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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

A mirthless, rueful chuckle escapes Martok's lips, temporarily cracking his highly-disciplined exterior. "I know little and less of these Incantatrixes and their ways, but I do know where you can find one. You need look no further than the Headmaster's office. General Rand happens to be an expert in his craft. I am not surprised that you are unable to find one; he is in charge of the program at the academy, and hand-picks potential candidates himself. Certainly you will not find one of comparable ability to his."

Martok provides Quintus with a detailed dossier of General Rand, detailing his life before Ruby Keep was overthrown, his overtures to gain the favor of the Praetor, and his quick rise into the upper echelons of the Legion's ranks. Originally imprisoned for performing unspeakable arcane experiments on children (and their corpses, in some cases), Rand's crimes were quietly wiped away soon after the fall of Ruby Keep.

"If you plan to see the Headmaster, we have a difficult time ahead of us," Martok explains as the party reads over the information. "Though not impossible, reaching Rand will require very careful planning and execution."
Muun wasn't around to realize how much Sarm and Suvne screwed over Rand back then by managing to convince the rest of the party to find an alternate means of escape, thus doesn't give the same kind of reaction that the others will, but still finds the descriptor an opening to give insight, "The sorts of evil he is known for sounds typical in a world I come from, except I doubt my people would experiment with the idea of putting him in charge of overseeing even more young people after the fact."

Mike M

Nick N
Val wonders what, exactly, Martok's plan would have looked like if it had succeeded. To Val's eyes, it looked very much like it would have looked like the destruction of the reeducation center and the deaths of all within. At least Ivor's harebrained scheme targeted uniformed soldiers, Martok's seemed to have little to no regard for the lives of the very orcs he was supposedly trying to save.

Whether it was the result of the inevitable loss of clarity of the mind that follows age, or if Martok has become so steeped in violence over the years that he only cares about tallying up bodies wearing green armor, Val couldn't say. It was immaterial though, as regardless of the answer these actions would still be thoroughly abhorrent to him. Still, having just come off lecturing Tarkus about the futility of trying to make a difference now when accomplishing their goal will nullify all perceived wrongs, he bites his tongue.

Martok's intel on where they can find an Incantrix, however, deflates Val's optimism and resolve considerably. His face drained of color, he slumps into the nearest chair. "Rand is the only one?" he chokes out. "We're fucked. We are so fucked. Gods, even if all my siblings were here and we were doing this in the seat of our turf at the height of our available resources, I'd be nigh impossible. Even if we were to reach him, how on earth could we compel him to cooperate with what we need from him?"
"Well... if nothing else I may be able to 'persuade' him to help us out. Whether he wants to or not. Might not be a bad idea to pick up a few other spells as well... Do they still sell scrolls here or do I have to get permission to buy them now?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
As Martok accepts the potions, Tarkus ventures a question: "What kind of potion they contain, if not healing?" He thinks back to Ivor's bustling attitude and wonders himself about rebellions and their formation. "Time in mercenary wars lend me to think tyranny only respond to force...but never faced threat on scale of Legion. Nor for such prolonged time of guerrilla warfare."

Brushing his musing aside with a grunt, he listens as Val bemoans the seeking inevitability of confronting Rand...not for justice, but for his favor.

"Gods laughing at us now. Vecna and his petty chess. Rand will remember us not aiding him..." Tarkus adds. "May have been long ago, but prisoner do not forget time in captivity." Standing to Val's right side, he attempts to remember what he can of the filthy mage prisoner with perfectly sharp white teeth.

"Rand appear not type that loyal to any cause...maybe only greedy for power. Only chance to succeed if we have something he want we can afford to give..." Agreeing with Quintus, he nonetheless wears a disgusted look upon his face, the knuckles on his clenched hands white with pressure.

"Always seem forced into trap or play by hand of another. Urge to bite hand and smash trap grow stronger each time."
"What did you do to piss off Rand anyway? I hope whatever Quintis has in mind will work, because I don't want our only option to be to take away everything he has to live for which is pretty much this entire city in his grips."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"He was prisoner we encountered in super jail. He asked us to remove anti-magick collar and he would free us all. We refused because he seem creepy and paladin tell us he had dark intentions."

"Using magicks on children and corpses...Suvne was very right. But he will remember it as betrayal. And now we need thing from him."
"We do not have any magical scrolls here, I am sorry," Martok replies to Quintus. "None of us possess the ability to make use of them, so there is typically no need. However, if you were to visit the scribe's office in town, I believe that your friend's assumed identity as a Commander will qualify your party to make purchases without arousing suspicion."

He then turns to Val. "Take heart, young one," he says in his most fatherly tone, "It is always the darkest before dawn. Together, we will find a way for you and yours to make good on your mission. We need only study the Headmaster's schedule, so that we may determine---"

Martok's platitudes are interrupted by a loud CRASH; the door at the entryway has just been blasted open. A large group of armed Legion men --- not cadets-in-training, but actual battle-ready soldiers --- floods into the room with weapons drawn.

Having been caught entirely off-guard, the denizens of the underwater hideout are temporarily paralyzed in confusion, and that moment is enough for the invading troops to move into advantageous positions.

From among the crowd emerges an older man - not quite elderly, but nearing the end of his middle-aged years. Dressed in a Major's uniform (only three rungs lower than a General in the hierarchy), he is large in every dimension, but not fat. His eyes are cold and penetrating, as though he can see through your soul.

Val recognizes him as his younger brother Valance; Tarkus and Quintus pick up on it soon after, having met the younger version of the man in Northport.

Val and Valance lock eyes, and Val knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Valance recognizes him.

"Well well, Commander," he says at Val, "I must commend you. Thanks to the efforts of you and your men, it appears that the infamous 'Half Moon' will never again be a danger to the young men and women of Emerald Bay."

Valance performs a subtle gesture, recognizable only by Val as a request for information that he might need to be made aware of.

Martok's nostrils flare, and his withering gaze sears directly into the heart and soul of Tarkus. He mutters one word under his breath in Orcish, a word which Tarkus recognizes as the worst possible insult that one orc could possibly inflict on another; a word that cuts far deeper than its simple translation into common might suggest:
Muun takes a quick, sweeping step that turns his entire posture around, legs naturally bending in shrinking his stature while reaching under the disguise given by Val to wear to grasp the handle of what used to be Bone's weapon. The impending gathering of men turns out to be too much to fully pull it out without it being seen as a threat of violence that would surely get him overwhelmed.

Trapped in his readiness, Muun stares back towards the large man with equally cold and penetrating eyes, a soul that simply stares right back when seen. It is only when it's possible that their cover isn't blown that Muun eases up himself to prevent himself from looking too much like an enemy that is not with Val, but also keeping his hand on his bow under the disguise draping because he doesn't agree with the possibility that they're at an advantage just yet. The eyes of the young boy shift over to the single word of Orcish that rumbles from the Orc's throat, able to sense the chilling intent behind its mutter despite being unable to understand its meaning. It lets Muun know that things are especially worse for his companion than anybody standing in the room right now.
((Oh, and Happy One Year Anniversary to this campaign, you guys! We started on May 16th, 2012, and here we are, 365 days later. Thanks for sticking with it so far, and here's hoping it continues at least until the story concludes!))

Lurker note: Congrats on the birthday! And thanks for letting us share in your adventure.

Mike M

Nick N
Val snaps to attention and salutes Valance. "Thank you sir. Your timing is impeccable as always. My team and I have just discovered a potential plot to assassinate the Headmaster himself, it is imperative that we be debriefed at once.

"Oh, and if I may be so bold, could we save the interrogation of the prisoner for myself? I do have so many... pointed questions to ask of him."

Feining to brush dust and debris off his uniform, Val conceals his reciprocating hand gestures requesting that the party not be separated and that they be permitted to confer in private at once.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the blast throws the entrance door off its hinges and sounds a crash throughout the chamber, Tarkus quickly pulls the greataxe from his back in alarm. Pivoting to face the blast, he hardly has time to react as the boots of the entering troops echo in unison. Quickly overcoming the forces in the room and surrounding them with weapons drawn, a part of the Half-Orc relishes in the opportunity to finally discard pretense and finally openly act against the Legion. Every muscle in his body tenses in alert, driven by adrenaline and preparing to charge...when suddenly a highly decorated Major waltzes onto the scene and congratulates them quite calmly.

Looking to their familiar 'Commander' for deceptive direction, he notices the usual unflappable man slightly taken aback, though is uncertain if he notices it simply from proximity with him for so long or if it is feigned surprise. And that is when Tarkus recognizes the burly man, and his skin prickles with irritation and surprise.


Remembering their previous encounters with frustration, he nonetheless recalls the man as having aided them previously. Narrowing his eyes, he pushes away his personal distaste for Valance and mentally reminds himself that he is not unlike Val in his sacrifice to deceive the enemy. Conscious of Muun, he grunts to the ranger "Look to Julius." Despite this, before the grip upon his weapon is fully loosened, the words of Martok burn their way into his head from his corner of the room.

Turning to look at the tired but defiant orc, a sick feeling creeps into his stomach as Martok's eyes carry more weight in their accusation of betrayal than his curse ever could hope to convey. The exquisite pain of a trapped and bitter soul flows from Martok’s gaze and resonates deeply within Tarkus.

"Afar Angathfark, Kurr." Orcish:
'By the forge of my soul, never.'

Turning back to the two Fierno brothers, he eyes the troops surrounding Martok with his peripheral vision. Through gritted teeth, his itching muscles remain nonetheless stationary, observing for the moment how the two Fierno’s will let this play out.
Muun doesn't respond to Tarkus, not wanting to put his entire trust on one man's ruse being stretched hard at the moment and more focused on the inevitable fight that is about to happen. To him, they had just inadvertently done their enemy's work for him, and they won't be repaid in favor once it's found out that 'Julius' isn't a legitimate commander.
"At ease, Soldier," Valance says with the practiced intonations of a commanding officer. "The moment this facility is secure, I will personally oversee your debriefing. The matter of the prisoner's interrogation will be addressed later, of course, but I will see to it that your request is heard."

He shifts his gaze to address the resistance members. "You will surrender yourselves to my men immediately if you wish to live another day. Submit, and we will escort you out of here in an orderly fashion."

"NO!" a gruff orcish shout sounds from the back of the room, "Will NOT become slave to Legion! Rather die!"

Other orc voices shout in agreement, and a scuffle begins to break out - a scuffle that the orcish rebels have no hope of winning without additional help.

((Basically, to lay it out plainly, if the party chooses to help the rebels and fight against the Legion, the rebels have a chance to turn the tables. If the party does nothing, the rebels are very obviously going to get slaughtered.

If you choose to fight, roll initiative, and the nearest Legion target is only a five-foot-step away. In the event that combat breaks out, I'll draw up a map))
Despite having his hand on his bow up until then, the fight that breaks out doesn't convince him that he should use it just yet. Now he knows for sure that this commander that just waltzed in is a lesser danger compared to if they stay and end up getting killed in crossfire, he harshly and gratingly whispers to everyone around him to emphasize his wish, "We need to get out of here."

Mike M

Nick N
"Restrain them!" Val bellows to the legionaires. "I need them intact and able to talk!"

Pointing at Jack and Quintus, he gestures at the scuffle. "Now would be an excellent time for those shadow tentacles or paralysis spells or whatever you happen to have on tap."

((I didn't have Jack prep anything like that prepped for the day, incidentally))
Val's well-intentioned plea causes some slight confusion among the Legionairres, causing them to hold back on using lethal force for a few seconds.

That few seconds is all it takes to painfully remind them that they're dealing with savage, untamed, proud Orcish warriors. Almost simultaneously, and in a single motion, multiple Orcs draw their weapons and impale the closest Legion soldier, causing instant death and going a long way toward evening the odds.

Martok seizes the opportunity and shouts a guttural Orcish battle cry.

Suddenly, the scuffle has now turned into a full-blown battle, and the party is directly in the middle of it.

Valance catches Val's eye through the ensuing chaos and shouts, "I do wish you hadn't done that. This will be a much harder mess to clean up now."

((Don't worry about rolling initiative now. Just take an action. Theoretically you could be fighting for either side here, and there's no shortage of targets either way; it's up to you))
As the battle ensues, Muun is forced to shove one of the combatants past him else getting trampled while he speaks his opinion, "I liked the idea until it didn't work." He almost doesn't care anymore, finding himself on the same page as what he still thinks as the enemy commander concerning the war that just broke out.

Mike M

Nick N
Val reluctantly draws his rapier. His off hand brushes against the pocket of his trousers, and he can feel the weight of the fractured compass he found on the deserted streets of Southport when they first arrived to this aberrant timeline. He realizes that even though he's relatively certain all these questionable actions might be undone, the price of success is continually escalating, and he would rather not add directly to the toll if it can at all be helped. He adopts a defensive posture, keeping an eye out for any resistance members who might take him for an easy or high-value target.

Jack produces his integrated greatsword and does likewise.

"Stop 'Larteck' if he attempts anything that might compromise us," Val instructs Jack in a cold whisper, "but don't hurt him."


((Total defense for Val, same for Jack unless Tarkus does something Val disapproves of.

Man, no way we're going home without SERIOUS trust issues after this quest... Sarm checks out, and look at the shit we do. LOL.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sorry for not posting sooner guys. Also double sorry as I think in the fairness of role play Tarkus patience has reached its limit.))

Initiative: 1d20+6 → [18,6] = (24)


As the a deadly brawl breaks out, the pit in Tarkus stomach drops. Backing away from the encroaching Legion, Tarkus stands near the Orc resistance, his greataxe raised in their defense. At Martuk's fierce cry, something shifts in Tarkus mind. The words of the others are drown out and time slows to a momentary crawl as the Orcs strike with mortal efficiency into the ranks of the confused soldiers.

As steel meets steel and flesh spurts blood, the half-orc's patience with pretence is broken.

The blood coursing through veins spread over his tensed muscles carries a fiery, heavy dose of adrenaline that causes his vision to fog and take on a red haze. Charged with battle fever and adrenaline, the remaining vestiges of his discipline manage to focus his deadly energy into a deep breath. Staring down the attacking Legion soldiers, he steps forward and spreads his arms out, releasing his breath in a guttural roar, a terrible and challenging battlecry yelled as loudly as he can.

((Will check DC 17 for enemies to not attack Tarkus.))
Tarkus's roar takes the entire room by surprise. Martok's disposition is immediately reversed, and suddenly he becomes emboldened as he takes on two adjacent opponents.

Other nearby Legionairres go on high alert as they begin to realize they don't have as many friends in the room as they thought. A swarmof them converges on Tarkus, correctly assessing him as the biggest threat and landing four decisive strikes on him ((a total of 33 damage over four hits)).

Across the room, Valance face palms and takes a deep breath. In one elegant, fluid motion he pulls a Longsword from its scabbard and stabs the nearest Legionairre in the gut; he dies wearing a perplexed expression. "If we intend to leverage my high military rank at all from this point forward, I suggest we not allow any of these men to leave this room alive," Valance says at Val.

In another part of the room, Quintus's mass of tentacles introduces itself indiscriminately to a large mass of combatants on both sides, effectively incapacitating half of the field.

((Sorry about the lack of map still; I'm on my phone. Tarkus is completely surrounded by 7 Legionairres. The tentacles have five Legionairres and four rebels trapped. Martok is fighting two Legion soldiers. Valance has begun to exterminate the men near him.

Val, I'm not sure who you meant when you said Lartreck? Maybe I'm missing something))
Man, no way we're going home without SERIOUS trust issues after this quest... Sarm checks out, and look at the shit we do. LOL.))
((I know right? Isn't it glorious?))

Muun pulls out his bow and takes a step back to retract behind the defending Val, "There's something I should tell you... I'm not very good at 'not killing' with my archery." There is legitimate concern underlined in that statement, to suggest that it's an actual problem with his abilities rather than a quirk in attitude.

When Tarkus roars and decides to join the battle by drawing attention fully to himself, Muun whines, "Nine hells! What is he doing!? Does he do this a lot!?" and then his mind can't even be occupied with that issue when the leading commander slays his own man and immediately suggests expending every one of his own men for some kind of gain, causing Muun to draw an arrow and aim directly at Valance, still not knowing whose side he's actually on, "Who are you to kill your own men like diseased pups!? It's your acclaimed 'leverage' and 'rank' that should be thrown to the wolves as a reward for such a crime."

((I had another action in mind before ThLunarian's post, but ROLEPLAY))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Val, I'm not sure who you meant when you said Lartreck? Maybe I'm missing something))
((I believe that was the forged identity name chosen for Tarkus.))

As a squad of Legion soldiers converges on his position, Tarkus grits his teeth and braces himself to meet them in his uncompromising stance. Although a few blows clatter harmlessly against his breastplate, he grunts in pain as several steel blades dig into his flesh. Grimacing sardonically at the success of his mortal gambit, the besieged fighter pivots to change his stance.

On new footing, Tarkus tilts his greataxe to fight defensively, unleashing a trio of strikes aimed toward pushing back and hacking into the nearest legionnaire.

((Full round of fighting defensively, -4 on attack rolls and +2 dodge bonus to AC.))

Attack v Legion Soldier
1d20+23-4 → [14,23,-4] =(33)
Damage: 1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)
1d20+23-4 → [2,23,-4,-5] = (16)
1d20+23-4 → [1,23,-4,-10] = (10)

((Good grief at those last 2 attack rolls...))
"I don't know who you are," says Valance to Muun, in between a bit of swordplay with a nearby soldier, "But I would highly recommend that you point your weapon away from me. I assure you that I am quite ruthless and unforgiving even to my friends. You don't want to know what I do to my enemies. Commander, you may want to rein in your men; they seem to be egregiously out of control." His sentence is punctuated by a fatal slash across the midsection of his latest victim.

Mike M

Nick N
Val sighs as the room explodes into violence and confusion. "Spare the leader, but leave no other legionaires alive," he instructs Jack.

"His actions would indicate that his loyalty to the Legion is questionable, despite his apparent rank," Jack observes.

"Yes, he's a bit of a deep cover operative. And now that his cover is blown, we need to ensure that all witnesses who aren't on our side of things don't survive to tell the tale."

Val and Jack take the opportunity to diminish the number of legionaires in the room by attacking a pair of them entangled in the Quintus' black tentacles.

((Presuming they had to take a move action to get there))

Val Attack:  1d20+19=23
Damage:  1d6+13=14

Jack Attack:  1d20+15=22
Damage:  2d6+10=21

((Not the greatest rolls in the world : /))
Alright, here is a battle map, updated for Tarkus and Val's actions this turn.

((I'm just going to assume Muun heard Val since I was expecting Val to stop him directly anyway.))

"Ruthless and unforgiving are the only kinds of enemies I've known." he responds, his attention then directed over to Val after Val explains to Jack the man's true nature, "Wait, how do you know that from a man we had just met?" While waiting for an answer, Muun soon figures that if they're going to kill every Legion man anyway, he may as well let the so-called operative do some of the work for them, as well as it'll be much easier to deal with a dishonorable man when he's outnumbered. And making the operative work he shall, disregarding his situation in favor of helping Tarkus who is currently acting on good intention.

Initiative: 1d20+4=21

((If a target goes down while Full Attacking, I want to shift my attacks to another one if I have any remaining attacks left.))

Full Attack Rolls, Rapid Shot Activated, 2nd & 4th attacks crit: 1d20+4+12+4-2=35, 1d20+4+12+4-2=38, 1d20+4+7+4-2=24, 1d20+4+2+4-2=28

Crit Confirms: 1d20+4+12+4-2=25, 1d20+4+2+4-2=10

Damage Rolls: 1d10+2+4+1d6=12, 1d10+2+4+1d6=11, 1d10+2+4+1d6=15, 1d10+2+4+1d6=20

Damage Roll for the Confirmed Crit Hit: 1d10+2+4+1d6=16
((Yeah, let's go with that. Also I guess its my turn? I should probably do something.))

Quintus casts haste on the party so they can clean up this mess a little faster.

((Quintus gets charged by three Legionairres. 25, 29, and 12 vs AC. First two attacks deal 7 and 9 damage respectively.

Val gets attacked by a nearby raging Orc rebel with a hand axe. 22 vs AC; unless I'm missing a modifier somewhere, that should hit, and it deals 17 damage.

Tarkus gets attacked by the two remaining surrounding Legionairres. First hit is a critical threat, with a 24 vs AC to confirm. 16 damage. Second attack: 18 vs AC will miss.))

Together, Tarkus and Muun whittle down the crowd surrounding the half-orc. Swinging wildly, Tarkus misses on most of his strikes but hits where it counts on the first one, eliminating one target; Muun's series of odds-defyingly-accurate shots are enough to take out three more. A wayward crossbow bolt from who-knows-where takes out a fifth, and that leaves Tarkus still outnumbered but in a much more manageable situation. The two remaining Legion soldiers attack Tarkus simultaneously, one acting as a distraction as the other hits a weak point in his armor, scoring a particularly damaging blow.

Val and Jack charge the tentacled Legion soldiers side by side, Jack successfully taking out one of them while Val hits his target, but is unable to quite take him out of the fight. An enraged Orc nearby spots Val and recognizes him as an enemy, lashing out with his one-handed axe and tearing a chunk into Val's shoulder.

Finally recognizing Quintus as the source of the horrific tentacles from another dimension, three Legion soldiers come at him, deftly surrounding him and poking some unpleasant holes in his robe (and flesh).

Elsewhere, Valance and Halfmoon steadily whittle down the Legion soldiers, sustaining only minor flesh wounds on account of their clearly superior fighting ability.

((Begin Next Round))
Quintus doesn't do that other thing and instead, attempts to back off(5') and casts slow on the people attacking him(plus anyone else that might be in range for it). Just in case, he does the concentration thing(though I'm pretty sure it won't be needed).

Concentration: (1d20+19=36)
((If you're trying to say you didn't cast Haste, you actually did have time for that last round. I just forgot to include it in the writeup, sorry. So yeah, all party members are Hasted))
Muun had just taken out three Legionaires. Looks like three more have volunteered to be the next ones. He takes vengeful action and fire a volley of arrows at the soldiers that had ganged up on Quintis.

((With both Haste & Rapid Shot, Invisible Castle didn't have enough room to input every attack roll in one line, so the Attack Rolls are split up into two links.))

First Attack, Rapid Shot Attack, Hasted Attack (none of these crit): 1d20+4+12+4-2+1=28, 1d20+4+12+4-2+1=36, 1d20+4+12+4-2+1=20
Subsequent BAB attacks (neither crit): 1d20+4+7+4-2+1=29, 1d20+4+2+4-2+1=15
Damage Rolls: 1d10+2+4+1d6=16, 1d10+2+4+1d6=10, 1d10+2+4+1d6=12, 1d10+2+4+1d6=15, 1d10+2+4+1d6=11 ((Plus relevant Favored Enemy Bonuses))

((If Muun somehow manages to kill all three before he finishes his Full Attack, he'll aim the remaining arrows at one of the Legions near Half-Moon.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Muun on haste is beast mode. I tried a different method for posting my rolls, let me know if you think it's easier to read than using code tags.))

Harried in unfamiliar efforts to defend his position, Tarkus grip upon his axe is loose and his strikes are sloppy. Even the death gurgle of one soldier is hardly consolation as seven others stand armed around him. The half-orc warrior cannot recall the last time he placed himself in such a dire situation of risk.

Gritting his teeth in preparation for a mortally painful barrage, he is caught off guard. Instead of the cut of steel digging into his body, the sensation of several swift gusts of air shoot across the skin on his head, arms and shoulders. Before he can spot the ranger with his hands deftly plucking the string of his bow, several Legionnaires have fallen to the ground, punctuated thoroughly by searing arrows.

“My debt to you grows, Muun!”

As a trio of soldiers moves to engage Quintus, Tarkus feels the familiar rush of haste magick course through his limbs enhancing his natural adrenaline, magnifying and sharpening the red haze of combat over his eyes and mind.

Tarkus calls upon his inner reserves of strength to steady himself, grunting in pain as the two remaining soldiers execute a feint which allows a blade to slide deep into the flesh of his shoulder. As the sweat and blood trickles down his arms he stares darkly at the remaining soldiers before him before resigning them both to the fate of a brutally hasted series of strikes.

Attack & Damage Rolls
Attack 1: 1d20+24 → [5,24] = (29)
Damage: 1d12+12 → [3,12] = (15)

Haste Attack: 1d20+24 → [6,24] = (30)
Damage: 1d12+12 → [1,12] = (13)

Attack 2: 1d20+24-5 → [6,24,-5] = (25)
Damage: 1d12+12 → [8,12] = (20)

Attack 3: 1d20+24-10 → [9,24,-10] = (23)
Damage: 1d12+12 → [4,12] = (16)
((Just one of those single digit dice days :/))

Mike M

Nick N
Val gets attacked by a nearby raging Orc rebel with a hand axe. 22 vs AC; unless I'm missing a modifier somewhere, that should hit, and it deals 17 damage.

((Val's AC is 22, but with Haste in effect it would come up to 23. Did Quintus' spell go before or after the attack?))

With clinical detachment, Jack and Val attempt to winnow the numbers of the Legionnaires caught in the shadowy entanglements, lest the party be suddenly overwhelmed by reinforcements at an inopportune time. Their work is interrupted as one of the rebel orcs takes Val for a member of the enemy and swings a hand axe at him.

With hissing intake of breath from the blow, Val spares a moment to berate his misguided ally. "Context, man, context! Not everyone wearing green is an enemy, pay some attention!"

Now that he's turned to face the rest of the room from the corner in which he'd been operating, Val can see that Half-Moon and Valance seem to have their own situations well in hand. Meanwhile Muun is dropping opponents like flies, Tarkus is flailing wildly, and Quintus is surrounded...

((Guess what Val would do depends on the outcome of Tarkus and Muun's attacks here.))
((Yeah, it figures that I was missing something. Haste went into effect before the attack, so it misses.

Tarkus killed both of the guys surrounding him (it took all of his attacks to do so, though). Muun killed two of the three guys surrounding Quintus, and damaged the third))

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, Jack and Val aren't winning any MVP awards for this battle))

Tarkus and Quintus' respective situations largely taken care of, Val turns his attention towards the efforts of Half-Moon and Valance. "Jack, you help Half-Moon, I'm going to try and reach Valance."

((Val will try and reach one of the Legion guys around Valance if he can, otherwise he'll just hit that one between HM and Valance. If that one's already going after Valance, then hey, bonus points.

Jack will attack that legion member closest to him that's attacking HM. It looks like he has to move a bit to get there so no full round attack? Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll make additional rolls.))

Val Attack: 1d20+19+1=33
Damage:  1d6+12=17

Jack Attack:  1d20+15+1=26
Damage:  2d6+10=14

((EDIT: Forgot haste bonuses))

Mike M

Nick N
((Additional attack rolls for Jack just in case then))

Second attack:  1d20+10+1=21
Damage:  2d6+10=13

Haste attack:  1d20+15+1=19
Damage:   2d6+10=18
((Sometimes it's dangerous to make in-character assumptions based on combat difficulty, so I will come right out and say that I intended for this to be a pretty easy fight, in order to convey the lack of combat experience that the Legion foot soldiers have))

After the party alone takes down seven more soldiers, not counting those struck down by the rebels and by Valance himself, the remaining five Legion soldiers throw down their weapons and lay on the floor, almost in tandem.

"Mercy! We surrender!"

Valance summarily executes one such soldier that happens to be next to him. Half Moon's eyes widen, and he glares at Valance. He shouts to his men in Orcish.
Take invaders prisoner, except for Major. He and others will leave.

The orcs quickly take the surviving Legion soldiers into custody, minus Valance. Half Moon/Martok then addresses both the party and Valance. "You and yours will leave here now. You are not our prisoners because you saved us from capture, but we cannot trust you, after what just happened here." He then looks directly at Valance: "Your men saw what happened here today. This is our insurance policy against you, understand? You move against us again, and you will be exposed as a traitor to your people. Now go."

"You're not really considering staying here, are you?" Valance says unflappably. "Because I can assure you that--"

"You worry about yourself," Martok cuts him off angrily. "Now GO!"

If the party has nothing more to say ((and you have a chance to say things before leaving if you want)), they are forced out of headquarters and left to fend for themselves, along with Valance, on the docks of Emerald Bay. At least for the time being, there is no one else around.
As the Legions surrender and the flames of battle are put out with surrender, the young boy looks around with deep, stressful breaths. He looks to the lifeless bodies he put to rest so quickly and efficiently, how many lives he was able to end, even so much more easily than Tarkus or the man that betrayed them. It was too easy.. Muun starts to feel ill at the realization of how much of a monster he was just now when his enemies are other living beings, and ones that are little more than moving targets at that.

His mind heavy on the blood at his hand, he notes the arrows sticking out. He moves over to Tarkus' Haversack while the betrayer speaks with Half-Moon, and uses it to pull out one of the Shifters' bows that they didn't use. He steps firmly towards a random resistance member and shoves the bow into his arms, instructing sharply, "You're a hero that fended off half of the invaders. Understand?" And promptly walks off quietly with the others.


Once they are outside, Muun keeps his bow at ready, still not fully trusting the man that is apparently a cover agent. He looks between Valance and Val, asking, "Can either of you explain who you are?" referring to Valance, "We're all lucky that I overheard.. Julius mentioning a tidbit of gossip that kept me from pouring arrows into your neck."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus takes a knee and a few deep breaths as the chaos in the room winds down. Unfortunately there appears to be no time for negotiation or explanation as the haze of combat is lifted, the freshly slain bodies stark evidence of what has occurred. He looks to Valance and Valgar in horror as a surrendering soldier is slain and turns his back pn them to listen to Half-Moon's declaration.

Opening his mouth to speak to Martok, he is unable to find the words and settles for eye contact and a nod in his direction. Swallowing, he slowly gathers his things and shuffles toward the others, questions of trust and anger unfullfiled.

"Future may alter...but self remain. And for any action, we only have blood and sores to show for our efforts." His mind numb and slow from what has occurred, he shakes his head Muun and waits for Val to speak.
The large, middle-aged man brushes off Muun's questions and says, "It will not do to stay out in the open like this. It's only a matter of time before another company is sent to investigate why the first one went dark. Come, I know the way to a more secure location."

He uses the ancient secret language known only to the Fiernos to convey a question to Val using body language only.
How much can we trust your current companions? Are you under cover among them, or alongside them?

Perception DC 25 (anyone can try this)
A subtle ripple in the water begins moving slowly away from shore. It's almost certainly the underwater rebel facility vacating its former location.

Mike M

Nick N
Val flinches as his brother slays a soldier that has already yielded. "A touch drastic, wouldn't you think?" he whispers to his brother. But in truth, would he have done anything differently in the same situation? Valance has clearly obtained considerable inroads into the Legion's command structure, inroads worth protecting at any cost.

Any cost.

Sheathing his rapier, he speaks aloud, "Well of all possible outcomes, having the Legion taken by the resistance is preferable to the reverse situation. See that you keep them under watchful eye, Martok. If they were to escape and tell what they've witnessed here, I think the repercussions would be greater than you know."

Once outside on the docks, Val seemingly slaps Valance's hands without provocation. "Oh, stop it already. Of course they know who I am, the stakes for what we're working toward are quite a bit higher than our average confidence job, there's nothing to be gained in fostering distrust by lying about it."

Sighing heavily, Val pinches the bridge of his nose and kneads the furrows out of his brow. "Sorry. That was a valid question of which you had no way of knowing the answer to. My apologies. Jack and Muun, this is my brother Valance, he's something of a satellite member of our affiliation. Valance, this is Jack and Muun."
"Your brother? Why do I feel like I trust him less now?" he quips, finding the revelation a bit hard to believe, "I hope he knows what he's doing."
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