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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Now that Muun is close enough, he can finally run in and free someone, and it appears that Quintis had disappeared and Jack still needs to have the binds removed. He runs behind Jack, likely to the surprise of the attackers that decided to ignore him, and pulls out his dagger, using it to cut the rope that's keeping his hands and feet tied together as quickly as he can.
Quintus looks at each opponent, trying to decide who his first target should be... he decides to go for the one carrying Tarkus' weapon and casts grease... on the weapon! He needs to make a Reflex save of 19 to not drop the weapon.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Unsure how that will affect a disarm attempt, I can intimidate the shifters into attacking me, what do you guys think?))
((Relevant: The shifter failed his Reflex save and dropped the Greataxe. Tarkus's weapon is now on the ground, and I'll assume that Quintus is dropping the Grease spell as soon as the weapon lands. If he wants to, Tarkus can move to the weapon, pick it up, and make an attack this turn))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry about the lack of posting yesterday, took the kid to the zoo for the first time and it took all day.

Alright, those disarm mechanics read like a good way for Val and Jack to eat an attack of opportunity with nothing to show for it. If Jack successfully grapples an opponent that Val subsequently attempts to disarm, would that change anything?))
((Characters in a grapple can't make opportunity attacks, and although I can't find a ruling on this, I'd give a grappled character a -4 to his opposed attack roll to resist disarming))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus rushes forward to recover his weapon. As the mayhem of combat ensues, to his great pleasure he finds it laying in wait for him...right in front of his target. "Let me show you how to wield." Flashing the shifter a chaotic smile, he slides down to grip his greataxe once more before rising in celebration of their reunion with a savage horizontal slash.

Attack 1 v Shifter: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4037897/]1d20+23 → [14,23] = (37)[[/url]
Damage: 1d12+12→[7,12] = (19)

Mike M

Nick N
((OK, Jack is going to try and grapple the Shifter with Val's rapier, Val's action and flavor text to follow pending outcome.))

Initiate Grapple:  1d20+11=27

((If it fails, does he get to use his second attack for another attempt at a lower modifier?))
((The shifter hit a 33 vs AC on the Opprtunity Attack that happens when you try to grapple, so he automatically fails and takes 13 damage.

You can try again with your other attack action if you want. There would not be an AoO for this one because characters can only perform one AoO per turn. Make sure to roll both your attack vs Touch AC and then your Opposed Grapple check in the same post. The shifter's Touch AC is 20 and his grapple check I just rolled is 22. If you meet or beat both of those, then the shifter is grappled.

Whew, very convoluted turn here!))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oy vey, this turn, man...))
Initiate Grapple 2nd attempt:  1d20+6=26
Contested Grapple:  1d20+11=22
((Just made that one, phew. Unarmed strike damage, right?))
Damage:  1d3+4=7
Val disarm attempt:  1d20+17-4=17
((I have no good feels about that one : /))

"Jack!" Val exclaims as the shifter holding Jack's own greatsword turns it against its rightful owner. Jack, however does not seem overly concerned.

"My construction consists of numerous system redundancies, I am capable of operating at near full capacity until I am rendered fully inoperable," Jack assures him.

His bindings cut by Muun, Jack re-enters the fray. "I advise an alteration to strategy. Julius, please retrieve your weapon."

"Sounds grand in theory," says Val, "but it's currently being held by-- oh."

Jack lunges at the rapier-wielding shifter. Though the shifter plunges the point of the rapier through a joint in Jack's armor that prompts a cascade of sparks to jet forth, Jack once more shrugs it off an ensnares his opponent in a bear hug. "I believe I have him adequately restrained," he says.

Val leaps in and try's to wrest his blade from the shifter's grasp.
((The Grappled shifter rolls a 23 on his opposed attack roll and retains his weapon. He spends his turn using Bite attacks on Jack. First attack is a 30 vs AC; Jack takes 9 damage. Second attack is 18 vs AC. I don't think that hits, but just in case, it would be 8 more damage.

All four other Shifters gang up on Bones and only miss once out of 7 attacks, dealing 69 damage and killing him))

Many things suddenly happen all at once, as Muun arrives on the scene and frees Jack of his rope bindings. He and Val immediately coordinate their attempt to retrieve Val's rapier, disregarding the enemy with Jack's Longsword for the moment. The attempt fails, but the target is at least restrained for now; he responds by tearing into Jack's metal skin with his uncannily sharp set of teeth.

Quintus conjures up a slippery layer of grease on Tarkus's misappropriated Greataxe, causing its thief to drop it and creating an opening for Tarkus to barrel forward and retrieve it, smashing the thief with the Axel's blade on the way up and dealing serious damage that is just shy of enough to kill it.

"Kill traitor at all costs!" Says one of the shifters, "Can't let him return and deceive more of our people!"

Immediately, the four non-restrained shifters coordinate their assault. The bowmen let loose with a bevy of pointed projectiles, only missing once and turning Bones into an elven pincushion. The one armed with Jack's Longsword charges around the party and strikes true; the nearly-dead shifter, rather than confront Tarkus, pulls out the long spear strapped to his back and turns around to perform a full attack action against Bones; the first blow knocks him out, and the second cements the kill with a sickening crunch of his spine.

((Begin round 3))

Mike M

Nick N
Contested Grapple:  1d20+11=28
Damage:  1d3+4=7
Val disarm attempt:  1d20+17-4=16
((Oh for...))

Jack watches impassively as Bones expires violently, heedless of his captive attempting to chew his metal arm off.

Reaffirming his hold on the shifter, he constricts him with his mechanical limbs. "The situation is deteriorating," he announces.

"I know that, don't you think I know that?" Val shouts as he struggles to reclaim his purloined rapier. "Gods damn it, give that back!"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Fuck I should have taunted when I had the chance. There goes a chance at any information about the forest resistance. Can someone finish off the bastard with the spear?))

As his foe turns from him towards Elroy, Tarkus feels a surge of adrenaline and time suddenly feels immaterial. Moving in slow motion, he rushes to follow but is unable to interrupt as the shifter with a spear gruesomely executes the Elven ranger. Yelling a battle cry as loudly as he can, he presses the full weight of his body and arm into hacking two ferocious strikes upon the Shifter with the longsword.

Power Attack v Longsword Shifter: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4039244/"]1d20+23-5 → [8,23,-5] = (26)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4039248/"]1d12+12+10 → [4,12,10] = (26)[/URL]

Power Attack 2 v Longsword Shifter: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4039245/"]1d20+23-5 → [5,23,-5] = (23)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4039249/"]1d12+12+10 → [11,12,10] = (33)[/URL]
Grease is such a great spell, Quintus decides to use it again! This time he uses it on the guy carrying Val's weapon because he seems to be having a lot of trouble over there.

((Btw tarkus... looks like you were doing a full attack. Your first attack should not have the -5 on it and I believe you are a fighter so you have three attacks now, the third one(and only the third one) has a -10 to attack on it.))
((Actually I think the -5's are for his Power Attack in which case the first one can stay, the second one gets an additional -5, and you can go ahead and do a 3rd at -15, 10 of that for being the 3rd attack and the other 5 for the Power Attack.

Also, the Shifter passed his Reflex save with flying colors so he did not drop his weapon

EDIT: Tarkus's 3rd attack already rolled by me and included in the post below))
((Fuck I should have taunted when I had the chance. There goes a chance at any information about the forest resistance.
((Yeah, the shifters ruined any plans I had as well by appearing. Oh well, that armor is mine now. I feel like this brutal death is a poetic allegory for his being banned from NeoGAF.))

Muun runs back to a safer distance, tossing his knife aside and drawing his bow. He would fire upon whoever happens to be damaged the most.

Attack Roll: 1d20+4+3+2=16
Damage if Hit: 1d8+2+3=13
((Muun, I'm not sure what bonuses you're adding into your attack roll, but I think you're missing a lot. By my calculations, you should be getting +12 from your Base Attack Bonus, +4 from your Dexterity, +3 from your Enhancement bonus, and I'll give you another +1 for Point Blank Shot since this is a pretty close-quarters fight. Assuming you rolled a 7 on the die, that would make your attack a 27 vs AC, which will hit.

I also went ahead and rolled Tarkus's 3rd attack for him; he only got a 17 vs AC which misses.

This is a good opportunity to go over the rules for attacking multiple times per turn with your primary weapon. This primer ignores things like off-hand attacks, which muddle things a bit.


Click Me For Accompanying Music!

Attack Number 1
Prerequisites: None
Roll a d20. Add your Base Attack Bonus, your Strength modifier (Dexterity instead if you're using a ranged weapon or you have Weapon Finesse), your Weapon Enhancement Bonus, and other miscellaneous modifiers.

Attack Number 2
Prerequisites: Must have a total Base Attack Bonus of 6 or higher
Repeat the same procedure as Attack Number 1, and then subtract 5.

Attack Number 3
Prerequisites: Must have a total Base Attack Bonus of 11 or higher
Repeat the same procedure as Attack Number 1, and then subtract 10.

Attack Number 4 (not available to anyone in the party yet)
Prerequisites: Must have a Base Attack Bonus of 16 or higher
Repeat the same procedure as Attack Number 1, and then subtract 15.

SPECIAL: Haste Attack
Prerequisites: Must be under the effects of Haste (or some other effect that grants additional attacks)
Do the same procedure as Attack Number 1. Do not subtract anything.

Hopefully this clears things up!

Rapier Shifter actually failed to resist Val's disarm! No joke, I rolled a 2 on the die there. Val retrieves his weapon. Let's just assume Quintus tried to Grease the Longsword, and Longsword Shifter passed his Reflex save.

Rapier-less Shifter doesn't bother trying to escape the grapple and bites Jack twice again. First attack is a 26 vs AC; second attack is a 22 vs AC. First attack deals 6 damage, second attack deals 10 damage.

Longspear shifter has died.

Longsword shifter does a Full Attack on Tarkus. First attack is a 28 vs AC. Tarkus takes 14 damage. Second attack was an 18 and misses.

Bowman Shifters do a full attack on Muun. First attack is a 21 vs AC. I think that meets your AC, and on the Displacement percentage check I hit a 21 (where 1-20 means the attack misses), so you take 6 damage. Second attack was a Natural 1.

The other bowman also attacks Muun twice. 22 and a 29 vs AC respectively. Displacement checks: 51 and 65. Take a total of 14 more damage over the two hits.))

The melee continues, fiercer and more frantic now that both sides' numbers have diminished. Tarkus slashes furiously into the enemy brandishing Jack's weapon, only managing to connect once, but doing some impressive damage on that one hit. Val manages to wriggle his weapon away from the clutches of the uncivilized brute who didn't want to give it up, while Quintus attempts to alleviate Tarkus's target of a piece of technology he no doubt cannot appreciate. Unfortunately, the shifter has better reflexes than his now-deceased partner, and keeps his grip on the weapon.

The two bow-wielding shifters, recognizing the threat of an opposing ranger, decide to team up in an attempt to take him out. Three of the four arrows connect, despite the bizarre staticky shimmer that partially obstructs their ability to get a clear shot.

Despite losing his weapon, the enemy caught in Jack's grasp makes no effort to escape, instead opting to continue tearing savagely into the android's carapace with his jaws.

((Begin Round 4!))
((Muun, I'm not sure what bonuses you're adding into your attack roll, but I think you're missing a lot. By my calculations, you should be getting +12 from your Base Attack Bonus, +4 from your Dexterity, +3 from your Enhancement bonus, and I'll give you another +1 for Point Blank Shot since this is a pretty close-quarters fight. Assuming you rolled a 7 on the die, that would make your attack a 27 vs AC, which will hit.
((Oh, I was adding the Dex & Enhancement bonus, but I forgot the BAB. I am so used to thinking that 16 is a typical result it didn't cross my mind something was wrong.))

((Also, what kind of movement will I need to make to get behind cover?))
((Oh, I was adding the Dex & Enhancement bonus, but I forgot the BAB. I am so used to thinking that 16 is a typical result it didn't cross my mind something was wrong.))

((Also, what kind of movement will I need to make to get behind cover?))

((You can get behind a tree in one move action. That'll give the attackers -2 to hit you))

Mike M

Nick N
Val manages to snatch back his rapier while the shifter is busy gnawing on Jack's arm. "At last, my arm is complete," he mutters as he clutches the grip. "Hold on to him, Jack, it'll make this go more smoothly."

"I will restrain him as long as I am able," Jack replies.

Val takes a brief second to line up his strikes, and then lashes out a trio of blows.

Attack 1:  1d20+19=38
Confirming crit: 1d20+19=21
Damage:  1d6+12=15
Additional crit dmg:  1d6+12=15

Attack 2:  1d20+14=24
Damage:  1d6+12=15

Attack 3:  1d20+9=26
Damage:  1d6+12=16

((Gonna guess not quite enough to finish him off, but I'll hold on Jack's action pending outcome.))
((I forgot to consider this, but if the shifter I'm attacking is human and not an elf like Bones, then that would be a favored enemy, which would be a +2 weapon damage bonus))

((I'm also confused by the bolded part of this part of the rules))
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.
((that means at though levels that you get another favored enemy, one of your previous choices for favored enemies increases by 2. so if you had favored enemy elf at 5, at level ten you can take favored enemy dwarf at level 10 and then pick either elf or dwarf to increase by an additional +2, making that one +4))
((You could go all in on undead if you really wanted to and get a +6 vs them... of course if you think spreading the love is better/makes more sense for your character, go for it))

Quintus casts slow on the remaining enemies. At least all the ones that are close enough together to be in range for it.

Mike M

Nick N
"Caution, my opponent is not yet subdued. I will attempt to continue restraint, but it is improbable that such action will incapacitate him," says Jack.

Opposed grapple check:  1d20+11=15
Damage:  1d3+4=5

((Yeeeeah, this is where Jack loses him.))
((Jack will have him grappled until Jack either lets go voluntarily, or until the shifter actually tries to break free. The checks you've been doing are only to deal unarmed damage. Though he will probably fail to deal that damage this turn, you're right about that))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I appreciate the tutorial, thLunarian. Also the mood music to go with it, haha. I think I understand a lot better now.))

Steeling himself against the Shifter's attack, Tarkus takes a gash in his arm before absorbing the second attack with his shoulder plate. Redoubling his efforts, he grips his axe tightly while focusing on a disciplined combination of advancing strikes aimed at hacking his opponent to pieces.

Attack 1:[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040349/"]1d20+23 → [17,23] = (40)[/URL]
Damage:[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040353/"] 1d12+12 → [6,12] = (18)[/URL]
Attack 2:[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040350/"]1d20+23 → [11,23,-5] = (29)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040353/"]1d12+12 → [9,12] = (21)[/URL]
Attack 3:[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040351/"]1d20+23 → [12,23,-10] = (25)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040353/"]1d12+12 → [8,12] = (20)[/URL]
((Longsword Shifter is dead.

Grappled Shifter and damaged bowman fail their will saves and are Slowed. The other one passes.

Grappled Shifter uses Bite Attack once more on Jack. 19 vs AC; Jack takes 9 more damage.

The damaged bowman runs out of sight and hides. DC 26 Perception check to spot him.

The fresh bowman attacks Muun twice: first attack is a 22 vs AC, rolling an 83 for the Displacement check. Muun takes 13 damage. Second attack is a 30 vs AC, rolling a 21 on the displacement check. Muun takes 9 more damage.))

Tarkus's relentless barrage of strikes easily overwhelms the shifter with Jack's Longsword, and he perishes on account of his guts being splattered everywhere.

Quintus decides to try and make the battle end faster by slowing down the enemy, succeeding in two out of three cases and forcing them to move significantly more lethargically than normal.

Val, eager to catch up on lost time, decides to poke a few holes in the preoccupied shifter, who shrugs off three direct hits and continues to chomp on Jack, hoping to outlast the stalwart android.

Elsewhere, Muun engages in close-quarters ranged combat with the pair of bowmen, dealing a series of blows to one and forcing it to fall back and take cover. The other undamaged bowman stands his ground, firing a volley at Muun that his cloak of displacement can't quite divert.

((Begin round 5))

Mike M

Nick N
Val raises an eyebrow that Jack's grappled shifter continues to struggle, seemingly unimpeded by the trio of new perforations Val has bequeathed him. "Quiet now, your time is nearly done," he says as he raises his blade.

"My weapon has been relinquished," Jack notes. "Please note that neutralizing this opponent will permit me to greatly increase my offensive capabilities by retrieving it."

"Yes, Jack, I'm working on it!"

((Stab stab stab))

Attack 1:  1d20+19=31
Damage:  1d6+12=15

Attack 2:  1d20+14=23
Damage:  1d6+12=16

Attack 3:  1d20+9=16
Damage:  1d6+12=14
((Wow, them's some mediocre rolls : /

If he survived that, Jack continues grappling))

Grapple:  1d20+11=31
Damage: 1d3+4=7
((Uh, can you get a critical grapple?))
((Grappled shifter is dead from rapier strikes, freeing Jack up to do other things. The only alive and visible target is now the bowman who didn't go hide. As indicated, a DC 26 Perception check will reveal the location of the injured one. Making that check is a free action.

Even though it's no longer relevant, unfortunately there is no special bonus for rolling a natural 20 on a grapple check, just to answer the question.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Can Jack get his sword and move to attack the unhidden shifter, given that he just failed his Perception check I just rolled?))
((That'd require too much movement. I know it's hard to imagine what the battlefield looks like at this point because I haven't had time to draw a map, but basically the archers had backed up to the opposite side of the field from where all the melee combat was taking place (and where the sword was dropped). He can run over and pick up his sword and then use a second movement action to actually get up next to the archer, but he can't attack him yet))

Mike M

Nick N
Jack lets the limp form of the slain shifter slip though his arms into a bloody pile of disjointed limbs.

"Are you alright? You're positively covered in blood, but I take it in faith that none of it belongs to you. It doesn't, right?" asks Val, making note of the damage to Jack's carapace.

Jack holds his damaged arm out in front of him and gazes at it in evaluation. "The damage sustained is superficial. I will engage self-repair mechanisms." Once more, the glowing blue vapor traces the lines of Jack's armored skin, coalescing around the damaged portions.

Striding forward, Jack stands above the corpse of the shifter who had taken possession of his sword. Extending his palm, the sword flies from the ground to meet his grip with an electromagnetic hum. Hoisting it, he prepares for battle.

((Okay, Opportunistic Piety would in this instance usually heal 30HP, but Warforged have a 50% penalty on healing. But he's using it on himself, so I don't know if we want to do a house rule exception on it, since to me it would make sense story wise since he would be familiar with his own design and construction and all. Either way I'm cool, it's just something that occurred to me.))
Perception & Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds: 1d20+15=32, 2d8+5=11

When his target begins to escape, Muun quickly glances over to a spot he's certain the shifter is going to dive into, and yells out its location to the rest of the party.

The Cloak of Displacement can only do so much and is best used as an aid for one's existing dodging ability, it's only natural that it would not do much when his attackers are fully aware of his original position to begin with, and he needed to keep still for a second to retaliate. An arrow thrusts itself into Muun's shoulder, forcing him to retreat, and he gets scraped by another arrow as he runs back.

He gets behind a tree, and then forcefully and with great pain that quickly exhausts him from the draining feeling, pulls the arrow out of his shoulder. He then retrieves a wand, a gift from the Illuminary, and begins to apply the spell inside of it to his wounds.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus rushes towards the retreating archers positions and attacks the first one he reaches.
Attack v Shifter Bowman: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4041709/"]1d20+23 → [13,23] = (36)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4041711/"]1d12+12 → [12,12] = (24)[/URL]
((The Ray of Clumsiness doesn't hit the Shifter's Touch AC.

Jack's Opportunistic Piety can be used to heal himself for the full amount; I will accept that as a house rule, because I'm a sucker for flavor over mechanics sometimes.

Visible Shifter five-steps back and does a Full Attack on Tarkus: first attack 27 vs AC, second attack 20 vs AC misses. Tarkus takes 7 damage.

Hidden Shifter makes himself visible and attacks from behind cover: 18 vs AC misses Tarkus.))

Despite their dwindling numbers, particularly after Val turns one of them into Swiss cheese with his recently-retrieved rapier, the remaining archers refuse to give up. The one in plain sight takes Tarkus's blow on the chin and keeps on trucking, stepping back only to give himself enough room to lay into the half-orc with a double dose of arrows. One is deflected harmlessly by Tarkus's armor, but the other nails him in an unprotected joint.

The hidden shifter, still seriously hurt but not letting it get to him, emerges from his hiding spot and also fires at Tarkus, but his aim is off, missing entirely.

Quintus's efforts to magically hobble the enemy are thwarted when his target does an impressive side-step, neatly avoiding the mystical laser.

Jack and Muun take a time-out to restore themselves, Jack with his self-repair protocols and Muun going the magic route, with a Wand of Healing.

((Begin Round 6))

Mike M

Nick N
Val spots the hidden bowman when he breaks cover and closes the gap between them. Once upon the shifter, he councils, "This is on you. All you had to do was walk away and leave us in peace."

Val's blade falls.

Attack:  1d20+19=33
Damage:  1d6+12=13

Meanwhile, Jack silently approaches the shifter tangling with Tarkus. With mechanical economy of motion, he swings his formidable blade at his target...

Attack:  1d20+15=16

...and misses entirely.

"Apologies, my targeting subroutines are apparently in need of further recalibration."
Attack Rolls (none crit): 1d20+4+12+3=29, 1d20+4+7+3=15, 1d20+4+2+3=17

Damage: 1d8+2+3=11 ((Add any relevant favored enemy bonuses on top of that.))

((Does Improved Precise Shot allow me to shoot from behind this tree since it's providing Muun with partial cover? If not then he'll take a five foot step before attacking.))

After Muun is sure he can take at most one more hit, he takes the opportunity to fire upon the closest Shifter once he notices that he was not fired upon again.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Bleeding from various wounds and sweating profusely, Tarkus begins to breath heavily. Mustering his energy, he leans into another series of attacks in attempt to finish off the Bowman before him.
Attack 1: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043032/"]1d20+23 → [7,23] = (30)[/URL]
Damage: [spoiler][URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043034/"]1d12+12 → [4,12] = (16)[/URL][/spoiler]
Attack 2: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043036/"]1d20+23 → [3,23,-5] = (21)[/URL]
Damage: [spoiler][URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043038/"]1d12+12 → [1,12] = (13)[/URL][/spoiler]
Attack 3: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043039/"]1d20+23 → [10,23,-10] = (23)[/URL]
Damage: [spoiler][URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4043040/"]1d12+12 → [8,12] = (20)[/URL][/spoiler]
((Tarkus hits on the first and third attacks, not quite dealing enough damage to kill it. Val hits the other one who had been hiding, also somewhat short of lethal.

The way it works out, it doesn't really matter which enemy that Muun hits; it won't die either way. We will say he hits the same one Tarkus did, still not dealing enough to kill it.

Shifter engaged with Tarkus drops his bow and quick-draws two Kukris. He performs three attack actions: 17, 17, and 23 vs AC. The third deals 8 damage.

The other shifter, who is still slowed, five-steps back and fires an arrow at Tarkus. 21 vs AC should hit; Tarkus will take 9 more damage.

At this point, both enemies are one hit away from death, and will be finished off this turn, so I will call it after that last bit of damage is dished out to the party))

The shifter that Val just accosted bares his fangs and growls defiantly. "NEVER run away! Shifters not cowards. Fight to last man! Legion NEVER take forest!"

He exchanges a glance with his ally across the battlefield, and the two coordinate an assault against Tarkus. One steps back from Val and sends an arrow at Tarkus while the other fluidly draws two small, machete-like weapons and launches into a flurry of mad slashes. Only one connects; the others merely bounce off of Tarkus's battered armor. The arrow does hit the mark, though, piling onto the beating Tarkus has taken so far this evening.

That's the last stand for the two shifters, who are summarily extinguished by the party, given no other choice because they are adamant about fighting to the death.

A cough is heard coming from the ground at the edge of the battlefield. Bones is struggling to breathe, periodically choking on blood coming up from his throat.

"Serves me right," he says weakly. "Listen up, because I don't have much time. The armor I'm wearing is VERY VALUABLE. You need to protect it. I have a pretty good bow too, but the important thing is my armor. Don't let anyone else get it. Not the shifters, not the Legion, nobody. I..." He erupts into a pathetic coughing fit.

"If you guys actually manage to go back in time, do me a favor," he manages. "Find the young me and tell him how to cure that crotch-rot. No one deserves to deal with that crap for a whole year, least of all me."

At that, Elroy "Bones" Bonaparte passes away for good.

((Mechanically, Bones was already dead before the battle ended so there's no healing him. The dialogue above was just flavor text.


One Flaming Composite Greatbow +4, with a max Strength bonus of +3 (Greatbows use d10s for damage. Flaming means that every time you hit with the weapon, the target takes d6 Fire damage.)

Armor of Falling Leaves. This is a Holy Relic, which is easily determined by Quintus. Every day, it starts off with Damage Reduction 10. Every time it absorbs a hit, that DR is reduced by 1. So the first hit is reduced by 10, the second by 9, etc. It's sort of like ablative armor. Every day, its protection resets. It also functions as Leather Armor +1. Note: This is completely different than the Armor of Fallen Leaves found in the Magic Item Compendium. I just stole the name.

Five Composite Longbows +2, with a max Strength bonus of +4.

Five suits of Leather Armor +1.

Three Longspear +1
Four Kukris, nonmagical.

Remember that since you guys aren't sleeping in beds and are in the wilderness right now, resting overnight will only heal HP equal to your Level + your Constitution modifier.

Edit: Forgot about Bones's melee weapons. He has two Kukri +2's on him.))
Quintus looks over the Armor of Fallen Leaves closely "Didn't expect us to get an artifact like this... When we get back we should probably just leave the other one of these where it is so we don't cause time to rip apart of something. I really have no idea what will happen, but I would like to avoid finding out."

Mike M

Nick N
Val stands over Bones, wrestling with his emotions. He barely knew the man, and as soon as they accomplish this mission, his death will be undone, but he didn't deserve to go out like that, even if it's only temporary.

He scoops up what remains of the loot into the haversack after everyone's had their pick of goods. They can sell it later, or maybe claim a bounty if they can stomach the ghoulishness of it all.

"If I understand Jack's explanation correctly, I think if we found the armor in the past, this set would simply vanish. Or the universe collapses. One of those."

((Alright, Muun called dibs on the armor, anyone object to giving Jack that flaming greatbow? It's a martial weapon, right?

Val could also put Bones' kukris +2 to use in replacing his concealed daggers that he will totally find an occasion to use some day.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I've got extra potions if anyone needs them. I had Tarkus drink 2 just to be on the safe side since we're at a disadvantage on sleep recovery.))

As the last of the shifter bowmen let out a yelp cut short by the ending of its life, Tarkus kneels to the ground to catch his breath. Once he has regained some of his strength, he begins the mechanical process of dragging each carcass together so they may be examined and stripped of useful materials. As weapons and equipment are gathered, he shakes his head and simply allows the others to take their pick of the spoils.

Pausing before Bones' now lifeless body, he is careful to separate it from the rest and lays him out apart from the others.

"Someone help bury. Bonaparte not food for wolves."

After covering Bone's body with soil and rock, Tarkus unstraps his armor and goes to work digging the arrow-heads out from his arm and his chest. Once removed, he staunches the various cuts and gashes on his body with handfuls of dirt and grass before finally pulling out a jar of green liquid from his haversack. He untwists the lid and chugs the thick liquid with a grimace of discomfort.

"Preferred Sarm healing..." Regardless of taste, he drinks another for good measure.

2 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds: 6d8 + 12 = [8,1,8,8,7,8,12] = 52

"Should make for camp. Get away from smell of blood and corpse, will attract animal...or worse. Not be very welcome by rebel forest forces if we are seen here."
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