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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Jack says pleasantly, in odd contrast to the urgency of the getaway. "I am Jack Slate, student of--"

"There will be plenty of time for introductions later," says Valance. "For now, please focus your attention on getting away."

"Actually, my positronic brain allows me to perform multiple tasks simultaneously without loss of focus, provided that --"

"I do NOT have a positronic brain, Mister Slate, and would appreciate a lack of distractions."

This seems to shut Jack up, and Valance turns to Valgar. "I've been out of the game for some time, so I shall defer to your expertise, but my working plan is to claim that the rebels were ready for us and wiped out the rest of our company, and we barely escaped with our lives. I have not quite worked out the details of our emergence, however, and would welcome your input."

He leads everyone to a relatively empty, shady corner of town, still near the docks. Ne'er-do-wells lurk in the shadows, but are sufficiently intimidated out of approaching the imposing appearance of your group. He finally stops behind a deserted, boarded-up shop.
Muun crosses his arms and seeing that there's a bit of a pause in the room, speaks up with his own input, "I am going to assume there's no chance of keeping up appearances at this point. Besides, who's to say that they're not going to think of it as you cowering away while the rest of the men take part in the actual battle? I'm sure that you know these rookies have no idea what real danger entails, so I doubt they're going to believe that someone of your stature could screw up so handily."

"In any case, they don't know that it was us that went in first. Val may be able to convince them that we found you."

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Nick N
Val looks skyward as he attempts to formulate a convincing cover story. "Hm, one problem I foresee is that we've already expended considerable capital selling the story that we are currently tracking down a pair of Pelor heretics. I suppose it's not entirely unlikely that our 'heretics' would be in cahoots with the resistence movement and we tailed them that far? That's a possible angle.

"Now how we explain your survival while everyone else perished may be a bit more delicate... Perhaps instead of being defeated in battle, you arrived to find the base deserted? You left your men to conduct a search and they triggered a booby trap?"
Valance nods slowly as the gears in his brain begin to turn. "Perhaps your band of heretic-hunters, on the trail of your quarry, happened upon my company, and you were only able to rescue the senior officer before the rest were lost. Yes... Yes, that could work!"

His eyes light up as he speaks, and it's clear that he's getting a rush of excitement out of this. He smiles and places a firm hand on Val's shoulder. "It is good to see you again, Brother. I must admit that I could scarcely believe my eyes on that underwater boat of theirs, but when you responded to my signal I knew it had to be you, somehow. It seems that I am not the last of the Fiernos after all.

"I take it that infiltration is an important part of whatever mission you find yourself on. Should you require additional help, consider me at your disposal. I do believe that the situation can be salvaged, even despite the misguided sentimentality of your half-Orc there." He shoots daggers from his eyes (figuratively) at Tarkus.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus eyes are distant and foggy as he turns back to watch the still water of the bay. He is uncertain if he will ever encounter Martok again, but if he does he hopes it will be in the true world on the streets of a freed Ruby Keep. As the group gathers in an abandoned plot of town, Tarkus hangs back a few paces.

Retrieving a few pieces of fabric from his haversack, the half-orc tears them into ragged strips with his teeth. His field aid resembles nothing of proper medical healing, but he nonetheless attempts to staunch the superficial bleeding on what wounds he can to clean himself up a bit. Finishing up tying a knotted bandage underneath his cloak, he finally rejoins the others.

Leaning against a crate to listen, he observes the Fierno brothers in animated discussion. Valance and Val's spy talk is mostly too eloquent for Tarkus to bother piecing together, and his eyes wander to the group's perimeter. Tearing his eyes from watching the shady folk walking past them on the dirty streets, he grunts and weighs in on the discussion briefly.

"Need to find Rand and end game of hide and seek in Emerald Bay."

Catching Valance glare, Tarkus stares right back before spitting on the ground, but otherwise makes no attempt to voice a reply. Returning to his watch spot near the crate, he grumbles a suggestion in course whisper to Muun and Quintus.
"Should haste away from here...too open and full of shifty folk."
"I'm sure his sentimentality could be helped if complete total strangers didn't walk in on our operations and make us look like the bad guys." he points out. Though he disagrees with how Tarkus handled the situation, he pins some of the blame on Valance.

Glancing over his shoulder to see Tarkus remain silent and not speaking for himself, and dressing his wounds, Muun pulls out the healing wand given to him by the Luminary, and says, "Don't bother. I was given this because Ith insists on acting like my mother." He wags the stick back and forth a bit, "This is a happy stick. It is your new Sarm."

((I have 48 charges left, and it's 2d8 + 5 healing. How much does everybody need to be healed?))

((I also picked up the term "happy stick" from Enworld where people were suggesting characters carry healing wands. I can't not use that term ICly.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thanks man. Happy stick is a good and potentially hilarious moniker. Tarkus should be good health wise as the wand put him up to 95. As long as we can find a spot to camp for the night he'll be right as rain soon enough.))

The quiet fighter's brow furrows at first in hearing the ranger speak up in his defense and he tenses up as he approaches Tarkus holding what appears to be a magick wand of some kind. He hastily shoves the bloodied rags in his haversack, embarrassed at his feeble attempts at first aid. As Muun heals him and enlightens him on the existence of the Sarm-like 'happy stick', his countenance softens.

"Thanks, Muun."

Reaching out to shake the ranger's hand, he cannot help but notice his knuckles and hand are still clearly stained with dark, crimson colored splotches, shades of clotted blood still present on his fingernails. The half-orc quickly pulls his hand back and covers it with a rag. "Maybe battle was mistake..."
Despite what he said in Tarkus' defense, which was less of a defense and more being annoyed, he goes on to say while casting the spell from the wand to close the wounds, "A huge mistake... I shouldn't have had to kill so many living beings that might not have been a danger to us.."

He'll soon approach Quintis with the wand, knowing well that he got hurt badly after seeing it for himself, "You're no longer undead, correct?" and without waiting for an answer uses the wand to address his wounds.
"You'll excuse me, Muun, for performing my assigned duties in apprehending the criminals responsible for attempting to destroy the Orc reeducation camp. Had their scheme succeeded, hundreds of people - mostly the orcs they profess to try and save - would have died. Fortunately, they were sloppy in their approach, and we were able to apprehend some of those responsible. After an... interrogation, we were able to extract the location of their base.

"Running into my one surviving brother was a happy coincidence, and I would have been eager to heap accolades onto you and your group for helping to capture those murderous criminals. Imagine my consternation when this brutish half-orc you keep with you nearly ruined the entire thing by lumping you into the same group as the very criminals we were attempting to capture! Seeing no other way to save my dear brother's reputation, I was FORCED to go to extreme measures to ensure that he would not be locked away for the rest of his natural life."

Valance pauses for just a moment, and then looks to Val. "What's this your half-orc says about finding Rand? Are you planning to make an attempt on his life? If so, I believe I can be of assistance, as can your fiery-maned wizarding friend, even if he doesn't know it yet. However, before attempting to formulate a plan, more information would be helpful."

Valance looks like he hasn't had this much fun in ages.
"We actually do not want him dead. Not yet anyways. We need him as he is the only Incantrix in the city we know of and we need his unique abilities to do something that will... lets just say, change everything. For the better, hopefully."
"Ah! So a kidnapping, then. Considerably more difficult, but I do not believe that it will be a problem to get access to him. You see, Mister Mallory, I very much doubt that you are aware of this, seeing that none of you appear to have aged a day since I last saw you twenty years ago, but your father is the chairman of the Headmaster's board of advisers, and your mother is quite active in the Academy's administration as well. As a matter of fact, they meet General Rand for dinner quite regularly. May I recommend that you pay them a visit?"

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Nick N
Val's eyes go wide at Valance's news. "The Mallories are what now?"

Scratching his head, he tries to wrap his mind around this news. "Valance, I met the Mallories, and --no offense intended, Quintus-- they didn't exactly come across as the competent executive type. That they would be so highly placed arouses my deepest suspicion.

"We met Rand, and things did not work out to his advantage as a result of our encounter. He strikes me as the sort to hold grudges in the worst possible way, I think we need to consider the possibility that he's using Quintus' parents as bait by keeping them in something of a gilded cage."
Muun is sure that Valance is still in the wrong, but can't seem to think of a good counter argument, being no possible way that they could have stopped the attack on the camp or his untimely entrance, so he allows things to shift towards how to get to Rand.

"I haven't met Rand, and neither has this.. walking tin cup, but it would probably be unwise if we split because of that."
Quintus breaks his silence, "Hey, my parents were actually... Forget it. It doesn't entirely surprise me that my parents are working for the Legion, but I didn't expect this. Thankfully we can at least use it to our advantage."
"Indeed," Valance says in reply to Quintus. "And whether they are trapped in the gilded cage or have wandered in of their own volition makes no difference. Either way, they are our access point to the General. Though I must say that the senior Mister Mallory seems to be quite adept at managing the Academy's finances, despite whatever faults you seem to have ascribed to him, Valgar.

"I know where their mansion is, but perhaps it would be best to formulate a plan first, on how exactly to proceed from here. It would not do to simply walk in and demand their cooperation; certainly a more delicate touch is required."
Muun decides to leave discussion of people he doesn't know personally towards those that do for the time being.

((OOC: I am freaking sick of working on this and I did a horrible job.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Muun decides to leave discussion of people he doesn't know personally towards those that do for the time being.

((OOC: I am freaking sick of working on this and I did a horrible job.))
((Whoa! Don't feel chained to something you don't want to do...but I have to say, that is a damn cool depiction of one of the more intense encounters our group has had. I've thought of doing little story write-ups / summaries of our adventures so far, perhaps in the form of some kind of group journal log just for fun. That picture really takes me back to that fight too.))

Eyebrows arched in surprise, Tarkus weighs in on the situation with the Mallory's. "Did not expect them holding high position...but is good they are still living." Looking to Quintus before he responds he nods at the wizard's assessment. "Val no doubt have some way we can use it against Rand. But we must be combat ready too. Closer we are to Rand, less effective is sneaking."

Looking briefly toward Valgar, he audibly grinds his teeth before speaking through a clenched jaw. "Will try not interfere with disguise or sneaking in future actions. But executing plan to get back to real time is most important."

Cracking his neck from side to side, Tarkus quickly scans the area before issuing a proposal. "Whatever is plan, we need place to go."

Mike M

Nick N
Val chuckles ruefully. "We've been gone for 20 years, I would expect the delicacy of turning assets might very well be the least of our concerns in making this approach."

Clapping his hands together, Val tries to contribute something productive to the conversation. "Alright, put aside the fact we haven't aged a day from the perspective of everyone but ourselves for a moment. That's easy enough to conceal, we've any number of means of changing our appearances, and both Valance and myself are quite good at it without even raising the possibility of utilizing magic. A 20 year absence is less remarkable when it looks as though both parties have spent the same time apart. What we need is a story for where we've been all this time..."
((Whoa! Don't feel chained to something you don't want to do...but I have to say, that is a damn cool depiction of one of the more intense encounters our group has had. I've thought of doing little story write-ups / summaries of our adventures so far, perhaps in the form of some kind of group journal log just for fun. That picture really takes me back to that fight too.))
((I actually wanted to do this since just after that fight (with the full intention of not including my character in the pic), but never got around to doing so until now.))
"Perhaps we should just tell them the true. We took a trip to Ravenloft. If anyone even bother to check up on it, we left plenty of evidence in Sigil 20 years ago, and anyone who actually goes to Ravenloft isn't coming back. Just leave out the part where we've barely even been gone a month from our perspective."
((Sorry about the hold up, guys. My brain is a little fried from other stuff so this may not be my best work, but the show must go on!))

Valance thinks long and hard about what the party has said so far.

"Having hardly ever encountered the senior Mallories personally, I'm afraid I can't provide any insight on how best to deal with your mysterious youthful appearance. That is a question best left answered by their wayward son.

"However, a more pressing matter presents itself. If we intend to use our cover story about the failed raid on rebel headquarters, it would be best to get it out of the way sooner rather than later. The problem is that, even if our cover story is airtight, protocol will demand a logged debriefing with each of us, detailing our version of events. Do we have our stories straight? If not, it may behoove us to figure it out, and quickly.

"I also question the wisdom of including every single one of us in our cover story. Would it perhaps be in our best interest to split up and tackle these problems separately? Remember that there are no witnesses to point out exactly how many of you rescued me from certain doom. I assume you forged an official set of orders; perhaps they could be amended in some fashion, to account for the reduced party size."
"I may need to be briefed on what to say and not to say.. I volunteer to take the role of helping 'Julius' in tracking down heretics at his side."

((I am pretty sure I'm spelling Val's cover name wrong.))

Mike M

Nick N
"Alright," Val says, agreeing with Valance's assessment, "we'll limit exposure at both ends of the equation here. Obviously I should go in for debriefing, and Quintus should go make contact with his parents. I'd recommend Muun and Jack accompany me, and Tarkus go with Quintus. For protection."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Giving a curt nod to Val's plan of action, Tarkus cracks his knuckles and steps forward. He cracks a smile and shakes his head at Quintus' sarcasm. "Seem to have some acceptance before Illuminary teleport us away. Not so sure now since so much time pass."
Muun also considers the shifters that attacked them, but figures a white lie should suffice if it is ever brought up. He decides to wait and see if the plan is confirmed to this point.

((Meanwhile, in computerized Forgotten Realms, I suck at MS-DOS Pool of Radiance.))
((You guys, I am so sorry for being away this long. Part of it was personal drama, but to be honest I also have not been happy with the pacing of this part of the adventure (my fault due to poor planning, not anyone else's), and couldn't figure out a way to fix it without destabilizing the integrity of the story. I think I came up with a patchwork fix, but it may not hold up to close in-character scrutiny (ie, Val might normally think something suspicious is going on, but really the coincidence is because of this), so just roll with it for a bit if you can. Thank you for your patience))

Before separating, Quintus puts up a Telepathic Bond, allowing the entire party to speak to each other silently simply by thinking. Though it will only be good for two hours, it can't hurt to be as decked-out as possible.

Quintus and Tarkus, after receiving adequate direction from Valance, make their way toward the wealthy corner of town. A beautiful cobblestone plaza is home to a variety of mansion, each of a unique design; as it turns out, the Mallories' residence is the largest of them all.

Made of hand-carved brick and polished wood, the dwelling rises three stories, and is the picture of symmetry. Each floor has a row of multi-paned windows, and in the early evening as the sun is beginning to set, it's clear that the inside is well-lit.

The front yard of the mansion is beautifully landscaped, with bushes shaped into various animals; a cobblestone path leads leisurely through to the front door. Made of solid oak, a brass gargoyle knocker rests in the center.

Knock Knock Knock

After making their way up the chain of servants, eventually Tarkus and Quintus are met by Quintus's mother, Dahlia. Though she is obviously older, she still looks far younger than she probably should for her age. When she sees Quintus, she gasps and puts her hand over her mouth. "Rupert! Rupert, come quickly! It's really him!!"

Rupert makes his way down the staircase and gazes at his long-lost son. "Quintus?!" he exclaims. "What are you still doing outside? Come in, come in! We're in the middle of a business dinner, but there's still plenty of room at the table! Your half-orc is welcome to join the servants for their meal as well! They'll show him the way. You come with us!"

((Regardless of whether or not Quintus petitions for Tarkus to join them,)) Rupert and Dahlia lead Quintus up to the second floor, and into a large, fancy dining area. Only the center table is occupied; it's quite long, and has room for up to twenty diners. Currently, there are only five, including Rupert and Dahlia.

The other three are clearly dressed in formal military attire. Two of them are unrecognizable to Quintus; they're middle-aged humans, but that's all he can tell.

The third is Rand. Quintus knows this despite the vastly different circumstances under which they met the last time, because of the somewhat-unhinged facial expression.

"Well well," he says, his eyes giving no indication of whether or not he recognizes Quintus. "Who is this handsome young fellow?" He smiles slightly.


Valgar, Muun, and Jack are led by Valance to a medium-sized office building, where officers ranked Commander and higher reside. The commanders' desks are inside cubicles; higher-ranked officers have their own separate rooms.

Valance blazes a path through the building like a man on a mission, ignoring the confused glances heading in his direction. Up a stair case and down a hallway, finally Valance stops at what appears to be a secretary's desk.

"I am here to make my report to the Lieutenant Colonel," he says stiffly to the female elf behind the desk.

The young lady, dressed smartly and wearing glasses, looks up at him. "Welcome back, Major Bolton," she says. "The Lieutenant Colonel wants you to meet him at Rupert Mallory's home for dinner. An invitation was extended to the both of you from General Rand while you were away."

Valance smiles warmly. "Thank you, Erica. It is always a pleasure." He turns around and silently leads the rest of the group out of the building.

((Going to pause here to give everyone a chance to get some roleplay in, before Valance and co get to Quintus's parents' house. And yeah I know this isn't the most elegant solution, and the dialogue is subpar because I'm having to focus on other things but just bear with me for now))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus sets his jaw and tersely nods, watching as Quintus' parents lead him up the stairs. Shaking his head at the approaching servant, he declines a place at their table. "Not hungry." Turning back to look up the stairs, he forms the words in his head to communicate with the others telepathically while remaining at the foot of the stairs.

'Q, one word and can be up stairs for you. Not hungry anyway. Val, Mallory family are well. Not sign of danger so far.'

Mike M

Nick N
Well, as happenstance would have it, the man we need to make our report to happens to be dining with the Mallories at the moment. We're en route, I expect we'll arrive shortly enough. We should take pains to try and keep away from Quintus' parents lest we be recognized, but I'm sure we can drum up some nonsense about secuirty clearance and whatnot.
Quintus, completely unsure of what to do here, decides flattery is the best policy, at least to keep himself outta trouble for now. "Well I didn't expect to see Headmaster Rand here today. Its an honor to meet you sir. I gotta say, I love what you've done with the place." he says, hoping he didn't lay it on too thick...
"Headmaster," Rupert interjects after Quintus finishes speaking, "This is our son, Quintus. He's..." He looks at Quintus, and the briefest flicker of uncertainty moves in and out of his eyes. "He's been away for quite some time, you see, and we weren't expecting him to return tonight. Would it be alright if he joins us for dinner? I know this is chiefly a business meeting, but..."

Rand titters unevenly. "I would not have it any other way, Rupert. In fact, I insist! This is your home, after all, and the most important business has already been concluded. And Quintus, the honor is all mine, of course! In all the years I've known your parents, they've not once mentioned that they had a son! What a glaring detail to have missed for all this time! So tell me, my boy, what is it that has kept you away from your family for so long? And please, have a seat!"

Rand's tone as he speaks is inherently unstable, wavering up and down unpredictably, and he always sounds at least mildly excited. That makes it difficult to get any kind of a read on him.

((If you lie when you answer, give me a Bluff check please))
Quintus ponders this for a short moment, "Well in my line of work, you end up in all sorts of places, I was actually in Sigil not to long ago. Crazy place, creatures you never even dream of walking the streets and all sorts of stuff that simply seems impossible... In fact, that is really the best way to explain Sigil. Impossible."

((no lying really, though kinda avoiding a proper answer.))
((Yeah, you're good with that answer. No bluff check needed))

Rand's features grow decidedly more serious and interested. "Sigil? The interdimensional gateway city?" He absentmindedly shovels a forkful of pasta into his mouth. "Fascinating! Extradimensional travel out of this plane is almost - but not entirely - unheard of! I myself have never ventured out of this plane, though I of course possess the capability. I would be most interested in hearing your opinion on whether a permanent gateway to another plane might be a feasible venture for the Orzhov Republic. Not to Sigil, of course; my sights are set on a smaller, more easily-subjugable target. For now, at least."

The two other men at the table at first had their eyes affixed on Quintus, but when Rand starts to babble on about extradimensional travel, they lose interest and start to make small talk amongst themselves and with Rupert and Dahlia.


Knock Knock Knock

The front door opens, and a young girl in servant's clothes is there to greet Valance and company. "Major Bolton?" she asks chirpily.

"In the flesh," Valance responds with a saccharine-sweet smile and intonation. "I take it that I am expected?"

The young lady nods, and turns to gesture at someone. A young man, also in servant's clothes, becomes visible in the doorway. "I will inform the Mallories and the General that you've arrived. Corwin will take your coats and escort you to the lavatories, so that you can prepare for dinner. Welcome to the Mallory Estate."

((Since I want to give Quintus another opportunity to respond to Rand one on one, and also I'd like to give Muun a chance to catch up, I'm going to pause here again. If Val or Muun want to do any kind of subtle reconnaissance during this interim step (I don't know what kind, but you guys often think of things that I don't), feel free to make Perception or Search checks and let me know what you're looking for))
Quintus responds, "I actually did check out to many other planes sadly, but I can safely say you don't wanna mess with Sigil... though I heard someone started a rebellion. Personally I doubt it lasted very long, but I'm sure you could take advantage of that somehow if it is still going on. Still extremely dangerous though. Demons and Angel everywhere and things even I could not identify."
I'd like to give Muun a chance to catch up
((Sorry about that. I actually did have a post int he works yesterday, but was forced to leave into town and abandon it.))

At the offices, Muun follows Val and Valance closely, keeping his gaze attentive and focused ahead, not even considering letting his eyes be distracted by the men looking at them as he exerts a kind of stout seriousness that comes with being as experienced as he is. Once Valance is dismissed of his business at the office, Muun steps backwards towards the side to let the "superior officers" turn around and start walking out, and follows them promptly.

I don't like this. he says, telepathically, still appearing stoic and silent towards anyone else, this is a kind of coincidence you plan for.

At the Mallory residence, Muun gives his attention to the young lady without first greeting her under the notion that he's irrelevant compared to the commanding officers, saying, "If you don't mind, I would like a window open in the dining room. I prefer to feel the breeze during weather like this." he'll need a quick entrance for Coriolis to come in if this is the point where they finally manage to come back in time, the owl still being away for the time being due to the under cover operation.

Val, can you think of anything that I should look for while we're still down here? I doubt there are mundane traps but there might be magical devices in place, given how comfortable these people live.

((I'll go ahead and make this a perception check, because I doubt Muun will have a chance to actually do a through search without it seeming suspicious.))

Perception: 1d20+15=20

He would also use this chance to take in any details that might be notable about the background of this place and the people living there.


((Speaking of Coriolis, can I house rule my animal companion to follow Pathfinder's rules on them? The reason I want to do this is because they changed how the Ranger's animal companion scales from being based on its level / 2 to being its level - 3, so it would be less crappy and slightly less fragile in a level 12 environment.))
Val, can you think of anything that I should look for while we're still down here? I doubt there are mundane traps but there might be magical devices in place, given how comfortable these people live.

((I'll go ahead and make this a perception check, because I doubt Muun will have a chance to actually do a through search without it seeming suspicious.))

Perception: 1d20+15=20

He would also use this chance to take in any details that might be notable about the background of this place and the people living there.

There is certainly some magic at work, but it's all geared toward making things more comfortable and/or easier for the residents and staff. For example, the air seems unusually dry and comfortable out here, compared to the relative humidity outside. The lighting also seems to be magical, emanating from fancy glowsticks, placed on chandeliers and other ceiling fixtures.

As for details about the people who live here, they clearly lead extravagant lifestyles. Their furnishings are lavish, and their decorations plentiful; Muun actually would probably assume that a large number of people live here, based on how large the house is and how much stuff is inside.

((Speaking of Coriolis, can I house rule my animal companion to follow Pathfinder's rules on them? The reason I want to do this is because they changed how the Ranger's animal companion scales from being based on its level / 2 to being its level - 3, so it would be less crappy and slightly less fragile in a level 12 environment.))

((Permission Granted. If I had known about that Pathfinder fix, I would have already told you to use it. It never made sense to me why a Ranger's animal companion is so much worse than a Druid's in 3.5. It almost doesn't make sense that it's still worse than a Druid's in Pathfinder, but I will defer to those guys, since they seem to know what they're doing))
Muun definitely is not used to the forced atmosphere of the place. It soon dawns upon him that he actually does prefer to feel the outside air for real, not just as an emergency entrance for his owl. He hopes his request isn't too perplexing for the servant girl because of this.

I can only see magic items that are used for luxury so far.. I'm going to guess that whatever serious magic they have may be hidden behind it all.

It almost doesn't make sense that it's still worse than a Druid's in Pathfinder, but I will defer to those guys, since they seem to know what they're doing
((There's actually a bit of logic in Pathfinder's approach at least. Rangers get their animal companion at level 4, and Druids get it at level 1, so in that sense a Ranger's pet wouldn't have had as much adventuring time as a Druid's, which would explain the level difference.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's hackles raise at the realization that Rand is in the same building along with himself and everyone else. He's had no time to plan anything, but now that the opportunity has presented itself, Val realizes that here away from heavy security and in the company of trusted subordinates is likely to be the single greatest chance that they are going to recieve.

"Quintus," he thinks, "where exactly are you in the building, and who does Rand have with him?"

In response to Muun's inquiry, he responds, "By all appearances, Rand seems incredibly vulnerable right now, but we need to take every effort to confirm it before we act. Hidden security guards, wards, that sort of thing. We're only going to get one shot at this."
Is your brother a part of our collective telepathic link? Maybe he would know if hidden guards are a common practice and how they're usually kept.
Is your brother a part of our collective telepathic link? Maybe he would know if hidden guards are a common practice and how they're usually kept.

((At Quintus's level, he can only include 4 people besides himself. Normally Jack would be the 4th person, but it actually might make sense to have Valance be that person instead, so I'll leave it up to Quintus since he would have cast the spell))
((no offense to jack, but valance's experience would probably be more useful here. Also there is a pathfinder feat(called Boon Companion) that increase animal companion level by 4(up to your total hd). not really a fix since it takes a feat(which you get less of in 3.5) but that may be an option.))

I'm in the second floor dining room. Right now its just me, my parents, Rand and two military guys. No clue who they are. Also, Rand and my parents now think I've been in or around Sigil since I've been gone.
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