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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
((KM set the bar extremely high for after death storytelling Mike, but I look forward to seeing that challenged, especially by a morally ambiguous cad like Val. And welcome to the group, Zynx. Good to have you with us.))

The sight of the netherworld ranger and his familiar voice pulls Tarkus out of his beggar's trance and to his feet. His shame over allowing himself to fall into such a stay of disarray is only eclipsed by his relief at the sight of his comrade in the shining city. At a loss for words, he simply says"Well met, Muun" and reaches out to clasps Muun's hand. Feeling a comforting warmth begin to fill up his astral body that he has not felt since death, the beginning of a smile forms on his lips as the lights of Hestavar fade, his premature internment in the Astral Sea finally coming to an end.

- - -

Blinking, he stares up into a purple-glowing antechamber and for a moment fears he has simply traversed into the realm of another god of the Astral Sea. As he slowly sits up and looks at to each of his comrades he is nearly overwhelmed with relief as well as an intense cold all over his body and slight stinging around his neck. Despite his aches he manages to croak out with his first words in his second true life.

"Death is not the end."

As the rigid and icy sensation in his limbs begins to melt away, Tarkus slides from the table and kneels before Luna. "Can not thank enough...for returning me. No peace found in afterlife without comrades." He turns to the gathered band of relic hunters, looking upon each in turn before uncharacteristically squeezing each in a crushing hug. He pauses before Jack, deciding to simply clap him on the shoulder, his gauntlet clanging loudly against the metal man's chassis.

Looking to Muun and then back at the party Tarkus nods reverently. "Afterlife is confusing place. Astral Sea hold many lessons and trials of gods and goddesses...but of all virtue, learned most that I am nothing in life or death without my friends."


As the rest of the group leaves the room, Avalyra slumps into a chair, still overwhelmed by everything that just happened. How did that talking construct discern her true nature so quickly? And why did it have to just spew that information out to everyone in the room? Adventurers chosen by gods to save all of creation? It's all too fantastic for her to believe. Yet somehow, her innate curiosity is aroused, and she finds herself compelled to learn more. And she has to admit that Luna was right; staying here would serve no further purpose. She takes a moment to run through a few breathing exercises and meditate to calm down, then leaves the room in search of the others.

It's not hard to find where the others have gone. Luna's aura glows so brightly to Avalyra's supernatural senses that it only takes her a brief moment to find her way to the ritual chamber. When she arrives, she quietly slips inside and stands unobtrusively along one of the chamber's walls. Luna's ritual is already in progress. Avalyra is mesmerized as the woman she knew primarily as an educator exerts herself in her task. Luna's actions are so captivating that Avalyra hardly notices the vibrations around her. A sudden brightness forces her to close her eyes.

When she opens them again, she gapes open-mouthed; where there were two unmoving bodies, two living beings now stir. But even as she's once again consciously overwhelmed by yet another novel event this day, somewhere deep in the back of her mind, her subconscious brain is moving fast. She's not even aware that her mind is rapidly processing everything that she just observed, extracting unique insight from what she just witnessed.

As the newly raised pair begin to move and speak, she remains quiet along the wall, observing them. Would these two also be part of the group that she was going to be traveling with?

((I didn't mention it earlier, but I really liked the "avoid a repeat of yesterday... 20 years from now" line. Also, guns totally suck compared to magic weapons. Just check the d20 modern srd to see!))
Muun places his dark blue, sleeveless undershirt back onto himself, pulling the neck back upward to his jaw. Memories of the ancient adventurers of the past still fresh in his mind, he tells the group, "The next time I am killed, I am dragging everyone down with me. Even you.." he looks towards Jack, "...you... steam powered vehicle..."

The ranger neglects to talk about his experiences in the Astral Sea, seeming to prefer to get back to business as quickly as possible, possibly so that, as the elder ranger had reminded him, not to lose focus. "Where is the armor that I was wearing? My bow? I also can't tell if this is the 'past' everybody was telling me about. These temples look the same to me."

Also, guns totally suck compared to magic weapons. Just check the d20 modern srd to see!))
((It was kinda along the lines of how swords and bows manage to coexist with magic even though magic is clearly better. I imagine in a practical (future) scenario Wizards would just use handguns themselves for when they're not shooting magic bullets and dropping magic nukes, since they already use crossbows but I don't know if any RPG ruleset allows that.))
((Guns are within the rules framework of 3.5 (as Zynx just pointed out) and especially Pathfinder, but they're not consistent with the current setting. There were probably guns here and there in Sigil, but the party never encountered anyone who wielded them and thus the idea never would have come up. It does make total sense for Muun to have encountered them in Erathis's city in the Astral Sea though, so yeah that can be canon))
((Well, I meant more specifically Wizards using guns even in a system that allows guns (now that I think of it you could probably feat up a Wizard to use one though, so there's that). On the subject of guns in settings though, even Pathfinder doesn't fully commit to gun rules and flat out tells you that they're not for every campaign due to how much they can affect a setting which basically means Gunslinger is possible to be a banned character class depending on what the DM wants.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus also chimes in with Muun, inquiring about his belongings as he attempts to re-orient himself with the mortal realm. At the ranger's query, Tarkus himself is reminded of the group's attempt at the time-travel ritual before his death in the underwater monastery. He looks around at the chamber they find themselves in, noting the tapestries of the sun god. "They must have succeed, as Luna is disciple of Pelor."

The warrior nods confidently. "Would be outlawed in bad future." His ease is slightly unsettled, however, as he spots a shadow flickering against the dirty floor down the hall.

Mike M

Nick N
Val tries to play it coy, but his broad grin belies his obvious relief at the restoration of Tarkus and Muun. "You forget, Muun, if you take us all with you next time, who will haul your carcass back here to bring you back?"

Val tosses Tarkus and Muun each a small coin purse containing 107 gold pieces. "Think of it as a welcome home present. Minus some expenses your corpses incurred while you were out."

((Now that Tarkus is back, how do we want to divvy up the relics? If we're not concerned about the axe/shield making him OP, Jack could inherit the battle axe if it's better than his greatsword +4. Or alternately Jack can take that to make him a touch more viable in combat.))
((I don't see why the axe would be overpowered, it's basically a regular +5 with the ability to turn into a shield. I think Tarkus was concerned awhile back about the Belt's +6 strength in addition to the damage he already does.))

When being reminded of the complications of what he just suggested, he answers bluntly and stubbornly, "Does it look like I care? Just keep it in mind."

When tossed the small pouch of coins, he swipes it from mid-air, supposing that it will buy dinner and supplies. When pointed out who Luna is, he looks over to her, and then looks over to Avalyra who is still a figure near a wall to him, seeming to be able to observe that they're being watched even from the distance, "And who is she? Another disciple as well?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Isn't Jack wearing that strength belt currently? Tarkus wields a greataxe +3 and hasn't upgraded for some time, so he's actually at an even greater disadvantage in the weapons department than Jack with his +4 greatsword; not a great situation for party fighter. Don't think its unreasonable for Tark to lay claim to the relic shield/axe in that case. When we get into town I had planned on selling his old weapon and spending some on a newer set of armor and supplies.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I've been rocking a DEX build who gets added damage from INT, the ins and outs of STR modifiers clearly elude me. Alright, no need for Jack to trade in his gear.))
((I want to grab Gauntlets of Ogre Power at the very least, and perhaps something else I haven't thought of yet.))

EDIT: ((Okay, yeah. gonna grab that and an Efficient Quiver (filling it with the remaining arrows off what's left in Muun's Quiver and the Shifters' stock) for 5800 GP))

EDIT 2: ((Gonna sell Muun's first bow for 9300 GP, and then buy a Ring of Sustenance for 2500.))
Luna is breathing heavily and her legs are rickety after the ritual is complete. She waves off Tarkus's humble display. "Yes, yes, I know you're grateful. Avalyra," she calls to the partially obscured figure further back against the wall, "You may as well come over here and say Hi, if you're considering joining these men. This half-Orc fellow that Pelor just saw fit to revive has already spotted you.

She delicately makes her way to the door. "Feel free to make use of our facilities if you like. I need to go rest. I'd forgotten how much it takes out of a person to perform that ritual. Or," and she laughs suddenly, "I'm just old." She continues to chuckle quietly, and the sweet sound echoes a little bit through the chamber as she departs.
Quintus says, "Welcome back you two. And no, you're not dragging me there if I can help it Muun... Excuse me." then follows after Luna.

"Luna, this is may not be the best time, but there is something of a personal matter I wish to discuss with you. Can we speak somewhere private?" Quintus asks once he is fairly certain he is out of earshot of the others.
Luna looks skeptically at Quintus, glancing conspicuously at the Hand of Vecna. "Very well," she sighs. "Help me to my private quarters. I live alone, so you won't have to worry about privacy."

She leads Quintus to her house, still on campus, where he spent the night once a few months earlier. Once inside, she splays herself on a feathery couch and breathes a sigh of relief. "Please make this quick, if you don't mind."

((Feel free to use spoiler tags if you want. It's up to you))


As Avalyra musters her courage to introduce herself to the newly revived pair, she notices that Quintus follows Luna out of the room. She's still a little suspicious of him, having just met him, and that little incident earlier just compounds her misgivings.

Just making sure I'm doing this right: Avalyra will send her diminuitive psicrystal to stealthily (hopefully) tail Quintus. I've already decided to take 1 level of the Shadowmind PrC, so Avalyra, and consequently her psicrystal, will have at least 5 ranks of Stealth. +12 bonus for Diminuitive, and +2 Dex bonus. No Stealth penalty since it can presumably tail at less than half its 50ft fly speed. 1D20+19 => 29
Perception check dc 29 (Quintus, Luna, everyone along the way):
You notice a tiny flying crystal following a little behind Quintus.
Perception check dc 29 (people in the room):
You notice that Avalyra produces a tiny flying crystal, which leaves the room using the same exit as Quintus.

Avalyra timidly steps forward from the wall. "Hello," she says quietly, averting her eyes from the pair's wounds, "I'm Avalyra, an artist and...psion." She clearly isn't used to saying that last word out loud. "It seems that I will now be traveling with you all."

((I'm all for our party fighter grabbing whatever advantages he can. After all, the more damaging and accurate he is, the more quickly he gets rid of threats to, well, everyone in the party.))
By the time Muun has his shirt on, the worst of his wounds are hidden, only having a few claw marks on his face. He stands up, bringing himself over to the seemingly shy girl and speaks in his usual direct bluntness, "I am Muun Reinhart. As of now I am only a wanderer of sorts. Make your powers useful, because we tend to attract terrible fates in our travels." He gently places a hand on her shoulder momentarily before walking past her to collect his equipment.
Perception: (1d20+10=17)
((idk how if the monk level would change that at all... if it makes it a class skill it might mean my perception skill is a lot higher... though still not enough to make that dc with a 7 on the dice))

"Alright, as I'm sure you've probably assumed, using the Hand isn't without its drawbacks... I mean, for the most part I haven't had any problems, but one of its abilities, one which I do not use lightly, seems to be affecting my... well my soul would be the best way to put it. Now before you say anything, I'm not going to stop using it. Its been far to useful and I'm certain we will need it and all the other artifacts in the end. Anyways, my question is do you think you may have something that could help, uhh, 'fix' me I guess?"
You witness the entire conversation between Quintus and Luna, and they don't seem to notice the crystal at all.

Luna nods. "Yes, I've noticed. Your aura is... blacker than the last time you were here. I'm going to ignore your disclaimer and tell you that you ought to stop using that thing purely on principle, but at the very least you recognize that this is not a good thing, so that's a start. Come here."

When Quintus gets closer to her, she grips his arm and closes her eyes, apparently casting another spell. Even more of the color drains from her face, and he could swear that he notices another wrinkle crop up before his eyes.

When it's done, Quintus feels clean - or at least, cleaner than he'd felt before turning Rand into a zombie. ((The Taint and its resulting penalties are gone)).

Luna opens her mouth to speak, but is now breathing so hard as to nearly be hyperventilating, and thinks better of it. She makes some hand signals to indicate that she'll be fine with a bit of rest, and then promptly falls asleep, snoring lazily on her plush couch.

((idk how if the monk level would change that at all... if it makes it a class skill it might mean my perception skill is a lot higher

((Remember that ranks and training work differently in 3.5 and Pathfinder. In 3.5, just having something as a class skill doesn't give you an inherent bonus, and something only counts as a class skill for the purpose of gaining ranks when you gain a level in the specific class that the skill applies to.

I'm giving myself a headache trying to keep cross-class-skill rules straight, so hopefully that makes sense. If I ever do another 3.5 campaign then I'm probably going to adopt the Pathfinder rules for class skills because they're a lot simpler))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus looks inquisitively at the slender young woman while she introduces herself, but notices nothing untoward about her aside from her mention of being...

"Psi-on?" The half-Orc turns his head to the side in a confused manner. Looking around for Quintus, he fails to spot the fiery-haired archmage and thus is left without the usual magical reference. Shrugging his shoulders, he takes a moment to re-examine the girl noticing some of her metal choker and raven-like hair.

The warrior steps forward and nods respectfully at Avalyra "I am Tarkus."

"We are aim to collect holy relics and stop Legio-" furrowing his brow he pauses for a moment to reorient himself with the new scope of things. "Stop cultist band called Arm of Vecna." Thinking deeper on the issue, he recalls the insight of the visions granted to him of the original signing of the Wormwood Treaty.

Turning to the others, he grunts in frustration at being the one who must deliver all this complicated news. "Learn many things about origin of god relics and our mission. When Quitnus return, will explain." Tarkus endeavours to do just that after partaking in as much food and drink as his stomach will allow, for he has found death has made him ravenous.

((Not to force a timeskip or anything but in the interest of me not forgetting to rp this, whenever we do end up gathered together to break our fast or something, Tarkus explanation of what he saw is as follows [punctuated by many bites and gulps of mead, naturally] to the group))

"Gods all sign treaty in old times to protect power and creation from prophecy. Prophecy is mystery invaders called Elder-racy. No...Eldrazi. Come to destroy existence. Wormwood paper mean each god put part of soul in item we know as relic. Once all relic assemble, champion rise to save all."

Tarkus stops to look around, feeling slightly foolish in his grand description. "Nothing we not hear before from Vecna, but maybe more detailed than he describe." He returns to his plate and continues his summary of the Raven Queen's vision.

"But treaty also mean god cannot interfere directly with mortal world. What Vecna scheme fit in all this, do not know. But do not trust god of secrets to not betray all."
((Actually I think a small time skip is a good idea. Let's fast forward to the next time the entire party has a chance to sit down and have a conversation during a meal. The location doesn't matter unless someone wants it to. You guys need to decide where you're going next.

For easy reference, here's a list of possible avenues to explore.

-There are three relics left; one of them is somewhere in Ruby Keep, the other is the Monocle of Ioun, which is in the cult's possession, and the other is completely unknown.

-Rubio is still out there, having saddled Quintus with a vast amount of debt

's last remaining sibling still hasn't turned up since his family separated

-Avalyra's amnesia is still a thing

There are other tiny plot threads dangling, but nothing that would appear to have any relevance to the main storyline))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus stretches out contentedly, quite pleased with the demolished plates of food and drink before him. He has sorely missed the pleasurable sensations of true taste, having not partook much in the afterlife. "Maybe will serve god of foods and ale after final death..." "is there one?" he asks to no one in particular before burping loudly and wiping his mouth with his arm.

"Not sure where to go next. Hard to remember what relic or task we pursued before Illuminary lure us to Sigil."

((I vote we tackle Rubio. Tarkus and Jack can break his legs))
((Considering that's what we were up to before Ith ambushed us, I agree. Some light-hearted family approved gnome punting should be just the ticket to brighten everyone's spirits. Works well as a team bonding activity and ice breaker for our new member too!))

Mike M

Nick N
((Considering that's what we were up to before Ith ambushed us, I agree. Some light-hearted family approved gnome punting should be just the ticket to brighten everyone's spirits. Works well as a team bonding activity and ice breaker for our new member too!))
((And then we tried again after Ravenloft only to end up in the future. We've been trying to get Rubio for like six months now, LOL.))


A figure silently shuts the door to Luna's office behind her as she departs. On a table inside stand several sculptures and art pieces, along with a note.

Thank you for all of your efforts on my behalf. Even though they were not fruitful, I want you to know that I'm grateful. I suspect that these works of my hands will no serve much use in my journey ahead. Please make use of them however you wish.



Avalyra is quiet around the others as the group gathers together for a meal. She tries to absorb as much as she can about the situation at hand as the others discuss their options, but to no avail. Just too much has happened for her to comprehend it all so quickly. By the end of it all, it seems like she's hardly eaten anything.

((I just checked out the pathfinder rules for skills, and I have to agree that they're a lot better. Among other things, you aren't automatically locked out being good at a skill just by not having it as a class skill, by the double cost and lowered cap.))
((Yeah, Pathfinder's skill system is great. You have to really design your entire character around if you want to be excellent at a single skill though, since the skill rank cap is just the # of HD you have.))

In any other circumstance, Muun would not have meshed well into the lively environment that Alydar holds, always being accustomed to bleak, depressing settings and recently the war torn culture that required every edge, but his adventures in death had changed him. Ravenloft is no longer his normal, he had seen the worlds of the gods, and had experienced first what it was like to be in a civilized peaceful city when he had visited the Bright City to find Tarkus and to play with its advanced weapons.

Now, Muun sits at the table, only reacting minimally to a new setting as if it were just another place he was going with the others to. He listens to the others agree to clear Quintis' debt while crunching into a leg of turkey. The fruit of the goddess was just that, godly, but he had sorely missed tasting meat. He too remains quiet, not really having any useful input on the importance of clearing Quintis' name or how to go about doing so.

((And then we tried again after Ravenloft only to end up in the future. We've been trying to get Rubio for like six months now, LOL.))
((I wonder how much Quintis' debt piled up 20 years in the future.))
((I wonder how much Quintis' debt piled up 20 years in the future.))

((That's something I was fully prepared to explore if you guys had done things differently in the future. I also had a subplot waiting in the wings involving vengeful fully-grown kobold children, no joke.))

Their course of action decided, the next morning Quintus teleports the party to Southport, which was the last known location of the unscrupulous gnome Rubio.

Just about the only thing similar tithe Southport of the future is the relative humidity. This time, the sky is clear and sunny, and the weather is hot. The people milling about are all dressed in very skimpy clothing, and the beach can be spotted nearby, where loungers have set up towels on the sand. Small trinket shops and souvenir stands line the boardwalk running parallel to the beach.

Most of the vacationers here carry themselves like nobility, and there is a general sense of relaxation and care-free frolicking in the air.

The party gets more than a few strange looks at their adventure-ready outfits, but they don't feel unwelcome here.


Mike M

Nick N
((Can we get a recap/link to the post where the debt holders were giving Quintus grief? I've forgotten almost all the details.))
Muun's eyes only give brief glances towards the populace that find it fit to stare towards him like he is some kind of pressing issue in their lives. He continues to carry a serious attitude that belies the atmosphere.

The excessively carefree and vulnerable nature of the individuals reinforce his caution against too many comforts, and says quietly so that he won't accidentally inform any of the city's occupants, remembering that this is technically the first place he's visited on this plane "As of right now.. These people will be forcefully departed from this haven in part of my lifetime and they don't realize it will happen."
Once they reach the beach, Quintus casts Locate creature and begins looking around for the little bastard. His hopes aren't to high this will work, but maybe...

Mike M

Nick N
The sudden transition to Southport leaves Val blinking in the sudden sunlight, the balmy air like entering a bath house. As his eyes acclimate to the bright light, he can pick out the similarity in the layout of this place compared to it's dark future twenty years hence. Everything is so bright and cheery, so well maintained that it's easy to succumb to the temptation to just hang up your worries and let time slow to a crawl.

That temptation is crushed when Val happens to glance at the signboard of a beachside cafe and sees the exorbitant prices for their fare. He lets out a low whistle. Apparently forgetting your worries was for those that can afford it.

It occurs to Val that all these people with the outfits that are barely there and the bodies to make them work are precisely the sort that can afford it. He wipes away the small accumulation of involuntary saliva that escapes the corner of his mouth, drinking in the tableau of white sand, green palms, and throngs of carefree, inattentive wealthy people.

"When I come through this mess on the other end," he says reverently as he stares at the passing flesh on display without shame, "I am officially setting up an annex to the Val Fierno legacy here in Southport."

His thoughts having naturally turned towards swindling and deception, he is suddenly aware that he is absolutely not dressed for the occasion, and ruefully reflects how his newly acquired sword cost him most of his funds.

Oh well, you make do with what you've got.

"Alright, we are on the lookout for one felonious little gnome. Let's see if we can't locate him, but don't approach him yet. I have a simply splendid idea that may let us kill two birds with one stone."

And with that, Val strides into the nearest tavern to see if any of these lovely ladies have seen a gnome about these parts.

Gather Information Check:  1d20+5=19
((It just occurred to me that I'm playing as a Ranger. If Val can find out the Gnome's daily routine, maybe there might be some tracks to follow, but otherwise it's probably a crapshoot with all of these people running around.))

Mike M

Nick N
((On a completely unrelated note, if Val should die I think I'll just play it by ear. I thought I had a good idea, and I suppose it still is and I'm still writing it, but it's drifted to the point that it's not really suitable for its original purpose. I'm like a thousand words in without Val even appearing, and there's probably a thousand more to go before he does, and then that's when the story starts... It's like a Val-centric vignette unrelated to the quest))
The local bar is called The Gilded Dragon, and is designed such that an entire wall is actually one giant window, allowing sunlight to pour in and the patrons to bask in its glow. The facilities within are state of the art and very clean - especially so for a bar. The customers are dressed only marginally more modestly than those on the beach, and many are wearing tinted glasses.

From asking around the bar about a gnome, Val is able to discern that there is, in fact, a gnome living in town. No one knows his name or where he is, but apparently he's around here somewhere.

"He comes in here sporadically," says the attractive, well-spoken, half-elf bartender. "Maybe once every two weeks? There's no set schedule. He usually just has a few drinks with his latest arm-candy and then goes off somewhere else. I'm pretty sure he's the only gnome around here."

Quintus's Locate Creature spell turns up empty; he gets the same staticky feedback that was the result of his original Scrying attempt.
When Muun hears of the first bit of information about the gnome Val picks up, Muun chimes in, "Once every couple of weeks? I doubt my ability to follow an exact path in this case, but I think it's safe to say that he doesn't take the main streets."

Muun takes a look around from outside the tavern, moving around the building to see if there are any alternative paths that one could take through the city, or any crevices or holes a tiny person might be able to fit through.

Perception: 1d20+15=28


bitch I'm taking calls.
((What kind of shops are available in Southport? Still need to pick up some items. Actually I might have someone shop in my proxy, given that I don't want to jeopardize the nature of our task.))

Tarkus skin cooks in the bright and shining Southport sun, the metal carriage of his plate mail feeling like an oppressive weight for the first time in a long while as the group treks across the sandy beach toward the town. Despite the carefree nature and the soothing sounds of the waves as they hit the beach, Tarkus cannot find solace as long as they continue to walk and the sun's rays are reflected tri-fold, from the water, the sand, and his metal coat. The skin on his scalp feels particularly hot, and the half-orc takes the first opportunity he can to dunk his head in a bucket of cold water. He growls uncomfortably to himself as they move.

"Not really dress for vacation..." he grumbles to no one in particular as the various tourists and aristocrats stare at them with blank curiosity.

Outside the Gilded Dragon, Tarkus corners the group and advises caution. "We too noticeable. Especial Jack and me. Armed adventurers coming around seem like sign gnome waiting for to run again." The fighter takes a moment to splash more water on his face and lets it dribble down his neck to wash the sweat off his back.

Pointing to Jack he continues. "Need find place for us hide for time being, while others more able to disguise investigate town." Tarkus looks around for a cheaper, nondescript inn for the party to book, somewhere someone with a lot of money would not stoop to bother with.

((Not sure the appropriate skill check here, but I rolled 1d20 anyway))

Search for cheap inn
1d20 → [19] = (19)

Regardless of his success, Tarkus will settle for the best thing he can find and attempt to book two rooms for himself and Jack. Whether the amenities are nice or not, Tarkus is grateful to simply get out of the sun for a bit and allow his more cunning and deductive companions to lead the search. Since reviving at the seminary, he has been in dire need to re-integrate his ring of sustenance in his life as he has been more tired than usual.

Changing into a set of common traveler's clothes, Tarkus visits briefly with Jack. "Good to rest. Living creature need to recharge sometime too."


As Avalyra is suddenly transported from near the seminary to Southport, she finds herself wondering about the underlying mechanism to instant travel. But quickly she feels the effect of the scorching atmosphere, something she finds herself unaccustomed to and entire unprepared for, in her full dress. It takes the application of some mental effort before she adapts to the new environment, as she follows the others on their way.

Sweeping her gaze across the expansive strip of sand, she's fascinated by the new sights and sounds. She is so engrossed by everything around her that she almost bumps into Tarkus from behind as the group stops in front of the Gilded Dragon.

She doesn't say much as her companions discuss what to do, but when Val enters the bar asking his questions, she follows unobtrusively and begins to peer into the minds of those nearby to see if she can discover any useful information.

Read Thoughts Will DC 20
Quintus and Avalyra end up accidentally working together; as Quintus goes around asking patrons about a gnome, she begins to pick up thoughts that bubble to the surface of those peoples' minds, whether or not they actually answer Quintus truthfully.

Between the two of them, they determine that the gnome apparently owns a small boat at the local marina; some of them have seen him casting off occasionally, always with a different female partner.

Muun's attempt at discerning a likely path for Rubio comes up lacking; there aren't any obvious opening that would lend themselves toward being convenient for someone of Rubio's size, and the entire town is fairly heavily trafficked at this time of year.


Jack observes Tarkus as he sinks onto a bed in the hotel room. "I do not require sleep as most living creatures do. However, it is necessary for me to enter Self Maintenance Mode for a period of approximately four hours each day, in order to ensure that my systems are functioning optimally."

He pauses and tilts his head back and forth a few times, and, before Tarkus actually nods off, says "Tarkus, when your rest cycle is complete, I would find it pleasurable to engage in physical combat training with you. Your fighting style is unique; my creators did not program me to be familiar with it, and as such, I feel it would be beneficial if I were to study your movements in battle."

Mike M

Nick N
Huddled at a table in the corner of the Guilded Dragon, Val partakes of the establishment's fine selection of wine as he keeps an eye on the entrance in case they should be so lucky as to have Rubio stroll through the door into their waiting arms. Remaining inconspicuous seems a daunting challenge, as the attire of the party singles them out for attention in this town of vacationers. Doubtlessly their inquiries have left memorable impressions. It is vital they find Rubio before he catches wind of their presence in town...

Unsuccessful in his ventures to dig up Rubio's location beyond confirming that yes, a gnome lives in town, Val pounces upon the intel that Quintus and Avalyra bring to the table. "He's got a bloody boat? Blast, the pint sized bastard is being more cagey than I'd given him credit for. He can up and flee as soon as he gets spooked, and I'm willing to bet we'd have difficulties luring him anywhere else.

"Well, at least we know he has a weakness for women. Unexciting, but exploitable. We just need someone to act as bait who can be suitably convincing about their fear of boats who can lead him to a room containing Tarkus, Jack, and myself..."

Swirling his wine, he lets the suggestion hang as he looks up as though studying a particularly interesting rafter.
Muun can't help but feel disappointed that the barkeep's information being lacking and misinformed compared to the thoughts Avalrya picked up led to a fruitless search on his part.

Saying to Val, he asks, "I know you are a silver tounge, Liar, but how are you going to convince any lady to be willing to act as bait for your whims?"
"Actually, I could use my magic to become a - No... No... never mind, thats just... just no. Perhaps we should just take turns watching the place, hope he shows up before too long, and just tail him? With telepathic bond for communication, I should be able to get enough information about the place to teleport the rest of us directly there."
Muun nods, looking over to Avalrya, "That sounds like a better idea, I would rather not throw our female ally to the wolves like that one time Val tried to... Wait, where is Coriolis...?" All of his being dead and making friends with faeries has made him forget that his trusted owl is nowhere to be seen, now reminded from when Val tried to use him as fish food for the snake man.


Sitting with her back against the wall, Avalyra is quiet as usual, while her companions scheme on how to use the information she helped find. It's not as if Avalyra is oblivious to Val's thinly-veiled suggestion, but she's rather uncomfortable with the idea of playing a role that's not herself. But with no other plans on the table, she's about to give in when the others raise their objections. Her eyes darken as Muun alludes to Val's past actions, making a mental note to herself to be wary of the trickster.

Despite her misgivings with Val's plan, she not impressed with the rather vague alternatives that have been suggested. "Hmmph," she finally speaks up, a little contemptuously at first before continuing, with her voice unusually forceful. "The first thing we need to do is to precisely identify the actual boat he uses, and see if it's presently moored. We should also ask around to see if there are any patterns to when he comes and goes. With that knowledge in hand, we can then focus our search accordingly. If his trips are relatively frequent, staking out the marina is a good idea. If not, we need to look elsewhere. We should have multiple plans of attack in case some of them don't work out. If I must, I can make it known that I am interested in a trip to sea. But..." her voice begins to falter, "I'm not really good at acting." she continues, a little self-conscious.

((It seems like Val isn't deigning to mention his magic mask, hmm!))
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