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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((I'll edit this post with roleplay in a bit, but I think I want the bow too because I could use all the damage output I can get.))

EDIT: ((Healing applies the maximum roll for wands, right? If so then I'll use 1 charge of Wand of CMW on myself to heal 21 damage. I can also pass the wand around for you guys.))

Muun applies the wand to his wounds again after the Shifters finally give in. He looms over the dying Elf, listening to the instructions given carefully. Once the opposing Ranger finally leaves the world for good, Muun says to the corpse, "Don't worry, I am very protective of what is now mine." He takes the armor after Tarkus unhooks it for him, and gives it to Quintis to examine. He asks rhetorically while beginning to take off his mithral shirt, "I wonder which god it belongs to. I guess we'll be finding that out soon enough."

EDIT 2: ((I wanted to try and get better at digital art, so I re-did this Muun drawing, but I couldn't finish it so I just did enough to make a new avatar of it.))
((Yeah, magical healing is maximized outside of combat, so Tarkus, you actually gained back more HP than that.

If you guys are going back to bed, then your rest goes by uninterrupted)

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, Jack will just have to content himself with one of the non-fancy bows. Added it to his character sheet and updated his spell list for the next day.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Getting full healing from the potions plus half-healing from resting for even a little bit means Tarkus is all but topped up. Also the new digi-avatar of Muun is awesome, KM.))

Despite the rigorous chase, skirmish and aftermath of the fight in the forest, Tarkus still finds enough energy to return to camp for a few hours of sleep. Surprisingly, he feels much better if a bit sore despite resting at an odd cycle and in rough terrain. Flexing his muscles a bit and checking on his arrow wounds, he pats the empty potion bottles before restocking them with the remainder in his pack.

'Bitter...but powerful' he thinks to himself.

Leaning against a tree, he sets to work cleaning and repairing his armor while he waits for the others to wake. After habitually chewing on some trail rations he approaches Val.

"Shame for loss of Bones...and chance to contact forest rebels. Could of been useful against Legion. We still head to 'Bay?"
Busy flipping through his spell book, Quintus stops to respond to Tarkus "Yes, getting back to our own time is the most important thing right now. And if Jack is to be believed, we only have so long before that is no longer an option, so we better get there quick."
Muun grabs Bones' old bow as well, looking over it carefully. Once they get back to camp, he decides to test out its magical properties by drawing an arrow and then firing it at the dwindling campfire, suddenly re-igniting it with the magical flame properties. "Our old Elven friend was certainly well stocked."

"I don't know if it's safe here either way, we just killed several men, after all."
((Sorry guys, I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off this weekend. I will try to at least do a proper post before I go to bed tonight.))
The journey to Emerald Bay isn't exactly easy, though it is more mentally draining than physically. The Legion's patrol routes seem to run very efficiently and consistently, and over the next few days, "Commander Joubert" finds it necessary to present his identification and a copy of his orders to a multitude of patrol groups. He encounters varying levels of skepticism, but none are able to penetrate the masterful facade that Val crafted in the headquarters of the Resistance.

Emerald Bay looks quite different than it did when the party left it, but it hasn't grown nearly as much as Alydar has. There no longer seems to be any meaningful separation between the Academy campus and the town proper, though, and it's obvious even from a distance that the two humongous statues that used to flank the gate into campus are now gone.

Perhaps the biggest difference from the Emerald Bay of twenty years ago, which the party notices as they actually enter town, is the makeup of the population. It seems like nearly half of the town's residents are either orcs or half-orcs, with humans making up the bulk of the rest. The orcs here all seem young (probably teenagers, actually), and those that aren't dressed in the telltale uniforms of the Legion all seem to be wearing the same dull-green, drab uniforms. There is something different about these orcs; their eyes are almost... lifeless.

Although there are a fair amount more guards in the streets here than there were in Alydar, they are all very green and in training; thus, security is actually quite a bit more lax here. In addition, most of the soldiers-in-training tend to look up in admiration of either Val (the humans) or Tarkus (the orcs), which makes it easy to get around without your motives being questioned.

((You guys are now in Emerald Bay. There are a number of avenues available at this point, so I will let you all work out what you'd like to do. It took 5 more days to get here, so that should probably mean everyone is fully healed up by the time you arrive))
Muun spends the first morning before they set off putting on the Armor of Falling Leaves, half-expecting whatever god it belongs to to begin protesting its new wearer. Considering the Illuminary's distrust of the gods and the state Ravenloft is in, it is unlikely that Muun would know about any sort of nature god even though it seems like he should. He also dons the great bow, its size especially prevalent on the lean build.

If there's any room left, Muun will place his previous weapon and armor in the Handy Haversack.

During the trip he spends some time on a couple of the days to hunt for food to eat in place of rations.

Once they are in Emerald Bay, Muun looks around with a vast sense of unfamiliarity and wouldn't be able to pick up on the differences. While walking through the crowds with Val and the others, Orcs that are glaring towards him allow him to pick up the particular dullness that their eyes have. When he decides that he finds an opportunity to speak without being heard, he asks Quintis, "Something is wrong with the way they stare at us.. Do you have any idea if it might be an unnatural effect?"
"With the Legion in control of the area, I can guarantee it." Quintus then turns to Val "Alright, we need to find Incantatrix. I'll do what I can, but I doubt my old contacts will be of much use anymore, so I'm thinking you and your skills may be a bit useful this time around. I can use Telepathic Bond so we can stay in contact with each other if you like. By the way, I can include all of us in the spell if you like... well, I'm not sure if it would work on Jack here, but we could try."


bitch I'm taking calls.
In observing the trainee Orc and Half-Orc coming and going throughout the campus, Tarkus comes to the same conclusion as Muun.

"Eyes not show telltale sign of discipline or tiredness. Is something else...not natural."

At a bit of a loss for the next step, he differs to the others while considering what their last visit held for them. Looking to Quintus he voices his thoughts.

"Do you think they still hold tournament? Statue are gone, maybe mythos of Academy go through major change."

Remembering the trek through the dark mine of Iron Hill, his thoughts turn to Rand.

"Rand is headmaster now...Perhaps best to not think what happen to Mallory family."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus frowns angrily and opens his mouth to object when the truth of Muun's words finally reaches his understanding. Shutting his mouth he also closes his eyes in frustration. "Unsure if need avoid Rand or find him before he find us."

Coughing awkwardly to break an uncomfortable silence, he bows his head shamefully in difference to Quintus.

"Sorry, Q..."

Mike M

Nick N
"We're not here to dwell on such things," interjects Val. "I don't mean to sound callous, but our own survival and success are paramount over all other considerations. If we succeed, we wipe out all these wrongs in a single effort. It's just that the trick of it is that it is quite an effort."

Holding his chin in contemplation, Val considers the changes that have swept over Emerald Bay. While their false identities are lending them quite a bit of respect and lattitude in their actions, their faux credentials might also draw the attention of those that are better positioned to detect their deception. Namely, Rand knows who they are, and Val is not willing to bit that the fact that they haven't aged in 20 years will dull the villain's memory of those that betrayed him in that hellish prison in Ruby Keep.

This operation will need to be as secretive and delicate as possible.

"Emerald Bay has been converted to a military instalation in practice, if not in name," he muses. "Military outfits tend to have meticulous records. Perhaps we can audit their graduation rolls and see if we can't cull a list of Incantrixes we might avail ourselves of..."
Muun meets Tarkus' near anger with just a passing look, just waiting to let it sink in. He himself doesn't have much of an emotional reaction to the possible fate of the Mallorys, both in not knowing them personally and having such a professional, non-passionate relationship with tragedy in general.

Hearing Val's plan, he gives a verbal reaction, "Sounds easier said than done, of course. Even some vampires prefer to lure their prey away from their safety than to infiltrate."
"I concur with Julius's assessment," Jack says neutrally. "Unless the Mallorys would be capable of helping us accomplish our goal, their fate is immaterial. My recommendation is that we proceed to the nearest data repository that meets our information requirements."

With little other choice, the party starts its search by wandering somewhat aimlessly around the "city", which seems more akin to a military base now that they're getting a closer look. Most buildings have been repurposed to serve some sort of military function, with very few residences to speak of (large dormitory buildings excepted).

Most of those buildings would be expected on a military base - training facilities, mess halls, offices for the higher-ranking officials, that sort of thing. There is one particularly large complex of note, however, with signs in both Common and Orcish which say "Orc Reeducation Camp"; the Orcish one might also be translated as "Orcish Reprogramming Camp". There is a single entrance visible, and very tall, very sharp barbed wire fences line the entire facility. Nothing inside can be seen from out here.

A bit more wandering finds the party looking at a small building labeled "Hall of Records". Inside is a well-built man in a Legion uniform, wearing glasses and reading a book.

((You guys can interject stuff before getting to the Hall if you want. Quintus, you hinted that you may want to separate from the group temporarily; you can do that if you want))

Mike M

Nick N
"Actually, I would advise that we steer as far from that building as possible, given your... mixed heritage," Val advises Tarkus quietly. "We can break the back of their abuse of the orcs when we get back to our proper point in time. We know they have some sort of operation in Ruby Keep, that can be our very next destination once we return if you wish it. Doing anything now is an ultimately futile act."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus shakes his head. "Misunderstand. I mean find name in Hall of Records of who lead or in charge of camp. Use it to match for when going back to past."
"I wouldn't worry about it too much. A lot could happen in 20 years, for all we know the guy may not have even been involved with the Legion back then, and if they were, we'll probably end up crossing paths anyways. You want to go look the guy up go ahead, but I will be focusing on other things once we get to the Hall."
((You guys are at the hall right now. I wasn't clear whether you wanted to just casually stroll in, or try to bamboozle the guy at the desk, or try to sneak in past him, so that's the next step now that you're here))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val will make a perception check to see if he can't determine the guy's name, rank, position, etc. before making an approach.))

Perception check:  1d20+9=24
Judging by his uniform, and based on what you've learned in bits and pieces about the ranks of the legion, it looks like this is a mid-level lieutenant, which is impressive based on how young he looks. Your best guess is that he is ambitious and probably progressing quickly through the ranks. He appears to be competent both physically and mentally, and takes pride in his appearance. There's nothing indicating his name; the soldiers of the Legion don't wear name tags on their uniforms.

This is all based on reconnaissance that the party performed inconspicuously and without him noticing; for example, you may have peeked through a window or a door or somesuch. As far as you can tell, he doesn't know you're there yet.

Mike M

Nick N
"Well, there's nothing like the direct approach. Jack, follow my lead and for the love of gods don't contradict anything I say."

Val enters the Hall of Records and walks up to the muscular man with glasses and coughs politely. "Pardon me Lieutenant, but I was wondering if you could be of assistance for me. I have been tasked with escorting this construct in the course of facilitating it to carry out its assignment. The trouble is that the details of its assignment are on a strictly need-to-know basis, and it doesn't seem to think that I need to know many pertinent details. Details such as why he feels the need to peruse a seemingly random selection of records. He assures me it is of the utmost importance to completing his mission and by extension my own, however.

"Though what anyone needs with a the mess hall requisitions of the past six months, a list of graduates of the academy and their subsequent postings, the expense reports of the barracks, and a complete organizational chart of our ongoing orc reeducation efforts is well beyond me. But apparently he need only look at them and he will somehow computate some grand conclusion beyond the means of even our own considerable intellects."

Bluff Check:  1d20+31=45
The lieutenant blinks and doesn't say anything for a moment as he processes what's been asked of him. He looks back and forth between Val and Jack for a moment, and then shrugs. "Of course, Sir, but I'm sure you're aware that certain troop postings are classified, even to a Commander with your security clearance. Unless you have the proper requisition codes and file numbers, I'm afraid your information will be incomplete. The list of graduates is NOT classified, though - at least not for you. I will get started on that right away."

If Val doesn't have anything else to add, the lieutenant gathers all of the requested documents.

The listings of recent graduates are quite revealing. The vast majority of recent graduates are in martial positions; recipients of magic-related degrees are exceedingly few in number. Of those, there are beguilers, wizards and sorcerors for the baseline undergraduate degrees; mystic theurges, specialists of various schools, Archmages, and Fatespinners round out the populated headings for graduate degrees. There are some degree listings that appear empty, and one of those is the Incantatrix.

The man in charge of the Orc Reeducation Camps is a Colonel Francis Archibald. No further information about him can be gleaned from the requested document.

((If you want anything else from the stuff requested, let me know))


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I wouldn't worry about it too much. A lot could happen in 20 years, for all we know the guy may not have even been involved with the Legion back then, and if they were, we'll probably end up crossing paths anyways. You want to go look the guy up go ahead, but I will be focusing on other things once we get to the Hall."
As Val and Jack pursue a gambit of their own in the Hall of Records Tarkus ponders Quintus words. Nodding in consent, he nonetheless offers some additional thought. "Agree time is long and changes much. But, we know from many battles Orc and Half-Orc recruits were many...even back in origin times."

Watching the swashbuckling 'Commander' and man of metal enter the building, he concludes: "If not a thing to be found, so it will be. But any info to use against Arm and Legion to cull Orc recruit, will help mission." He turns to look ruefully upon the camp once more. "Admit it is also a personal mission too."
Finding little of interest in the hall of records that could help him learn about the world, being a room filled mostly with names and titles that are meaningless enough to be left out in the open without protection, he stays back and idles patiently with Quintis and Tarkus. The young Ranger quietly whispers back to Tarkus, saying, "Don't make it too personal for my benefit. Just focus on not becoming one of the victims."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus continues to stare intensely at the facility as Muun councils him. Closing his eyes and crossing his arms defiantly, he nonetheless nods reluctantly at what is said.

"Your advice for lone survival hold true, Muun. Experience with life in Ravenworld earn my respect for this and you and your peoples. But do not worry, refuse to endanger comrade in my personal quests. Have lived long in pursuit only of self-survival" he says, opening his eyes at this last statement to gaze at the scarred and observant ranger before him.

"But part of my being wants to stand for more. Maybe we all here by providence of gods, but fate of loved ones and sense of brotherhood drive me more than godly treasures or commands." Turning back to observe the Hall of Records once more, he quietly speaks once more before waiting for Val & Jack to return:

"Much like your Illuminary, feel weight on shoulders for kin. Day may come to take matters into own hands in sacrifice for better Orc and half-Orc future."

Mike M

Nick N
Val thanks the librarian for his time and informs him that if Jack decides the list of postings to be absolutely necessary, they'll return with the proper paperwork.

Returning to the group, he discloses his findings. "Well, we know their orc brainwashing operation is headed by one Francis Archibald. We also found that incantrices are not in high demand, as the Legion hasn't seemed to produce any lately. I suppose we could come back after hours and pick the lock, but seems like it'd be a needle in a haystack."

Val watches the ebb and flow of foot traffic as he ponders their next move. "Quintus, what exactly does an incantrix do? Is there a specific work environment here we might find one in?"
As Quintus opens his mouth to answer (and Quintus would know pretty much everything from this description), the sounds of the normal hustle-and-bustle of movement along the streets is disrupted by the sound of two rapid-fire explosions.

The blasts obviously originated in the Orc Reeducation Camp, and fires and smoke can be seen billowing up from at least two distinct locations within the compound.

"Filthy Rebel scum!" a random passerby shouts, and immediately people begin panicking and moving in random directions.

A number of soldiers-in-training notice Val's decorated status and high rank and begin looking to him. "Orders, Commander?!" one of the young orcs yelps, and suddenly a number of eyes and ears are on Val and the rest of the group, looking for guidance.
Sensing that this debate is beginning to escalate, Muun pulls out an arm to guide Tarkus away from prying ears while still opting to keep his voice low, "I can understand how you feel, but assuming we manage to go back to time and trivialize the tragedies we have seen, how productive would it be to go after some random person that probably didn't even think to hold this 're-education' program until he was told to do so? Maybe I'm a bit harsh, but I feel like most goals that put us in danger are pointless until we can go back and time."

He returns to Quintis and Val, deciding to pull out of the conversation for the time being to see what Val has to say. Learning about the lack of the magi they need, he states, "It's almost like they did that on-" he quickly turns towards the direction of the booming explosions, hand hovering towards his bow from pure muscle memory, but he is stopped from attacking once he realizes that all of the chaos is happening away from them and not targeted towards them. He looks to Val in anticipation of what sort of things a liar will say.

Mike M

Nick N
"Looks like Ivor's philosophy has some adherents here in the Emerald Bay," Val says quietly as he witnesses the twin plumes of flame and smoke reaching into the sky as the crowd of civilians begin to panic and scatter, leaving the party looking rather conspicuous as an island of relative calmness in a sea of chaos.

Suddenly aware that one of the orcs is addressing him, Val steps back into character without missing a beat. Waving his hand over one half of the group of assembled orcs, he commands, "You. You take the closer fire." Waving his hand over the other half, he says, "You take the one further away. Grab every member of the Legion that you see on the way, form a perimeter around the sites. Evacuate the wounded as you can, detain anyone who is uninjured for questioning. Double time!"

As soon as he is able as the orcs depart to carry out his instructions, Val nods in the direction of the nearest alley and ducks within. "Now would be an excellent time to get the hell off the streets. Passing as an officer in their army is incredibly useful for getting around, but the last thing we need is for me to be the face of a response to a crisis and draw undue attention to ourselves. Jack, did Ivor ever mention who his contact in the city is? Now would be an excellent time to drop off this delivery of his and lay low for a bit."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Archibald..." Gears grinding slowly in his mind, Tarkus' brooding is shattered by the rumble of explosions that choke the clear sky with plumes of dark smoke. "Attacks!" Motion always more calming than inaction, the knots in his mind start to unwind as he starts forward toward the compound.

Now is chance to-

His inner thought is interrupted as his path is cut across by several soldiers who head directly for Val and ask for orders. Listening intently as the 'Commander' delegates actions, Tarkus shoulders slump at Val's words and he remains still as troops pass by on either side toward the site of the explosions. It is clear to him that Val intends for the party to slip out of sight.

Balling his hands into fists, Tarkus rigidly moves to meet the party in the alley. Once they are there he speaks up. "Every thing we ignore, cus we will simply magick back to fix all things? Maybe simply not understand...but I have limits." Understanding their ability to travel at all is due to the efforts of Val's crafted disguises, he relents to finding Ivor's contact for now and laying low. But not without a dark look upon his face and a bitter taste upon his tongue.
Quintus interjects before Jack can respond to Val, "Probably not a bad idea, but if anyone sees you leaving the scene, they may get suspicious... Maybe we should go 'help'?"
((Rolling Jack's Perception: Natural 20 + 13 = 33))

Jack peeks out inconspicuously from the alley. "I do not believe that we were observed leaving the scene," he says in response to Quintus. "Additionally, I concur with Julius's assessment that it would be unwise to draw attention to ourselves unless absolutely necessary, especially given the heightened level of security that will likely follow this incident. My analysis of beneficial outcomes to involving ourselves comes up lacking, particularly if we operate under the guise of helping the Legion.

"The leaders of each resistance cell know each other only by code name. The leader of the resistance cell in Emerald Bay operates under the code name 'Half Moon'. I can lead us to the designated location for making contact with the resistance cell, if that is the course of action we decide to take."

((Don't necessarily take this as a push from the DM to go in one direction or the other; I am just giving Jack's in-character assessment of the situation while answering the question that was asked of him))
((Now is a good time to drop a factoid and mention that I decided to make the reference in Muun's name simple and obvious for a change by the fact that it's supposed to be pronounced 'Moon'.

Behold, I just retroactively made a bunch of dialogue in the last two 100pp pages and what is coming up very awkward.))

Muun loosens his arm while speaking with an idea, "I saw how everyone was eyeing the liar and Tarkus. They're the only two of us that the soldiers even care about. Unless it would be too much of a danger to split up, some of us could make the delivery while the liar can make it seem like he's still acting under authority."

((Probably a terrible idea, though.))

Mike M

Nick N
"Tarkus," Val says, clasping his hands together in askance before him, "I realize trying to think in four dimensions upon the nature of causality is a difficult concept to understand, but I implore you to please trust me on this. But yes, we can very literally 'just magic back' and fix all this, but only if we don't take unnecessary risks before we can act. I've gotten the soldiers tasked with helping the survivors of the blast, but that is the limit of the amount of exposure I'm willing to risk. We're saving who we can through what avenues are available to us, we mustn't try and save a few at the expense of our ability to save the many. It's a cold calculus, but sometimes you need to divorce emotions from decisions of import as great as this.

"Now I realize that I have no actual command over anyone here, but I do know more than a thing or two about the game we're playing with the Legion here, and I am telling you that right now our best course of action is to disappear for the time being. If I go out there and assume command, things are liable to fall apart as soon as someone with real command shows up and starts asking questions. Not that I doubt my ability to be completely and utterly convincing, but the less opportunities we provide, the less likely we are to get caught.

"Jack knows where Half Moon is, I say we stick together, we make the drop, and we see if he doesn't have any info we can't use. The sooner we can locate an incantrix, the sooner we can depart from beneath Rand's nose."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I think now would be a good time to divulge that I have been slowly converting the determination of my in-character actions to dice rolls. 20 means he acts with perfectly reasoned logic and morality but 1 means he will fly into a rage and indescriminately attack all nearby targets.))

Crushing the loose gravel of the alley beneath his boot, Tarkus mouth remains terse and eyes narrow. As he weighs the words of his friends once more in his mind, he finally comes to a resolution. Despite the overhanging wood thatching over the alleyway, a hole in the roofing of one of the buildings allows a thin ray of sunlight to pierce the shade, illuminating the wall in a circular shape.


Clearing his throat Tarkus breaks his reverie to reply. "All relies on certain form of faith...so it seem." Staring past Val and out into the chaotic streets, he lingers momentarily before his focus returns.

Gritting his teeth he shakes his head at Muun and Quintus' suggestions. "Moving as unit always been our strength. Accept Val council in ways he trained in, same as faith in magicks Q and Iron Jack know but I do not understand."

Unclasping his greataxe, he grasps it tightly before him, looking into the reflection of his eyes in its mirror sheen edge before slowly re-attaching it to his back.

"Faith, not only in gods, but in each other. So it is, so it shall be."

"Let us find Half-Moon."

((Yeah I know it wasn't that big of a decison but I was feeling poetic. Also just kidding about the dice thing. That would be awful.))
With the matter seemingly decided for now at least, the party slips gradually further and further from the site of the rebel attack and makes their way toward the docks.

In an isolated section of the docks, after performing an elaborate series of subtle, seemingly nonsensical actions that are reminiscent of the means of entry into the Alydar Resistance HQ, Jack walks through an illusory wall and down some stairs; the party follows, and finds themselves in a narrow, water-tight metal hallway under the water. It leads a short distance off the coast, and ends at a door.

At the doorway, Jack knocks five times in a specific rhythm, and then says, "Purple dishwasher." The door opens on its own.

On the other side is an impressively large facility, given that it exists underwater. There's not time to dwell on it, though, because it's immediately obvious that there is turmoil on the inside. People are rushing around, and it's clear that there are multiple injured parties, and others are attempting to treat them. People are momentarily uneasy when they note the entrance of unfamiliar faces, but when it becomes clear that the party isn't currently threatening them, they go right back to what they were doing. Most of the injured are dressed in Legion armor.

There is a high percentage of Orcs down here - Orcs who still have a fire in their eyes. The others are mostly elven and human. One of the Orcs looks familiar to Tarkus.

"Lok'Tar, Half Brother," Martok says in Common immediately upon locking eyes with the half-orc. The years have worn heavily on him; Orcs don't have the luxury of expanded life spans, as elves and dwarves do. He actually looks a fair bit more than twenty years older than the last time Tarkus saw him, sporting many battle scars, though fortunately they all appear to only be superficial. "I see that the years have been kind to you. Forgive me - I have urgent matters to tend to, but we will speak of days gone by and days to come once things have calmed down."

Listening to the ambient chatter, the party is able to puzzle out that the operation that had just been carried out at the Orc Reeducation Camp did not go as planned. There were supposed to be five explosions rather than two, with the aim to be complete destruction of the entire facility. Three of the teams apparently got compromised during the mission, and the other two barely made it out alive.

After some time, things settle down, and as promised, Martok, the wise and strong Orc elder, and former leader of the Orcish Reformation Party, once again approaches Tarkus (along with the rest of the party), beats his fist to his chest respectfully, and speaks in Common. "It is refreshing to see your face again, half-brother. I can tell that you have seen many things, but perhaps not so many as I, since our last meeting. I am glad to see that you have joined our cause, and hope that you bring welcome news with you. I am sure you have overheard that much of today's news has been most unwelcome."
((Oh, and Happy One Year Anniversary to this campaign, you guys! We started on May 16th, 2012, and here we are, 365 days later. Thanks for sticking with it so far, and here's hoping it continues at least until the story concludes!))


((Thanks to all of you from a lurker as well. This is a great thread and it's become a daily pleasure to read you guys as you play.))
((Oh, and Happy One Year Anniversary to this campaign, you guys! We started on May 16th, 2012, and here we are, 365 days later. Thanks for sticking with it so far, and here's hoping it continues at least until the story concludes!))
((I wonder when the mods (if they even know about this game) are gonna make us create a new thread.))

"You make a good point. I suppose we'll have to deal with them wondering where you have suddenly disappeared to."

At the facility in the docks, Muun keeps to the back as usual and picks up on much of the chatter, particularly on the failure to detonate every single explosive that they wanted to, "This must have been the dwarf's idea." not particularly remembering Ivor's name, "Hopefully he'll see why this plan was such a bad idea after today."
Martok, aka "Half Moon", eyes Muun. "Your words sting, young one, but they ring true. I know nothing of a dwarf; I take full responsibility for our failed mission. That terrible place has no right to exist in this world or any other, and perhaps I was blinded by that fact. We lost many good people today, and a change in strategy would seem to be in order."
Muun directs his gaze to Martok, saying, "My words may sting, but they were not aimed towards you. A dwarf in another city tried to convince us to pull a similar stunt, but for an insignificant target, which is why we are now here instead."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Returning his gaze with a prompt salute of his own, the lines over Tarkus brow soften noticeably at the sight of of the wizened Orc. "Throm-Ka, Elder Martok. In time many year passed since our meeting in Ruby Keep, but from magicks seem not but single year to myself."

Looking about him as Muun and Martok exchange words, he takes a moment to observe the carnage and damage caused by the failed operation. "Understand struggle against camps of Legion. We both familiar with manipulation by foul hand in enslaving our brothers, even from so many years ago."

Stepping forward to continue his address, he gestures back to his group of companions behind him. "But we strive for something more than small strikes. We are driven by greater forces through foreign worlds and gods to aim for very center of tyranny. Our purpose lie in ending all of Legion rule...before it even begin."

Impassioned by the sight of free and resisting Orcs, Tarkus eyes soften and his usually stern contenance cannot resist a wry smile. "But we still help now in what ways we are able. For one, we do bring welcome news. Aid from rebellion in Alydar. A package that appear much in need for wounded."

In retrieving the shipment of potions, he introduces Jack, Muun, "Commander Julius" and Quintus to Half-Moon.

"They are trusted friend and comrades. Also much better equipped to explain detail of our mission and what we seek."
"Please, I would not hear information about Full Moon," he says as Muun mentions the dwarf from Alydar. "The less I know about other resistance cells, the less I am able to divulge under duress if I am captured."

He hears Tarkus's words, and seems pleased about the news of a shipment. He looks through the Bag of Holding. "Not all of these are Potions of Healing, but we are nonetheless more than grateful for your assistance in bringing them to us. They will be of great help. I would hear your companions speak of your needs, and will assist your quest as much as I am able."
"Great! We need to find an Incantrix. Not too many people graduating from that class anymore it seems, but perhaps you know one? Or more likely, at least have the resources to find one."
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