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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Walking the streets of Southport at night is a welcome change to the relaxed half-orc. Slightly less out of place than before among the motley crew of night revelers, the slight burns to Tarkus shoulders and neck are also soothed by the cool night air. Although working his way toward the pier to find his other comrades, he adopts a measured pace and finds himself watching and walking alongside Jack. "Though both have strength, maybe to night people I appear like bodyguard escorting you to destination" Tarkus remarks as he taps the plates of his armor and grins.

His amusement is interrupted however as Jack Jack has deftly spotted a gnome in the night-time crowd. Confirming the gnome's appearance alongside a woman, Tarkus attempts to move slowly toward the other side of the street so that they might observe and follow them unseen.

Stealth attempt
1d20 → [14] = (14)
Seeing the ship sink slowly, Muun looks over to Quintis and smiles approvingly at how well the destruction task just went.

Separating himself from the others, Muun would find a table under a straw roof while having a drink. He can watch people come into the beach that would make their way to the pier.
((We're just going to say that the stakeout continued around the marina all day, with no results so far. Although it's probably not particularly realistic, it is the best way to get rid of the time disparity between the separated party))

Jack and Tarkus surreptitiously tail Rubio as he and his lady-friend stroll leisurely through the streets of Southport. Every now and then, they stop to play some kind of game, or participate in a bet, but for the most part they seem to be moving toward something. They're both oblivious to the fact that they're being followed, and Jack is surprisingly adept at blending in when he puts his positronic mind to it.

After nearly an hour of following the pair through the darkened streets, finally a pier with a lot of boats docked on it comes into view, and Tarkus realizes that that must be where Rubio is headed.


Val, Quintus, Avalyra, and Muun enjoy a much-needed day of rest and relaxation as they keep tabs on the marina. Though Avalyra's week has been significantly less action-packed than that of the rest, she nonetheless has her own troubles to forget about, and the smooth, hypnotic churn of the ocean waves does a lot to alleviate her concerns... at least for the time being.

As the day winds down and the sun begins to set, they begin to discuss packing everything up and letting Avalyra's psicrystal take over the nighttime surveillance when out of the corner of his eye, Quintus (the only party member who's actually met the gnome personally) spots Rubio heading toward the pier.

The gnome and his companion walk past the attendant (a different one than the man who'd witnessed the boat sinking), and Rubio realizes his boat is missing. He marches back to the attendant and begins to yell loudly; the attendant is legitimately confused, and follows Rubio to the docking point. A long argument ensues.

((This is where any of you can jump in))

Mike M

Nick N
Val points out the squabble on the pier. "Looks like the guest of honor has arrived at last."

Tapping his glasses, he says "This is all playing it by the seat of our pants, but say I approach as an officer of the law, escort him to the station to file a complaint, and take a detour down a dark alley full of angry wizards, half-orcs, and warforged?"
Muun stands with the others for a moment, but doesn't object to Val's plan, saying, "I suppose whatever we do, it is about time I put back on my equipment."
"Give me a moment to check him out..." says Quintus, who then proceeds to cast detect magic, to at least get an idea of what kinda magics Rubio might be using to protect himself.


"Wait!" Avalyra interjects. "Um, Val, could you stand still for a minute?" A bit bashful, she stands in front of him, then circles around, looking over him closely. After a full circle, she looks around to check if anyone else is watching, then extends a hand towards Val, her fingers moving, as if she was trying to shape something from the air.

At first, nothing seems to happen, but moments later, a multitude of colored threads begin to appear around Val from out of nowhere and weave themselves together, quickly taking shape. It's quite an unusual sight as a new garment quickly forms itself around him, and by the time Avalyra steps back, his new garb is instantly recognizable as the uniform of the local authorities. She smiles shyly as she slowly circles him, inspecting her handiwork. "Now you're an officer of the law," she declares.

Minor Creation, Psionic, Craft(Weaving) check => 1D20+21 => 36

((The new outfit will disappear in 13 hours.))
Rubio is wearing a Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Deflection, a vest with an armor bonus, and a fancy amulet which is probably the reason he couldn't be detected with divination magic.

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, reuniting with Tarkus and Jack needs to be imminent before proceeding. Though I guess if they were following Rubio, we're all probably in full view of them now.))
Jack stops walking abruptly, causing Tarkus to take notice. "I have detected a spike in psychic energy levels coming from that direction," he quietly announces. "It is logical to conclude that Avalyra, and by extension, the rest of our traveling companions, are nearby." He subtly points toward the others.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the gnome makes his way toward the docks to angrily confront the attendant, Tarkus ponders on the location of the others when Jack pipes up with his findings. Looking off toward where the warforged has pointed, he momentarily considers calling out but remembers the stealth of their task. Seeing the others gathered nearby he continues to pause in their approach.

"Let us wait to see how they want approach him."

Mike M

Nick N
((Close enough for jazz))

Val smiles approving at Avalyra's effort. "Not bad at all. You're just full of interesting surprises, aren't you?"

"Alright, I'm going in. Quintus will play rear guard to make sure Rubio doesn't slip away. Everyone else, go on ahead, and I'll follow with Rubio. Try and find someplace out of the way where we can box him in and stay out of sight."

Setting his newfound officer's cap at what he judges to be a suitably authoritarian angle, Val marches up to the ongoing argument on the pier. "Hullo hullo hullo," he says by way of introduction, "wot's all this then?"
Muun nods and begins to head the opposite direction away from the party, and would happen to head Tarkus and Jack's way while having the intention of getting prepared.

((Who currently has the bag of holding, btw? Tarkus or Val?))
"OFFICER!" Rubio bellows, grateful for an ally. "My boat was sunk under this dunderhead's watch! I DEMAND a hearing at the Magistrate's office! That boat was worth HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF GOLD! I had it custom built by the finest shipyard in the country!"

The attendant, an older, thinner man, is keeping his calm. "Officer, I know nothing about this. I promise you, it didn't happen on my watch."

For as long as Val remains silent, Rubio continues ranting and demanding justice.


Avalyra palms her psicrystal as she ponders whether or not to keep an eye on things in case something unexpected happens, but decides against it. If those two say they've got things handled, she'll let them handle it. She follows behind Muun and rejoins the others.

"Val wants us to find a quiet, out of the way place for us to corner Rubio." she reports to them. "So let's take a look around."

Search 1D20+8 => 14
((Muun's bonus is higher than her final roll so he should take a look as well))

Perception: 1d20+15=22

"We're going to need a way to tell Val where we're going to head off to. I'm sure Quintis has a spell for that, we communicated telepathically before."

Once Muun finds his way to Tarkus and Jack, he'll tell them, "Tarkus, do you have the bag of holding with you? We'll need to get equipped once we find ourselves a suitable spot to wait."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus watches intently as he notices Val casually saunter up to the enraged little gnome currently throwing a tantrum as he jumps up and down, his words he cannot quite make out from this distance. He blinks and clears his throat as he spots Avalyra and Muun approach. As they get closer, he notices the ranger and the young woman's clothing appears tropical and light. Raising an eyebrow at this as Avalyra describes the plan, he nonetheless follows their lead.

At Muun's request, he turns and hands hands him the bag Jack brought with him to the hotel earlier. "What exactly happen...?" the half-orc asks, gesturing to the beet-faced gnome "to make him rage?"

Mike M

Nick N
As Val listens to the enraged gnome's tirade, his jaw grows more and more slack until he's gone completely agape. "Sunk, you say? Sunk? Blimey, this is a bloody outrage, it is! We're a respectable town, we are! We can't have hooligans goin' 'round sinkin' the boats of our esteemed members o' the community now, can we? No we cannot!"

Placing his arm comfortingly around Rubio's shoulder, he begins to lead him down the pier into the town proper. "You come with me right this moment, guv'nor! We'll get a report filed at he office in a right jiffy, we will! We will begin an investigation as soon as we are possibly able, we cannot abide such wanton acts of vandalism to go unpunished! Bloody outrageous, is what it is!"

((I don't know why Val has suddenly metamorphosized into a Cockney bobbie.))
"Yes, that's right! We'll file a report with the authorities! This isn't the last you've heard from me, mark my words, you good-for-nothing excuse for a... a... whatever you are! Come on, Angie!"

The leggy woman, who has been keeping a slight distance from the altercation, obediently rushes forward to join Rubio on the trip to the constabulary.

It's not difficult for Val to follow the lead of the party off in the distance, and Rubio is far too busy mouthing off to actually notice the shenanigans afoot. Eventually, a dark, abandoned alley is found by the party, and Val is able to follow the long-distance hand signals (and/or telepathic messages) being communicated.

"Are you sure this is the way to the constabulary?" Angie asks uncertainly., though so far Rubio is still oblivious to what's happening.

Mike M

Nick N
"Never fear, poppet!" Val says cheerily. "Just takin' a wee bit of a shortcut, need to get this atrocity on the books ASAP, we do!"
Angie doesn't question it any further, but once Val leads her and Rubio into a dark alley, even the seething gnome takes notice. "Say, what is this? Where are you taking me?"

As he finishes the sentence, Tarkus, Jack, and Quintus emerge from the shadows.

Angie lets out a piercing scream and turns around, bolting out of the alley. "HELP! HELP! WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!" she cries frantically.


Avalyra is tense as she watches quietly from a dark corner. As the ambush group waits in silence, she has already thought of more than half a dozen ways things could go sour, each with no easy remedies. But as she spots three figures in the distance, she clears her mind of such thoughts. Val's voice can be heard clearly through the silence as the trio approach, and Avalyra finally allows herself to relax a little as they turn the corner into the alley where the others waited.

Only a split second later, she sees someone burst out of the alley, screaming. Avalyra reacts quickly, stepping forwards; focusing her mind on the air around the fleeing woman. Instantly, the frantic cries are cut off as an unnatural silence forms in its place. Not quite running, Avalyra follows, content to allow the other woman to gain some distance ahead of her as she continues to concentrate on muffling the woman's voice.

Control Sound
"You know... stuff.." Muun answers to Tarkus, taking the bag and leading them down to an alley between some buildings. Once he's shaded by the shadows, he'll set the bag on the floor, and carefully lean back while opening the top. With the power of the bag's ability to bring the desired item to the surface, a stand taken from who knows where props upward from the bag, having Muun's equipment on display. He starts to get himself equipped with his items while waiting for Val to come back with Rubio.


As Rubio walks in on them, Muun sticks back towards the shadows, on the opposite wall from Avalrya, leaning against the wall while crossing his arms.
((He got a 25 on his save))

Rubio seems to visibly relax as Quintus reveals himself. "Oh! It's you lot," he chuckles. "Well well well, if it isn't the bookworm, the prodigal son, and the half-orc with a heart of gold! For a second there I was worried." He peers at the set of glasses on Val's face. "You know those things do more than just clothes, right? By the gods, if you're going to use my gifts then you could at least learn to use them right."

Rubio smirks as Quintus attempts his spell. "Nice try, little boy, but you're not gonna get inside my head. If you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way now, because I know you lot, and you're too goody-goody to do anything about it."

Rubio turns around and attempts to simply walk out of the alley.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Despite the darkness of night, it is quite a bit warmer in the shadows of the dark alley. Whether the beaded sweat collecting on his forehead is due to the lack of a breeze or the collected heat of the day emanating off the stone pavement in the narrow passage where they confront the con-gnome and thief, Tarkus cannot say. What he does know is that Rubio's casual arrogance is no more pleasant than the stench of the nearby open sewer. As the gnome attempts to walk away, the half-orc steps forward and attempts to trap the smug little man in a crushing embrace.

Grapple vs Rubio
1d20+19 → [16,19] = (35)

((I didn't factor in the minus for size type as I'm unsure whether Rubio counts as small [-4] or tiny [-8]))


((I don't understand the grappling rules completely, but I'm pretty sure being small penalizes Rubio's roll, not yours. Being smaller is a disadvantage when grappling or being grappled.)).
((Being small does make it slightly harder to touch the target initially, but it wrecks grapple checks. This doesn't apply to Escape Artist rolls, but a 35 is pretty high and he didn't beat it))

Rubio is forcefully stopped in his tracks by Tarkus's formidable grip, but he still appears unfazed. "Right, so it seems you're not above getting physical. Fine, since it seems I've no choice, you might as well tell me what you want. As if sinking my boat wasn't enough...."
"Oh, not much. I'm just here to talk about the money you 'borrowed' from the Bank in my name. Now, you can either agree to come with us peacefully to explain this whole mess and pay back what ever you actually have left, or... we can make you do that."
Rubio snorts disdainfully. "I wouldn't set foot in that bank if I were any of you. They've got it out for you. This whole scheme was their idea to try and discredit you lot; I think the higher-ups there have been infiltrated by those Vecna-worshipping sons of bitches. Granted, I got a nice little sum from them for snagging your signature on that loan document, but ten MILLION gold pieces? You think anyone would loan that much cash to the likes of me? If you do, you're more gullible than I thought."


Avalyra inconspicuously tails Angie through the streets (which are mostly empty in this section of town), keeping her finger on the Mute button until the girl finally realizes that no one is coming after her. At that point she gives up trying to scream and continues to get as far away from that alley as possible.


Once Avalyra is sure that Angie can no longer bring undue attention to the others, she turns around in order to rejoin the others. But as she takes her first few steps in the other direction, she feels a little concerned. Avalyra's group was at least partly responsible for the young lady's little run, and if Angie were to run into trouble because of them...

"Spazka." Avalyra whispers the command word and retrieves her psicrystal from a hidden pocket, releasing it to tail Angie, just in case, as she hurries back to the rest of the party. She hopes she hasn't missed too much of Rubio's tale, especially since she thought the situation was rather fishy to begin with.
Muun raises a brow at the explanation given, remaining postured against the wall while watching the details unfold. However; Muun can't claim to be the best judge of character, for reasons he'll refuse to attest.
((Avalyra will get back to the rest of the group after Val answers Quintus's question, but once she gets back, just assume that she's brought up to speed with an off-camera synopsis))

Mike M

Nick N
Rubbing his bearded chin, Val considers Quintus' question and Rubio's information.

Sense Motive Check:  1d20+17=29

"The Arm has almost certainly infiltrated Ruby Keep's financial infrastructure, that much is true. How else could they have mounted a coup of the royal assembly and be funding this enterprise?"

Val leans in and squints at the snide little gnome. "The best of lies are those that contain an element of truth. Even if we take what Rubio has confessed here at face value, he was still paid off by the cultists or their agents to incriminate us. And he is correct, even the most wealthy of merchants in Alydar would not be able to put up the collateral to secure a loan of that size.

"However, the Mallory family might be able to command that much from a willing lender, hence your signature on the loan paperwork. Plus it certainly seems that Rubio has taken precautions to evade detection and ready a swift get away should the occasion require it, which is precisely the behavior I'd expect of a man on the run from defrauded creditors. No matter what the truth of the matter, either way he has made a mess of things for us, and I am not wont to let such trespasses against us stand without retribution."

Reaching out, Val lifts the pendant of Rubio's necklace off the gnome's chest. "That's quite the nice bit of jewelry you've got there, Rubio. Quite exquisite, I'm sure it cost you a fair amount of your libelous payout. Maybe we should make it a down payment?"

Grab Worn Item:  1d20+12=28
((OK, want to be sure I calculated all the modifiers correctly... Rubio is grappled, so no AoO, right? Unarmed strike is just the BAB, and gets a -4 penalty. However, as a being a size class larger, Val gets a +4 bonus, so that just comes out as a wash. Since the targeted item isn't a melee weapon, Rubio gets a -4 penalty, but since it's worn he gets a +4 bonus, so essentially all the bonuses and penalties are nullified and it's a straight contested attack roll?))
Rubio shrugs as well as he can manage while being held in place by Tarkus. "Fine, take it. Its main function was to evade detection by the bloody wizard I'd just framed. Fat lot of good that did me. Guess it threw you off my trail for a little while, anyways.

"So, you gonna let me go, or am I expected to accompany you on some damned fool's errand to the bank that's got it out for you?"

Val has no reason to believe Rubio is lying (and neither does Quintus, for the record).

You now have a Pendant of Nondetection (Caster Level 15).
"Non-magical means of finding somebody worked well enough.", Muun chimes, "Be grateful enough that your trail, which I'm sure would've stood out with your tiny feet, easily gets covered up here."

EDIT: ((Lol, I can actually picture Rubio finding success in Sigil.))
"Great, just great... As tempting as it is to send you a oneway ticket to Ravenloft, perhaps we can find a resolution that works for us all. You help us out somehow and I don't ask Vecna for suggestions on how to deal with you. ...By the way, last time someone asked Vecna, a his own Paladin ended up jumping down the throat of a giant snake. I can't wait to hear what he comes up with for you."
Rubio narrows his eyes. "I'm no fool, wizard. I know I'm no match for any one of you, let alone all six. You can shut it with the threats; I get the point.

"As for helping you, I don't know what I could do for you. I'm just as much a pawn in this game the bank's playing as you are. I--"

As Avalyra returns, Rubio turns to her. "You! What did you do with Angie?! If you harmed one hair on her head, I'll... I'll..." He trails off, apparently realizing that any threat he could make would be empty, but he does seem genuinely concerned.

Mike M

Nick N
Everything about Rubio rubs Val the wrong way. His dismissive attitude of Val as a bookworm. His belittling remarks regarding the use of the Mask of Lies, doubly so since Val isn't even using the damned thing. His utter refusal to be cowed into a tearful mess. Granted, Val has built a lifetime of intentionally trying to have everyone around him underestimate him, but the manner in which Rubio is doing it is so... irking.

Most of all though, most of all Val is extremely upset that there's no 10 million gold piece jackpot to swindle, steal, or otherwise squeeze out of the diminutive shopkeep. Thankfully, the otherwise unflappable gnome seems to have revealed a weak spot with his concern for his arm candy.

Retrieving his gear from the haversack, he addresses Rubio as he dons his armor and weapons. "Rubio, you have made a most grevious miscalculation in colluding against Quintus and the rest of us. You may not be of much assistance to us, but whatever profit you have made in this venture is now forfeit. If you want to be reunited with your 'Angie' any time soon, we had best find you most cooperative indeed. For starters, you will tell us who set this up, how much you were paid, and where the remainder of it lies if any."

Val eyes Rubio's former necklace in his hand. "This is a remarkable piece, but I couldn't bear to part it from it's ensemble. That's a nice cloak, ring, and vest you've got there..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
As Rubio lets the group on about the conspiracy between the cult and the Ruby Keep & Trust bank, Tarkus retains a firm grip on the gnome. Stoic and blank-faced, h holds his target in a vice-like grip, but nonetheless allows him enough breathing room to plead his case. However, as it becomes more and more clear he has little to offer them besides information, the half-Orc begins to question what they mean to achieve.

'Ruby Keep corrupt force should be target...not squirmy gnome pawn.' he thinks to himself.

Paying Val & Quintus the respect to run the interrogation due to matters of personal grievance and superior technique, the warrior clears his throat as Rubio begins to worry about his previous companion. He weighs his conscious against the act of using fake threats against an innocent versus the possibly-still-lying con-gnome. Grunting, he interjects after Val has finished with his suggestive interrogation.

"You are good liar, gnome. Are you smart too? Maybe...but seem you underestimate us before."

He loosens his grip slightly while retaining a hold on the small man.

"You put yourself and companion in our sights by working with cult. Give info we need to find true target and we throw you back where we find you. Much bigger fish to fry than you."
"Listen," Rubio says angrily, "I can't stop you from doing whatever you want to me. By the gods, I probably deserve it. I don't know a man alive who wouldn't be tempted by the offer that was given to me, and gods help me, I couldn't turn away.

"So yes, I know that depending on what you lot decide to do with me, I may never see Angie again. But she didn't do anything wrong, and if you do ANYTHING to hurt her, you're no better than those damned cultists."

Rubio willingly gives up his equipment, which is nothing special, but may fill out some holes in the party's equipment slots. He has:

-Cloak of Resistance +3
-Vest of Armor +4 (gives a +4 Armor bonus to AC that doesn't stack with other armor bonuses)
-Ring of Deflection +2 (gives a +2 Deflection bonus to AC which DOES stack with armor, shield, and Natural Armor)

"It was a human woman - older than any of you, but I can't say for sure how old. I'm not too good with measuring human lifespans. She was with this big, hulking half-orc brute who didn't say much. Offered me three hundred thousand gold if I could swindle the wizard into signing that document and then disappear.

"I obliged. I got the signature, got paid, and skipped town. Happened to have that pendant in my shop already, so that part was easy. Figured I'd use the cash to retire here. Spent about a hundred grand on the boat that you sunk, another hundred grand to buy my own little private island, and planned to coast on the rest. You happy now?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Listen," Rubio says angrily, "I can't stop you from doing whatever you want to me. By the gods, I probably deserve it. I don't know a man alive who wouldn't be tempted by the offer that was given to me, and gods help me, I couldn't turn away.

"So yes, I know that depending on what you lot decide to do with me, I may never see Angie again. But she didn't do anything wrong, and if you do ANYTHING to hurt her, you're no better than those damned cultists."

Rubio willingly gives up his equipment, which is nothing special, but may fill out some holes in the party's equipment slots. He has:

-Cloak of Resistance +3
-Vest of Armor +4 (gives a +4 Armor bonus to AC that doesn't stack with other armor bonuses)
-Ring of Deflection +2 (gives a +2 Deflection bonus to AC which DOES stack with armor, shield, and Natural Armor)

"It was a human woman - older than any of you, but I can't say for sure how old. I'm not too good with measuring human lifespans. She was with this big, hulking half-orc brute who didn't say much. Offered me three hundred thousand gold if I could swindle the wizard into signing that document and then disappear.

"I obliged. I got the signature, got paid, and skipped town. Happened to have that pendant in my shop already, so that part was easy. Figured I'd use the cash to retire here. Spent about a hundred grand on the boat that you sunk, another hundred grand to buy my own little private island, and planned to coast on the rest. You happy now?"

Whether or not the rest are satisfied with his answers, Tarkus replies to Rubio's repeated concerns about "Angie" with a snort.

"Have no intention of hurting your companion."

He lets go of the gnome but as he thinks on the situation further, he grasps Rubio's shoulder firmly and spins him around to look him in the eyes with solemn stare. He speaks a warning with a slow and measured voice.

"But cannot say same for cult of Vecna. They have shown no mercy to dealing with loose end. And since we found you, they might be able to find too. Would do well to disappear again after this."
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