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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the former dining room continues to writhe with chaotic activity, Tarkus frantically darts his eyes around the inventory detonation site in momentary confusion. At Quintus' commands toward the dark paladin, he discounts Frink as an enemy for the time being. Listening to Val & Jack speak regarding strategically securing the relics he mentally settles upon the Snake God as his target once more.

Though focusing on the high and mighty Set is an extremely unpleasant of a task.

The high vibrations and grating volume of Set’s grandiose words assault the fighter’s ears and remind him of just how irritating the snake’s voice is. Incensed by Set’s delusional dialogue, Tarkus shouts back in his own haggard voice through gritted teeth. “First cut shall be to sever tongue. Snake-slaying much better in silence!”

However, before he can follow through he feels a gust of wind quickly followed by powerful crushing force ramming into his lower body. Struck by a stinging sensation resonating over his body in waves, Tarkus recoils as Biggins introduces a surprisingly painful blow to the half-orc’s torso.

Fortitude Save:
1d20+11 → [18,11] = (29)

Shoring up his iron will, Tarkus is able to hold steady through the pain and his muscles respond to his movements albeit with a shuddering reluctance that speaks to the monk’s attempt to immobilize him. Shaken by the strength of Biggin’s unarmed blow, Set is temporarily forgotten. With a murderous gleam in his eye the fighter pivots to turn upon the attacking monk and unleash the full force of his natural fury.

Full Attack vs Biggins
Attack 1: 1d20+20 → [11,20] = (31) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4086794/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [1,9] = (10)
Attack 2: 1d20+20 → [2,20,-5] = (17)
Attack 3: 1d20+20 → [17,20,-10] = (27) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4086794/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [12,9] = (21)

Mike M

Nick N
Jack Free Action Opposed Grapple: 1d20+11=18
((Eh, it was a long shot to begin with with a DC of 30, but had to try))

Val Fortitutde Save:  1d20+9=29
((Was going to ask if the Aura of Despair was dispelled by the anti-magic field, but apparently it's a moot point.))

The great snake Set seems to be everywhere in the room at once, his sinewy length ensnaring Jack in its coils while simultaneously dodging Valance's attacks from beneath the table and sinking his fangs into Val's shoulder.

A high pitched whirring noise emenates from Jack's interior, as his complex internal mechanics struggle to throw off Set's muscular grasp...

Jack Opposed Grapple:  1d20+11=17
((He can't reach 30 if he takes a second attack action to oppose the grapple, so why bother : /))

...But the mechanical man remains stuck fast.

Val shouts in pain as Set's fangs find purchase in his flesh, but fortunately manages to wrest himself free before the snake's venom can be injected. Scooping up the Rod of Pelor with his free hand, he dives below the surface of the table to join his brother below and buy himself some time to figure out what to do with Set's target here.

"Has anyone seen my backpack? It'd be around here somewhere," he asks no one in particular.
((Set rolls a 31 on the opposed grapple that Jack instigated, and then on his turn he maintains the grapple and deals 18 damage to Jack automatically.

Set uses his Gaze attack on Tarkus this time: DC 18. If Tarkus fails, he can't take any actions this round and loses his Dexterity bonus.

Frink charges at Set; I'm going to count this as a bull-rush, mechanically. 21 hits Set's Touch AC. Frink's Bullrush Check: 20; Set's: 22. The attempt fails, and Frink is now standing adjacent to Set.

Set uses his Bite attack on Frink, rolling a 29 and damaging Frink. Frink fails his Fortitude save and is now poisoned.

Biggins performs a Flurry of Blows Full Attack on Tarkus, swinging four times: 34, Crit Fail, Crit Fail, and 19 vs AC. The first and fourth attacks deal 7 and 8 damage, respectively.

Valance shoots his Crossbow and actually manages to hit Set for 6 damage))

With Jack firmly in his grasp, Set is anchored to his current location for the time being; he hisses menacingly as he watches Val duck under the table. "Facccccce your destiny like a man, coward! You only prolong the inevitable!"

He turns his sights toward Tarkus and makes a brief attempt to hypnotize him, but he is quickly distracted by the headlong charge of a distraught Paladin of Vecna, who is attempting to lodge himself in the snake's mouth. Set is able to summarily spit him out before he gets too far down the gullet, and responds by taking a much more manageable bite-sized chunk out of his former Lieutenant-Colonel. Frink immediately slows down significantly, as though his armor suddenly got much heavier.

"Lord Vecna!" he cries impotently, as though he's about to ask for help, but then he doesn't seem to know quite what to say next.

Biggins dodges one blow, but takes two axe-strikes straight up, and then doesn't miss a beat as he launches into a series of dizzying maneuvers, clearly designed to confuse the target and lower its defenses so that the strikes, when they do come, catch the target unaware. Tarkus has likely never seen such a unique fighting style before, and might even bear a touch of admiration for it if his mind weren't on other things.

Valance, under the table, is obviously only stalling for time to think as he absentmindedly loads his crossbow and fires at the snake... and he actually manages to score a lucky hit despite his complete lack of trying. "I don't suppose you'd be open to slipping out the back while the others deal with this," he says to Val; it's more of an acknowledgment than a question.

((Val, if by your backpack you mean the Handy Haversack, you can still be wearing it, and it would fit the Rod even without the Bag of Holding properties. If there's some other backpack that you had stored inside the Haversack, you can just reach over and grab it from the floor without having to move.

Begin Next Round))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val had a regular backpack prior to the Haversack, so it would have been stashed in there. I took the description of the Haversack exploding literally, I thought it's burst it's seams or something. Glad to know it's still intact though, Val will just stash the rod in there.

Full write up will need to wait until I get to a computer, but in the interim Jack's useless but keeping Set in place, the Vals are under the table and presumably safe from gaze attacks? Are they at any attack penalties for being down there?

Val also has Improved Flanking, so he may be able to take advantage of Frink's position depending on what squares Set occupies. His Rapier hasn't been upgraded in ages, so he's not suffering much from the loss of enhancements right now.

I dunno, Val really doesn't have much except "Kill Set as fast as possible."))
the Vals are under the table and presumably safe from gaze attacks? Are they at any attack penalties for being down there?

((While you're under the table, you can't reach any of the bad guys unless you're playing the long-range game like Valance is. But yeah, you basically can't be Gaze-Attacked while you're down there either.

If you want to actually attack him, you'll have to come out in the open))


Mike M

Nick N
((Thinking... If Tarkus passes his Save check, he and Val flank Set with Val on the table top, Frink reattempts his martyrdom, Muun joins Valance under the table to take potshots at Biggins or Set, Quintus uses more Vecna-powered nastiness on Biggins? No idea what he's got available to him now...))
Muun stumbles back, and falls over onto the ground after the gigantic snake thrusts his gaze towards him. He loses sense of time for a moment before finally coming to his senses some unknown seconds later... Shaking his head, he doesn't have much of a clue what just happened, but as his senses return he starts to figure out that time hasn't passed for long and everyone is still fighting.

Wanting to take a note from Valance, he follows under the table towards them with a crouched walk, his back parallel with the underside of the table. A hint of frustration and grogginess in his voice, he says to Val and Valance, "I trust Tarkus will make a more fun opponent than I was for a martial artist."

He pulls out bones' bow, and draws the arrow on its tightly adjusted string. "Bow! Bless my shot with flame!" he commands, but the bow only begins to churn its magical gears and mystical installations and flicker the illuminating lights of the Espruar runes engraved before slowing and dying to a disappointing fail, rendering the bow mundane. Muun looks down at his bow, smacking it with his palm trying to get it to start again, then saying once he's given up, "I hate you right now, Val." He fires a potshot at the giant snake.

((I would do a full attack & then five foot step in, but I have to draw my bow as a move action, rendering me unable to full attack so I'll just go ahead and walk near Val & Valance then do a standard action attack.))

Standard attack & damage rolls @ Set: 1d20+4+12=17, 1d10+2=4 ((EDIT: Add +2 damage vs. Magical Creature if Set counts as one))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Will Save vs Gaze
Hypnotic Gaze DC 18: 1d20+6 → [5,6] = (11)

Despite his full attention earning the half-orc fighter's greataxe two punishing blows, Tarkus is nonetheless nearly overwhelmed by the ensuing counter-attack. Moving faster than any martial warrior he has ever seen, the human monk's fists and feet assail him in a flurry of blows that he can barely track. Though his narrowed eyes strain to keep up with each fluid movement, it soon dawns upon him that the most eloquent and stylish points of the monk's technique are inconsequential movements...

By the time he catches up to the visually dazzling assault, the true strikes are just barely absorbed by the shell of his breastplate. Lifting his arm in cover, the monk's last punch delivers a crushing blow that dents the connecting plates on his forearm causing his left-hand to go numb momentarily. Gritting his teeth as the feeling returns to his hand, replaced by a sharp pain, he prepares a counter of his own.

Before he can engage however, his eyes suddenly catch Set's powerful, glowing eyes in the background. Drawn into their gaze, Tarkus' vision goes fuzzy momentarily. Tensing up at first, he soon relaxes his muscles as his vision quickly returns with perfect clarity.

'Monk fighting style very impressive.'

Scratching his chin, he begins by mentally analyzing his subject's known statistics in order to better understand his martial prowess.

'Biggins. Tall, muscular, lightly armored ugly human.'

"Look weak, but very strong."

'Body size tricky, disguises hidden power.'

"He have great deal of expertise in agility."

'To match speed, need more cardio heavy regiment...armor change maybe.'

Tarkus continues to mumble and ineffectually gesture whilst pondering his opponent's abilities with a dim and foggy look in his eyes.

Mike M

Nick N
Val spies his wayward backpack on the floor, and dares a brief moment to reach out and snatch it. "Jack!" he shouts from beneath the table, "What's the situation up there?"

"I am currently operating at 53.75% capacity," the mechanical man recounts dryly. "Tarkus appears to have been placed in some manner of hypnotic state. Frink is exhibiting behavior consistent with venom poisoning. Quintus is engaging the monk Biggins. You, Valance, and Muun are currently under the table."

"Thank you, Jack," Val shouts back. "Any time you want to throw off that snake and take a few more swings at him would be extremely helpful."

"I am attempting to comply, but his muscular strength is exceedingly formidable," Jack says with what could be considered some sort of admiration. The whirring of servos accompanies a small shower of sparks cascading out of the various joints in Jack's armored carapace as he attempts to escape Set's grasp once more.

Jack Opposed Grapple:  1d20+11=18
((Just can't catch a break on this...))

Val turns to his brother and shrugs appologetically. "Apologies, my brother, but I don't think there's really any 'others' in position to deal with it." Dropping the Rod of Pelor into his backpack, he thrusts it into Valance's arms. "Would you be so kind as to keep an eye on this for me? I'm afraid I'm fresh out of arrows and am going to have to get up close and personal with our scaled friend up there, and would hate to just drop the object of his desire at his feet... er... metaphorically speaking."

Muun joins the brothers Fierno beneath the table, and has expresses his frustrations with way things have played out since Val's ill advised trap was sprung. "How was I supposed to know? OK, I suppose I should have given some thought to our equipment, and the loss of the haversack is felt deeply, but Rand grabbing the Fangs of Set? Totally unforseeable. If not for that, it'd be a stroke of genius, I tell you."

Before either of his companions can argue, he states his current strategem. "Alright, I'm not good for anything down here unless I am to somehow make snide remarks until he perishes. I'm heading back topside to see if I can't distract him enough to keep him from noticing that there're a couple gentlemen weilding pointy projectile weapons lurking down below his line of sight. Wish me luck..."

With that, Val rolls out from cover, hops up onto the table, and approaches Set. "You there, Frink!" he calls out. "I don't think your dark lord told you to stop trying to throw yourself down this snake's throat, now did he?"

Val then thrusts his rapier into the coils surrounding Jack in the hopes that he might persuade Set to release him.

1d20+16= 27
Damage:  1d6+8=10

((Presuming that since Tarkus is stunned, there's no flanking bonus. If he's even actually in range.))
((Flanking not needed; Val hit him. Muun missed, though.

Frink tries to Bullrush Set again, and is unsuccessful again.

Set rolls a 33 grapple check on Jack's attempted escape, and maintains his grapple, dealing 14 more damage to Jack.

Set uses his Gaze attack on Val this time; DC 18 Will save or you're unable to act and lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.

He then bites at Frink again, dealing 8 more damage, but Frink passes his fortitude save versus poison this time.

Biggins fails the Ray of Exhaustion save and becomes Exhausted, but he still lays into Tarkus with a full attack, getting a 28, 21, 21, and Natural 20; he does not confirm the critical hit, however. The four attacks together deal 23 total damage (and that's accounting for the loss of Strength from being exhausted).

Valance hits Set with the crossbow again, dealing 1 damage))

Quintus notices Tarkus getting bleary-eyed and attempts to run interference by trying, and succeeding, to slow the monk down; despite his unnatural weariness, Biggins follows through with another intricate series of blows to the distracted half-orc.

Set gets stabbed in his scaly flesh with the tip of Val's depowered rapier; he glares at the swashbuckler long enough to try to en-trance him, but is again distracted by the exceedingly dedicated Frink, who once again attempts to lodge himself in the snake's mouth. Set pushes him out again, but he seems to be losing his temper. "SSSSSSSTOP THAT!" he roars, once again tearing into the paladin's flesh.
Quintus hopes Tarkus can take care of himself from here on and decided to get back to the matter of the giant elephant in the room... the giant snake. He turns and fires yet another beam from his skeleton hand(which should actually have a normal glove over it and be hard to notice, unless the transformation did something to it... oh well), this time at Set, hopefully avoiding the mass of people trying to kill him.

Ray of Enfeeblement attack; Str Damage: (1d20+9=29, 1d6+5=11)

((not sure it this should be able to crit, but if it can... here's the confirm roll and extra damage))

Ray of Enfeeblement attack; Str Damage: (1d20+9=15, 1d6+5=8)
((I had to do some research to determine whether the penalty would be doubled, and it looks like it would not be (whereas spells that deal damage - including ability damage - would). If you hadn't already rolled max on the penalty, I would have maximized it for you, but well... there you go.

And holy crap that's good for a 1st-level spell))

Mike M

Nick N
Val Will Save:  1d20+5=16
Jack Opposed Grapple:  1d20+11=31
((Go Jack go!))

Val's had experience with Set before, and knows more than well enough to keep his eyes averted from the serpent god's gaze. Unfortunately for him, however, he needs to be able to see where he's stabbing so that he not only hit Set, but not also Jack in the same thrust, which Set capitalizes on to his full ability. Writhing his body with flexibility Val had not anticipated, he's able to situate himself full in front of Val's face before he can react. Gazing once more into those endlessly faceted reptilian eyes once more, Val feels all sense and sensibility fall away from him into the fathomless void of the verticle irises before him.

Val's jaw goes slack, as he stares off into space, wavering where he stands as though he might collapse to his knees at any moment.

Jack witnesses this, and his eyes briefly glow with greater illumination even as there is the crunching of metal as some part of him buckles under the coils of Set's constricting grasp. "Set," he addresses his captor, "I have completed my analysis of your capabilities. Though you posess immense power, you remain a corporal being of biological tissue and are therefore subject to muscle fatigue. I, however, do not suffer from such limitations. Rerouting internal power distribution to servo motivators."

His proclamation is accompanied by the hum of internal capacitors engaging. Bracing himself strategically, Jack slowly begins to make progress in pushing Set's scaled length away form his torso. The whine of internal mechanism intensifies and threatens to escape the audible range of hearing as he declares, "Power levels are at 100%."

((If Set beats that check... Fuck Set.))
(('K. It really isn't much damage but I noticed while looking over my feats real quick. Knowing this can I convince Mike M to have Jack do his attempt to escape grapple after Muun acts so that I can do a full attack while he's still grappled?))

EDIT: ((Gonna do attack rolls in case they're needed))

Full Attack, Rapid Shot Attack Rolls (none crit): 1d20+12+4-2=28, 1d20+12+4-2=17, 1d20+7+4-2=20, 1d20+2+4-2=5
Damage Rolls: 1d10+2=8, 1d10+2=4, 1d10+2=7, 1d10+2=10 ((EDIT: And +2 more damage to each if Set is a magical beast))

Mike M

Nick N
(('K. It really isn't much damage but I noticed while looking over my feats real quick. Knowing this can I convince Mike M to have Jack do his attempt to escape grapple after Muun acts so that I can do a full attack while he's still grappled?))

EDIT: ((Gonna do attack rolls in case they're needed))

Full Attack, Rapid Shot Attack Rolls (none crit): 1d20+12+4-2=28, 1d20+12+4-2=17, 1d20+7+4-2=20, 1d20+2+4-2=5
Damage Rolls: 1d10+2=8, 1d10+2=4, 1d10+2=7, 1d10+2=10

((Yeah, that only makes sense.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Hell yes Gile theme fits Jack's bad ass moment perfectly.))

"Urgh!" The warrior is brought back to his senses following the next round of chaotic combat. Attempting to reorient himself, he has no time to for repose as his armor dents and crushes inward from Biggin's assault. Tarkus coughs as his breath sputters out in gasps. Now awake and fully aware that the monk's hands are as deadly and powerful as any crafted weapon, he means to retaliate in kind with his own implement of destruction.

Full Attack vs Biggins
Attack 1: 1d20+20 → [8,20] = (28) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095134/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [9,9] = (18)
Attack 2: 1d20+20 → [1,20,-5] = (16) ((Natural 1 F***))
Attack 3: 1d20+20 → [12,20,-10] = (22) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095134/"]Damage[/URL]: [spoiler]1d12+9 → [2,9] = (11)[/spoiler]
((Jack breaks free of the grapple.

Frink bullrushes Set, and succeeds.

Set is forced to spend his entire turn dealing with the consequences of that, and can't do anything else.

Biggins survives the two attacks that hit him, and then attacks Tarkus four times, activating his Stunning Fist ability again for the first one: 31, 17, 15, 19. Since I'm not sure off hand what Tarkus's AC is in the anti-magic field, I will list all four possible damage amounts: 8, 5, 7, 3. Also, make a DC 21 Fortitude save; if Tarkus fails, he is stunned for 1 round.

Valance hits Set for 5 more crossbow damage))

Set's body visibly shrivels as it gets blasted by Quintus's Ray of Enfeeblement. "Cursssssse you, Vecna!" he screeches, "I will have my vengeanccccccce!"

As he finishes that sentence, he is pelted by a bevy of arrows to the face, courtesy of the ranger hiding under the table.

This, along with Set's weakened state, gives Jack an opportunity to break free of the snake's constricting grasp; at that exact moment, Frink performs one last act of contrition for his own god by successfully ramming his body partially down Set's gullet, forcing the snake god to waste valuable time to actually push him all the way down so that he doesn't choke to death.

Elsewhere in the room, Biggins is again undeterred by the additional wounds that Tarkus just carved into him, and alters his targeting methodology slightly, this time attempting to strike Tarkus's adam's apple in the hopes of disabling him long enough to finish him off.

((Begin Next Round. And now I have the Guile theme music stuck in my head. Actually it's been there since I first clicked that link yesterday))

Mike M

Nick N
Val regains his senses to find that in the interim Set seems to have grown notably smaller in his physique and sprouted several arrows and crossbow bolts while he attempts to regurgitate Frink, who seems hellbent on achieving martyrdom for his god Vecna. Fortunately all this has left Jack able to finally escape Set's grasp, and even now is hoisting his greatsword in attack ready posture.

Desperate to end this battle before the advantage slips away once more, Val forgoes suave quips and sardonic wit and just shouts, "Fucking kill him while we have an opening!"

"Compliance," Jack says as the greatsword falls on his opponent.

Jack Full Round Attack
Attack 1:  1d20+12=18
Damage:  2d6+7=17

Attack 2:  1d20+7=26
Damage:  2d6+7=15

Val Full Round Attack
Attack 1:  1d20+16=26
Damage:  1d6+8=10

Attack 2:  1d20+11=20
Damage:  1d6+8=14

Attack 3:  1d20+6=18
Damage:  1d6+8=11

((I believe his AC was 26? No idea if Quintus' debuffs or the current situation he's in might have altered that, so I'm rolling damage for everything.))
Muun doesn't need Val to tell him to focus on the snake, too interested in taking down a monster over another human to even notice Tarkus' predicament and how well Biggins is actually doing. Satisfied that the elven bow is still decently strong even without magic power, albeit more difficult to penetrate surfaces with, he continues without restraint.

Rapid Shot Attack Rolls (none crit): 1d20+12+4-2=31, 1d20+12+4-2=30, 1d20+7+4-2=11, 1d20+2+4-2=17

Damage Rolls for the ones that hit (included Favored Enemy (Magical Beast) as part of the bonuses this time): 1d10+2+2=11, 1d10+2+2=12


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Tarkus DC is 19 in the anti-magic field.))

As the wailing serpent god’s scales shrivel and begin to resemble a pin-cushion, Tarkus takes heart in his allies rally to end its reign of terribly annoying screeches. Incensed, he tears his eyes from the absurdity of paladin Frink’s sacrifice to focus on his most agile and demanding opponent. Before he can blink, Biggin has refocused his efforts and succeeds at punching the half-orc painfully in the throat. Recoiling from the blow, the fighter’s eyes briefly roll back in his head.
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095464/"]Fort Save vs Stun (DC 21)[/URL]: 1d20+11 → [13,11] = (24)
Hacking up a cough and spitting blood-speckled phlegm onto the ground, Tarkus is able to marshal his fortitude enough to push through the pain. Roaring incoherently, his eyes refocus in time to face the second wave of Biggin’s flurry of fists. Not one to waste opportunity, the monk indeed follows up with another whirlwind of strikes, many of his hits clanging off Tarkus’ armor in quick succession, the last of which finds purchase on the side of his head.

In addition to the pain brought on by his severely damaged larynx, a dark and ugly bruise blooms across the side of Tarkus’ right eye, a testament to the internal bleeding caused by Biggin’s iron fists. Tarkus' eyes narrow as he changes his stance, making a technical adaptation of his own. Spitting blood onto the ground, he loosens his grip upon his weapon ever so slightly. Speaking in a haggard voice, he yells each word to cut through the difficulty his vocal cords have in enunciating his final challenge.

“You...were worthy foe. Now...accept gift of honorable death!”

Tightening his grip as he follows through with his attack, he launches himself at the monk with the agility granted only by reckless abandon. The fighter attempts to connect his strikes in such a way that should the first find purchase, he will use its momentum to chain a series of punishing and harried blows aimed toward finishing his foe once and for all.

Full Attack v Biggins
1d20+20 → [7,20] = (27) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095471/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [12,9] = (21)
1d20+20 → [14,20,-5] = (29) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095471/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [9,9] = (18)
1d20+20 → [14,20,-10] = (24) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4095471/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9 → [12,9] = (21)
((Tarkus actually killed Biggins on his last turn, and I don't know whether you'd want to cast that spell on Set, so you might want to redo that turn, Quintus))
((Biggins is dead.

Quintus's crossbow misses.

Set withdraws from Jack (thus avoiding the attack of opportunity that Jack would get otherwise), doing a double-move past Val and Tarkus.

Val's Attack of Opportunity: 32 vs AC; hits for 11 damage.

Tarkus's Attack of Opportunity: 30 vs AC; hits for 11 damage.))

Despite all of Biggins's elaborate showmanship and fancy footwork, the final blow of Tarkus's axe is more than he can stand, and he succumbs to a nasty gash in the gut.

After taking quite a bit of punishment from Muun, Jack, and Val, Set senses that he is currently outmanned and outgunned. He decides to leave the room, darting past Jack, Val, and Tarkus and slithering rapidly down the stairs.

From below, the party hears a sinister cackle, as Set's voice begins to morph into a higher-pitched version of the dualized voice that had occurred during his initial transformation.

Soon after, screams of terror somewhat drown out Set's laughter.

"Well," says Valance, climbing out from under the table, "That does not sound particularly encouraging."

((Begin next round. Basically what's going on here is that the antimagic field doesn't extend all the way downstairs. Quintus is close enough to the door that he can take a single move action to get down there and cast a spell; Set will be in visual range if that happens.

Tarkus is also close enough to the door to be able to charge downstairs and hit Set. Everyone else would have to do a double-move just to get down there.

Once you get down there, all of your magic items turn back on, so you can use your normal character sheets instead of whatever you probably did to keep track of the lack of bonuses.

I might do a map if it seems like we need one, but for now, the area downstairs is basically like a big, wide-open foyer. The only furniture is against the walls, so there's not really anything to hide behind, or anything that can get in the way))
((Probably best to be careful and not rush down right away. I'm trying to think of what would be the best course of action atm.))

((I wonder if Muun can see what had happened from upstairs. Would that be a perception check? I also want to do this without having to move in front of the door way, so that there's some corner angling between him and what he sees below.))
((Probably best to be careful and not rush down right away. I'm trying to think of what would be the best course of action atm.))

((I wonder if Muun can see what had happened from upstairs. Would that be a perception check? I also want to do this without having to move in front of the door way, so that there's some corner angling between him and what he sees below.))

((Sure, if you just want to take a move action to the doorway and peek downstairs then that works))

Muun decides to play it cautiously, and performs some light reconnaissance by moving to the doorway and peering down the stairs, careful not to block anyone else from passing through.

He sees Set in the middle of another transformation. His body seems to be slimming down somewhat. His head is shrinking and becoming more humanoid (while still keeping the reptilian features, such as the hypnotic eyes, deadly fangs, scales, and forked tongue). He is sprouting two arms from a newly-formed torso, each with a hand and five fingers; each finger is tipped with a pointed claw. His whole body is a paler shade of green than it was when he was just a giant snake.

Set/Rand makes the briefest of eye contact with Muun. Muun looks away in time to avoid getting hypnotized, but the creature below clearly saw him. "Well?" it calls up from below, in the not-quite-sane intonations of Rand. "I know you're coming down to try and ssstop me. You need me to ussse my powerss to help you get back to twenty yearss ago, right? I've been lisstening in on you from your precioussss Handy Haverssack thisss entire time. There'sss no point in trying to fool me anymore. Let'ss get thiss over with!"
With Muun's back against the wall next to the doorway after quickly retracting himself, he looks over the rest of the party members and relays what he observed, with a short breath "Rand has become the sort of mangled, vile abomination that Ravenloft would drive you to insanity with.. And he has four arms in case somebody is thinking of getting close.."

Listening to the message called up, he then says to the party, "He knows what we're here for.. And he intends to wait for us to come down."
Muun adds on to what he had just said, "I personally don't like the idea of somebody stumbling down the stairs because they were frozen by his gaze."

Mike M

Nick N
"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Set or Rand, or whatever you're going to call yourself," Val shouts down the stairs. "We have need of an incantrix, not you specifically. Rand already let it slip that there more than just himself in the world, and frankly I think I would rather just kill you here and now and deal with the headache of finding a replacement than have to deal with your infernal lisping."

Huddling in close to everyone else, Val whispers, "Muun's right, we can't just rush him when he's got full view of the only avenue of approach and the ability to knock any one of us out of commission just by making eye contact. Anyone have any bright ideas on how to blind or distract him?

"Muun, don't you have some sort of raptorial sidekick who could make himself useful?"
There was never any indication of whether the servant girl opened the window for Muun. If there is a window open, go to page 168, otherwise turn to page 148. If there are no windows, turn to page 10.

- 10 -

"I do, but there aren't any windows for him to get in. I guess they are too reliant on their magic for comfort."

- 148 -

"That servant girl didn't open the window like I asked. I should've had you or Valance tell her." He would nod towards somebody on the other side of the room that can open the window real quick.

Turn to page 168

- 168 -

Muun would let out a whistle so that Coriolis can enter in, "What do you have in mind?"

Mike M

Nick N
Muun would let out a whistle so that Coriolis can enter in, "What do you have in mind?"

"Well ideally he'd claw Set's eyes from their sockets, but I'd be satisfied if he could merely get in his face enough to break his line of sight with us so we can take a moment to move freely..."
Muun isn't quite eager to go with that plan just yet, "That's assuming he doesn't become gazed himself and plummet. If I'm going to put Coriolis in danger, I want to make sure it's something that will work."
Muun isn't quite convinced at Quintis' plan, "I meant in making sure my owl would succeed, dammit! I consider Coriolis as a bit of a friend, and that means I don't carry him around to be used as a shiny object to throw at just anything.. I'm not like that fool who let his dog get killed because he decided battle was a good place for it."

He then lets Coriolis off his shoulder, "I'm probably better off just taking his gaze myself, since I'll be up here behind you guys where he would have to get through all of you."

Mike M

Nick N
Warforged racial traits said:
-Unlike other constructs, a warforges is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
-Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysism, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

((Doesn't specifically call out whether or not a Warforged can be stunned. Mechanically I would argue it might fall under immunity to paralysis, but description-wise it seems Set's gaze attack is pretty firmly a mind-affecting ability.

If Jack is in fact immune, that makes this a lot easier...))
((I think it's still muun's turn and I think all he can do is another move action anyway, so jack would be better off rushing down if Muun wastes set's gaze.))
((The gaze is definitely mind-affecting. Jack is not immune.

Mechanically speaking, there's nothing to prevent anyone from taking an action. Set can only do his gaze thing on his own turn; he can't interrupt your turns with it))
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