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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


1D20+22 => 28 #Avalyra perception
1D20+18 => 38 #psicrystal perception (nat 20) - sighted: darkness irrelevant


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Scored a 3 on survival roll.))

As the group discusses precautions and begins to set up camp, lingering doubts and concerns for the townsfolk cloud the half-orc's mind. Positioned in the relative wilderness without any sort of fortification, natural or man-made, he is of little help in the survivalist preparations. He checks up on Avalyra and bundles her with extra cloth upon Muun's recommendation so that she may be shielded from the night's chill. He sets the canteen of water he purchased at the hamlet next to her bedroll.

Still determined to make himself useful, Tarkus patrols the grounds of their camp using his darkvision to scope out the surrounding terrain 60 ft in all directions.

1d20 → [16] = (16)
Once camp is set up and everyone is settled down, Avalyra's psicrystal makes its rounds and almost immediately spots the two unaccounted-for ninjas. Each of them is perched silently in a tree on opposite sides of the camp; neither is invisible, suggesting that whatever enchantment that had been granting them invisibility earlier has worn off, with no source of replenishment.

While the two ninjas are doing a remarkable job of blending in, helped along by the green of their uniform intermingling exceptionally well with the surrounding foliage, their skills of stealth were no match for the supernatural senses of Avalyra's psionically-powered companion.

((Everyone can assume that this information has been communicated to the rest of the party in a way that will not alert the observers that anything is amiss, just to expedite things))
Muun had several ideas on how to try to minimize their being seen, but with the inability to ignore Avalrya's predicament and basic human needs, and the lack of time bestowed to them to prepare and discover the perfect hiding spot that would leave them undiscovered altogether. Sitting in a tree above, because he shouldn't need to leap down during combat, he watches over the camp with Darkvision.

Celia flies to him, whispering in his ear what Avalrya had said where the bad guys were. The people chasing them got there far too fast.. the people of the village must have told them exactly where the party had headed. It is hard to blame them, but it doesn't encourage wanting to do repay them any favors.

((If we attack, would this mean that we get a surprise round on the ninja?))

Mike M

Nick N
((RP concerns aside, everyone agree on attacking? I'd guess they're going to do everything possible to just blow past us and grab Lucille, then teleport away or something. Muun may get lucky and take one out from the start, but the best we can do against the other in the same round is to have Jack shoot a couple arrows...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Let Muun do his thing, the melee types take 12, 9, and 3 o'clock positions around Lucille? Maybe have Jack use invisibility on her to boot?))
((If Muun just full-attacks, he'll get a surprise round out of it. If everyone takes the time to get in formation first, then we would go to initiative.))
Muun doesn't hesitate to begin firing on the unsuspecting stalkers that even dare approach, not thinking of any viable reason to allow them any breathing room.

Rapid Shot Full Attack Rolls, 1d20 + 4 Dex + BAB + 4 Enh. -2 RS (1d20+4+13+4-2=28, 1d20+4+13+4-2=34, 1d20+4+8+4-2=27, 1d20+4+3+4-2=24)
Damage Rolls, Greatbow 1d10 + 3 Str. + 4 Enh. + 1d6 Fire (1d10+3+4+1d6=13, 1d10+3+4+1d6=13, 1d10+3+4+1d6=15, 1d10+3+4+1d6=17)

((My damage rolls are average this time around, so the guy is most likely still alive.))
((He was already damaged from earlier, so you got him. The other guy also just rolled a 1 on his initiative, so you will get him, too.

You guys now have 20 more Shuriken +2s, two more Katana +2, two more Ring of Protcection +3, one Boots of Stealth +4, one Boots of Dexterity +6, and two more doses of the nauseating poison))

With expert precision and brutal efficiency, Muun unleashes a flurry of arrows on the unsuspecting ninjas, bringing their surveillance to an abrupt end. Their corpses fall limply from the tree limbs and thud hard on the ground.

Mike M

Nick N
((All that planning for one attack. LOL.

So at this point, I think everyone who wants one can have a Ring +3. Boots of Dex +6 for Val is tempting since he relies on Dex as much as Int, but his amor has a max Dex of 5, which is where he's sitting right now, so he wouldn't gain anything for it, right?

Unless he swapped out his armor for that Vest of Armor +4... his AC would drop by 2, but that would just leave him where he was before he upgraded the ring... Or he could drop 25K on Padded Armor +5 and break even with a max Dex of 8.))
((Max dex only applies to AC, you'd still get your full dex bonus to everything else. You may actually come out ahead ac with the vest and the boots... unless you already have a dex boosting item. Personally wouldn't mind getting those boots myself(for those ranged touch spells), but Val and Muun would probably get much better use out of them anyways.

Actually what armor are you wearing? I assume chainshirt if you are using light armor, might wanna consider swaping that out for an enchanted Mithral shirt. gives the same ac, but has no ACP, increases max dex by 2(6 total) and weighs 10 pounds. I use it on all light armor characters.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Shit, yeah, he has Gloves of Dex+4 and they wouldn't stack. Not as great of an improvement as I had initially thought))
((Every time Muun kills a bad guy, he absorbs their powers like Megaman ->


And Jack can probably turn into Rush Jet.

So unless Avalrya heavily benefits from +6 Dex, I suppose I get them.))

Muun is nearly shaken once again by how terrifying he can be at killing human beings. He understands that the living can be evil too, but the way that he has been dispatching them so quickly and instantly is horrifying, and makes him feel a bit like a monster. He starts to compare what he did now to the challenge he's had to face int he past.. the vampires he's so accustomed to where no amount of arrows was ever enough, they would always lash out and jump out like a large cat fending for its life, but here... the bodies simply drop like birds that have given up their flight.

He hangs down from the branch he was sitting on, and then drops down to meet the party again. Breathing a bit heavily, he looks to Lucille. He's sure by now that his way of combat isn't very impressive nor chivalrous and is just as scary for her as it is for him. He says with genuine apology in his voice, "I don't know if you saw that, but if you did I'm sorry that you had to see it."

Since Jack has shown that he lacks emotion, and thus the need to complain about every little thing, Muun has decided it is much easier to ask Jack of favors and help in performing thankless tasks, "Jack. Can you help me move these bodies? I don't want them to attract any wild animals. We may find something on them as well."
Lucille displays equal parts horror and starry-eyed admiration at Muun as he apologizes, and merely looks at him quietly as he moves toward the bodies.

"It would be my pleasure to assist you," Jack replies to him, following along to take care of the fallen ninjas.

Once the whole business is finished and the half of the party that actually requires sleep has settled down, Lucille waits for Muun to sit down, and then joins him, sidling up nice and close.

After a bit of time, she looks around to make sure no one is watching, and then she lays her head on Muun's shoulder. If he allows her, she eventually falls asleep like that.

((Now that all the tension has dissipated since the bad guys are gone, we're gonna move things along. Neutralize Poison is going to work fine and cure Avalyra in the morning. Everyone can check in and talk about the trip back (which is going to take a few days), and once everyone has had their say, we'll be back in Alydar.))

Mike M

Nick N
Alerted to the observation of the presence of the ninjas in the trees by Avalyra's psicrystal, Val acts as nonchalant as possible as the gears of his mind turn in his attempts to formulate an appropriate response. The ninjas have the high ground, but Val and his friends have the advantage of numbers. Also, they have the element of surprise, but the ninja’s position is such that only Muun can—

The twin thuds of a pair of corpses impacting the ground courtesy of Muun’s marksman ship brings the crisis to an abrupt end. “Nice work, Muun,” he says, “excellent aim.”

As Jack drags the corpses from the camp, Val takes a moment to look them over as they pass. “Look at this, it was more than Muun’s arrows that did them in. It doesn’t appear that they took the opportunity between our encounters to patch up their wounds at all, I suspect because it would have required them to return empty handed, which would have been punished most severely. They were dead, one way or the other… Hardly seems like the sort of disciplinary system that would bolster morale in an organization…”

His examination complete, he allows Jack to resume his morbid task. “The upside of it all is that they almost certainly had no chance to summon reinforcements or disclose our position. The emergency seems to have passed for the moment, perhaps now we can get some sleep.”

Paranoia and fear allayed, Val whistles an upbeat tune as he lays out his bed roll beside the fire and falls fast asleep.

((Avalyra has Limited Wish, right? Which could be used to cure Quintus’ Feeblemind, who could then teleport us to Alydar?))
Muun stands watching her gaze towards him for another moment before he and Jack begin to do the suggested task, somehow unsure how admirable his skills really are right now. When Val praises his ability, he nods, "Thanks, but I still feel we were under-prepared for anything bigger."

When the two begin to move the bodies, Muun is finally able to get an up close look at them. The cowls that obscure their faces seem unnecessary to him, and yet at the same time he feels like it defines the men somehow as deliberately becoming faceless and obscure like they are embracing the role they have chosen and their status as pawns. Pulling off the boots of Dexterity (very carefully so that the Ogre Gauntlets don't accidentally rip the boots), Muun can already feel that they're different than the other pairs of boots thus far. Even with the strength enhancing gloves he can tell that they're much lighter and have a different design. "What do we have here...?" Muun asks in wonder and curiosity. Jack's analysis should be adequate enough to identify the item hopefully.

While returning he places the newly procured items in front of everyone.. except for the vials of poison, which he added with the other ones that he has. Sitting down, he notices Lucille sliding close to him. He smiles back to her while the night quiets down. Once she finally lays into his shoulder and into the leaves of Ehlonna, he decides to take off the bulky, metalic gauntlets, and slide an arm behind her to gently stroke her hair and behind her neck. He feels a bit embarrassed about the open affection, especially knowing that Tarkus & Celia are most likely to notice.


And notice she does, while having her face colored with a berry that for her is oversized, glances over at the cuddling couple, and chimes, "I chose the worst time to try and be his friend again. Maybe I can be one of your friends instead!" She almost goes to Val, but he seemeds to have brought himself to sleep quickly. She instead flies up to Tarkus, "You, I don't think I've seen someone like you before, but you're colored like the trees and earth." She then flies to Jack, "You're so odd, but funny to listen to."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus looks briefly at the floating pixie before shrugging. "Am Half-orc. Skin may look green or earth color, but most orc blood not care for tree, rock or river except as resource for war. Make sense not see orc in wood goddess realm." The fighter lays on his back and stares up at the stars.

"I respect simple way of nature. Nature can be harsh, but always fair. Strong survive. Weak perish. No surprises."


Avalyra lays down uneasily as their last foes are vanquished, still plagued the by strong poison in her body. Unable to concentrate well enough to meditate, she eventually succumbs to unconsciousness, sleeping for the first time since she was reborn. Bizarre and frightening dreams haunt her night, and when dawn breaks, she wakes uneasily. The unpleasant experience has clearly altered her mood drastically, and she's quiet and withdrawn on the trip back. She tries to ignore the others' conversations but a certain phrase resonates in her mind. Strong survive. Weak perish. No surprises.

((There's no limited wish for psions. The closest thing they get is bend reality, which is a lot less versatile (since there's far fewer powers than spells), and more importantly isn't available until level 15.

Muun should take the dex boots. Five +3 deflection rings means everyone but Tarkus gets one, but what's taking up Tarkus's ring slots? More AC is pretty useful especially when doing the intimidating shout which gets him all the heat. We also should be spreading the vials of poison around; they can be thrown. Avalyra will take one for sure.

Whoa...Jackben got banned?))
((I finally had an opportunity to message him on PSN (and just learned I no longer have access to my account because of a different e-mail set up on this device).))
((Damn it jackben... this like the third time? Oh well, as long as its not a perma...))

Quintus does... uh... febbleminded stuff? Whatever that is, I'm sure its rather silly.
((He took a voluntary break for a week. He messaged me about it. We'll go on without him until he returns. I'll give Quintus until I get home at about midnight tonight, and if there's nothing from him (understandable given his character's current condition), we'll continue on))
((I'm good to go right now... guess I could throw something up real quick though.))

Quintus constantly tries to poke random stuff to see what happens, occasionally very dangerous stuff, often repeatedly as he forgets what happen the last time he poked it almost immediately, forcing the group to spend a good amount of thier time pretty much dragging him away from things.
Even though Avalyra's condition is remedied thanks to Muun's proficiency with nature-oriented magicks, the long journey back to Alydar is exceptionally tedious. Quintus seems to refuse to move at a reasonable clip and is ceaselessly distracted by shiny objects (and most dull objects, to boot), and Lucille is not at all accustomed to traveling this much and needs to stop to rest way more often than anyone else in the party.

On the plus side, the coast remains clear all throughout, and the party encounters neither danger nor resistance. The Princess goes unrecognized by any and all passing strangers, and agents of the Arm of Vecna are nowhere to be found.

After about a week of travel, Alydar comes into view on the horizon. In the mid afternoon on the seventh day, they enter the city gates, and find that the town is about the same as it was when they'd left it.

The first order of business is no doubt to go visit Boris, the town cleric, and although he's not quite advanced enough to be able to cast the Heal spell on his own, he does have scrolls available, and even gives the party a 10% discount on the book price of the scroll ((Book Price 1650 GP; actual price here is 1485)). After the spell is cast, Quintus returns to his normal, hyper-intelligent self.

((I don't want to make any further presumptions about what the party does in town, so now it's up to you guys. You can sell items here in Alydar at 60% of the book price))

Mike M

Nick N
((In unrelated news, I just finished the first draft of a Val Fierno vignette that weighed in at 10.5K words. Jesus, what have I become that I'm writing a story about my D&D character?))
Upon returning to his normal self Quintus thanks the group and remarks, "That was an experience I hope to not have to ever repeat." After being filled in on what all happened, his own memories of the events a bit fuzzy, he suggests the next move "We should probably go talk to your 'sister' about the princess Val. And perhaps I should speak with my old friend... if she is even in town, and still in the same body as last time. she may able to help as well, though I may want to keep the bit about her being a princess to myself."

((i got a cloak of resistence +2, RoP +1 and headband of int +4 i'd like to sell, but if anyone has any use for those(pretty sure no one can use the Rop +1 at this point) now would be a good time to speak up.))
((Since I might be updating my inventory (I gave myself the Boots of Dex), I'm okay with everyone getting a vial of poison if that's what they want to do.))

Celia, most unfortunately for her ends up becoming the most enticing shiny object during the entire trip. A shiny object that moves in loops and floats around? Surely something to gaze at for hours on end. (Fun to stare at for infants and men highly dillusioned by advanced alchemenal creations.)

During the trip Muun decides to take his opportunities to try and gather food and hunt while Lucille is unable to keep moving. The constant breaks in pacing frustrate him, especially since the ring of subsistence allows him to forego most feelings of being tired which makes him forget what it's like for the most part and he can simply use the wand he has to cure his body if it becomes abused and injured from the strain of overuse. However; he eventually begins to offer his support to help her even when she hasn't asked to stop either because it would keep her from tiring as much, or because the two haven't been very subtle about each other.

Once they reach Alydar, he says to the others with a bit of relief, "I definitely need to clean up after we fix our broken clock... No, not you Jack, I mean Quintis..." While visiting the priest that sells the scroll, he can't help but feel like that, despite never having met the man, has already upset him in some way but doesn't know why. Once somebody casts the scroll to return Quintis to his original mind, Muun pats his shoulder and says, "You did nothing horrifyingly embarrassing with yourself. Promise."

After leaving the Temple, though it hasn't been decided what the party will do, Celia finds something that catches her eye at a general store. In the glass window she sees lots of people that are her size. No, taller but still able to be held in her arms if she wanted. They seem to hold still and stand guard watching everyone that passes by, and all seem to be wearing vastly different clothing from each other. There are several figures that are dressed like princesses.. kind of like Lucille. Some dressed like various warriors but manage to look very different from each other, like a man with a spear and a fuzzy hat, or one with a rat's hide draped over him and a flimsy axe. Upon further and moving across the window she finds that these aren't animals or faeries, but people made of... trees, stripped of their bark and shaped to be like human persons. Her curiosity truly piqued now, wondering where they came from, she notices one that is completely covered with the gray, shiny plating that some of the others wear, hiding the wood underneath. Such a figure, wielding a basic sword, reminds her of Jack.

She decides to fly inside the building- THUD! now she knows about glass. Rubbing her nose she wonders how she'll get in. "Celia! Come on!" a distant voice yells. It's Muun, he actually noticed she was gone for once! A bit defeated she moves to catch up with the rest and maybe she'll find a way in later.

((I'm not sure I actually have anything to sell, besides maybe my non-enchanted Mithal Shirt (which I might have already sold but haven't checked yet.)))

((In unrelated news, I just finished the first draft of a Val Fierno vignette that weighed in at 10.5K words. Jesus, what have I become that I'm writing a story about my D&D character?))
((It's to impress girls, of course. That and Val's pseudonym, Kaff Reyneel, could make quite a profit publishing such material as part of his schemes.))


((Mike: Writing a lot of words makes you a writer, does it not? In any case, I do recall that plenty of fantasy and scifi authors came from pnp rpg players, actually. Plus you're totally ready to win NaNoWriMo if that suits your fancy.

ThLunarian: Are there crafters/enchanters who can do the "add robe of spellcasting to vest of armor" and similar things in town? Full price, including the 50% premium, of course.

Avalyra was totally going to build a belt of battle or something for Tarkus, but now Jackben has taken a week off, meh.

What's the stats on a mithril shirt?))
((Mythril Shirt is basically a Chain Shirt with Max Dex of 6 & no Armor Check penalties (and still has 10% Arcane Failure). It's kind of worthless now though because it's not enchanted (I didn't even know it could be enchanted until I saw another Ranger do so at early levels.))

Mike M

Nick N
((i got a cloak of resistence +2, RoP +1 and headband of int +4 i'd like to sell, but if anyone has any use for those(pretty sure no one can use the Rop +1 at this point) now would be a good time to speak up.))

((Int+4 would beat the Int+2 headband Jack inheirted from Val.

Do we have a trade in value bonus in addition to the discount? Jack is tantalizingly close to being able to afford a significant armor upgrade, but even if trade-in value is a straight 50%, he could borrow the remainder from Val.))

((Mike: Writing a lot of words makes you a writer, does it not? In any case, I do recall that plenty of fantasy and scifi authors came from pnp rpg players, actually. Plus you're totally ready to win NaNoWriMo if that suits your fancy.

((I plan to do NaNoWriMo this year, actually. Going to be a challenge, as my living situation is far from conducive to being able to churn out a few thousand words a day. My PTO is completely maxed out though, I may just take a big chunk of the month off.))
((Avalyra: Yeah, you can find someone to take care of that for you.

Val: You do get a premium on trade-ins, yeah. In Alydar you can sell stuff for 60% of the book price rather than the normal 50% that's standard everywhere else.

Lysa, Leeta, Arianna, and Valerie are all in town and accessible, so if you want to talk to any of them, just start your post assuming that you've already found them and are approaching them. Lysa (the magic-using former tiefling who instigated the body-switch) is still in Leeta's old human body, and vice versa. If you want to approach any of them with the Princess in tow, specify that))

Mike M

Nick N
The trip back to Alydar is an arduous one, filled with ample free time for Val to enumerate all the ways in which it is an absolutely loathsome experience. Muun and Tarkus at least have the benefit of experience in long traversals on foot, and what Jack lacks in said experience he makes up in being indefatigable and largely devoid of complaint. That still leaves Val, Lucille, Avalyra, and poor Quintus on the march, none of whom are accustomed to having to travel such distances without the benefit of at least a dumb beast of burden to ride upon. They’re slowing everyone else down, but Val is wise enough to refrain from pointing that out.

If only Quintus had not been afflicted with whatever stupefying spell was cast upon him, they could have all been whisked to Alydar in a single instant. If only Sarm hadn’t given himself up to become the savior of the people of Ravenloft, they might at least be able to take a ride in his humble wagon so they need not walk the entire distance.

As the sun beats down upon them, Val finds that there are a great number of “if onlys” to count, and he cycles through them like prayer beads on a strand.

At long, long last, the walls of Alydar appear on the horizon, and relief washes over Val as he lets go of the anxiety that they may be taken unawares by agents of the Arm again. On the approach to town, he reminds everyone that here in Alydar, he is known as Kaff Reyneel. Not that there’s much value left in the tattered remains of anonymity of his pseudonym, but to operate openly would potentially expose Valerie. Val doesn’t agree with her decision to go straight, but he’s not about to do anything to endanger it.

While Muun attends to Quintus’ needs, Val and Jack take a trip to the market district. Val holds aloft the bag in which he had secured the numerous shurikens they had acquired in their previous encounter and shakes it gently beside his ear, listening to the clank of metal on metal. “Come Jack, shall we transform our little souvenirs into gold?” he asks.

Jack’s eyes increase in luminosity in his automatonic equivalent of having his eyes go wide with excitement. “I was not aware that this plane of existence was so advanced in alchemical theory to have achieved the transmutation of base metals into gold. I find it fascinating that the economy of this realm is based on the gold standard when the capacity to create more exists, you have unwittingly created a fiat currency system that operates at a level of sophistication that will not be realized for quite some time to come. Tell me, which do you use for the transmutation process, the Ashmole reduction method or Hayyan catalyst cascade reaction?”


“Oh? Have your people independently developed a novel method? I would be most interested in learning its production yield.”

“About 60%.”

“That is truly extraordinary. Tell me Kaff Reyneel, what methodology is used for this process?”

“It’s really quite simple, Jack,” Val says as he stops at the door of the shop of the local smithy and opens it for Jack. “We’re going to sell them.”

Despite having a face composed of metal plates with limited expressive capability, Jack still manages to look somewhat crestfallen. “Oh,” he says as he enters the shop.

Inside the dimly lit shop, the smithy welcomes two of the heroes of Alydar with a broad smile. “Well if it isn’t our local librarian turned hero! And his… friend. That’s quite a suit of armor you’re wearing there feller, I’d be interested to know who forged that for you.”

“I’m not a librarian, I am a curator of historical documents,” Val said with genuine wounded pride.

“My armor is integrated into my superstructure, it is not accurate to say that I am ‘wearing’ it any more than you are wearing your epidermis,” lectures Jack. He attempts to continue the lesson on his design and construction, but Val waves him off. Jack wanders the shop while Val sells off the shurikens ((Turns out +2 shurikens aren’t cheap, and we’ve got 70. Everyone gets 5,600GP)) and a few trinkets that he and Jack had upgraded recently. Jack eventually stops in the corner of the shop, staring at a pile of scrap metal behind the counter.

“Kaff Reyneel,” Jack addresses Val as Val hands him his share of the money, “may I request a favor?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“I would like to request that I be permitted to borrow from you the sum of two thousand and one hundred gold pieces.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen you spend one gold piece since joining us,” Val notes. “What on earth do you want with money now?”

“I have completed my analysis of my combat performance, and I have reached the conclusion that my armor plating can be redesigned to be more effective. I am two thousand and one hundred gold pieces short of what I would need to purchase the requisite raw materials.”

“Wait,” chimes in the smithy, “you just want to buy the raw materials?”

“Yes,” answers Jack.

“You don’t want me to do any work for you?”

“It is not needed, my nanotechnological systems will be able to integrate the base material into the configuration I have designed.”

“Son,” the smithy says puffing a pipe, “I don’t understand fully half the words that come out of whatever that is you call a mouth. But your money’s as good as anyone else’s, no matter what you want to spend it on.”

Val pulls a buckler off the wall and plonks it on the counter with a clang. “I believe we have a deal then.”

((Val just picked up a +3 Buckler, Jack gets a +6 armor enhancement, and we’re both pretty much tapped out for cash))

Reuniting with the restored Quintus and the rest of the party, Val distributes the profit from the sale of the shurikens to the assembled members. “First priority as I see it,” he says, “is to get Lucille to Valerie. She’s bound to be safer here than traveling around with us.” Glancing between Muun and the princess, he adds, “apologies for splitting up the love birds, and really I’m afraid it’s trading in a gilded cage for one of much lesser quality, but at least there’s no forced marriages to be had here.

“Once that’s settled, we should start planning on how to tackle the ‘rebel’ fortress to the south of the Keep. Of the two relics that remain, that is the only one we know the current location of, so it pretty much becomes highest priority by default. Besides, from the sound of it the longer we put it off, the higher the body count will rise until we put a stop to it.”
((Are you sure about the shurikens? I believe they are enchanted 50 at a time, at the cost of a single magic weapon(8k for a +2 weapon) because they count as ammunition. should be more like 900ish gp each i think...
Also, you can't(normally, i assume we aren't going epic, but even if we are, we'd need to get to that point first) get higher then a +5 armor enchantment. though you can get armor abilities that would put your total bonus above that(up to a +10 max), something like armor with +5 and light fortification.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Are you sure about the shurikens? I believe they are enchanted 50 at a time, at the cost of a single magic weapon(8k for a +2 weapon) because they count as ammunition. should be more like 900ish gp each i think...
Also, you can't(normally, i assume we aren't going epic, but even if we are, we'd need to get to that point first) get higher then a +5 armor enchantment. though you can get armor abilities that would put your total bonus above that(up to a +10 max), something like armor with +5 and light fortification.))


((Alright, DeadPhoenix being a sticker for the rules has ruined things for everyone, we all get 1,120 for the shurikens. Jack can afford the +5 upgrade even with that much, so that's the only other change.))


((Mike: We can totally be Nanowrimo prodding buddies. Every year I've always been "too busy" to do it, but this year will be different!

Hmm, how much would a +5 armor enchantment cost? Adding that to a mithral shirt would provide 9 AC that can't be dispelled like inertial armor can, right?

AFAICT, Alydar is one day away from the seminary of Pelor? If the party is sticking around for awhile then Avalyra might try to visit?))
((The Seminary is a 2-day walk, and probably more like half a day on horseback. Renting a horse would be a trivial amount (like 5 gold), or you could also get Quintus to summon a phantom horse that'd get you there even quicker.

I'm going to slightly amend the party conference about the next move so that it happens in Valerie's office, to make things a little easier for story telling. Everyone will be present for this scene, so it takes place after Quintus is cured, but before Avalyra would go off to visit the Seminary.))

"Welcome back," Valerie intones pleasantly as her aide allows the party into her office.

"Ah," Jack says, "I see you have taken some of my advice on your wheel chair's design specifications. I would be glad to share with you additional modifications when time permits."

She smiles at him. "Yes, that would be nice, thank you Jack." She looks around the rest of the party. "Seems that every time you lot come back to town, there are more of you that are being let into our inner circle. Soon enough, the aliases will ----"

She stops abruptly as her gaze settles on Lucille, who shifts uncomfortably. "Valgar," she says in a calm-before-the-storm sort of tone, "Please tell me that isn't the Princess. The princess who was kidnapped just short of her VERY HIGH PROFILE wedding in the Capital. The princess for whom the king is offering a premium bounty to anyone who brings her kidnappers to justice.

"Please tell me that this is a dream and that she is NOT, in fact, standing in my office, no doubt in the company of her kidnappers, who are currently implicating me, and by extension the entire town, in her capture. Please, TELL ME I'M MISTAKEN!"

Mike M

Nick N
“How terribly rude of me,” Val says as he occupies himself at the wet bar in the mayor’s office, “you two haven’t been properly introduced.” A pair of crystal tumblers in one hand and a bottle of amber-colored spirits in the other, he gestures to Lucille and Valerie in turn. “Valerie, this is indeed Princess Lucille. Lucille, this is my dearly beloved sister Valerie, she runs things around here.”

Setting the tumblers on Valerie’s desk, Val pours an ample helping of the alcohol into each of them as he speaks. “I know you’re on the straight and narrow these days, Val, but still you have to admit that stealing the princess is quite the feather for a thief’s cap. A little bit of begrudging kudos wouldn’t be entirely inappropriate, I don’t believe.”

“Besides, it can scarcely be described as a kidnapping,” he continues, holding the tumblers before him. “It was more of a rescue mission, she was literally begging us to take her along. If the throne didn’t want the princess running off with a man of questionable moral fiber and his ragtag band of misfit friends, maybe they should have reconsidered forcing her into a marriage, hm? Besides, if we hadn’t acted when we did, I have reason to believe that another, significantly less benevolent party would have done so in our stead. Cheers!”

Val downs both tumblers of whiskey in rapid succession. Coughing and thumping his chest with his fist, he exclaims, “Aaaaaah, shit that burns. That’s how you know it’s the good stuff though. Oh, did I mention she’s a living holy relic and we need a place to hide her to keep her out of the reach of Vecna’s blasted Arm? I probably should have mentioned that, it’s rather important.”
Valgar's leisurely tone does much to quell Valerie's temper, and she is forced to smile and raise her glass to Valgar's fishing for praise. "I must admit that I am impressed," she mutters. She does, however, frown when he mentions the bit about hiding her here in town.

Lucille is the one who actually speaks up, though. "Wait, what?! You're not going to hole me up here. The only reason I went with you guys was so that I could get out and see the world! If I'm going to be a prisoner, I would've rather it been in my own room! No. Either I come with you, or I leave on my own!" She looks pleadingly to her new sweetheart for backup. "Muun?!"

Valerie scowls at Val now. "Wait, she doesn't even want to be here?! That's even worse! This isn't exactly the most secure locale in the realm, Val! If she scampers off and the wrong person catches sight of her...!"

She leaves the rest of that sentence hanging intentionally, staring challengingly into Val's eyes.
Quintus puts a hand up and says "Ladies, ladies, calm yourselves. Now Ms. Valerie, your worries are perfectly understandable, and in fact, I will be speaking to Lysa once we are done here to work on a plan on how to fix that little problem, so no worries there." He then turns his head to the princess, "As for Lucille... you have to understand, even though you cannot be harm, we still have to focus on protecting you when we are traveling. There are magics that can do things far worse then hurt someone, and I should know, I specialize in them... As well as the target often enough. Watching you every step of the way only puts us slightly less invincible humans, and half-orc, in more danger. Perhaps instead of leaving town and and making yourself an easy target, you could get some proper training. Lysa is a women of many talents, and she is currently running Klaus's Ranging Company, I'm sure she could find someone to teach you some things. And hey, who knows, maybe next time we see you, you'll be able to save us from some horrible fate."
"I.... You mean train me to fight? That might be kind of fun," Lucille says. "So I could be a ranger like you, Muun?"

Valerie is somewhat less pacified, but she is at least willing to listen. "Lysa.... That might work, but I need to know exactly what you have in mind before I agree to this. In fact..."

Valerie wheels herself to the door and opens it. "Summon Lysa here immediately. Tell her it's urgent."

There is a slightly awkward waiting period, and after about fifteen minutes, a homely-looking, lithe human woman is ushered into the office. "Well well," she says, "What a pleasant surprise. Is this meeting for business..." And her eyes drift in turn from Quintus to Avalyra to Val and then back to Quintus, "...Or pleasure?"
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