping down upon them. Seeing something familiar in the fiery feathers he suddenly realizes who it is and shakes his head, laughing coarsely. "Always spell up sleeve, Q." He cracks a wry smile and pats Quintus's feathery neck in thanks as Evaneth, Suvne and himself are carried on a wing and a prayer back onto the bridge, the chosen ((relic huntah mystery crew of shining powa)) reunited once more.

Clasping Sarm and Val on the shoulders Tarkus laughs in relief with great exaggeration. "Never gamble rogue mine cart more treacherous than god of snakes!" The relief is palpable in his eyes as once more the demons of self-doubt, grown large at the thought of failing to protect his companions, are banished. As the group gets reoriented he takes the opportunity to chug his 2 potions of cure moderate wounds from the haversack so that he may cure himself back into fighting shape. He would also take the opportunity to check if it is possible to carry the Plate Armor +2 and Greataxe +3 for later use.

((+32HP since we are out of combat, which brings Tarkus back to 55HP. Next time we are in town getting the armor resized to Tarkus fit would be great. Also the Greataxe would be excellent.))

Seeing Evaneth slouched in a glum mood, Tarkus steps over a lends his hand. "Gods move in mysterious way, for good or for ill. But one day we all fall, by blade of heaven or hell...." He shakes his head and snorts. "Tarkus can only wish for glorious death protecting comrade. But that day not today." He dusts himself off and peers into the darkness ahead with a grim look. Despite their good fortune he is wary of the treacherous tracks they must still walk and what may lie in store lurking beyond the fog of war. He turns again to face the disciple of Ao.


"A man chooses. A slave obeys. Fight for god or man...belief in own strength makes our fate."
((Since nobody else seems to want the +4 Periapt, does anyone want the +2 one?))

Sarm lets out a huge sigh of relief when shining the light on the others below. "There! I see them!"

Once the other three are brought back through Quintis' great transformation, he explains, "We have barely survived, but I was still afraid the river may have brought you to your end. I thank the good gods that it was formed to bring you to safety instead."

Taken by the self-defeating words from Evaneth, Sarm decides to let Tarkus be the one to give wisdom, knowing that the warrior can have a more profound effect on a person's morale.


((Anyway for someone who’s never played D&D or a real play-by-post game able to join this? Seems like a lot of fun!))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Anyway for someone who&#8217;s never played D&D or a real play-by-post game able to join this? Seems like a lot of fun!))
((Howdy. PM theLunarian and he can guide you from there. Here is a fun resource until he gets back to you to get you familiar with the basics of play. Click 'play the basic game demo'. Keep in mind that we play 3.5 edition and have a lot of custom spells and house rules going on but the basics still hold true. Basics of play power point if you just want to read and not listen to or watch the wizards of the coast video. Get your hands on a 3.5 players handbook ASAP, a lot of used book stores will sell them cheap. Here is a dice roller and here is a place where you can make a character sheet just register and you can create a 3.5 edition sheet. Here is Tarkus as an example.))

Mike M

Nick N
((If no one wants the periapt +2, we could always hock it when we get back to town.

Tarkus' portrait there reminds me I need to update Val's appearance on his character sheet, since he hasn't been posing as Kaff for a while now. Not having an iota of artistic talent can make it difficult to find accurate representations of characters online, but I do have one for an undisguised Val that's pretty dead-on, except he's holding a giant spear. LOL.

Double LOL, it turns out to be the cover of a Wheel of Time book. I actually don't read that much fantasy...))

Val witnesses Quintus' air evac of the lower party members with no small share of due impressment. He can perhaps be muttering something about how such a talent would be exceedingly useful in his previous line of work, and that perhaps he has erred in some of his life choices...

While Tarkus offers his council to Evaneth, Val conspicuously busies himself by loading up the unclaimed spoils of the battle into the handy haversack. Tarkus seems to be offering better advice than Val would be able to anyway, Val would probably slap the man in the face and tell him to snap out of it or something. Not having much in the way of a religious background (well, except for his intermittent scheme to found a religion worshipping Val Fierno, but that was more of a hobby exercise in game theory) people despairing their apparent abandonment by their deity of choice makes him uncomfortable in his own skin.

Studying the map they received on the light of his ever burning torch, he soon deduces that no only does it list no other ingress into the mine other than the one they came in through, but does not extend beyond the bridge they're currently planning to traverse.

He announces his findings and subsequent deductions to his companions. "The usefulness of the map we obtained from the mayor is about to expire, I fear, but we have little choice but to press on. The good news is that these were characterized as the older parts of the mine, which would imply that there was or is another entrance on the other end. As long as we head up, we should be more or less heading in the right direction. With luck, there might be rails we can follow.

"The bad news is, if the collapse was the result of sabotage, any other entrance may be blocked as well. I expect it will not be, but we mustn't discount the possibility that the cultists we encountered had an alternative method to escape this place. Also, they may have left some friends behind. And traps. Goes without saying, but stay alert."

At that, he rolls up the map and sticks it in the seemingly bottomless haversack. Holding his torch out as far in front of him as he can, it does little to illuminate anything except the narrow bridge leading in a straight line into a yawning pitch abyss. "Suddenly I find myself wishing we had the foresight to bring some of those apples from the seminary..."

((Anyway for someone who&#8217;s never played D&D or a real play-by-post game able to join this? Seems like a lot of fun!))

((I used this page to generate my original character. It's really comprehensive and excellent for generating a character, but not so hot for maintaining it beyond the initial creation. I used this Google Doc template as a basis for my character sheet. I made a few changes to it, but I found it really useful as well))
As the party reunites on the bridge, Suvne immediately kneels before Sarm and bows her head. "M'lord," she says, unapologetic for the formality of the term. "I am sorry I could not protect you. It brings joy and relief to my heart to see that you're alright. When I surfaced from the water and couldn't find you, I thought..." She is content to let the rest of the sentence hang in the air.

During the dispensation of loot, Suvne clears her throat. "Pardon," she says sheepishly, "But I... I lost my armor in the water. I had to take it off, else I was afraid I'd sink. The Full Plate armor would be of great use to me, M'Lords."

Suvne watches the conversation between Tarkus and Evaneth, at first from afar, but gradually inching closer. When Tarkus finishes saying his piece, Suvne gently lays a hand on Evaneth's shoulder. "Sir Evaneth," she says, "I want to thank you. You saved my life with your water-creature, and I am in your debt. I misjudged you when first we met, and for that... I apologize." She blushes slightly, but does not look away; her gratitude appears to be genuine.

When the party is ready to proceed, they continue down the remainder of the bridge. The other edge of the chasm narrows rapidly into another tunnel; while still technically a mine, this one is much cruder and more bare-bones, and it appears to have been neglected for some time. It is also abandoned; here and there are intact mine carts along the tracks, but not much else.

The mine doesn't last for long, though. Less than a mile into the tunnel, all signs of technology cease, and the party is no longer in a mine - they're just in a tunnel. Whatever Val thought he heard about the layout of the mines appears to either have been bad information, or otherwise misinterpreted.

Soon, the tunnel branches out into a random series of paths, and despite their best efforts, the party is unable to find anything resembling an exit. Even more troublesome: they have been on a slight but noticeable decline ever since the chasm ended, and have been descending steadily deeper underground.

It's not long before the party realizes that they are lost in what appears to be a vast network of underground caves and tunnels, with no end in sight, and although it's impossible to tell what time of day it is, fatigue is setting in for everyone.

"...Perhaps we ought rest for the night," Suvne offers up as a suggestion, her voice weary and the bags heavy under her brown eyes. "I'll take first watch."
((I still have no portrait, not sure if I should go for my name sake of Quinn Mallory from Sliders(excellent choice of last name btw) or Ronald Weasley...))

Quintus, disappointed he never prepares his Tiny Hut or Secure Shelter spells when they actually need it, is quick to hop in his bed roll and get to sleep. If needed, he will take the final watch though.
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