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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((The grapple attempt failed, thanks to a robust Escape Artist check. Muun can't see the elf (or Tarkus) right now; they're pretty far away and it's dark out. Unless there's something granting you Darkvision that I'm forgetting. Trying to attack would give you a 50% miss chance, kind of like attacking an invisible target))
Muun points his bow, but quickly realizes that he needs to see. He grits, moving forward with the others while casting Darkvision and hoping that the culprit doesn't get away because of the slight delay.
((Elf rolls a 36 on his Escape Artist check and gets out of Tarkus's grapple.

Wolf-dog attacks Tarkus: 26 versus AC. Tarkus takes 9 damage, and must roll a Strength check, DC 24, or he is Tripped and falls prone. Regardless of the result of the attack, the wolf continues to run in the same direction, away from the camp.

Elf casts a spell that Tarkus doesn't know and Quintus can't see, then runs up a nearby tree and moves onto its branches. If Tarkus did NOT get tripped, he'll be able to take an Attack of Opportunity on the Elf during this process, which you can take on this upcoming turn.))

While Val, Jack, and Quintus concentrate on wading out of the tangle of branches, which they are able to escape completely thanks to their Hastiness, Muun opts to give himself a better view of the situation, casting Darkvision and traversing about halfway through the rough terrain. He is now able to see the elf and the dog currently running away.

Tarkus has no such issues with the foliage, courtesy of a certain deific artifact, and rushes forward to grab the fleeing assailant.

He manages to get his hands on the elf briefly, but the small man twists in an unexpected direction - especially given how fast he's moving - and easily shakes off Tarkus's burly grip.

"You know," he says, "For being so fast on your feet, your hands leave a lot to be desired. My condolences to the missus!"

As Tarkus is distracted by the elf's taunt, the wolf catches him off guard, tearing into his leg and attempting to make him tumble. While this happens, the Elf mumbles a few magic words, then stops abruptly at the nearest tree and scurries up its bark like a squirrel, then begins traversing its branches like a monkey. This slows down his movement considerably, making him easier to follow; however, it also makes him harder to reach.

((Just so we're clear about the lay of the land, the elf is now jumping from tree branch to tree branch. Everyone except for Muun will easily be able to catch up and keep up with him if they stay on the ground, and Muun would be able to emerge from the Entangled area with a single move action this turn.

Once you get under the Elf, you can see him fine, despite it being night time. Muun and Tarkus can see him regardless of where they are because of their Darkvision))
Assuming Tarkus isn't to far away, Quintus casts fly, runs over, whipping out his dagger on the way, and touches Tarkus. "Get up and go get that little punk. We'll take care of the dog."

((...this is of course assuming of have some way of knowing the elf is swinging in the trees, if not, I'll do something else))
((Quintus, your turn is fine. Tarkus can now fly, and if he tripped, he won't have to spend an action getting up and can just launch directly into upward flight.

Muun can see both opponents, and bows have ludicrous reach, so generally speaking, if you can see a target, it's reachable, with at the very MOST a -2 penalty from distance (which doesn't apply here). I'm going to rule that the Elf has cover, due to all the various leaves and branches that may be partially obstructing the path of the arrow. That will translate to a -2 penalty if you attack him (again, not because of the distance, but because of the obstructions).))
((That isn't considered total cover, right? Because Rangers that choose bow combat style get Improved Precise Shot at level 11 automatically (as long as they wear light armor) which ignores partial cover bonuses that enemies have.))

With eyes glowing white piercing the darkness, Muun quickly adjusts his bow to follow the movement of the elf, not seeming to have any problem keeping up with his speed or his tenacity to skip through the trees. The hasted magic cast upon him lets him draw arrows from his quiver and pull them as if he had become an automated machine that volleys them.

With his fourth arrow, Muun pauses, and then decides to turn this shot towards the wolf instead.

((First three attacks target the elf, fourth attack targets the wolf, normal full attack without Rapid Shot.))

Attack Rolls (no crits): 1d20+4+12+3+1=28, 1d20+4+12+3+1=26, 1d20+4+7+3+1=33, 1d20+4+2+3+1=24

Damage Rolls: 1d8+2+3=7, 1d8+2+3=11, 1d8+2+3=7, 1d8+2+3=7

Mike M

Nick N
Once clear of the brambles, Val and jack storm through the forested landscape unimpressed and quickly come across Tarkus and their attackers. "Contacts acquired," intones Jack. "I am attempting to immobilize the priority threat, please stand by."

Arm extended straight toward the arboreal elf, pale blue light traces the groves and joints in his armored dermis down the length of his outstretched limb toward his hand, evaporating into luminous vapor in their passing as Jack focuses his exotic power source on his target.

"My power cells are at 80% capacity," he announces informatively.

"Jack," says Val, "it is generally considered a strategic error to announce to the enemy your limitations."

"Acknowledged. Please disregard my previous advisory statement," Jack calls up the tree.

Val sighs and takes a literal stab at the elf's canine companion. "Down, boy."

((DC for Jack's Hold Person attempt is 16, not sure how effective that'll be given how slippery this guy is.))

Val Attack roll:  1d20+19=38
Confirming critical:  1d20+19=24
Damage: 2d6+24=31 (18 if crit didn't confirm somehow.)


bitch I'm taking calls.
Why would a single elf pursue an attack in such a way that seems inevitably futile? Suspicious.

((DM: With fly and haste, am I able to reach the elf and carry out a single attack in one turn?))

Mike M

Nick N
Why would a single elf pursue an attack in such a way that seems inevitably futile? Suspicious.

I'd swear it's Bones wearing the armor relic, but I don't recall him having dark skin. If it is, the only one of us he'd recognize is Quintus since he was gone before the Kaff-is-Val thing.

((On an unrelated note, hopefully I'm writing Jack in a voice consistent enough with Lunarian's interpretation. I feel like I have him talking more... Robot-y. But it kind of works since he's just talking about analysis stuff and not doing a lot of small talk? I dunno.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I like it, Val. Works well for combat scenarios.))

Tarkus grits his teeth in frustration as the quick-witted elf slips through his grasp and rattles off an insult. Pivoting, he unleashes his axe upon the elf with a parting blow as he retreats into the safety of the trees.

Opportunity Attack: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032747/"]1d20+23 → [5,23] = (28)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032754/"]1d12+12 → [6,12] = (18)[/URL]

Strength Check: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032741/"]1d20+6 → [6,6] = (12)[/URL]
Before he can continue the pursuit, he is tackled by a furred beast tearing at his legs with sharp teeth. Tumbling to the ground he chokes out in protest. "Argh, off mongrel!"

As he attempts to fend off the beast and heave himself up, he feels an electric sensation upon his shoulder as Quintus grants him the magicks of flight. "Thanks, Q" he mutters as his limbs suddenly feel lighter and more spry than ever before. Tarkus pushes himself up and rises quickly off the ground. With greataxe raised high, he executes a swinging blow aimed toward the branch where his enemy lies perched.

Attack Roll:[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032742/"] 1d20+23 → [1,23] = (24)[/URL]

((What the hell, Invisible Castle? Awful, just awful.))
((Mike M, I approve of Jack's mid-combat banter. Seems consistent to me.

Tarkus wasn't supposed to take that AoO because he got tripped before the elf took his actions, but it would've missed anyway (Mobility feat).

Muun's first and third shots hit the elf. The second misses the elf, and the fourth misses the wolf-dog.

Tarkus misses the elf.

Elf rolls an 18 on his Will save, resisting Hold Person.

Val hits the wolf-dog, but the critical didn't confirm.

Elf moves in the same direction; Tarkus takes an opportunity attack and lands a critical hit, dealing 32 damage to the elf.

After Elf's movement is done, he shoots his bow at Tarkus. 35 versus AC; Tarkus takes 14 regular damage and 11 Fire damage.

Wolf-dog attacks Val and rolls a natural 1. He continues running away, provoking an AoO from Val; Val rolls a 22 vs AC, missing the wolf-dog.))

As the mad chase through the nighttime woods continues, the party finally manages to land a few blows. Val's rapier pierces the tough hide of the wolf-dog, causing it to yelp in pain but not diminishing its resolve in the least. It attempts to snap back at the swashbuckler, missing handily before abruptly increasing its speed and widening the distance between it and the party.

Tarkus launches himself into the air after the elf, perhaps a little too quickly; he overshoots with his axe, and the blade ends up chipping harmlessly against the thick, wooden branch.

"Maybe you should practice a little before taking to the skies again in a real combat - that is, if you survive this one!" The elf bolts ahead, but this time Tarkus is ready for him, slashing across and clipping the elf across the midsection before he can get too far away.

That's when he notices the leaves. This elf appears to be wearing a shirt made entirely of leaves that look a little too fresh and alive to be natural, and as the axe cuts across his body, some of the leaves appear to take a significant portion of the blow, falling off and withering rapidly as they part from the shirt.

As two of Muun's arrows sail past Tarkus and strike their target, once again more of the leaves seem to absorb the brunt of the impact and fall off.

There's not much time to dwell on that, though; even while running away, the elf manages to nock an arrow and let it loose toward Tarkus. This time, without the benefit of an android to push him out of the way, the deadly projectile pushes itself through the half-orc's armor and sinks into his flesh. This seems to set off some kind of magical reaction, and suddenly Tarkus feels an unpleasant burning sensation around the wound.

Despite Jack's best efforts at immobilizing the target with his reasonable facsimile of magic, the elf doesn't acknowledge the attempt; he may not have even noticed.

((Begin Next Round))

Mike M

Nick N
Undeterred by the apparent failure of his attempt to hold the eleven archer in place, Jack calmly follows as their nighttime attacker takes flight once more. "The target is maximizing his advantage over our limited capacity for ranged attacks, a sound stratagem. Caution: My behavioral analysis indicates this engagement may be a feint to lure us to a less favorable scenario, I recommend we conclude combat at the earliest opportunity."

Holding his arm aloft once more, Jack briefly points his finger at the elf before adjusting his aim slightly to point at where the branch the bowman is perched upon meets the trunk of the tree. "Please maintain a minimum safe distance," Jack says in his ever-neutral voice as the blue light courses through his arm once more, ejecting from his pointed index finger in the form of a pea-sized ball of energy that blazes a trail of luminous light through the night air towards his target.


Val is surprised at the durability of the wolf-dog's hide, having to really put his weight into what by all rights ought to have been a killing blow for an ordinary animal. Indeed, he fails to draw blood at all as he tries once more as the beast darts past him. "Damned cur's enchanted or something!" he shouts to the party as he gives chase. "I've pierced plate armor with greater ease."

((Jack casts Fireball with the intent of blowing up the tree branch (or the whole tree, if possible) and knocking the elf back to the ground, but the elf is going to get nailed in the effort I presume. DC still 16))

Fireball damage: 3d6=13

((If that knocks down the elf, Val will attack him (add any modifiers for being prone or whatever would be appropriate), otherwise he's taking another crack at the wolf.))

Val Attack roll: 1d20+19=31
Damage:  1d6+12=15
((For the benefit of others' turns, the fireball was not hot enough to make the tree or the branch blow up. The branch caught fire a little bit, and some leaves are still burning, but that's all. So, the elf didn't get knocked down))

Mike M

Nick N
((For the benefit of others' turns, the fireball was not hot enough to make the tree or the branch blow up. The branch caught fire a little bit, and some leaves are still burning, but that's all. So, the elf didn't get knocked down))
((Jack is sticking to support spells from now on!))
Muun feels that he could easily best this other ranger under normal conditions, but that armor being worn is clearly strong enough to boost one's arrogance enough to justify taking on a large number of foes.

Muun decides to change his approach knowing this, but doesn't announce his intentions just yet and continues to keep silent through the battle. He fires a full volley at the wolf, hoping he can pierce the beast's hide.

Full Attack: 1d20+4+12+3+1=36, 1d20+4+12+3+1=25, 1d20+4+7+3+1=23, 1d20+4+2+3+1=28

Damage for first and fourth arrows: 1d8+2+3=11, 1d8+2+3=12 ((EDIT: Actually fourth one might not hit, but I am definitely sure the 2nd & 3rd don't.))
Assuming the Elf is out of his sight range, Quintus casts Glitterdust on the wolf-dog. DC 20 Will save to not go blind. Of course he's still covered with glitter either way.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the bladed head of his greataxe ruptures the branch before him, the satisfaction of the blow is stolen from Tarkus, the muscles in his arms conveying a warning in how little resistance they feel. Eyes piercing through the rain of splintered wood and foliage, he sees only a flashing smile and the blur of the elusive elven ranger's form before feeling a piercing sensation impact his chest.

"Maybe you should practice a little before taking to the skies again in a real combat - that is, if you survive this one!"

Growling, Tarkus tears forth through the rapidly wilting leaves toward the mocking voice. As the air rushes past his body, beaded sweat gathered upon his neck and brow tickle down underneath his breastplate and into the radius of his wound. The salty sting mingles with the painful enchanted burning of his skin. Undeterred, each fresh wave of pain drives him forth in furious pursuit. Eyes burning, as he closes the distance Tarkus feels the adrenaline surge through him as another opportunity to unleash his frustration comes into focus.

Gripping his axe and channeling his fury in the familiar technique of the fighter's power attack he unleashes another blow upon the retreating elf.

"Let us see how magick armor stand mortal blow!!"

Power Attack Roll: 1d20+24-5 → [11,24,-5] = (30)
Damage: 1d12+12+10 → [10,12,10] = (32)


((Art drawn by Pete Stathis))
The elf's eyes grow wide as the axe rises over his head, an although he does all he can in an effort to feint, duck, and dive out of the way, it's all for nothing; when the axe is brought down, it tears into him. The leafy armor offers only limited protection this time, its magicks having been taxed quite a bit at this point, and blood is clearly seeping through the garment.

"Fucking dim-witted gray-skinned bastards!" the elf briefly loses his cool, and then smiles. "So you finally got me! A little late, but you definitely drew blood at least! Now it's time for you to surrender."

The elf speeds ahead again, this time Tumble-ing out of Tarkus's reach, and suddenly slows to a stop as he draws an arrow to string, pointing it directly at him.

An explosion of magical glitter erupts all over the Elf ((the wolf was dead by the time Quintus cast Glitterdust, so I just assumed that the target would change)), but apart from making him squint slightly and making him more visible to everyone, it doesn't seem to affect him.

Down below, together Muun's arrows and Val's rapier strike make mince meat out of the wolf-dog. Val, however, finds himself unable to stop before stepping deep into a mass of thorny underbrush, similar to that from the elf's magical spell earlier, but this time completely natural.

"That's far enough, 'Lieutenant'!" the elf shouts down from his position in the tree.

Looking up, Val sees five humanoids standing in the branches of surrounding trees, each with an arrow drawn, pointed, and ready to release directly at him. The humanoids look approximately like the half-way point between a human and a werewolf; feral and hairy, some have pointy teeth protruding from their mouths, while others have claws for fingers. They are all wearing leather armor.

"Surrender your weapons now, and you may yet come out of this alive," the elf, who appears to be the leader, announces to the party, without taking his eyes off Tarkus. "Don't bother trying to Wind Wall, either," he shouts out so that Muun can hear. "We are all set to counterspell it if you try!"

As Quintus slows his approach and looks up at the elf, a sudden realization occurs to him: This is Bones, his old companion from Klaus's Ranging Company.

((We are still in combat rounds unless you guys choose to surrender. Val is in difficult terrain, which means half movement, and he is surrounded by Shifters in the treetops with arrows pointed at him, as well as Bones with an arrow pointed at Tarkus. Quintus and Jack are a bit further back and are not yet in difficult terrain; all of the bad guys are within range of a Short-ranged spell.

Tarkus is airborne, about 25 feet away from Bones.

Muun is still very close to the original camp, which means he's rather far from the scene, but with his ability to ignore partial cover combined with Darkvision, he could easily hit any of the bad guys.

All of the bad guys have Readied actions, and will release their arrows if a triggering action is made by anyone in the party.

Oh and Bones rolled a 36 on his Tumble to avoid AoO's and a 33 on his Will save. He has been rolling ludicrously high on the dice this combat))

Mike M

Nick N
((What has two thumbs and called it? Gonna guess Val and Bones won't recognize each other since they really only met that one night waaaaaaaaaay back when. Even more way back for Bones, who only met "Kaff."))

Val sheathes his rapier and raises his hands, hoping that the archers would find their advantage over him at the moment satisfactory enough to not quibble over the fact that he hasn't actually surrendered his weapon. "Poor form to ambush people you've never met in the middle of the night. I believe we're at least due a monolog about how we're unwittingly responsible for ruining your life, though I'd hazard a guess you are quite mistaken about our culpability."

Jack catches up a moment later, staying outside of the entangling terrain. "Julius ((because Val would have totally told Jack to call him that in front of other people)), my apologies. My previous analysis of the probability of my defeat failed to include outcomes in which you were overpowered. This information will be incorporated into future combat calculations."

"Thank you, Jack," Val says cooly. "Most helpful right now. Please refrain from making taking any sudden actions that might give cause for these fine fellows to loose the multitude of arrows they currently have pointed at what I'm sure are my most vital of organs."

"Boy, you sure like to talk a lot," says the elf who, to Val, is still a mystery. "And you sound like a know-it-all, too. I bet you just can't stand it that I outsmarted you, huh? By the way, if you're gonna surrender then you might want to go all the way. My men are much more likely to take you alive if there's not a risk of you pulling your rapier and stabbing them in the face when they go to take you into custody.

"And get off your high horse while you're at it. This isn't about you, no matter how much you want to think so. I don't even know you. This is about the Legion and their crusade against freedom. Plus, I like the thrill of the hunt."

He addresses the rest of the party, "That goes for the rest of you, too. DROP your weapons, don't just sheathe them. You out there, Ranger! You still have a chance to get away because I can't see you out there, so I suggest you take it while you still can!"


bitch I'm taking calls.
A mixed look of dismay and anger spreads over Tarkus face as he realizes they've been had. He spits out into the air and lowers his weapon. "Baited straight to trap..." Looking to the others for direction, he will drop his weapon as soon as he see's Val do so first.
Muun pulls tightly on the string of his weapon, kneeling into the vines and rotating his aim smoothly in pointing towards the group of soldiers surrounding Val. It becomes a standoff, Muun inwardly refusing to cower and abandon the others even if it means getting caught himself.

As long as the others do not drop their weapons, Muun in tandem keeps the arrow pulled, but doesn't release it. It will be if the others give in that he would throw down his bow in a sharp burst of anger.
Quintus drops his dagger when asked... not like he needs it anyways. "Bones, what in the world are you doing? You don't think I'd actually join those legion nut jobs, would you? There's no reason for all this fighting or taking of prisoners, we all have the same goal, more or less."
Bones laughs. "Wow, I haven't heard that name in a while. I go by Elroy now. Elroy Bonaparte. In my younger days I hated my real name, but then my Dad died, and... yeah. I kinda grew up after that.

"Anyway, yeah it's nice to see you too, Quintus. You're looking pretty good, for it being twenty years since I've seen you and all. Wish I could believe you about us having the same goals, but I've been watching you guys for a while and I saw your leader there explain to that patrol group that you're hunting down some followers of Pelor. Now I'm no special friend of Pelor's, but I definitely can't sit back and let you persecute people just for believing in a different god than you, ya know? It kind of struck a chord with me. So I'm putting an end to that nonsense."
"Okay, that is understandable. My friend here is a really good liar, so I see how you could make that mistake. The Pelor hunting stuff is just ruse so we can move around freely, but apparently all out old friends have decided to start there own rebel movements so maybe its not as useful as we thought it would be. Anyways, the Legion, back when they were still called the Arm, they nearly killed him and his 'family'... multiple times in fact. He is no more a fan of them, then you are." Quintus says, pleading to Elroy.
"Well, that's a great story and all, but at this point it'd be pretty irresponsible for me to just stand down and let you all go. I mean, your 'friend' there just killed poor Daisy the Fourteenth and threatened to 'vivisect' me. Now I don't know what that means, but it definitely sounds like trouble. Then there's this half-orc brute who just slashed the hell out of my torso.

"Now I admit that maybe there's a small chance you're telling the truth and this is just some big misunderstanding, but I'm sure not going to take your word for it right now. Like I said, drop the weapons and surrender, and then we'll sort it out."

Mike M

Nick N
Val's eyebrows reach for the sky. "Bones? Wait, wait, watch this..."

Closing his eyes, Val activates the Mask of Lies and adopts the guise of Kaff Reyneel, humble museum curator from so long ago.

"So tell me Bones, does it still aaaahhh, burn when you take a piss?"
Bones/Elroy raises an eyebrow. "Well that's pretty unexpected," he admits, "But how many times do I have to ask you to drop your weapons? I mean we can stand here and twiddle our thumbs reminiscing all night if you want; I'm not the one with five bow-and-arrows pointed at me. Your call, I guess.

"And yeah that was a bad night. Back then I didn't realize that sort of thing could be cured by magic. It was over a year before I got it cleared up."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Clearly seeing this standoff is going nowhere, Tarkus is surprised to observes the potential for dialogue and more importantly the utterance of a well-remembered name. With great reluctance he loosens his grip and lets his weapon slip from his hands. He watches with spite as his axe tumbles to the ground before lodging itself into the stump of a dead tree.

He looks over at the dark skinned elf just moments ago he sought to cut in half, and speaks in a measured voice. "Bonaparte familiar name. Was sorry to see great commander fall by hand of dark magician. Should know his death was avenged...did not know he had son."

Mike M

Nick N
Following Tarkus' lead, Val unbuckles his rapier.

"Where's the trust?" he mutters to himself.

"I am fully cognizant of the irony of such a statement, by the way," he says as he surrenders his sword to Elroy.
Elroy relaxes somewhat. "My dad was a great man and a terrible father. I didn't understand why it had to be that way until I saw the kingdom go to shit after he died, so now I'm trying to honor his memory by sticking it to the Legion." He pauses and blinks in confusion. "Hmm... Well you just scored yourself some believability points with that one, I'll give you that."

Over the course of the next few minutes, the weapons are collected very carefully by the group of Shifters as Elroy oversees the process. Tarkus, Val, Quintus, and Jack have ropes tied around their waists and then linked together; Quintus's hands are bound sufficiently to prevent him from performing somatic components to spells, but no one else is particularly restrained, other than being connected to each other by the ropes. Apparently they assume that Muun has fled, because they don't bother to go track him down.

Once that whole process is complete, the party is marched south, toward the wall. "So yeah, this is what I do now," Elroy explains casually. "I wait for Legion patrols to set up camp near this stupid wall, and ambush them at night. A lot of the time I can just take them out before they ever know what hit 'em, but you guys are obviously pretty good at setting up watches, so it came to plan B." He casts a spell on himself, and the wound that Tarkus gave him heals up somewhat.

"If you want to convince me that you're actually on my side, now would be a good time to do it. It's a pretty good walk back to the place I usually drop off prisoners, but we're not gonna stop to camp or anything. Learned my lesson on that one the hard way. Also, if you could tell me what 'vivisect' means, I'm sort of curious."

Jack opens his mouth as though he REALLY wants to answer that question, but waits in deference to Val.

((Diplomacy rolls are appropriate here))
Muun is just about to put his weapon down, but soon comes to realize that they managed to be distracted by Val to not notice his presence anymore. He grips the knife at his waist and gets prone in the vines to keep cover.

He'll opt to keep his distance and follow carefully, using whatever the terrain gives him to keep himself from being seen.

Mike M

Nick N
Val eyes the rope job binding his wrists together almost as though he were witnessing a grave insult. He's relatively certain that he could slip these bonds with little effort, but then reminds himself that Bones last knew him as nothing more but an intellectual who could barely hold his beer. No sense in tipping his hand to show that card just yet...

"Vivisection is the dissection of a still living specimen," Val says brightly. "Though surely you realize that was an empty threat, we've been trying to keep up appearances as being a Legion hardass and his band of terrifying men. We don't even have the tools to operate. Well, actually Jack might. I didn't know he had that sword on him, who knows what other little surprises are worked into his armor there."

Growing more serious, he says, "Bones, it is imperative that you listen to me. I know we could be scarcely said to have ever actually worked together and that everything you ever even thought you knew about me was complete fabrication, but you must trust us. We are on a mission of great import, one that could potentially wipe the Legion from existence in a single fell swoop, but if you march us back to camp we risk being compromised. Surely as a practitioner of guerrilla warfare, you understand the value of compartmentalization? Already the fact that you and your companions here know that we are not whom we say we are is taking a grave risk, we can scarcely afford to allow that information to spread any further by going all the way back to your entire organization and explaining ourselves. We have need to operate right under the Legion's noses, and we have exactly one shot at pulling this off. You are risking far more than you can realize right now."

Diplomacy check:  1d20+20=33
"One fell swoop, huh?" He laughs outloud. "Oh this ought to be good. I'll tell you what. If all four of you separately can tell me exactly how you plan on pulling THAT off, and you all give me the same answer, I will tell my men to let you go right here, right now. Hell, I'll even settle for two of you having the same story. No cheating, though - you've gotta tell me right now." He leans in so that Val can whisper in his ear, and moves down the line one at a time.

When everyone ends up giving Bones the same story (more or less; Jack's is probably overly detailed while Tarkus's grasp on things is likely tenuous at best), his eyes are wide with surprise. "Wow," he admits. "I guess I have to believe you, because I'm a man of my word." He turns to the shifters in the flank. "Let's get these guys untied and give them their weapons back. They're not the enemy."

The shifters do NOT like this at all. "WHAT?!" one growls. "Legion's dogs need put down!"

"Humans enslave country, try take our home!" says another. "Let GO?! NO!"

"Look," says Bones as authoritatively as he can muster (which is not-very), "I am the leader of this group, and I say that they're not in the Legion. You do what I say, understand? Me, alpha. You, beta."

"Elf-man conspire with Legion dogs!"

"Kill all, for pride of Howlpack!"

The shifters grab the party's weapons and begin advancing on Bones, since he's currently the biggest threat to them.

"Well, crap," says Bones.

((Back in combat now. Roll initiative and take your turn. An Escape Artist attempt is a standard action. Right now, four of you are tied relatively close together, but you have about 5 feet of slack in any direction even while roped up.

One shifter has Val's rapier, one has Tarkus's axe, one has Jack's sword, and the other two are backing up with bows and arrows equipped. The three with melee weapons are within 5 feet and can be reached this turn if you want to try punching them out or something.

Bones will be an NPC ally. I tried to get jon bones to guest star for this combat, but it turns out that he is currently banned.

Also, Muun can see exactly what is happening and is probably about 50 feet behind the party))

Mike M

Nick N
Escape Artist check:  1d20+11+2 Use Rope synergy bonus=24
Initiative:  1d20+5=25

Slam attack:  1d20+7=20
Damage:  1d4=3
Initiative:  1d20+4=24

((Damn, them's some good initiative rolls!))

The first trick in the book anyone who knows a thing or two about escaping rope bindings is to tense your muscles as tightly as possible while the rope is being tied, then relax them and use the slack to manage your escape. Which is exactly what Val does.

Letting out a groan of annoyance, he works at his bindings and laments, "Gods, it's like nobody's paying any fucking attention. We're not with the Legion, you unwashed cretins!"

Jack turns to address the shifter currently holding his sword. "Please exercise caution, the weapon you currently wield would be difficult to replace on this plane of existence." In contrast to the warning just issued, the mechanical man attempts to land a double-fisted blow on the shifter's chin.


bitch I'm taking calls.

Escape Artist check: 1d20+2 [15,2] = (17)
Initiative roll: 1d20+6 [9,2] = (15)

Tarkus watches Bonaparte Junior insult the rowdy and incensed pack of shifters with disbelief. As they turn on their leader and howl their murderous threat he growls and mutters to himself in frustration. "Refuse to die by own weapon."

Struggling to tear and wriggle free of his bindings he takes a 5 foot step toward the shifter holding his greataxe. "Hold it tight, pup. Will be buried in your chest shortly."

Escape artist: (1d20+3=13)
Quintus is not to surprised he is unable to escape these ropes, so he just backs away from the fighting and readies an action to cast dimension door himself away if any of the enemies come towards him.

"You need to find yourself some better lackeys Elroy..."
((Hmm, can Muun use the wall for cover and still get to the others within two turns? Or are the bad guys turned where they could see him running up?))
((You guys are still in the woods. You are currently 50 feet from the rest of the party. Not sure what a Human Ranger's speed is off the top of my head. If you want to try to make it to them without being seen you can roll Stealth; at half speed, you suffer no penalty, and at full speed you get a -5 to the check. There are sufficient trees/brush/whatnot around such that you always have places to try and hide.

Also, remember that all of the bad guys are within range of your bow where you're standing right now))
((Alright, I'll move at half speed since I can't get to them in one turn.))

Initiative: 1d20+4=9

Muun kneels from behind the base of a tree, the shadows of the foliage and branches further blocking what light the moon above provides. He waits for an opportunity to begin moving keeps patient, not letting himself get too anxious as the single interview after single interview strings and pulls time.

His eyes shift quickly as interesting activity begins to brew, and he sees the other men begin to apparently bully the elf they were just fighting. Muun uses this as an opportunity to begin moving through the woods, hoping they won't catch a glimpse of him.

Stealth Roll, Moving 15': 1d20+16=26
((I imagine that Tarkus's version of an "escape artist" attempt is actually to just pull the ropes apart, which would be more of a Strength check; to that end, I added his Strength modifier to that roll instead, which gives him a 21 and is enough to break the ropes.

You guys just barely beat them on Initiative. Longsword Shifter attacks Jack: 35 vs AC. Jack takes 13 damage.

All four other Shifters attack Bones/Elroy. One of the bowmen misses; the rest hit for a total of 45 damage after damage reduction.

Bones 5-steps back and does a Full Attack on the one with the Greataxe. One miss, one regular hit, one critical hit for a total of 52 damage.

Muun can actually make it 30 feet if he takes a double move, so I'll assume he does that. The shifters did not notice him.

Quintus, you can let your Dimension Door go off at the end of the bad guys' turn; none of them approached you, so I don't want to make you lose your action outright.))

"Hey Kaff," Bones says in a remarkable display of the acuteness of his elven memory, "Do you have any gorillas on you? Like in a Bag of Holding or something? I wouldn't mind engaging in some of that gorilla warfare you were just talking about..."

As Jack clumsily tries to wallop one of the passing shifters, his target nimbly dodges, then shifts its attention to the android. "Metal man think he quicker than shifters of woods? Pay you lesson!" The shifter strikes a savage blow on Jack with his own longsword, hard enough to pierce his metal skin.

The other shifters merely snarl at the party, the one with Tarkus's axe meeting the half-orc's gaze with a fiercely primal expression of his own. They prowl forward and strike at Bones, doing significant damage that the leafy armor has a hard time alleviating, not having regenerated from the previous battle.

Bones, injured but not out of it by a long shot, steps back and launches a flurry of arrows at his axe-equipped attacker, doing a great deal of damage but not quite bringing him down yet.

Finally, Val is able to slip free of his bindings at about the same time that Tarkus succeeds in simply ripping his apart, and Quintus simply teleports a few feet away, also free of the ropes. Now it's just a matter of retrieving their missing weapons...

((Begin next round. In case any of you want it, here is a link to an explanation of how to try to Disarm someone: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Disarm ))
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