bitch I'm taking calls.
"Actually, I could use my magic to become a - No... No... never mind, thats just... just no

Grunting in affirmative reply to Jack, Tarkus drifts to sleep, choosing to restore and conserve his energy during the hottest part of the day.
- - -
As the bright yellow sun wanes from its sky throne to hang just above the shoreline, the half-orc begins to stir from his rest. After a few hours sleep, the warrior's body has finally begun to re-acclimatize to the nourishing energy of his enchanted ring. Standing from his bedroll, he wordlessly begins a short exercise routine comprised of crunches and push-ups, ending with a few stretches to assure his muscles are loose and limber. Tarkus finally speaks to his warforged comrade as he washes the accumulated sweat from his face and neck.
"What kind of spar you seek Jack?" turning to open a window, he pads his neck with a cloth before throwing it aside. "Here not best place for armed training, too easy to smash things" he says, his eager desire to spar taking the metal man's proposal in a more immediate sense than perhaps he had intended.
Nonetheless, the half-orc lifts the dirt stained window to peer outside. It would appear that while some of the populace has come in from the beach, a new, rougher crowd has since taken their place on the streets of Southport. As the orange glow of the sunset paints long shadows across the stone pavements, an exotic mix of people have come out to experience and partake in the pleasures and pursuits of the evening.
"Wonder if others make progress on finding gnome..." Tarkus muses, scratching the stubble on his chin in contemplation.