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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Both are correct, imba is short for imbalanced but it is also used most often in PC gaming and MMO culture to describe overpowered things, which is actually where I picked up the term.))
((Thanks guys, good to know.

And really, except for Quintus (since wizards are inherently overpowered in this system), none of you need to worry about getting overpowered. It's my job to keep encounters suitable for you guys based on your power level. Sometimes players can make that problematic by abusing the system and doing ridiculously overpowered things, but none of you are anywhere close to that. I appreciate the concern though!))

As Muun's rod works its magic, one by one Jack's servos begin humming and buzzing. Before long, color returns to his eyes. "Power levels returning to normal," a distorted, staticky voice emits from Jack's body. "Circuit breakers resetting... Operating system rebooting.... Please stand by."

A few seconds pass, and then Jack lifts his head, surveying the area as he stands up. "Systems functioning within normal parameters," he says in his own voice. He looks at Muun. "You have my gratitude, Lieutenant," he says. "The electrical anomaly overloaded my circuit breakers and forced an emergency shutdown of my power systems. Without your assistance, I would not have been able to repair the damage."

Upon being asked about what to do next, Jack tilts his head and considers it. "By my calculations, we possess every item required to breach the time stream except for the significant source of chronaton particles. Given that a probable location has been determined for such a source, it is my recommendation that we proceed to this underwater monastery as soon as possible." He pauses for a beat. "Perhaps after a night of rest."
((I have no clue what Jack's maximum HP is, how many charges did I need to use to get him back to full? I assume by "topped off" Val just needed one charge.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Let's just hit the swamp, some of the more injured people can rest at night, Tarkus is fine to get by on an hour or two of sleep thanks to his ring, but would probably be a good idea to have two people on watch duty since we have to watch for when Rand wakes up as well. I suppose that means Tarkus and Jack. Let's blindfold Rand as well.))

As the party prepares to go, Tarkus makes sure Rand is gagged and blindfolded.
((I was thinking of using Speak With Animals to have a bit of chat with Coriolis now that things are calming down for once, but I'm wondering... what should I expect from an animal with 2 Int?))

((I'll use 2 charges on Val, and however many it takes to heal Jack (though that will take a huge chunk of the wand)).
((I took "imba" to be shorthand for imbalanced. BDF=Big dumb friend? I have no idea....))

((Close. It's, Big Dumb Fighter(no offense)))

"Waiting for him to start casting isn't the best idea," say Quintus "Even if we were to be successful in stopping him, he is most likely capable of casting spell in such a way that we wouldn't even know he was casting a spell." and prepares a to teleport to sunken monastery area instead.

Mike M

Nick N
((I was thinking of using Speak With Animals to have a bit of chat with Coriolis now that things are calming down for once, but I'm wondering... what should I expect from an animal with 2 Int?))

((I'll use 2 charges on Val, and however many it takes to heal Jack (though that will take a huge chunk of the wand)).

((Jack can heal up 69 points on his own, and more once he gets his allotment of Opportunistic Piety reups in the morning, so just bringing him back online at the moment will suffice.))
((I'm gonna assume that means me too (at least in the context of combat) since Muun is mostly a damage bot. Funny thing about that view on "big dumb" Fighters is that Melee meat sponges have more tactical options in combat than an archer.))

((Jack can heal up 69 points on his own, and more once he gets his allotment of Opportunistic Piety reups in the morning, so just bringing him back online at the moment will suffice.))
((Oh, okay. Muun should probably heal him up to full after that anyway, so that Jack can have all of his Opportunistic Pieties for future combat.))
Their course of action decided, the party gathers around, as Valance frantically darts around the mansion in the background, arranging things in a way that's surely incomprehensible to the rest of the party. With Rand physically secured and slung over Tarkus's shoulder, and Jack busy performing self-diagnostics and maintenance routines, Quintus raises his arms and says the magic words, and suddenly the party finds themselves in a swamp.

The sun is just beginning to set at the edge of a large body of deep water - an edge that looks all too familiar to the party; this is the exact location from which they departed in the canoes, so many years ago. The landscape in this area is virtually unchanged from what they remember - the first locale they've visited for which this is the case.

"My internal sensors are detecting a significant source of chronaton radiation coming from ahead. Distance uncertain," Jack declares.

It is here that the party sets up camp, no doubt strategizing for the next step, occasionally glancing uncertainly at the still-unconscious body of Rand as crickets chirp in the background...

((Cue campfire scene))
Muun finds himself in an environment much more familiar to where he had used to live, but lit with a distant sun that slowly says goodnight to the party it watches over. Muun takes his time to refill his quiver with some more of the arrows that they had obtained from the Shifters, making it twice so far he's used their stock to keep himself prepared with the lack of shopping due to circumstances.

Unfortunately, this environment is also damp, and much of the wood available is difficult to use. Needing to improvise, he digs into Tarkus' haversack to find the largest pot available to use as a base, then uses his knife to begin carving away at Rand's clothing to use as extra burning material. Finally he does add whatever dry foliage he can find as normal. Once he finally finishes with that, he hopes it works and sits around with the others.

"Tarkus.." he begins, "I want to keep watch this time tonight." Maybe he's taking precaution, but also doesn't have yet a concept of when one is supposed to sleep at night, the dark sky seeming like one's day to him still.

Muun then asks Jack, "Can you watch over Rand? I should be on the lookout for any oncoming beasts."

While the others are still awake, he holds up his owl on his arm and casts Speak with Animals, so that he can chat with Coriolis on whatever it is owls talk about, "Sorry I had to leave you by yourself for so long. Did you at least see interesting things?"
"The humans are lazy here," Coriolis notes. "They have no predators. Orcs are new to me. I don't know what to make of them. I like it here in this swamp. Lots of prey. I'm going to eat well tonight."

"You know what you have to do," Vecna speaks through his hand, his voice more prominent now that the gauntlet is fused into Quintus's body. You won't be able to control him otherwise, and eventually he WILL make his move against you, and you won't be ready for it. Besides... how else are you going to get him to survive underwater?"
((So Coriolis gets an ability score increase on this new hit die. Can I put it to Int so that he's slightly closer to a human in terms of being a capable friend?))

Listening to Coriolis' observation of the world he sees, Muun responds, which would seem like to the others (except maybe Jack, who could easily figure out the reasoning behind his talking with his advanced logic) that he's talking to himself, "They are indeed lazy, but I think because they have no predators that they're trying to kill each other now. Orcs are much like humans I find.. Just bigger."

He then lets Coriolis fly off to find something for himself to eat, his tone enthusiastic but still quiet to make sure he's not being too loud, "Sure. Have a good time."

Mike M

Nick N
Val spends much of his time on the shore of the swamp high-stepping through the muck, his internal monologue about how this adventure is costing him a fortune in clothing leaking past his lips unbeknownst to him in soft, disgruntled muttering.

"I swear it smells worse than last time," he says when he finally decides to utter something intelligible. "Like it knew we'd be back eventually, and it's just been keeping its most fetid, foul odors held in reserve for our return for the past two decades."

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, Val's meanderings start to gravitate towards Muun's meager fire, as he makes a repetitive circuit visiting his companions in turn, though he makes a pointed effort to not make eye contact with Quintus. Stopping near Muun, he witnesses the fearless archer from a realm of unending corporeal nightmares seemingly have a meaningful conversation with his owl before the nocturnal predator takes wing once more. He has several remarks that occur to him in response to this, but none of it constructive, so instead he offers advice on keeping watch. "Last time we were here, this swamp was crawling with crocodiles. Big ones. Tremendously big ones. Be wary, I'm not entirely sure how much good arrows would actually do against them."


Next, he passes by Jack, who has been impassively staring at Rand's prone form as per Muun's request. Staring at the stripped, mud caked incantrix bound in the rope, Val can see that he is still among the land of the living, as he can see the steady rise and fall of his chest. "I can see that he's alive Jack, but is he OK otherwise? I've knocked people out before, they usually regain consciousness relatively quickly. Don't get me wrong, the less time this bastard has to try and work his stuff the better off we'll be, but I honestly thought we'd be resorting to a rotation of slapping him around to disrupt his concentration to prevent him from casting a spell by this point. He's no use to us dead, but he's also no use to us if he's never going to wake up..."


Pulling up alongside Tarkus, he simply stands next to the half orc and gazes off toward the horizon. "I want you to know, Tarkus," he says, "that it was never my intent to make you feel foolish or confused, or anything of the sort with this whole business about trying to undo the past. I know it's difficult to think four dimensionally like that. Hell, I'm one of the smartest people that I know, and I still give Jack a blank stare whenever he tries to explain it to me. But we're sitting here in the brink of success, we're about to completely negate all the terrible things that have been wrought in our absence over the past 20 years, as well as all the terrible things that have happened since our return, thanks in no small part to my judgement calls and actions. That said, we still need to contend with Rand when he wakes up, and there's a very real possibility that we might still lose. If that should happen, if we should fall on this verge of success and all these sacrifices that I have been so willing and eager to make were all in vain... Tarkus, there's not enough words in any language to describe my sorrow and regret for what I've done here these past few weeks."


As much as he would like to avoid having any sort of direct confrontation with Quintus on account of costing him his arm again, there's several logistical issues that need to be addressed. "Quintus," he says on his approach, "I was hoping to pick your brain for some ideas about how we should approach this. We're short on boats or zombified dire crocodiles, so I'm not entirely certain how we're supposed to reach the monastery. And once we get there, what then? I've got the ring from last time, I don't think Jack needs to breathe, you've got that... fish... thing... you did on our previous visit, but that still leaves Rand, Muun, and Tarkus and we're fresh out of potions last I checked..."
Being the first to be spoken to by Val in the wave of queries given to each person, it's probably natural that the question to Muun seems to be the least personal one. When told of the crocodiles, he nods, "Good to know what to look out for.. They were living in the water, correct? As for my arrows, considering that I just had a test run of using them without magical power to help penetrate lizard skin on a, in your words, tremendously big snake and managed some success, I would say the biggest obstacle is the water."

After having answered and being the one to hold the conversation, Muun uses this opportunity to diverge information about what is special about the swamp and then learning from Val and the others about the Temple of Monks, Evaneth, the Belt of Ao, the party's first encounter with Time Travel which explains why this location is ideal for travelling back in time.
Quintus gives no response for a bit then sighs and says "...Shouldn't be a problem, after a nights rest. I have a spell for breathing under water, or I could just use polymorph and make some of us a bit more suited for such an environment. Then there's Rand. I've got a spell that should be able to make Rand a bit more... compliant for a time. Though right now I can't say with certainty that it would work. With some rest I could prepare something a bit more potent, there is no way to be sure that it will work until I start casting it. Of course, there is one way to be sure I can control him..." he then lifts his boney arm, "And we wouldn't have to worry about how well he can survive underwater."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Scene setting music brought to you by amateur Jackben & windows movie maker))

((Also, zombified Rand sounds like the safest bet, but would he still be of use to us in that state?))

After laying Rand down near in the mud under the watchful gaze of Jack, Tarkus helps the others gather what little dry driftwood they can find to set up camp. The muck, smell and noise don't bother Tarkus much as long as he doesn't have to march far in it. Though the air is damp and thick with an oppressive warmth, there is something about the rhythmic sounds of the frogs and crickets in the bayou that the Half-Orc finds calming.

Cupping his hands, he scoops up a handful of moss and smears it over his arms and neck. "Insect not bite if cannot smell sweat." Offering some to the others, he quickly lowers his hand, noting the disgruntled faces in response to his perhaps unpleasant survival techniques. Noting that the hovering insects seem to not linger around Quintus, he asks earnestly whether the mage learned any such techniques in his time at the Academy. Before Quin can answer, Tarkus frowns and says "Nevermind..." as he shamefully realizes why insects might fear to near his dark aura.

- - -

As the croaking frogs begin to quiet down and the sun reaches its bed beyond the view of the swampy foliage, Tarkus spots Val heading his way and turns from his methodical stare into the fire to hear what he has to say. Having spent quite some time now with the dashing Fierno, he grunts in agreement with what the man has to say. "Is true not understand much of time change or magicks..." while silently reflecting upon the fact that he has come to know a few things more about Val that a stranger may not.

'Val use words as weapon...and ego as armor.'

Curling his lips in a slight smile as the man continues to pitch him his story of their escapades, Tarkus only nods sagely and adds "Sacrifices and leadership not go unnoticed." Despite his reflections and levity toward Val's roguish ways, something in the man's eyes speaks to Tarkus on a deeper level when he mentions his sorrow and regret should everything fall apart.

He places his arm on Val's shoulder and looks him unerringly in the eyes. "Not always agree in method...more of late than before, but...like think some of Sarm rub off on us all." His eyes close a moment on thought of the cleric and of Suvne. "Like to think they know our trial. And if...when we succeed...they see it and smile."

- - -

Tarkus steps away from the fire and heads towards the east side of camp, where he lays his bedroll over a sturdy tree stump and sits next to the Muun. Spotting him in counsel with his animal companion, Tarkus busies himself clearing a space for himself before turning to respond to the ranger's query about the night's watch.

"Not need much sleep now...'cus of magick ring." He twists the faintly glowing silver band around the knuckle of his left hand, feeling the ring work its mysterious magicks to nourish him with energy enabling little eating or drinking and unnaturally short sleep cycles.

"But extra eyes most welcome tonight" the fighter nods, removing the straps on his armor and pulling the plates off his body one by one. He cleans and repairs each plate as best he can before setting each on his pack. He turns his attention back to Muun and asks "Leg doing OK?" as he watches the ranger methodically whittle away arrows for his quiver.

As the last vestiges of light slowly fall out of view, Tarkus slips into his bedroll for the small amount of sleep he requires ((3 hours)) before waking to rejoin the outworlder and Warforged construct in watching and listening to the ambiance of the swamps.
When offered the moss, Muun wouldn't hesitate to take some from Tarkus' palm, of course agreeing that it is a good idea.

While sitting, Muun leans in such a way that his good leg is taking more weight. He explains to Tarkus, "Somewhat. The healing magic made it feel well, but I think it became a bit loose and needs to settle in. I'm incredibly lucky that is the case, really... Rand's magic spell nearly killed me.. but this strange armor made of branches and leaves that I'm wearing wearing saved my life, not to say the same of its original owner."

Muun would wait until Tarkus wakes from his nap to go to sleep himself, so that Tarkus can start watch for the rest of the morning.
((Jackben, I just want to say that I really enjoyed that post. The video, the music, the prose... fantastic stuff.))

In the murky twilight, Muun's eyelids begin to grow heavy not long after Tarkus awakens to join him and Jack, signaling that it may be time to get some sleep.

As he rises from his seat to move toward a bedroll, a pained, muffled groan is uttered from the ground through a gagged mouth, and Rand's beaten body begins to stir slightly.

"It appears that our prisoner is regaining consciousness," Jack says neutrally, his internal repair systems still whirring away just under the surface of his metallic skin.

Mike M

Nick N
((Val would have pointed out that the time Quintus zombified the magic user on the bridge in the mine, it did not go well, though he wouldn't know if it was because that particular victim was a Vecna worshipper, or if had to do with magical ability. But that aside, doing the zombie thing does seem the safest bet unless that reminder is causing anyone to second guess themselves.))

Val gets up from his bedroll. He hadn't been on the watch shift rotation, but the combination of needing to settle for the least saturated patch of ground and the fact that he had been expecting Rand's eventual recovery had kept sleep at bay. "Well then," he says in a merry voice that everyone present must surely know to be false given his previous grumbling about their camping conditions, "let's get this over with."

Approaching the stirring magic user, Val casually draws his rapier. "Jack," he says in that same cheery, affable tone, "would you be so kind as to help our guest to his feet and hold him very still? No need to be gentle, I'd hate to harm the fine craftsmanship of your armor by nicking you when I run him through because he had the slack to squirm."

Once their captive has regained his vertical orientation, Val raises his rapier and rests the tip of it in the hollow of Rand's throat, just above the collar bone, making an uncomfortable indentation though not yet piercing the skin. "Good morning, sunshine! Sorry we haven't had time to properly catch up, but you did attempt to kill is all before we could have the opportunity. Now I'm sure your close, personal friend Set filled you in on the details, so there's no need to explain why you're still alive."

Val digs his rapier a hair deeper, a crimson drop of blood blossoming at the end of his blade. "There is, however, the question of how we are to ensure your cooperation..."
Rand makes a face that would probably be a grin if the mouth gag weren't in the way. He seems entirely at ease and not at all intimidated by the situation. Some incomprehensible noises come from his mouth; it seems that he's talking, while knowing perfectly well that his words are muffled.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thanks Lunarian. Fruits of a bored Saturday morning.))

At Jack's intonation, Tarkus eyes Val's move to interrogate and heads toward Quintus, calling his name to wake him as quickly as possible. Once he is certain he is awake and aware, Tarkus places a hand on Muun's shoulder and gently shake him. "Muun...Rand awake. Need to be ready." He crosses back to his own bedroll and begins to re-arm himself donning his armor and readying his axe.

Likely the last to join the semi-circle around their murmuring prisoner, Tarkus turns to their own mage companion.

"Quintus...risk to try Vecna or...?"
Quintus is slow to awake, until he realizes Rand is up.

"Hmm... Let's try this first." says Quintus, then he proceeds to cast Charm Person.

((DC 18 will save...))

Mike M

Nick N
Having previously been informed that Rand's abilities are such that he could probably cast a spell even when bound and gagged if he were so inclined, Val figures there's little to risk by removing the gag.

A pair of quick flicks of his blade slices the gag across each of Rand's cheeks, allowing him to spit out the portion still in his mouth.

"Now," Val says as he returns the blade to his threatening position, "what was that again?"
Quintus's spell goes off just before Val pulls the gag out of Rand's mouth. Immediately, Rand's facial muscles relax and his disposition changes. "Of course. I'll help you," he says gladly. "I'll even take care of the Waterbreathing spell myself. It'll be no trouble at all."

You are certain that the spell failed. _______________________________________________________
Rand's face contorts into an expression of pain and horror; his eyes widen, and the facade is dropped.

"I.... you... no. AHHHHH!"

The duplicitous sorcerer's skin wilts and shrivels before the party's eyes; they've seen this transformation process at least twice before, and Rand's is the loudest by far.

He simply stands there for a moment, in the throes of panic, giving Quintus plenty of time to exert influence over him.

After doing so, Quintus feels inexplicably unclean in the depths of his soul, to the point that it's having a mild deleterious effect on his body and mind...

((You now have a Taint score of 1. This counts as a penalty toward your Constitution and Wisdom scores. You can read more about Taint here, but really all I'm using from those rules are the penalties to the ability scores, and the methods of getting rid of it.

Also, the party now has one Zombified Rand in its inventory))
Muun pushes himself back up into a standing position with just his good leg, keeping his bow ready out of pure caution. Thankfully, if Rand truly is under control, he doesn't have to trust him.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Quintus says "Oh, don't worry. I'll take care of it." then taps Rand with the Arm of Vecna,
((Ha ha, damn. I was not expecting it in that way. Bravo.))

Tarkus narrows his eyes in a skeptical frown at Rand's words. Opening his mouth to speak, he suddenly stumbles back, surprised at Quintus' initiative in turning Rand over to eternal servitude. Wrinkling his nose in mild disdain of the screams and purifying flesh, he nonetheless sets his jaw in a hard grimace.


No longer worried about Rand, he turns his gaze toward the swamps.

Mike M

Nick N
(("the party now has one Zombified Rand in its inventory" ice cold.))

Val lowers his rapier from Rand's throat. "I believe our captive will be cooperating from here on out, Jack. You can let him go now."

Turning to Quintus, he asks, "You're positive you have enough control over him? I'd hate to have him suddenly try and reassert himself at an inopportune time."
It's a curious feeling for Quintus, having a creature completely dominated by his will. He experienced it once before in the Watchers' Tower, but that was in an intense situation, and the control didn't last long. Now, Quintus has an opportunity to actually pay attention to what it feels like.

He can sense Rand's consciousness somewhere deep in his mind, screaming out in futility, as though he is bound and buried under a ton of solid concrete.

That consciousness is far removed from Rand's body. In its place is a vacant, subservient, glazed-over stare.

Quintus is not used to exerting control over another, and will have to dedicate a significant portion of his concentration toward directing Rand for all but the most simple, very basic commands. When he is not doing so, Rand will simply stand there and do nothing.
Once Muun observes that Rand, at the moment, is just a shambling vessel who is nearly about to topple over from the lack of control of his stature, he finally loosens the pull on the bowstring and arrow and lowers his aim.

When Val asks if Quintis is sure he has control, Muun suggests, "Test him out by making him tell us what spell he was going to cast on us... Then consider having him waste any spells that he could use to try to kill us."
"Hm, I'm aware. I meant in making him cast the spells at bogus targets to drain them from his reserves... unless you think you have enough control over him that you can use them for our benefit."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Distancing himself a bit from the discussion of the undead mage, Tarkus turns to Jack. "Last time here, had boats...How far sense magick radiation?" Tapping his boots against a nearby log, the half-orc gestures to them. "Allow move underwater easy. But last time had to fight many ghost and creatures once in water. Hope not need to swim whole way..."
As Rand begins to robotically recite a list of magical spells, the actual robot replies to Tarkus in a decidedly less monotone fashion.

"My analysis is inconclusive," he begins. "There is significant obfuscation to my sensor readings due to the opacity of the water in this swamp. However, we should be able to teleport directly to the location in question, if Quintus has been there before. I do not believe that the chroniton radiation will interfere with the spell."

((In reviewing the thread, the last time you guys were here it took 2 hours to paddle to the monastery site in the canoes. It would probably take significantly longer without boats, since without magical assistance, four of you would have to swim normally, and Rand would have to walk along the bottom of the water - Rand is not a particularly good swimmer, and Quintus doesn't have good enough control yet to make him one.

As for Rand's spells, I'll be honest - I don't really have the patience to make an exhaustive list. I'll let you decide what 0, 1, and 2-level spells he has; the rest include Lightning Bolt, Mirror Image, Teleport, Fly, Dimension Door, Hold Person, Dominate Person, Silence, Feeblemind, Telekinesis, Bigby's Transformation, Evard's Black Tentacles, and probably some more. If there's a specific spell you want to check on that I didn't list, I'll roll a percentage die and let you know if he has it, but you probably have a better selection than him anyway since you're a wizard and he's just a sorceror))


bitch I'm taking calls.
In response to Jack's findings, Tarkus is relieved. "Good. Long trek in swamp too dangerous underwater." The fighter marches back towards the others. "Quin, teleport spell best way." Looking sidelong upon the droning recitation of the sorcerer, he furrows his brown. "Hope dead Rand still good for time spell."
((It just occurred to me that you guys have a robot, an alien (Muun, being an outworlder), and a zombie in the party, and the argument could be made that Val is kind of a pirate-like. All that's missing is a ninja. This is very pleasing to me))
((I should've could've tried to take a level in gunslinger while they wete 20 years into the technological future, more for the lulz and less for any actual usefulness. That would've made Muun... cowboys and aliens. I always felt like Evaneth was a ninja.))

"Agreed, we're lucky enough that we didn't get attacked over the night."
((just to be sure, we have not had 8 hours to get fully rested yet, correct? ...Gonna have to pick up one of this rings of sustenance, sometime.))
((While that is technically true, I was just going to gloss over it and assume that whatever you guys did to finally get moving, would be after the rest was completed))
((Sorry to cut past you Quintus, but I want to knock this out now while I have time. Next time you post, you can detail exactly what spells you're using to make yourself, Muun, Jack, and/or Rand more maneuverable in the water. Waterbreathing is a given, of course, but beyond that you have some options. Recall that Val still has the Ring of Underwater Comfort, so his breathing and movement needs are both taken care of, and Tarkus's boots allow him to move freely.))

After finishing out a full night's rest and taking a bit of time to peruse his spellbook and make sure all the appropriate incantations are prepared, Quintus once again gathers everyone around. This time, before teleporting, he uses his magicks to make the murky underwaters of the Zagros Marshlands somewhat less inhospitable through a combination of Waterbreathing, Polymorphery, and/or Freedom of Movement. Once everyone is reasonably sure that they're ready, the wizard repeats the ritual of teleportation.

The sensation is jarring. In a split second, the party is suddenly and alarmingly surrounded by water; the immediate increase in pressure no doubt makes a few ears pop, and since the water down at the bottom of the swamp is at least ten - maybe twenty - degrees colder than the previous environment, there is certainly some uncomfortable shivering.

Once the party's senses have adjusted to this new environment, they are able to take in their surroundings. Sure enough, the Monastery of Ao is entirely intact, and still immutably eerie. Somewhat disconcertingly, the furnishings down here seem to have been restored; the last time the party left this place, it had recently returned to a state of ruin. Now, the pews are intact; a carpet lines the center aisle; decorations adorn the mammoth room. The impressively-high statue of Ao stands tall, watching over the room, still completely intact.

"I've been waiting for you."

The voice is jarring, and incredibly is unmolested by the murky depths. It's coming from the back of the room, near the statue area.

Seated on a carpet designed for that purpose is a middle-aged man, barely visible in a cloud of darkness. His legs are crossed, and his hands rest on his knees; he is shirtless, lean, and muscular, and his pants are black; he wears a rope as a belt. His long, black hair is suspended in the water, and in his eyes is just a touch of insanity. On the floor next to him is a large, majestic shield that seems to be the one that had been held by the statue in the Emerald Bay of the past.

Tarkus, Val, and Quintus recognize this man as Evaneth.

"Twenty years," he continues, rising to a standing position as he speaks. "Twenty years I have waited here for you, knowing you would return. Your purpose is inconsequential; your quest is to gather the Deific Aspects. As such, it is my duty as a Disciple of Ao to stop you."

He cracks his knuckles and stretches for a brief moment.

Jack speaks, his voice audible but distorted. "I am detecting an enormous amount of chroniton radiation emanating from him. It is logical to conclude that he is the source for which we have been searching."

((Pausing here to give you all a chance to react/roleplay in some way before a combat starts, but don't take any actions yet because there's another FMV scene before the fight actually starts))
((I prepared extra polymorph spells just in case, so if you wanna turn into a kraken, you can(you actually probably can't as i imagine kraken has way to many hit dice, but just about any other underwater creature(with 14 or less hit dice. +1 caster level rocks) is an option)))

Before teleporting, Quintus casts water breathing on Tarkus, alter self on himself, changing into a Locathah. The casts polymorph on Muun. And maybe Jack if he even needs it. He can change them into Locathah's as well, but if they want anything more... impressive, he does take requests.
((Yeah, Kraken has 20 hit dice. Would've made a hilarious way to make Evaneth's speech fall on deaf ears though as he watched a gigantic sea creature crash through the temple after stating his intentions.

Perhaps I can be more modest? Or would the party know whether he could even fit in the temple or not?))
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