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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'm pretty sure Val is bluffing about finding another incantrix so if I'm not mistaken we do need Rand's cooperation. Though how we will get it sans treachery seeing as Set is still intent on our lives is another question altogether.))

Tarkus nods once respectfully as Biggin's destroyed body slides to the floor. Swiping his dripping axe through the air once to shake off the blood, his adrenaline focused eyes catch RandSet retreating down the stairs. "SLITHER AWAY snake magician! Death love cowardice!" As the others begin to chatter away, Tarkus charges forward in pursuit and attacks.

Charge vs RandSet
1d20+23+2 → [1,23,2] = (26)

((Oh boy, natural 1. Go home tarkus, you're drunk. Tarkus AC is back to 21 for his magic items but for the next round its 19 due to his charge.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val watches Tarkus charge by, his face baring a small frown. "Well, I suppose there's always something to be said for the direct approach," he sighs as he rolls his eyes. "Guess we don't need an owl to distract him when we've got a Tarkus handy to get the job done. Look lively now, he's not going to last out there on his own."

Val follows in Tarkus' bellowing wake, though moving a touch slower as he lowers his gaze to his feet for the dual purpose of not meeting Set's eyes and for keeping his balance as he rushes down the stairs as quickly as he dares.

As he exits the area of effect of the anti-magic field, he instantly feels the various enchantments and enhancements to his equipment come back to life and reinforce his being. "You never know now much you rely on these sort of things until you don't have them," he observes, glad to no longer be fighting at a handicap.

Jack, for his part, vaults from the top of the staircase to the foyer below, showering Val with fragments of veined marble as the floor tiles buckle and shatter beneath his feet on impact. "Analysis indicates that now that the target had escaped the anti-magic field, he could have access to the host body's abilities," he announces upon landing. "Please exercise extreme caution."
((I should just ask this, did moving by the stairway to see what was going on not cost a move action? That might be where my confusion lies.))

((Yes it did, so if you take another move action to go down the stairs you won't be able to attack. If you fire from where you are, you'll still be without your magical bonuses))
((Ok, I see now. I was planning on using any remaining movement on my original movement action to get the los needed for a standard attack, but I forgot that line-of-sight worked that way via corners.))

((I also rolled 28 for my attack (14 on the dice roll) and I think it was 6 damage on the damage roll on my smartphone, but ended up fumbling the links and erasing most of my post due to crappy typing mechanisms so I'll just hope that you take my word for it since it isn't an overpowered roll or anything.))

Muun, while everyone is passing by him, quickly turns the corner and lets away a bit of covering fire for the others before pulling himself back into cover.
Quintus smiles and says, "Interestingly enough Jack, that is exactly what I've been waiting for." then steps out of the Anti-magic room and casts Feeblemind on SetRand. DC 22 will save to not become stupid.
((Tarkus misses.

Feeblemind seems to have no effect on Set/Rand. He appears to be immune to mind-affecting magic.

Muun's arrow hits.

SetRand performs a concentration check to avoid an Attack of Opportunity (rolling in the high 30's) and casts Dominate Person on Tarkus. Make a Will Save, DC 22. If you fail, you are under Set's control, and have standing orders, which must be obeyed as long as the spell is in effect, to protect Set from the party. My ruling is that this command is not against Tarkus's nature - or at least not enough to warrant another saving throw, as outlined in the spell description.

Set also casts a Quickened Wind Wall five feet in front of him))

SetRand's new, sleeker form seems to have brought with it an increased agility, and as Tarkus tries to bring his axe down, that section of flesh darts nimbly out of the way, very nearly causing the half-orc to stumble.

Muun's cover fire hits its mark, causing Set to grunt slightly as the others bound down the stairs.

"Niccce try," he hisses at Quintus, "But godss ssuch as mysself cannot be sstupefied by ssuch trivial mortal magic. Your friend, on the other hand..."

Set looks directly into Tarkus's eyes with his hypnotic gaze, this time whispering some barely-intelligible syllables and performing complex hand motions. This is more than simply putting Tarkus into a trance; this is an attempt to take complete control of him.

As Set does this, he snaps his fingers, and suddenly a constant torrent of wind bellows upward from the ground in front of him, protecting him from projectile weapons.



bitch I'm taking calls.
((Well thanks for the vote of confidence, Mike!))

His rushing strike anticipated and dodged, Tarkus is caught off guard by the newly agile and cunning serpent avatar Rand. Sensing a terrible and godlike power emanating from his foe's fused form, the hairs upon his neck stand on end. The half-orc growls, focusing his fear and adrenaline into as much haste and power as he can muster.


The fighter roars a challenge and attempts a crippling strike of opportunity as the serpent mage begins casting a spell. Finding the blade of his axe denied purchase once more, he grunts in frustration at the lithe and seemingly untouchable Set. Just as he fortifies himself for a bout of fire or the blast of harsh arcane power, the lizard sorcerer's murmured words and glowing eyes softly begin to creep their way into his very core.

((Forget what Mike said, I can do this. Just gotta believe in the heart of the dice!))

Will Save vs Domination DC22: 1d20+8 → [4,8] = (12)

((thanks for nothing Yugi))

As every emotion and thought in his head slips quietly away, Tarkus' muscles slacken momentarily as he slips into a state of comfortable numbness. 'Protecct me' his master's voice whispers. Discipline and determination replacing every other thought in his mind, the warrior slowly performs an about-face. Turning to stare down the party he hefts his weapon in a defensive stance in front of RandSet.

((maybe this isn't as bad as it seems.**looks up SRD on dominate person**))
((Before I take my turn, I should have Muun check something.))

Muun, being the last in the room next to Valance, looks behind him to see if Valance is coming.
Valance seems unsure what to do, and is near the door, trying to peek out to see what's happening. He notices Muun looking at him. "Yes, yes, you don't need to lecture me," he sighs, drawing his longsword and starting down the stairs.
Satisfied that Valance didn't bail out the open window or anything like that, Muun travels down the stairs, and stops just in front of Quintis and speaks in a low voice, "Do you have teleport memorized? I need an easy way to be some distance behind him."

He then begins casting a spell once he notices that the elven bow in his possession begins to wind up its magical gears and light up its foreign runes to him again. He casts Cat's Grace on himself to improve his senses (+4 to Dexterity).

((Ideally I would want teleport cast next turn rather than this turn, so that Muun can get a full attack off right afterward.))
((I'm going to bump that up to a 26 caster level check on account of various intangible factors working in your favor, so that will be enough to succeed))

Just as quickly as Tarkus fell under SetRand's control, the spell is broken by Quintus's hand, returning the half-Orc to his senses ((though he still has to wait til next turn to act)).

Mike M

Nick N
Like the coach at a sporting event (or as how he imagined they would be, seeing as how he had never actually attended a sporting event that he can recall), Val calls the next play for him and his mechanical comrade Jack. "Alright Jack, I'll go right, you go--"

"Initiating self repair sequence," interupts Jack.

"What? Now?"

"I sustained significant damage while in the grasp of Set's serpent form," eludicates Jack, "the presence of the anti-magic field you created precluded my ability to take such measures any sooner than now. My apologies for the inconvenience, please proceed with your plans, I will be with you momentarily."

"My plans call for us to make a go at it together, not for you to come along later. I'm not daft enough to engage him on my own, just... Hurry up? I guess?"

((Total defense for Val, Jack is spending an Inspiration Point on Opportunistic Piety to heal 23 HP))
((Set 5-steps up next to Val and attempts to initiate a grapple. 29 to touch hits. Grapple check: 35. To Muun: I'm going to rule that the Wind Wall overrides the auto-hit-grappling-opponents clause in your Improved Precise Shot.

Set then Quickens a Grease spell in a square that will include Jack and Tarkus. Tarkus is immune to falling prone due to the boots, but Jack has to make a Reflex save DC 18 or else he falls prone.

Finally, as his free action, he does his hypno-stare at Quintus; Will Save DC 22, or else Quintus can't take any actions this turn.

Valance attempts to fire a crossbow bolt at Set; the bolt is rendered ineffective by the Wind Wall.))

SetRand is clearly NOT happy about his spell being broken, as evidenced by the childish hiss he sends Quintus's way. Along with the hiss comes a hypnotic glare that threatens to temporarily remove Quintus as a threat.

Whether or not that succeeds, he also shimmies up to Val and tries to coil himself around the frustrated swashbuckler, and while he's at it he combats Jack's attempts at regrouping by coating the floor under him with a slick layer of magical grease.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus blinks and finds his mind and body returning to his natural thoughts and emotions. Spotting Quintus' glowing eyes, he nods his thanks before turning to RandSet with vengeance in his own eyes. Breathing deeply, he acts upon his fresh clarity by executing a punishing series of attacks upon his true enemy.

Full Attack vs RandSet
Attack 1: 1d20+23 → [9,23] = (32) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4104222/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+12 → [8,12] = (20)
Attack 2: 1d20+23 → [11,23,-5] = (29) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4104222/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+12 → [2,12] = (14)
Attack 3: 1d20+23 → [8,23,-10] = (21) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4104222/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)

Mike M

Nick N
((Val only has an 11 in Escape Artist bonus, he can't beat a DC of 35))
Jack Reflex Save:  1d20+11=24

Val lets out a wordless shout as SetRand doesn't so much cover the distance between the two of them so much as extend himself over the gap and wrap himself and his multitude of of limbs, each the strength of a constrictor snake in their own right, around his torso. Having been in literal binds before, Val is quick to recognize that he won't be able to shirk SetRand's grip at this precise moment, and so results to insults.

"Gods, I pray whatever the fuck is wrong with your face isn't contagious," he grunts with labored breath before heaving a gob of phlegm into SetRand's eye.


Jack's gyroscopic innards aren't up to par with Tarkus' divinely powered boots, but they're more than up to the task of maintaining his balance in the grease that has appeared underfoot. Following Tarkus' lead, he unleashes a pair of blows of his own with his greatsword

Jack Attack 1:  1d20+15=31
Damage:  2d6+10=17

Jack Attack 2:  1d20+10=22
Damage:  2d6+10=15

((Flanking bonus?))
((Is it possible to do a double move past SetRand without stepping on the grease tile?))

((Sorry about the late reply. Yes, you can do that. I'm going to assume that's what you're doing, and proceed with the next turn.

There's no flanking bonus with the current positioning of the party, but even if there were, it wouldn't matter because the first one hit anyway and the second is too low for the bonus to help it.

Set maintains the grapple on Val, dealing 16 damage.

He does his hypno-gaze at Muun this time; DC 22 Will save, or you can't take actions this turn.

He does a concentration check, this time rolling in the 40's, as he casts Lightning Bolt, Maximized and Sculpted into a 20-foot ball that will hit Tarkus, Jack, and Muun. DC 22 Reflex save; 60 damage if you fail, 30 if you pass. Muun, your Armor will absorb some of that damage.

Valance draws his longsword and charges Set, hitting and dealing 9 damage to him.))

Although Set is taking damage, it only seems to be strengthening his resolve to defeat the party. He clenches tighter around Val and changes the target of his hypnotic glare, even as he raises one hand and utters a few words that only Quintus understands. A 40-foot ball of electricity sprouts from the aether, catching Tarkus, Jack, and Muun in its wake.

Valance, realizing that the wind barrier is making ranged projectiles ineffective, finally throws caution to said wind and surges forward, striking at Set with his longsword. "If we get out of this alive," he says to Valgar, "You owe me a drink."

Mike M

Nick N
Jack Reflex Save:  1d20+11=21
((OH COME ON. Jack's down and out. Fortunately Warforged automatically stabilize and don't lose further HP once they drop below 0, so hopefully he doesn't suffer any further collateral damage lying in the thick of things like a sack of potatoes. Glad I took a turn to heal, 'cause otherwise he'd be extra dead.))

Val Escape Artist check:  1d20+11=28

"Let's worry about the getting out of this alive part first," Val doesn't so much say as painfully grunt to his brother as he witnesses Jack's eyes flicker and go dark before the mechanical being falls to the floor, inert as a piece of particularly elaborate sculpture.
((Sorry about the late reply. Yes, you can do that. I'm going to assume that's what you're doing, and proceed with the next turn.
((Darn, had a post written up for it. :p))

Will & Reflex Saves: 1d20+6=21, 1d20+13=22

Last turn, Muun shook Quintis and once he had realized that Quintis couldn't do anything for him, he took a dash to get past the mutant snake man, taking advantage of his hold on Val to get past safely.

Turning around to try and get a good aim, suddenly his vision turns while and his body begins to lose feeling again. The only silver lining to this misfall is that it didn't happen to Tarkus.

Then suddenly, a huge magic spell threatens to crush him. Muun isn't able to leap away, his body completely shut down down from the gaze's effect while his armor extends its foilage to protect him, but is barely enough to protect him from from dying outright, the blast sending him flying and nearly destroyed.

EDIT: ((Just realized I actually fail the reflex save, reworking post))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Reflex Save Versus Thunderball
DC 22: 1d20+8 → [15,8] = (23)

Tarkus is barely able to heave himself out of the way of the incoming spherical thunder, avoiding the brunt of the crackling energy with a well-timed jump back. Nonetheles, he still sustains heavy burns as a fork shoots across the floor and surges through his body. Grunting through the pain as chunks of his charred flesh fall from his body, the fighter executes another series of blows as he roars unintelligibly.

Full Attack Vs RandSet
Attack 1: 1d20+23 → [15,23] = (38) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4105739/]Damage[/url]: 1d12+12 → [4,12] = (16)
Attack 2: 1d20+18 → [16,18] = (34) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4105739/]Damage[/url]: 1d12+12 → [6,12] = (18)
Attack 3: 1d20+13 → [7,13] = (20) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4105739/]Damage[/url]: 1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)
Fighting through the high-voltage hazard with gritted teeth, Tarkus lands one final decisive strike on Set/Rand.

"NO! Not yet!" he laments with surprise. "Thiss mortal body is more fragile than I..."

Set is unable to finish that sentence as he falls abruptly unconscious. His body falls back, and the resulting transformation leaves the comparatively frail form of Rand lying unconscious on the floor, the fangs of Set falling limply from his mouth. The coils that had been restraining Val vanish into the air like so much fine mist, and he very nearly stumbles from the sudden lack of support.

Valance, after pausing just a moment to assess Valgar's condition, kneels down next to Rand and places an ear against his chest. "His breathing is shallow, but I do believe he's still alive," he says. He stands and turns to Val. "You MUST take Rand and get out of here immediately. I will stay behind and clean up the mess." He looks up at Quintus. "I assure you, Mister Mallory, your parents will be insulated from the fallout of this... unpleasantness."

He turns back to Val. "Dear brother, if you succeed in this ridiculous scheme of yours, I insist that you find the past version of me and buy him a drink. It truly was good to see you again, after all these years." He gives Valgar the briefest of hugs. "Best of luck, and take care of yourself."

((Everyone gain a level, but that doesn't give you any auto-heals. Rand's only magical equipment on hand is a Cloak of Charisma +8.))
As Muun slowly comes to his senses again, he pushes himself up with an uncontested struggle, trying to prop himself up with bones' bow after feeling from the sensation of abused limbs from being blasted away and tumbling on the floor.

The young warrior coughs and hacks, before finally guzzling a vibrant red spit from his throat onto the ground. Breathing heavily he reaches into his belt to pull out the Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds.

Gazing towards the armor he wears, he begins to thinks to himself. He has no clue what god or goddess this armor belongs to, but they were kind enough to save his sorry life.

Before he begins healing, he grasps a leg bent poorly from his collision, and begins to try and adjust it back into place. He eventually calls for Tarkus, asking him to help him with the task.
Quintus joins the others and says "I have teleport prepared, so I can get us out of here at any time. Just need to know where... Oh also, once again, screw you Val." then flips him off with a boney middle finger.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the final blow is struck and Set is shed from Rand like a limp snakeskin, Tarkus stoops over his body as Valance checks the unconscious man's vitals. Eyeing the fangs, Tarkus unceremoniously tears a swath of fabric from Rand's garments and uses it as a glove to hastily cover and tie up the treacherous artifact in its own makeshift pouch. Spotting a miraculously unscathed ceramic pot among the ruin of the Mallory's possessions, the fighter stuffs the fangs into it before closing the lid and anxiously tying further fabric over it to securely tie it shut.

Coughing a bit, his breath haggard and shallow, he twists his face into a stern grimace. "Rat mage and treacherous snake god...not combination I wish to see ever again."

As Muun calls for his aid, the half-orc shambles over to the ranger's position and spots him nursing a twisted leg bone. Nodding he speaks only briefly, "Will hurt" before looking Muun in the eye and forcefully using his strength to set the bone back into its socket with a crunch. "Be OK. Glad we all make it alive." He pulls out several potions of his own and offers them to his comrades before drinking a few himself, the healing warmth washing over his body and surging through his burnt tissue to magically cleanse the charred flesh anew.

((Drank 2 Cure Light and 2 Cure Moderate wounds, +54 HP. Still have 3 potions of Cure Serious Wounds if anyone needs them))

Standing up slowly, stretching his still recovering limbs, he holds his hand out to the others. "Wait here." He excuses himself from the group and hastily runs up the stairs to gather up as much of the strewn supplies as he can manage before piling them all onto the torn fabric of the handy haversack and tying them into a giant pack. Laying the very heavy pack at Val's feet, he grunts "Delivery for Val 'bright idea' Fierno" a genuine grin curled on his lips. "Was chaos but you refuse to run...much respect."

Spotting the broken heap of Jack's mechanical form, the smile slowly fades from his face. Not knowing what to say or if the man is alive or dead 'Can metal man die?' he moves himself to focus on matters he can control. Borrowing rope from Val's pack, the fighter binds Rand's hands and feet before turning to address Quintus.

"Can also still teleport Jack and scum Rand? Need remote place. Maybe ruin of Southport."
"Can also still teleport Jack and scum Rand? Need remote place. Maybe ruin of Southport."

((Confirming for Quintus that this is fine.

Also, Quintus would be aware that Incantatrixes are extremely adept at metamagic, which would include things like Still Spell and Silent Spell. This means that the traditional ways to restrain magicians from casting spells (binding their hands and covering their mouths) may not be very effective once Rand regains consciousness))
Muun cries out painfully from the feeling of the painfully quick but easy adjustment made to his leg, but the noise he makes soon subsides though he still aches all over and inside as well from where electricity had burned him inwardly. He slowly moves his leg, testing his threshold of pain carefully to make sure that it's properly reset and able to articulate normally. He tiredly responds to Tarkus' wisdom, "Trust me, being alive is something I don't take for granted. I'm also thankful I can still walk after what just happened..."

Taking out his wand, he points it towards his legs and begins to cast its healing. Wherever he casts the feel, the pain he had before was so immense that the fresh feeling that results seems like numbness in comparison. Where he heals electric burns, he feels his body temperature drop and cool down where the healing is applied.

((Expending three charges of the wand to get back to full HP.))

Once he's finished, he pulls himself up and regroups with the others, gazing over the robot man, whose vents are puttering smoke and are gently lit within with fire, and exposed wires spitting tiny sparks. Muun looks to Val, and holds up his wand, "Need a dose?"
Quintus says, "Southport? Sure, no problem. If we get a chance though, I need to do some shopping." then prepares to cast this spell once everyone is ready.

((still working on leveling... not having access to scrolls suck a lot when you no longer gain free spells when leveling))

Mike M

Nick N
((Argh, no time for a real write-up today, I'll have something tomorrow. In the mean time, did Biggins drop anything, and do we have time to go back upstairs and grab our shit to put back in the haversack? Or alternately has the anti-magic field worn off and we can just make the one trip upstairs?))
((DeadPhoenix: Why aren't you able to learn new spells when you level? In the SRD entry for Wizard it doesn't say anything about that stopping at any point.

Even if there is some reason that you wouldn't be able to learn new spells, go ahead and at least add Planeshift to your spellbook, because I was counting on you getting that for the purposes of the plot.

Mike M: You guys have time to go get your stuff. The anti-magic field is still up and will be for hours, but the rush isn't THAT urgent, especially since you're going to be teleporting instead of trying to sneak out of the city.

I forgot about Biggins's stuff. He has a Belt of Strength +6 and 5,000 gold on him. Also, Rand has another 10,000 gold.))
((Well, I'm not starving for Strength, I'll just buy a Cheap Gauntlets of Ogre power +2 Strength later on to use this Composite Bow properly.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Mike, I role-played Tarkus running upstairs and bagging up the loot he could find into a now mundane haversack. Also four-way split of 15k means 3750 each, unless Jack wants a cut of the gold in which case its 3k each. Unsure of the rules about strength enhancing items but I'm 90% sure if Tarkus was able to wear the belt he would be insanely imba which I don't really want, since it would be more than he already is if you discount his glaring will weakness which I intend to rectify soon. Don't care what happens with the loot particularly at this juncture but I'll chip in and say shopping soon would be cool.))
((i was planning to go archmage this level. prc's don't get more spells even with the spell level increase from having wizard spells.))

((also, i'm pretty sure a +6 belt is gonna turn you imba. you are actually kinda expected to have equipment like that at this level. its only +3 attack and +5 damage(Assuming you are two handing and you don't have a +x item already). personally, as i'm trying to avoid having to many direct damage spells, i want my BDF dealing out as much damage as possible. i actually consider never dealing direct hp damage again a small goal of mine.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val takes a half stumble as he regains his balance after suddenly free of Set’s dire embrace. He holds Tarkus’s makeshift urn that holds the Fangs while Valance performs his assessment of Rand’s vital signs.

Just so you’re aware, Set, he directs his thoughts toward the inanimate set of unusual bone dentures, as soon as we no longer have need of your precious artifact, I will personally deposit it in the most inaccessible place in the entire multiverse, be it the bottom of the ocean or the heart of a volcano, but I assure you that was the last time you will ever cause me and my own trouble.

((So is the Haversack just completely wrecked at this point, or did everything just erupt out the opening leaving the sack intact?))

Val returns his brother’s slight embrace and gives him a solitary pat on the back. “Valance, I will buy you an entire barrel of the very best wine I can find when I return. I don’t expect your past incarnation to understand, but rest assure my debt to you will be paid in full. Speaking of paying debts…” Val delivers a vicious kick to the unconscious Rand’s face. “Consider that a down payment of the suffering you are owed,” he mutters though Rand clearly would not be able to hear it.

As the rest of the group gradually pulls themselves up and together, Val irritably waves aside Quintus’ one fingered salute. Unaccustomed to making such grievous and irreparable tactical errors such as the one that has cost Quintus his forearm once again (this time without a handy cleric of Pelor around who might transcend the mortal plane and cure Quintus of his affliction), he redirects his energy towards the inert form of Jack rather than wrestle with introspection of what he could have done differently.
Inspecting Jack’s construction, Val doesn’t even know where to begin. Oh, he is quite skilled at fine machinery and clockwork and such, but Jack is clearly well beyond his capabilities to repair. Still, there is a slight vibration to be felt when he places his hand upon Jack’s chest, and a barely audible hum. “I… I don’t think Jack’s dead, he’s just… Deactivated or something. Muun, do you suppose your happy stick would work on constructs?”

As their conversation turns to their next move, Val offers his analysis. “Well, Southport has the advantage of being deserted, that’s for certain. It was my understanding however that we were going to need to return to the sunken monastery to conduct Jack’s proposed experiment. We might want to wake Jack up and see what he says, I don’t think we’re going to be able to keep Rand contained once he comes around.”

((Val takes the Cloak of Charisma +8, Jack takes the Belt +6 to up his viability a bit? Unless anyone else wants that Cloak, Val’s already got a +6 version on as it is. Or if they want the +6, otherwise may as well just give it to Jack as well.

Shopping is definitely in order, Val needs to upgrade his rapier. (I say that, and I feel like I need to go farm Pure Bladestone or something. Heh.) I’d say Jack should probably get a cut of the gold as well, as soon as we reactivate him.))
Muun clarifies, "I meant for you, unless I am misremembering whether you were injured at all."

"If all else, we could always try to disrupt his spells by beating him." The Jack Bauer method of forcing concentration checks to be made.

((Muun can't have the closk either since he has the cloak of displacement.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val could use a top-off, but I was resorting to a ham fisted attempt to get Jack healed to conciousness since it's not really readily apparent that he would benefit from healing spells since he's a machine and I'm not sure if any of us would have that as IC knowledge unless we just rule that Jack said "Oh by the way, if I ever get knocked the fuck out, I can be brought back online with normal healing spells in a pinch" off camera))
((The Haversack is fine and wasn't damaged. Your characters can be aware that healing spells work on Warforged.

Quintus can have Planeshift since I already said as much, but yeah from here on you'll have to learn spells from scrolls.

What do imba and BDF stand for? Google searches were inconclusive.

I will do a write up of Jack's opinion when I have some more time. Hopefully this info will help with bookkeeping until then))
((Oh, okay. Still, Muun initiallly directed his offer to Val, so he'll heal Jack after.

"Imba" is a term seen in some competitive PC games to describe something that dominates. Overpowered pretty much.))
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