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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Take the 9.6k, I don't need to spend it all... I can only prepare so many spells at once anyways, 10k plus my own left over cash should be enough for what I want for now anyways.))

At some point during all this waiting, Quintus takes the time to find a very unfortunate raven and get himself a new familiar(-100 gp, oh noes, but takes 24 hours). If nothing else he can use it to try and scope out the fortress and then go back to forgetting he has one most of the time.

Also, accepting a generous offer from his good friend Muun, he gets himself a few scrolls, including Contingency(and the focus required for it), greater scrying, chain lightning and cone of cold. This leaves 13583 gp left over for others to use as they see fit.

((go ahead and get your armor for Jack. unless you really want Quintus to permanency telepathic bond with Valarie(honestly, the +2 ac will probably be more useful for us)... though he would suggest that Val would be the best option for that actually, not sure how much Val would like that idea though.))

Mike M

Nick N
((While tactically useful in game terms, from a character perspective, Val almost certainly wouldn't want his sister with a permanent dedicated line into his mind))
((Totally understandable. I'll just stick with the sending for now, i'll reconsider the telepathic thing next time(i'm hoping the fortress has some phat loot)))

Mike M

Nick N
The evening before departure to infiltrate the stronghold that contains this relic that seems to inspire such bloodlust in its vicinity, Val sits alone in the chambers in the mayor’s mansion that Valerie seems to have set up as Val’s unofficial residence in Alydar. While the details are different, it’s clear that Valerie has taken great pains to create a space that is evocative of Val’s quarters in their subterranean home in Ruby Keep. The shelves feature several books that were formally part of his collection, the color palate is quite similar, and the arrangement of the furniture is practically an exact imitation. Valerie has already expressed her hope that Val would hang up the Fierno mantle when the deific aspects had been reunited and the world saved, but Val still doesn’t know how he’s supposed to feel.

Suddenly, these walls are entirely too confining. Needing some air, Val throws on his cloak and steps out onto the cobblestone streets of Alydar in the dwindling daylight. It isn’t long before he bumps into Muun, who is being most generous with his accumulated spoils. Far be it from Val to ever turn down proffered gold pieces, he gladly helps himself to nearly half the purse, though he does raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure you have no need for this? Aren’t you supposed to be buying a ring or something for your sweetheart Lucille?” Before Muun can answer, Val grips the youth by the upper arm and leans in close to whisper, “I say this as a friend and colleague, but perhaps it is inadvisable to foster such closeness with the princess? Gods only knows what will happen when she is united with the artifacts, but I wouldn’t be counting on her coming back from wherever this endgame transpires. It’s good that she’s happy, but guard your own heart, Muun.”


After parting ways with Muun, Val pays a visit once more to the smithy he had called upon with Jack not too long ago. “Mr. Reyneel!” the stout blacksmith beamed, his teeth unnaturally white against his soot-stained face. “What can I do for you today?” Val quickly negotiates the exchange of his current armor for the shopkeeper’s top-of-the-line model. “You’ve become quite the connoisseur of weapons and arms,” the smith says as he completes their transaction. “Tell me, how did a librarian ever get to be so formidable as to keep the company of that metal man and that great burly half-orc friend of yours?”

“Oh, I’ve had some academy instruction in my youth. Not really a substitute for the real thing, but enough to get by on until you earn a few notches on your belt in the world. And I’m not a librarian.”

The smith nodded his head. “No, you most certainly are not, you’re a bloody hero of the city. You know, when you first rolled into town, I didn’t figure you’d last even a week out here. But you’ve got a surprising amount of steel in you, god knows where we’d be if you hadn’t been on the walls sticking holes in those green-cloaked bastards when they raided the town those past couple times. You’ve surprised the shit out of me, is what I’m trying to say.”

“Thanks. I think?”

The man behind the counter chuckles good naturedly. “That there is my finest work. I hope you don’t get killed in the line of wearing it, I wouldn’t want people to get to saying that the heroes of Alydar got put in the ground ‘cause of my handiwork.”

“If I die and we fail,” Val says as he straps on his new purchase, “everyone will have far greater things to worry about than the make and model of our equipment.”

“Heh heh, ain’t that the truth. Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?” the smithy asks in confusion. There is only the chiming of door bells to reply.


As the moon ascends into the sky and the hour grew late, Val wanders aimlessly. He does not have one of those useful rings of sustenance that allowed Tarkus and Muun to forgo the pleasures of food and sleep (kooky bastards for giving that up, the both of them), but still he cannot find it in himself to return to the mayor’s mansion and retire for the night. He finds himself walking the walls of the city, the night watchmen saluting him as he passes. At first he tries explaining to them the rules of military decorum and how he is not a superior officer, but grows tired of repeating himself after the third such incident and just let them have their way about it.

Descending back to street level, his wanderlust brings him to the meager museum that once employed him as curator, seemingly a lifetime ago. It occurs to him suddenly that he still had the keys. Actually, he realizes that he had never actually given the administrators notice that he intended to vacate the position and go gallivanting across the continent as he did. Fitting the key into the lock and turning the bolt, he hopes that he had not been the cause of too much trouble for them.

The museum is not quite as he remembers it, the displays having been rearranged to accommodate new exhibits. Tucked away in the back, lonely and forgotten, is the small room Val had first inhabited upon his arrival in Alydar. Nothing has been disturbed in his absence, if the thick accumulation of dust is any indication. All his copious notes about the nature and extent of the Arm of Vecna are still right where he left them, though they were superfluous to the abundance of knowledge he had gained in the interim. Sitting upon his old bed, Val considers this space. Back then, his overwhelming desire was to root out the Arm and restore his family to its proper place. It was not even that long ago that he harbored such aspirations, but tonight they seem the height of childish naiveté. Valerie has created a new life here, Valance and Valdemar’s current whereabouts unknown.
((Though I have a pretty good idea…))
Even presuming that his brothers were willing to pretend the wounds inflicted to their family had not occurred, what then? Try and make a go of things with only half their cohort and none of the resources they had once enjoyed? How would they deal with the fact that Val’s face is growing increasingly known across the continent?

After all that he has experienced, now the thought of going back to a life of dreaming up ever new and creative ways to relieve those with excess wealth and insufficient wits of the burden of their assets seems ridiculous. Yet it was all he has ever known in life, and nothing terrifies him more than the threat of the mendacity of an every day, normal, legitimate occupation. He is a man of exemplary talent, yet for all his valued intellect, he cannot fathom what he is supposed to do with his life when all this was over. Presuming he lived to see it through, of course.

Val eventually drifts off to sleep, the last thought in his head rooted in dream logic that to him it seems that the sturdy walls of his old room are the only thing preventing him from being crushed as the world beyond continues to grow smaller.


For the first time in many days, Avalyra's troubled mind finds some solace in her work. Sitting on the grass in one of Alydra's parks, she holds a thick strap of leather in her hands, stitching here and there, slowly transforming the rough hide into a magnificent belt. It helped that the weather was pleasant, and the work she was doing brought back memories of her days as an artisan, which now seemed like ages ago. As she reaches for the small platinum ingot with her for the next step, she sees a shadow looming over her, and she looks up to see Tarkus standing over her with a query on his mind.

"You want to make some adjustments to your abilities?" Her voice is serious as looks up at him, questioningly. Seeing the determined look on his face, she answers. "Yes, I can help. Please, have a seat." Quickly, she sets aside the tools and half-finished materials around her. Adopting a cross-legged position, she looks intently into the half-orc's eyes. "What would you like to change?"

((Now that Avalyra has met Valerie and whomever else was in the office, she can correspond with any of them over long distances, if necessary. It takes 10 minutes to dial the number though, and she doesn't know any of them that well either.))
After enjoying some much-needed downtime to recuperate from the breakneck speed at which the party has been moving ever since traveling to Sigil, they prepare to leave on their next mission.

The downtime has varying psychological effects on the party, however, and by the time they set out to find the rebel fortress, their moods are incongruous, to say the least.

Through a combination of teleportation spells, a little zig-zagging to avoid any run-ins with Ruby Keep authorities, and Muun's exceptional tracking abilities, within two days the party is able to zero in on the fort (though it no doubt felt like much more than two days for Val, Avalyra, and Quintus).

Tarkus has borrowed Val's spyglass and is observing from a little less than a quarter mile away, in a thick patch of woodlands, which are all around the target. He is assessing the defensive capabilities of the fortress, and he's not sure he likes what he sees.

As far as he can tell, the entire fort is surrounded by thick, thirty-foot-high stone walls. There is only one sealed portcullis from which to enter, on the south wall. On each wall, two men patrol from up top, constantly on the lookout for anyone who might approach. The men are armed with bows and arrows, and are wearing armor whose effectiveness cannot be gauged from this distance.


Avalyra swats at the air in front of her face, trying to scare away the insects buzzing around her head as she huddles with the others among the trees, staring at the massive stone structure. "I don't think we'll be able to handle everyone inside if anyone raises the alarm, but it also seems impossible to get in without being noticed. I can create a large, chaotic commotion that might draw some of them outside, but I have a feeling that won't be enough. Well, at least, if they really are rebels, they won't have any support from the outside."

She pauses to sweep her eyes over the fort once more. "Quintus, can you make us invisible? That might make a big difference." Frowning again, she deftly retrieves a familiar crystal from one of her many pockets, and releases it into the air with a mental command. The tiny construct seems to disappear into thin air as it flies high into the sky, scanning the fort for anything of interest.

1D20+26 => 37 #crystal stealth
1D20+19 => 37 #crystal perception
((...looked at invisibility mass, but passed on it for some reason. for some reason i have no invis spells... though i still have 3 potions of invis.))
Hit Dice (Level 13 Ranger) (1d8=1)

((Gonna apologize in advance, been with family yesterday and I'm kind of out of it today coming off of an illustration I was working on so it'll probably be later before I get my roleplay and level 14 in.

Also this is the last level I plan on taking as Ranger (for Camoflage which will likely be very useful even now since a successful stealth check could let him get closer out in the open), fitting considering his plans to retire.))
The psi crystal goes to work, flying high above the compound and looking down. It finds that most of the interior space enclosed by the four walls is open air, with a few wooden buildings providing shelter. There are men and women bustling about within; a rough estimate would put it at somewhere around one hundred of them. There is no common uniform among them to speak of; some are dressed in the official armor of the Ruby Keep army, others are wearing camouflage stealth outfits; a few are even dressed in rags.

Many of them seem to be training, some with each other and others with dummies. In Avalyra's opinion, the vast majority do not seem particularly skilled as warriors.

Mike M

Nick N
((Jack has access to all 4th level and below spells, I usually keep Greater Invisibility, Mage Armor, Shield, and True Strike all on hand since it worked out that his offensive ability was significantly lacking. Level ups completed, Jack is going to take Combat Reflexes on the off chance he ever gets to make attacks of opportunity))

Val lies prone on a small knoll, the hood of his green cloak pulled over his head as some measure of camouflage. "Well, they certainly look inviting, don't they?" he mutters to himself.

"Alright, preliminary assessment of the situation... They have a great big bloody fort with only one readily apparent entry and archers on the walls, and we lack the army needed to engage in siege warfare. That said, they don't seem to be a particularly battle-hardened lot... Probably more than we can take on by ourselves, but capable of repelling repeated sorties of trained soldiers dispatched from the Keep?"

Val chews on his lower lip while he tries to puzzle this all out. "We're being played," he decides at length. "The questions is by whom?"
((I haven't messed with my spells and skills yet, but I"ll be working on that today))

"She probably has everything in the world, I-" when his forearm is gripped by the older man, Muun immediately pulls himself away, not particularly keen on being grasped, "I thought about that... but it's too late to go back now..."

As Val begins to walk off to attend to the other party members, he proclaims boldly, "I can handle the pain."


Once the party meets up to begin preparation for their travels, the fairy that accompanies them finally makes a re-appearance, announcing to everyone, "Look everyone! I'm dressed just like you now. And I can fight with you too!" When seeing her now she is now wearing one of the toy soldier's uniforms, a tunic with sandals that have spaced wrappings around the legs, a helmet that has one of those fuzzy tops, and now she has a little spear she uses. Muun reaches over and plucks off the hat and tosses it, "There, you look better now. That helmet wasn't going to protect you from much anyway with your size."


At the fortress, Muun overlooks the setting from afar, keeping well hidden even in the grass by cleverly using the cloak of displacement to ruin his visibility.

When explained to him the details of the outside, he guesses, "The archers up top might not be wearing heavy armor. A skilled archer wouldn't profit much, especially positioned so highly because they should be able to move swiftly."

On the subject of being played, Muun answers, "I don't know, but it's clear we are. We may have to return later until we know the truth about our being here. I'm not impressed by what the psicrystal is telling me about the people inside, and the apparent people dressed in rags are a possible red flag... And I don't want a repeat of what happened in half-moon's base. If it happened now, it can't be undone."
"...How about we just talk to them? I could easily walk in there with a disguise using my own alter self spell, and maybe a new wardrobe from Avalyra here, then try and see what they are up to. If they attack on sight... well that answers one question and I can just teleport myself out of there, I even have a spell prepared to do just that... assuming they aren't carrying around vials of antimagic."


Avalyra is a bit disappointed when Quintus mentions that he can't actually cast invisibility, but that feeling quickly fades away when he offers another suggestion. "I think it's a good idea. It's probably impossible to get in without being noticed anyways, and it'll definitely be useful to know if they have orders to shoot on sight." Especially when she's not the one volunteering to take the risk. She takes a moment to ponder the new information that they now have. "It does seem a bit fishy that the information we've been supplied doesn't seem to match what we're seeing here."
Qunitus says "Alright." and casts a spell transforming himself into a... lets go with elf. "Think you could set me up with a new set of clothes Avalyra? Maybe something similar to what the people inside are wearing? And if you have any tips on how to handle a situation like this, feel free to speak up Val."

Mike M

Nick N
"Well," begins Val, "the easiest lies are those of omission. Much less to keep track of in your head if you're largely telling the truth. Maybe just tell them that you're a student out of Emerald Bay and that the institution has been captured by nefarious elements who you believe also control the throne?

"We could also try the telepathy technique we employed in the tower in Sigil. That came perilously close to being successful."
((Was going to give Tarkus a chance to chime in to see if he wanted to tag along, but you guys seem eager to get the party started so we'll assume it's just Quintus))

With Avalyra's help, Quintus gets himself nice and disguised as an innocuous, random passerby, establishing a telepathic bond before approaching the fort.

Quintus is spotted fairly quickly by the bow-wielding watchmen; they eye him intently as he comes closer to the portcullis, but don't appear to be hostile.

"Who goes there?" one of them says once he gets close enough. The two atop the wall happen to be elves themselves. "Have you come to join the ranks of the Children of Chaos, or are you fool enough to stand against us?"
Quintus relays what they say back to Val as quickly as he can, but for now he is pretty sure he can handle them, "Children of Chaos? I'd heard about you lot out here, but no one mentioned your name... Anyways, I decided I'd check you out myself, perhaps even join up if I'll ideals align. Personally, I've got my own... problems with Ruby Keep and its even kind of dangerous for me to go there anymore and I have a feeling you guys can relate, am I wrong?"

((oh yeah. he cast contingency, using dimension door himself back to the group(or just as close as possible) if he gets attacked.))
"Ruby Keep? Sorry lot, they are! Any enemy of the crown is a friend of ours!"

The elven archer looks down behind the wall and signals to someone, and the rusty portcullis gate creaks and whines as it lifts just high enough for Quintus to walk under without bumping his head.

The same archer continues to address Quintus as he enters. "If you go to that building over there," and he points, "You'll find the quarter-master. He'll get you set up and tell you where you need to go. The boss stays over there," and he points to a building roughly in the center of the compound, "But I might stay away if I was you 'til you've proven yourself. The boss is a busy man, mind."

Having said his piece, the bowman resumes his duties of looking out for approaching invaders.

In the walls, Quintus sees for himself what Avalyra described. The men here seem to be very dedicated to... whatever it is they're trying to do, but most of them are fairly poor combatants. Only a few of those present - mostly those dressed in the armor of Ruby Keep - actually seem the least bit competent.

Not long after entering, Quintus notices the presence of some sort of magical aura. After mentally analyzing it for a moment, he deduces that it's meant to foster extreme, fanatical loyalty to its source. It's easily resisted for Quintus ((enough that it won't even require a saving throw)), but to those with very weak wills who are unable to resist, it would have a tremendously powerful effect on them.

No one inside gives Quintus a second look; they all seem to be extremely trusting.

Mike M

Nick N
"The Children of Chaos," Val mutters to himself as Quintus relays the play-by-play happenings inside the fortress, "how very charming. Now this magical aura you spoke of, can you determine if you're protected by having another relic cancel out this one's influence, or whether those of us would be able to resist its influence with sufficent mental fortitude?"
Quintus feels safe in making the assessment that anyone in the party ((really anyone higher than level 5)) would easily be able to resist the aura ((without requiring a saving throw)).


bitch I'm taking calls.
Shifting uncomfortably through the grass, Tarkus slowly retreats back to the others from his forward position and relays what he has seen. His jaw set tight, he frowns as he traces a square into the dirt outlining the features of the keep.

"Heavy fortification, well-guard, single entry. Not capable to siege without massive bloodshed." Grunting, he nods once in response to Muun's declaration about avoiding another Half-Moon scenario. "Also adamant not to repeat this. This call not for force but magicks or spy works."

As Avalyra relays more information about the combatants, the half-orc raises an eyebrow in surprise. Such a ragtag band is not exactly what he expected. "If what you say true, group very mixed...strange, but may be good sign."

As Quintus moves forward with the plan to parlay with the mysterious rebels, Tarkus moves automatically to his side to depart with him. He hesitates however, as Quintus cloaks himself in an Elven disguise and discusses with Val what his story shall be. "Half-Orc and elf...suspicious companion. Also not confident to bluff."

The warrior wishes him well and resigns himself to wait upon news of Quintus' findings.

As details are relayed, he is at first elated at the rebels stated opposition to the crown. However, as the strange aura of loyalty is described and they describe their name, Tarkus eyes darken. "Child of Chaos...another cult? Or some thing else?"

Tarkus checks his gear and methodically tests the grip on his shield. He is wielding his bastard sword for the first time in a while alongside the relic shield. Defensive carnage is not his goal on this day, but rather shielding of his allies.

"Need to find way for rest of us to enter. Separate present too much danger and they unlikely to respond kind if discover Quin disguised. They may suspect spy."


((Avalyra will join in the telepathic bond.))

As Avalyra listens in on Quintus's commentary on what he observes, she offers a suggestion, both audibly and mentally. "Can you find the source of this aura? If it really is the relic, we should just grab it and scram. Quintus, if you need a distraction we can provide one, but if the rest of us go in, it might make the trip out more difficult since not all of us can travel interdimensionally."

As she thinks about how this new development meshes with their previous information, she's concerned. "Didn't you guys say that in the Ruby Keep you bumped into a random fellow who dropped a hint about a relic here? How did he get that information, and why would he tell it to you?"
Quintus uses his amazing brain speak spell to speak to the others "Honestly, I think you guys could just walk in here... might help to make yourself look less dangerous and maybe not come all at once, but they seem really accepting. And yeah, I'm trying to figure out where the artifact is now... hopefully without getting to much attention."

He then proceeds to to the quarter master's place and says "Hi... I'm new here, and they told me to come see you first. You're suppose to get me started or something right?"
Muun tries to think of a plan with the rest of the party, and says aloud, for the rest of the party, while thinking the same thing for Quintis to hear, "Quintis, can you find out if the relic has any extra protection to prevent it from being taken, and what it's being guarded by?"
The building that Quintus was directed to has a doorway but no door, and it's kind of run-down. Inside is an old, battle-scarred dwarf. He is both taller and significantly fatter than the average dwarf, and wears a cranky disposition alongside his bushy gray beard. When Quintus walks in, he is busy sharpening an axe at a grindstone.

"Aye," he says, sizing Quintus up as he walks in. "You're an elf, so 'nless ye got other talents I don't know about, ye get the bow n' arrow. Ye can report to the archery range on th'other side o' camp, where yer skills'll be evaluated and ye will be assigned accordingly. That okay by you?"

As he says this, he puts down the weapon he'd been sharpening and walks to a rack filled with old bows, plucking the first one he can get to, and grabs a handful of arrows from the shelf. "After yer assignment is determined, you'll be given th' proper armor fer yer assignment. Good luck, lad."

The bow technically looks like it should work, but it's basically a piece of junk, and almost certainly isn't going to fire straight. The arrows are likewise a little warped.
The bow technically looks like it should work, but it's basically a piece of junk, and almost certainly isn't going to fire straight. The arrows are likewise a little warped.

At that moment, Muun comments telepathically and aloud, "Quintis, can you explain to me why I suddenly have this overwhelming sense of revulsion? It's almost as if I should feel personally offended about something."
"This is the worst bow I've ever seen." Exclaims Quintus, to both the dwarf and his mentally inked allies. He then says "Keep it, I actually prefer close combat myself." throwing a flurry of punches(thanks to his not-so-fancy belt) to prove his point and proceeds out of the 'building' hoping to find a place he can hide for a few moments while he tries to find the exact location of the magical aura he suspects to be the artifact.
The dwarf raises an impressed eyebrow at Quintus's display. "Well color me surprised!" he laughs. "You'll want to report to the training grounds. Still on the other side of the camp, but that way instead of that way," he says, pointing in the appropriate directions.

Quintus has a pretty easy time finding an out-of-the-way corner of the camp where he can concentrate, but he has a bit of trouble for some reason; by the time he's able to hone his magical senses exclusively on the aura, he finds that it's unexpectedly standing in front of him.

He opens his eyes to find a snide-looking man with an impossible-to-ignore painting, or possibly tattoo, covering his face. It's mostly red, but an image of a black, spiked gauntlet is in the center. There's something familiar about him, but it's hard to place through the image that's somewhat obscuring his facial features.

"What are you doing hiding here?" he demands with a haughty authority. "Get back to work before I assign you to latrine duty!"

In this moment, Quintus realizes two things simultaneously. The first is that the tattoo itself seems to be the actual source of the magical aura.

The second is that this man is Lieutenant Bertrand, the man who had been tasked with escorting Quintus and Val (disguised as Sarm) from the Library of Ioun to Ruby Keep, so long ago.

...Well, it was actually only about five months ago, but still.

Mike M

Nick N
I don't recommend we all mosey on in through the front door, Val broadcasts to everyone via their shared mental connection. They seem incredibly trusting and welcoming of newcomers, but somehow I doubt they're so accommodating to let people go.

Val plucks the blades of grass and weaves them into short braids as he tackles the situation in his mind. Of course the relic would not be possible to just snag, why should they have ever dated hope things be as easy as rescuing Lucille? Still...

Quintus... Can you just grab the bastard and warp back?
No, I can't bring a person with me unless they are willing... I can take things from a person with me, but I don't think I can do that with a tattoo.

"Yes sir! But if I may be so bold... What exactly are you planning to do? I mean, sure you are having these people train, but I just meet with the quarter master and the equipment there is... Well pitiful. You'd barely be able to defend yourselves if the Ruby Keep army came in, much less actually make any successful attack against them. I'm all for fighting them, but I gotta know how you planning to do it, without just sending all those people into a grinder." Quintus asks the Lieutenant, his inquisitive mind getting the better of him.
Bertrand narrows his eyes at Quintus. "You must be new. Here's a hint: Before opening your trap to question your leader, you might want to do your research first. When I arrived here and killed the last man who was in charge here, this place was little more than a hovel. In the weeks since that time, I've worked very hard to raise it to the level where it currently sits, and intend to continue building on the progress we've made.

"As for Ruby Keep... they pose a threat to no one. They're doing their best not to let it on, but their leadership has been in shambles ever since my uncle's inner circle of advisers was killed by those Vecna-worshipping loons. I doubt they even realize I'm gone, let alone that I've defected."

He pauses and takes a few steps closer to Quintus. "Consider this your only warning. If you ever question my command decisions again without my specifically asking you for your opinion, you'll regret it. Now get on to wherever you're supposed to be and start doing work."

He turns around and walks away, presumably to inspect the rest of the base.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus lets out a low grumble as the scene is relayed to them. "Situation more complicated than first seem." He thinks on the Lieutenant's words and what they had seen in the Keep before rescuing the princess. "Disorganised leadership seem to be true. But what purpose such a rebellion serve, trapped in fort, not as clear." He questions Quintus familiarity with the tattoo'd commander.

He wills the linked companions to pass on this message: "You knew this man? Can sense his motive?"

To Val he weighs in with his own strategic musing:

"Not see how can leave Quintus alone if hope to get relic free. Not sure honest diplomacy work either as violence seem inevitable if commander motives not align to ours."

(( wow talk about a wayback reference. Makes sense he's a rebel commander, he likely deserted early after you Sarm and Quintus escaped. He didn't have the tattoo at the time...so the relic either created it and is a magic mask of some kind or it's still a separate item and the tattoo is unrelated.))


Despite the constant vague sense of uneasiness Avalyra feels about an artifact that controls minds, she tries to focus on thinking tactically. Commenting to the rest of her party, she speaks with both her mind and her mouth. "I could carve a hole in the wall somewhere, but I'm not sure that having another way in and out is enough."

She's still mulling over the situation as Quintus reports locating the mind controlling aura, emanating from a certain lieutanant's facial tattoo. Suddenly, the unpleasant but logical conclusion that she had been subconsciously ignoring is confirmed, and a furious anger blossoms within her. "Scum," she mutters both mentally and out loud. "For him to permanently enslave the minds of so many, robbing them of their freedom to choice...I will put a stop to this immediately."

She is silent for a moment as she concentrates on her outstretched hand. A small, blood red crystal appears in her palm, and she curls her fingers around it, grasping tightly. "I'm going in. Jack, would you provide me with your Greater Invisibility effect? Quintus, where are you and this lieutenant in the keep?" Mentally directing her psicrystal to find a quiet spot along the inner side of the wall nearest to her, she steps towards the edge of the treeline.

Soul Crystal (Magic of Incarnum p107) (Greater Fabricate, 22pp)
Calm down Avalyra, for all we know this guy doesn't even realize what he is doing... Not to say he doesn't deserve what's coming to him, he did sell me and Val out to the Hand, but we don't know exactly how this thing works yet and what other powers it may possess. He did find me rather quickly... I mean, sure, come on in. I'm all for some back up, but try to keep it low profile for now, while we try to figure out how to deal with this guy and what exactly will happen when we do.

Quintus heads to the training area to not bring any more attention to himself, while trying to make sure he doesn't lose his focus on tracking the magical aura coming from Bertrand and wishing he had prepared charm person today...
"Realizing what he's doing or not, these people ARE driven by forced, false leadership."

He tries to think, "I want to go in too, but I have no idea what I would do if I manage to sneak in."

Mike M

Nick N
Val bars Avalyra’s passage with his arm. “Are you daft, woman?” he whispers to her. “You can’t just waltz in there alone! We have no idea what the extent of Bertrand’s power is! It’s not an illogical assumption that a relic that allows the domination of minds is more than capable of picking up the presence of a mind unaccounted for, invisible or otherwise. And there’s no telling what he can do with the minds already under his control. They’ve beat off multiple assaults by trained soldiers and heartless mercenaries already, yet have no more formal training than any other mob of rabble? He has something up his sleeve we haven’t seen yet.”

Val paces back and forth while he thinks. The little toad was a power-hungry sycophant when we last met five months ago, and I doubt time has done anything to soften my opinion of him, he broadcasts on the mental link to everyone. We should presume Quintus is not at liberty to leave. I wouldn’t advise even trying it, as it’s likely to provoke an exceptionally hostile response. Which means we need to join him on the inside…

Val’s face twists into a scowl. One glaring problem I see is that Betrand knows me and Quintus. I have my disguise kit, but how long will Quintus’s disguise last? This might be a rush job by necessity, and rush jobs tend to make people sloppy. Plus, there’s the elephant in the room.

Val stops pacing and faces everyone present. It seems apparent that the relic functions like the Fangs or the Hand. In donning it, Bertrand has made it a part of himself and it cannot be removed by any means we possess. Except by killing him.

With a sigh, Val’s shoulders slump as he reaches into the handy haversack to pull out his disguise kit. “I’ll start putting something together for myself,” he says aloud. “In the mean time, we ought to come up with a story. Band of outlaws? Mercenaries? Sky’s the limit.”

((Christ, can I start any more paragraphs with “Val [verb]”?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I have the same problem, which is why I systematically started going through and replacing Tarkus with 'the warrior', 'the half-orc', 'the fighter' at various intervals to break up the repetition. Verbs are kind of inevitable though.))
((do we know which god most likely made this relic? i'm gonna roll knowledge religion roll to either try and figure it out, or if we should already have this knowledge and i some how missed it/forgot, just roll on info for the god and his/her/its religion in general.))

Knowledge Religion: (1d20+15=34)

Quintus has apparently been spending some of his off time doing some extra research on the gods.
((do we know which god most likely made this relic? i'm gonna roll knowledge religion roll to either try and figure it out, or if we should already have this knowledge and i some how missed it/forgot, just roll on info for the god and his/her/its religion in general.))

Knowledge Religion: (1d20+15=34)

Quintus has apparently been spending some of his off time doing some extra research on the gods.

Even if Quintus forgot from when he did his research during the party's first stay in Ruby Keep, he was reminded by the symbol inscribed onto Bertrand's face that this particular relic was referred to in the literature as the "Mask of Hextor". Calling it a "mask" wasn't really doing it justice, though, all things considered.


((Around how long are the walls/What's the approximate dimensions of the fort? Does the psicrystal know where Quintus and the lieutenant are?

e: Might as well also ask what's the distance from the edge of the treeline to the walls?))
((Around how long are the walls/What's the approximate dimensions of the fort? Does the psicrystal know where Quintus and the lieutenant are?

e: Might as well also ask what's the distance from the edge of the treeline to the walls?))

The psi crystal can keep tabs on whoever it wants, so yeah you can follow around Quintus and/or Bertrand with it from above if you want, at least as long as they stay outdoors.

The compound is 200x200 feet. There's about a 50 foot distance from the tree line to the wall at any given point.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus gathers up his possessions to ride for the fort. "May better to split into two group. Small encounter, mean less threatening. Or if need, someone can create distraction from outside if remain here." He pauses to allow the others to make up their minds, but makes his own intentions clear by clearing his throat and preparing to head out.

"Intend to see commander with own eyes. May still be our goals align with rebellion, but need for relic and commander attitude stand in way of cooperation."
((Quintus, sorry. Your Religion check should have given you more info than that. Hextor is the Lawful Evil god of tyranny. His followers believe that only the strong deserve to thrive, and they actively disdain the weak, oppressing them whenever possible. This seems to be a little at odds with the professed title of this organization, suggesting that perhaps there's some deceit being perpetrated between the leader and the followers, and that maybe he's just using them

Oh yeah, and Hextor is supposedly the brother of Heironeous))
((I feel like I encountered something of Hextor in maybe a DOS D&D game or something. I should also ask, is pretty much any diety that's been in D&D fair game for this universe and not just 3.5 ones?))

"I should be able to sneak around on my own without magical aid... Tarkus and Val should at most be the only others of us that we can get away with being seen. The question is how to lure the Lieutenant with to deal with him...? Val, you know the man better than any of us, do you have any idea?"
((Sure, that's a fair assumption to make. If you're planning to use this specific universe for the game that you run though, KM, you may want to wait to see how this plot concludes first. That doesn't necessarily mean that the world is going to blow up, but... you never know))

Mike M

Nick N
"I'm not convinced splitting up is wise," Val muses. "We already had Quintus 'join,' another party showing up at their door might raise suspicions, another two almost certainly would. We're not exactly on the beaten trail here, that kind of sudden uptick in traffic is bound to draw attention.

"I don't think anyone should try sneaking in, either. Until we can know otherwise, assume Bertrand can detect the presence of anyone's mind, if not their intent. If I were in his position, if I detected an intrusion I'd go straight for the most recent arrivals too.

"Easiest solution I can think of is to get in there, wait for him to go to sleep, sneak in under the protection of invisibility, and end it quickly. Or we can have Avalyra conjure that... thing... she sicced on those bastards who ambushed us after we grabbed Lucille. That would almost certainly empty the fort in a hurry, and we could shut the gates from inside."
I'm actually going to have to get out of here pretty soon, this spell of mine only- HIYA! the archmage suddenly exclaims as he tosses his unfortunate sparring partner to the ground, ...Lasts a little less the 2 hours. I suspect they won't notice me missing though, so its just a matter of finding a place to cast a spell to get me out of here.
((Sure, that's a fair assumption to make. If you're planning to use this specific universe for the game that you run though, KM, you may want to wait to see how this plot concludes first. That doesn't necessarily mean that the world is going to blow up, but... you never know))

((It'll be good to know for if the plot concludes in such a way that the knowledge remains useful.))
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