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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Yeah, Kraken has 20 hit dice. Would've made a hilarious way to make Evaneth's speech fall on deaf ears though as he watched a gigantic sea creature crash through the temple after stating his intentions.

Perhaps I can be more modest? Or would the party know whether he could even fit in the temple or not?))

((The temple's main room is enormous, and will easily accommodate a Giant Squid. So yeah, this works if you want to go that route))
After Evaneth challenges the four warriors floating before him, a looming mass soon drifts behind the other four, pulling itself into the temple via its many tentacles as a way of expanding the party's strength after they have been challenged. It is good to be over-prepared.

Mike M

Nick N
((Ganhyun's last post ever was in this thread, he hasn't signed in at all since... : /

And this whole time I was thinking he stole a relic axe. Derp))

"Evaneth," Val says cordially. "Your presence was sorely missed at the Tournament, though I suppose we ought to thank you for secreting the shield away right under their noses. The Headmaster was most cross with that maneuver, it was a heist worthy of the Fierno clan. Sorry we've been kept for so long, there were... Immediate complications after our business at the tournament was concluded that prevented us from following up until just now."

Val glances around the restored aquatic monetary. It's cold and murky, but his magic ring ensures that those are the limits of the water's effects on him. "Have you been here the entire time? Like what you've done with the place, it's a definite improvement over how we left it.

"You're looking good too. Apparently life as a hermit monk suits you. Not for me though, I fear I'm far too gregarious to bare having no one but myself to talk to. Oh, I am the sparkling conversationalist, make no mistake, but I already know all my anecdotes, heard all my jokes, that sort of thing. Plus there's be no one to else deceive, and where's the fun in self-deception? I mean, I'm sure I unwittingly practice it, but--"

Val strikes his forehead with the base of the palm of his hand. "There I go again, being all Chatty Cathy again. So what's this about trying to stop us? That seems like poor recompense for us rewriting your tragic past and scrambling to keep you from being erased from the space time continuum. We are trying to save the multiverse as you recall, something that both sides of the deific spectrum have dubbed a 'good thing.'

Casting a sideways glance at the party, Val does a double take before visibly relaxing, as though he has just identified the source of an easily rectified misunderstanding. "Is this about Rand? I know how it looks, but I assure you, we're not in league with him, he's more acting in his capacity as a mascot at the moment. He's part of Jack's --this mechanical gentleman is Jack, by the way, he's new-- plan to return us to our temporal point of origin. Once that's accomplished, we'll dispose of him in the manner typically befitting toxic refuse, I promise."

Spreading his arms as though expecting an embrace, he concludes, "And you, my friend, appear to be the final piece of the equation. So let us commence this experiment, we return to the past, swing by twenty years earlier to collect you, and it will literally be that your isolation and loneliness and all the other ills that have occurred in the past two decades in our absence never happened at all."

((I know it's futile, but Val has no reason to think so yet.))
((Yeah, his reason for taking a break was due to medical problems, and it worries me to see that he hasn't been online in a year.))

((With no way to know what happened to him... this combat is dedicated to Ganhyun. Let's honor him the only way we can: by giving his character one hell of a send-off.))
((Did Jack need polymorph/water breathing? I'm a wizard, I know nothing about your fancy warforged.))

While Val is talking, Quintus casts detect magic and looks over the Evaneth for any spells he might have on himself.

Mike M

Nick N
((Warforged don't breathe, so he's fine for surviving at least. What were the penalties for being underwater? 1 half movement? Anything else?))
((Did Jack need polymorph/water breathing? I'm a wizard, I know nothing about your fancy warforged.))

While Val is talking, Quintus casts detect magic and looks over the Evaneth for any spells he might have on himself.

((Warforged don't need to breathe, but as it stands his movement and combat capability would be extremely limited without some help.))

Evaneth definitely has enchantments on him, but they aren't familiar to Quintus at first blush. He gets the sense that Evaneth may have somehow cobbled together his own homegrown magic spells and enchantments; obviously there are some that are allowing him to speak, breathe, and move normally underwater, but Quintus can't pinpoint which is which, or whether there are any others.

Then there's also the weird, slightly-displaced aura of Evaneth's that has existed ever since he was almost erased from the timeline ((and which I somehow forgot to ever actually describe)); if the material plane were a sheet of paper, Evaneth would be a separate square pasted on top of a hole in that paper.

Basically, Detect Magic doesn't really give Quintus anything useful.

((Edit: Underwater combat modifiers here

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, without a freedom of movement spell, Jack's not going to be super useful under his own power. He's got a few minor buff spells, but not much of consequence. Wish there were a way to sort d20SRD.org's list of monsters by type to more easily see the aquatic ones : / Anyone got suggestions? We could double up on giant squid, but where's the fun in that?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Perhaps polymorph him into a guardian naga? Unsure of how powerful a polymorph Quintus version allows))

Tarkus raises his eyebrows in disbelief as the ruined temple twenty years on has not only been restored but appears in better condition than when they left. Moving along the bottom of the water, as he passes the impeccable pews, rich tapestries and pristine carpets he prepares himself to face the unknown...when the unknown reveals itself to be the last thing he expected.

"Evaneth!" Tarkus words are murmured and bubbly as the dimensional wanderer and past ally makes himself known. Looking upon the much older and clearly powerful monk with awe and a hint of sadness, he anticipates the man's words as he stands to challenge them. Forcing each word out as clearly as he can and with the aid of his water breathing enchantment, Tarkus responds.

"Remember talk...about fate and destiny in dark and twisting caves of Iron Hill so many year ago?" He waits for the froth of bubbles to subside before he continues as his allies slowly move into the monastery.

"Fate not determine destiny. But can see fate has brought you to choose path I cannot follow you. We seek to change time itself to fight against fate of this world, allow nothing to stand in our way."

Tarkus slowly draws his weapon and stands with his mixed group of comrades and Rand as they assemble in the temple. Centering himself, he nods at the monk's challenge and prepares for what he feels will be the fight of his life. "Not in any illusion your will can be changed, nor will ours. Even when we succeed, still is a wish...that things had been different."
Evaneth listens patiently to Val, and then looks at Tarkus as the half-orc says his piece.

He smiles slightly and sincerely. "You understand, Tarkus," he says, relieved. "Maybe, depending on the outcome of this fight, you can explain it to Val later.

"I want you all to know that I have nothing against any of you. I liked traveling with you. But we all have to answer to a higher power, and mine... well, mine had other plans for me. I fight you bearing nothing but the utmost respect. Should I emerge victorious, then know that I will honor your memories."

His pre-combat declaration concluded, Evaneth presses his palms together in front of him and closes his eyes. He appears to breathe deeply, and a rush of water is displaced as Evaneth's summoning spell is completed.

Two Gargantuan Dire Crocodiles appear as if from nowhere in the water - one bearing Fiendish features, the other decidedly Celestial. They immediately charge the party

Simultaneously, a wave of blackness seems to completely swallow Evaneth, making him effectively invisible to the party. ((You only know where he is either by making a Listen check as a free action, or by getting hit by him; and even if you do know where he is, there's still a 50% miss chance when you try to attack him))

((Your opponents have initiative this round. Mike M, go ahead and decide what Jack polymorphed into please.

Also, Quintus, if you cast a spell on the crocodiles, go ahead and roll a Caster Level check when you do.

Fiendish Crocodile charges Quintus, steering clear of the Giant Squid, and attacks Quintus: 24 vs AC should hit. Take 23 damage. Grapple check of 34; if you fail that, you are grappled in the Crocodile's mouth.

Celestial Crocodile charges Giant-Squid-Muun: 36 vs AC. Muun takes 25 damage. Grapple check of 49. If you fail, you're grappled.

Evaneth charges Val. 41 vs Flatfooted AC minus 2. Val takes 8 damage, and knows the square that Evaneth is in (50% miss chance still in effect though).

Begin your round))
((guardian naga, while possible, is not that great an option because it is not aquatic. it would be no better then a human down here. The water naga at the bottom of the page however... anyways, here's the polymorph spell page, might wanna check it out as the spell does change your stats(and gives you any ex abilities the creature has).))

LOL Grapple: (1d20+6=13)

((Welp. There goes half my hp. con damage is fun.))

Quintus finds himself in the jaws of a crocodile. Not particularly enjoying this, he casts Dimension Door to give himself some space, then pulls out his rod of quicken spell and... does nothing else because dimension door.

((The limit right now is a creature with 14 hd, so no. the spell caps at 15 hd btw, but when i get shapechange... i'll only be able to cast that on myself.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would a Dragon Turtle be acceptable?))

As Evaneth disappears in a cloudy black mass, Tarkus blinks and strains his ears to try and hear where he has moved.

Listen: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4115796/"]1d20+11 → [12,11] = (23)[/URL]

Whether or not he can determine the location of Evaneth, he moves toward the enemy he can see. He arrives just in time to spot Quintus struggling painfully in the Fiendish Croc's jaws before disappearing in a burst of magic. Swinging his greataxe toward the massive, dark-stained creature he attacks with impunity.

Attack Roll: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4115819/"]1d20+23 → [15,23] = (38)[/URL] Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4115826/"]1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)[/URL]
((Dragon turtle would work, yeah.

I forgot to give you guys the DC for the listen check, sorry. It's 16, so yeah Tarkus, you know Evaneth's location this turn))

Mike M

Nick N
((Dragon turtle it is, then. Does his Darkvision and Scent abilities help with Evaneth's cloaking? Might not negate his total concealment, but at least seems like it would pinpoint the square he occupies.))
((Dragon turtle it is, then. Does his Darkvision and Scent abilities help with Evaneth's cloaking? Might not negate his total concealment, but at least seems like it would pinpoint the square he occupies.))

((Hmm, you have a point. I designed this ability based on the Darkness spell in the SRD, so the Total Concealment is definitely in effect... but yeah I guess Darkvision would allow someone to be able to pinpoint him, since I can't find anything to go against that. So Tarkus and Jack-as-a-dragon turtle don't have to roll Listen checks.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val sighs heavily and rolls his eyes. "It's not that I don't understand you bloody git, I just have a preference for talking my way out of conflict if at all possible. Can't blame a man for trying."

Evaneth clearly has little patience for the detailed examinations of nuance, as he clasps his hands together and summons forth his reptilian monstrosities. The onrush of water displaced by their apparition feels not entirely unlike a brief but strong wind to Val, whose enchanted ring abates what effects the sudden current might otherwise have. "The belt!" Val shouts as the beasts born out of some prehistoric nightmare surge towards the party, "Go for the belt, it's the only thing-- well fuck." Val's shouted stratagem dies in his throat as an inky black cloud blots the deranged monk from view.

The darkness swirls around Val, as he turns in a slow circle with his rapier drawn, trying in vain to focus his senses to see if he can't discern where Evaneth is going to come from before it's too late, trying to filter out the noise of Tarkus and Squid-Muun engaging the pair of immense crocodiles. His search is for naught though, as he receives a stunning blow to the solar plexus, doubling him over and leaving him gasping for breath even with the defense of his studded armor.

"Well," he gasps as he straightens himself up and adopts his trained fencer's posture, "at least you have the decency to let me know where you are in this obfuscating murk." Val stabs wildly in the direction of the bare-handed strike, praying for a riposte to find purchase in vulnerable flesh.

Full Round Attack
Attack 1:  1d20+19=26
Damage:  1d6+12=15
Attack 2:  1d20+14=20
Damage:  1d6+12=15
Attack 3:  1d20+9=23
Damage:  1d6+12=13

A whirring noise emanates from somewhere deep in the darkened water, similar to the noises Val has come to associate with Jack's internal mechanisms, only deeper in tone.

Much deeper.

Much much deeper.


((We'll just pretend this is underwater and not inexplicably in a desert))

Charging out of the darkness comes an immense mechanical turtle, not so large as the the crocodiles swimming above him, but still larger than Val ever envisioned a terrapin capable of reaching. Having clearly managed to draw a bead on Evaneth's location despite his attempts to conceal himself, the metamorphosed Jack's immense jaws yawn open, revealing razor edges to metal beak as his telescoping neck lunges forward to take a bite out of the unarmored fist fighter.

Bite Attack:  1d20+18=38
Confirming Critical(?):  1d20+18=36
Damage:  4d6+8=20
Bonus Critical Damage(?): 4d6+8=28

((Not sure if the Bite Attack has a critical threshold, I didn't see anything listed on the D&D Wiki page Jackben linked. Would be a shame if it doesn't, 'cause that was a dang good set of rolls : ( Even bigger shame if does but whiffs because of concealment.

EDIT: Oh snap, blind fighting lets you reroll the percentage die once per attack? That takes the sting out a little

Also, as I understand it if the bite's successful, he can use his Snatch feat to grapple Evaneth?))
((Dragon Turtles have Blind Fight too?! Holy crap, that really WAS the perfect thing to polymorph into for this battle. Also, for some reason I didn't even imagine the Dragon Turtle being a robot as well. That's a badass image, and it makes way more sense than him turning into a fleshy one. Since it also makes sense that Jack would still be able to talk if he's still a robot, feel free to add in mid-combat banter for him.

Val Percentages (0-50 misses, 51-100 hits): First Attack 31; second attack misses; third attack misses.

Jack Percentage: first try 45%; reroll 30%. I got lucky here.

Tarkus hit the Fiendish Crocodile.

Everyone, when you attack Evaneth go ahead and roll the percentage die yourself, so that way everyone knows when you actually hit.

Muun: You can only try to pin someone when you're in control of the grapple. What you just tried to do is take control of the grapple (so that you're the one who can choose to end it at any time, or pin it next round), and since the Croc only rolled a 39 on his check, you succeeded. (Insert grumbling about overly-complex grappling rules here) ))

The otherworldly Dire Crocodiles - far more effective than the Porpoises and Octopi that the party is used to seeing emerge from Evaneth's summonings - waste no time in assailing the party. Knowing intuitively that the currently-fishy Quintus is by far the most dangerous among them, the hellish-looking beast attempts to swallow him whole; Quintus puts a panicked stop to that by emergency-teleporting to the other side of the room.

Meanwhile, the heavenly-looking croc picks on the somewhat larger giant squid that seems to have teleported into the monastery alongside the humanoids. It manages to clench its jaws around the sea-creature, but only for a moment; the slippery beast manages to wriggle its way out of the crocodile's jaws and wrap its appendages around its mouth, sealing it shut - at least for the moment.

As a shadowy Evaneth slams Val in the chest, the swashbuckler attempts to fight back in futility, unable to pierce the veil that seems to be protecting the bizarre monk/dark-arts-practitioner hybrid.

Jack attempts to come to Val's rescue, snapping his new, terrible jaws vociferously - to no effect; clearly Evaneth has learned a thing or two over the years about evading attacks.

((Fiendish Croc uses its reach to chomp on Val: 26 vs AC. That will be 29 damage. Free Grapple check: 35. Even if your modifier wouldn't be high enough, go ahead and roll it in case you get a Natural 20. If you don't meet or beat 35, you're grappled.

Celestial Croc attempts to escape Muun's grapple: 47 on the check.

Evaneth performs a Full Attack on Jack: 24, 24, 27, 11. Only the third one hits. On each attack, he attempted to use Stunning Fist. Jack must make a DC 24 Fortitude save, or he is Stunned next round.

I think that's everything. Here is my attempt at drawing a map of this mess. It's your turn))



bitch I'm taking calls.
((Should I attempt to shout to pull some heat off you guys or just lay into the fiendish croc with a full attack?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'd say go full attack so we can deal as much damage to it as possible and maybe kill it before Evaneth goes down if he's going to keep dodging my totally amazing rolls like that. Meanwhile since Jack can pinpoint Evaneth, he can keep up the pressure. If he can land an attack and have him grappled for even one round, I have few dirty tricks in mind.

If Jack knows Evaneth's location and can still talk, can he communicate it to everyone else so they don't need to roll the perception check?))
((No. He couldn't be specific enough, especially in the heat of battle. You either need to have Darkvision, or to have just been attacked by him, to know where he is without rolling))

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, speaking of overly complex grapple mechanics... if I'm reading the rabbit hole of mechanics the Dragon Turtle page sent me down, Snatch gives Improved Grab to bite and claw attacks, and the grapple resulting from Improved Grab does not deal additional damage unless it has a constrict property. But Snatch says it deals automatic crushing bite/claw damage each round. So does that count as constriction? And if the grab's successful, then can anyone pick out Evaneth?))
((It doesn't count as constriction unless it specifically says so. The automatic damage is as a result of the Snatch feat.

If Evaneth gets grappled, then yeah everyone will know where he is. Still will have Total Concealment though.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val Free Grapple Check:  1d20+11=18

Val thrusts the point of his rapier where he judges Evaneth's torso to be, then mentally readjusts his calculation for his second strike, and again for a third. Each time, his plunges into the swirling darkness fails to yield fruit. Unfortunately for Val, so intent is he on trying to stick Evaneth like an insect on a pin of a specimen collection, that he fails to notice that the Fiendish Crocodile has suddenly grown disinterested in its half-orc dance partner and turned it's cold-blooded eye on him.

He lets out a shout of pain as the crocodile scoops him up from the floor of the monastery, conical teeth digging through his meager leather armor and into his flesh. Gritting his teeth, he tries to leverage the jaws of the crocodile open far enough to slip out of its grasp. He knows full well that it is likely a futile effort as even with the additional might granted by his Belt of Giant’s Strength, it scarcely compares to that of this beast designed only for killing by the uncaring crucible of evolution.

Val Grapple Check:  1d20+11=25

Evaneth, having deftly evaded the twin attacks of both Val’s rapier and Turtle Jack’s monstrous mechanical maw, turns his attention to the latter and unleashes a flurry of blows. Unfortunately for him, he has greatly underestimated the agility of Jack’s massive form as Jack’s head bobs and weaves and evades the attacks.

Jack eventually zigs when he should have zagged, and Evaneth connects with a mighty strike, leaving the distinct indentation of Evaneth’s fist on the mithral surface of the enormous turtle’s jaw, the peal of impact resonating through the aqueous environment.
Jack Fortitude Save:  1d20+13=31
Jack’s head quickly rights itself, and his familiar impassive voice is heard coming from somewhere deep within the mechanical beast, its pitch unaltered despite his enormous size. “Superficial damage sustained. Current combat status remains fully operational.”

His luminous blue eyes looking upon the swirling darkness that he knows contains Evaneth’s current location, he addresses summoner monk. “Analysis indicates that you are physically the least capable of our adversaries, and that by incapacitating you, your summoned creatures will dissipate. You are target designate priority alpha. My current configuration is vastly more powerful than you can possibly defeat according to available data, you are advised to not unduly prolong your suffering. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

Jack focuses entirely on Evaneth, trying once more to snare him between his crushing jaws and rake him with his giant metal claws.
Jack Full Round Attack
Bite Attack:  1d20+18=29
Percentage roll:  45
Fuck you, percentage roll:  77
Damage:  4d6+8=22

Claw Attack: 1d20+13=29
Percentage roll:  72
Damage:  2d8+4=11

Snatch free action:  1d20+28=43
((Thank you based Blindfighting. OK, pretty sure I did everything right there...))
((No, you can't try to grapple multiple opponents.

Evaneth failed his check and is now grappled by Jack, in case anyone was waiting on that))
Quintus pulls out his fancy Rod of Quincken spell and casts haste on the party, then casts a scuplted glitterdust( four 10-foot cubes... one will be wasted of course), on all three enemies, hopefully blinding them and maybe revealing Evaneth? (DC 20 Will to not be blinded)


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sorry for late posting; America day kept me busy.))

Epic Underwater Monastery Titanic Monster Melee Theme

Tarkus aims to continue his assault on the fiendish croc in hopes of severing its thick hide enough to make it release Val by necessity of its very survival. However, as the frothing and bubbling water swirls about him, he cannot help but feel a sense of awe at the titanic combat which now chaotically exists in the gloom of the underwater temple.

From his peripherals be spots the summoned celestial dire croc held at bay by the monstrously tentacled Muun even as Val coordinates and enacts a strategy amidst the fanged jaws of his opponent. Quintus escapes his pursuer to provide magickal support. And floating above all is the titanic reptilian mass of Blastoise Jack crashing onto the scene in a thunderous fashion which blows everything else out of the metaphorical water.

The party's valiant and titanic efforts infuse an inspired strength and agility to Tarkus more powerful than any adrenaline or bloodlust could ever awaken. Hefting his greataxe, the Half-Orc warrior roars as he hacks viciously into the fiendish dire croc thrice more with all of his being.

Full Attack vs Fiendish Croc
Attack 1: 1d20+23 → [17,23] = (40) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117284/]Damage[/url]: 1d12+12 → [12,12] = (24)
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117662/"]Haste Attack[/URL]: 1d20+24 → [19,24] = (43) CRIT CHANCE
Attack 2: 1d20+23 → [19,23,-5] = (37) CRIT CHANCE
Attack 3: 1d20+23 → [14,23,-10] = (27) [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117284/]Damage[/url]: 1d12+12 → [9,12] = (21)
Haste Critical Confirm
1d20+24 → [6,24] = (30)
Haste Crit Damage
1d12+12 → [3,12] = (15)
1d12+12 → [7,12] = (19)
1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)
Attack 2 Critical Confirm
1d20+23 → [11,23] = (34)
Critical Hit Damage
1d12+12 → [3,12] = (15)
1d12+12 → [1,12] = (13)
1d12+12 → [1,12] = (13)

((Potentially 143 hit damage in one round...!))
((The critical threat range on a greataxe is 20 only, so I regret to inform you that neither of those were critical. You do have the option of getting a Keen enhancement on a weapon, which doubles its crit range, if you desire. Unless there's a chance that somehow you already got it Keened and/or took the Improved Critical feat and I forgot, in which case I will adjust my damages calculations accordingly.

I don't have time for a flavorful writeup guys, sorry. I would rather get this out here now so you all can take your turns throughout the day.

Celestial Croc gets pinned, and then uses his turn to try and escape the pin. Grapple check of 48 on that one.

Fiendish Croc rolls a 33 on the check to resist Val's escape, and then attempts to swallow him. 45 on the Grapple check to swallow. In all likelihood, it swallows Val, who is now in the Dire Crocodile's stomach and takes 21 Acid damage. See the entry on Swallow Whole for more information.

Evaneth imbues his fists with Dispel Magic and punches Jack in the throat. 30 vs AC. He rolled a natural 1 on the Dispel Magic check, so Jack remains in his Dragon Turtle form. Jack does take 15 more damage though.

Begin Next Round))
((....Oh. Well I can't argue with that, hah. Looks like that was a good choice.

All three of them saved vs Glitterdust. It did reveal Evaneth's location though. Still has Total Concealment))
((You can make one attack roll with your Rapier at a -4 to attack. If you deal enough damage to its stomach lining, you will cut yourself out))

Mike M

Nick N
Val Escape Check:  1d20+11=27
((Still nope))

Val's foot finds purchase on the Fiendish Crocodile's tongue, but just as he thinks he's figured out the series of contortions to free himself, the jaws open. Val has a brief taste of freedom before the tongue that he had considered so instrumental to his escape plans but a second earlier rears into action and forces him bodily into the crocodile's pharynx.

As the jaws close, it seems from Val's perspective as though it is swallowing all light itself, darkness falling upon him as the peristaltic action of the crocodile's esophagus forces him further into its innards. While his magic ring seems to render the immediate threat of suffocation moot, it does nothing to prevent him from being digested.

Since no one's around to hear wise ass remarks, he saves himself the effort and instead gets to work on cutting a means of escape...

Attack:  1d20+16=31


"Evaneth," Jack addresses his combative captive as he reaffirms his crushing grip by squeezing his jaws tighter, "I have been informed of the particulars of your unique situation. Your life has been shaped by the remorse and regret over the events that occurred at the monastery in your youth, but through the actions of you and my companions, those events have been undone."

Automatic Bite Damage vs Evaneth:  4d6+8+1=24
((Adding points for Haste this write up, though I'm not sure it's applicable. Adjust accordingly))

"Behavioral prediction algorithms overwhelmingly suggest that anyone in such a situation would willingly and eagerly accept such a change if presented the opportunity. But you instead chose to retain the pain and misery of your originating timeline rather than accept your fate be altered for the better.

"Similarly, you are here presented with a second opportunity to undo a considerable length of isolation and pain --surely an unprecedented occurrence on this plane of existence-- yet you actively try and prevent it from occurring. It could be said that your life has been defined by pain, yet you steadfastly reject attempts to ameliorate it.

"You are a fascinating specimen, Evaneth. I regret that I could not be allowed to study you further."

A glowing light wells from deep within Jack's mechanical gullet. "Direct thermal venting of internal fusion cells initiated. Please maintain a safe distance."

A torrent of superheated steam erupts from Jack's mouth, instantly bringing the water in front of him to a boil and raising the temperature of the rest of the drowned monastery to uncomfortable levels .

Breath Attack:  12d6 fire damage + 1=49
Recharge time:  1d4=3 rounds

((Snatched opponents get no Reflex save opportunity, ouch. Looking at the map, seems like he could just move a short distance into position to shoot straight back at the end of the monastery and not have any friendly fire incidents. Or turn and face a wall, I don't know if the system has any mechanics governing the physics of blowback.))

Opposed grapple check:  1d20+28=40

((C'mon Jack, kill him while you can...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Hopefully we wrap this up soon, he's going to last two rounds max in there.

When we get to shopping, he's totally going to stock up on healing potions, I'm tired of the constant brushes with death : ) ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Oh man I totally forgot that Sarm got swallowed the last time we were here, haha))

No longer hearing Val's voice, Tarkus doubles down on his attacks against the Fiendish Croc, his strikes powerfully sped up thanks to Quintus haste magic.

Sushi Preparation of Fiendish Croc
Attack 1: 1d20+24 → [16,24] = (40) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117742/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+13 → [12,13] = (25)
Haste Attack: 1d20+24 → [2,24] = (26) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117742/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+13 → [8,13] = (21)
Attack 2: 1d20+24 → [15,24,-5] = (34) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4117742/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+13 → [6,13] = (19)
Attack 3: 1d20+24 → [4,24,-10] = (18)
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