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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Quintus responds with a smile and says, "This is business unfortunately, though perhaps later... Anyways, we are in need of your skills once again. This poor girl here," then points at the princess "Has quite a few people coming after her and we'd like to make it so they won't be able to find her. Think you can help us out? This time I would advise against the body swap trick... Also, given the current danger her life is in, I was hoping you could find someone who could perhaps teach her how to protect herself. She is very important to our mission, so keeping her safe and out of the Arm's... hands... is of the utmost importance."
Lysa sizes up Lucille, and again the girl shifts uncomfortably. "Well, magical disguises wouldn't hold up if we're talking long term, but I think I can whip up a rather effective mundane disguise for her. Of course the most effective method would be cutting off all that beautiful hair..."

She pauses, enjoying Lucille's silent, wide-eyed panic before continuing. "....But either way, I'm sure we can work something out. And I'll get my best people to train her in whatever discipline she'd like." She then looks at Valerie. "Is this acceptable to you, Mayor?"

Valerie gives Val a sidelong glance and hesitates before sighing. "Yes, I suppose it will have to do. She's not leaving this building until you get her fully transformed, though, so you may want to fetch whatever supplies you'll need and bring them here."

Lysa curtsies to Valerie. She gives Quintus one more sultry look, licking her lips as she turns around and leaves.

((Pausing to give Avalyra and Muun opportunities to chime in during this scene))
The young Ranger that seems to be the object of the girl's affection speaks up, "I... maybe once this is finished we can see the world together? The problem I have is that our next objective involves us throwing ourselves into a fortress where even we could get captured. Are you sure that's the kind of world you want to see? I personally want to not have to deal with that and see places that are still strange to me."

Muun doesn't seem comfortable with the idea of Lucille switching bodies. Eventually the dreaded question will come up do you like me better this way? He shudders at the immense pressure that he will have to deal with then.

After listening to the plans to train Lucille, he suggests, "If she wants to be an archer like myself, I would feel better if I trained her. My technique was passed down by a woman who hunted vampires like I did, and I promised that I would pass them down someday. Everyone here will attest how effective my bow skills are."

"Speaking of my archery..." he begins, "Where can I find an elf named bones? I need to properly introduce myself to him and talk him into finding an elven crafted bow just like the one I'm using now." ((Not actually going to RP this out since he basically just said what he was gonna talk about but you guys can see what he's trying to do here.)) "And maybe tell him that a lone ranger works better."


Avalyra stands quietly by a wall as the others confer in the office. Normally, being in a new environment would automatically arouse her natural curiosity, but not now. Still wrestling with the events that just transpired, she doesn't have anything to say, until Lucille once again spouts her desire to see the world. Irritated, she's about to suggest that they could certainly return the girl to her unfriendly home but bites it back as her companions offer other suggestions instead. She remains silent as the discussion continues; at this point, she couldn't care less about the princess, or even the relics themselves.
"While I'm sure the princess would be more then happy to get some private lessons with you, we have other matters to attend to." Quintus remarks, and then speaks to Valerie once again "By the way, I'm thinking now would be good time we find a way to keep in regular contact with each other. While I have an idea for a permanent solution... its a costly one, and I don't have the gold for it right now. However I do have a cheaper idea, I can use Sending so we can keep track of each other, and let the others know if we need anything... also we can avoid more surprises like this. Sound like a good idea to you?"

((also, sold the cloak of resist +2 and the RoP +1. 600 gp each. Don't spend it all in one place and enjoy your new headband of int +4 Jack))

Mike M

Nick N
Val seems most satisfied with the arrangements proposed for Lucille. "It'd be folly to keep her with us anyway, the first thing you do when you acquire someone else's property through extralegal means is to relieve yourself of it at the earliest opportunity through a dead drop or a fence. Hanging on to it just increases the likelihood of it being found on you, and then it's the gallows for you."

He tilts his glasses down onto his nose and gazes over the top of the frames at his sister as he says "It's like some of you have never stolen anything before..."
At this point he pretends that Quintis' context was innocent, since Lucille is still in the room hearing the whole conversation, "I didn't say I had the opportunity to do so right away, but when I do I may even teach some of the men in this city how to shoot a target atop a cliff."

((Now that I think about it, doesn't Jackben need to do shopping too?

I still have a scene I want to do but I can always do it in the same post that we move along though that probably isn't necessary since Avalrya is going to the Seminary for awhile?))
Valerie seems surprised when Quintus addresses her. "Yes, of course you can use Sending whenever you need to, Quintus. You don't even have to ask. We are all in this together, after all." She looks over in Lucille's direction and frowns, but only slightly. "Well... mostly, anyway."

She broadens the scope of her attention to address the room. "Now that that's settled, I'm sure we all have matters which require attention. Jack, if you'd like, you can speak to Gorman outside about the modifications to my chair. He's my personal aide, and will see to it that your ideas are taken under advisement."

"Of course, Mayor," Jack replies enthusiastically, immediately heading for the door.

Lucille turns to Muun. "If you could show me how to shoot an arrow before you leave, that would be... neat," she says shyly. "I don't see why you all have to take off right away... don't you need some down time? It sounds like you're on the road an awful lot."

"For once, I'm with her!" Celia chirps, having gone largely unnoticed during the conference. "I like this town. There are all kinds of interesting things happening here."

Tarkus nods in agreement, glancing worriedly at Avalyra. "Much to be said for a day of rest, even in middle of important mission. All need to be at our best when time comes to act."

"Well," says Valerie, having already wheeled herself back to her desk, "If you're staying in town, as always the rooms at the Golden Griffin are on me. I'm sure Arianna will be glad to see at least one of you." She shoots Val a teasing half-glare, half-smile.

((That may be a record for the highest number of NPCs I've acted as in a single post. Avalyra, if you decide to ride to the Seminary, assume that you arrive without incident and can get easy access to see Luna if desired.))
Seeming a bit victorious, Muun says, "Sorry Quintis!.. Seems as though everyone wants to afford me some free time to spend. Besides, I think we still need to plan how exactly we're going to go about tackling the fortress. We aren't even sure if we can trust our informant even." Seeming relieved He looks back to Lucille, "I won't be able to teach every detail of what I know even with the extra time I have, but surely I can have you participating in target practice on your own."
"I'm fine with staying the night, especially seeing as I don't remember much of what happen the last couple of days, but I sure as hell can feel it... How many days were we walking? Feels like too damn many to me. Sticking around to plan our assault, however, doesn't seem like the best idea as we lack information to plan for... which makes it really hard to scry the place, but... I'll see what I can do." Quintus then exits so he get to work. Work mostly being buying a scroll of sending and copying it into his spell book, and to talk to Lysa about very important magic stuff, you wouldn't understand.

((Seeing as Quintus has been pretty busy so far today, and stupid before that, he can prepare spells for whatever people might need, so a Phantom steed for Avalyra should be no problem, possibly also a scry, but even if we know the location of the fort, i'm not sure I can actually scry it without having more information on a person that is there... information we can only hope to get in Ruby Keep most likely.))


As the meeting comes to a conclusion, Avalyra addresses her companions. "Sorry, everyone. I must figure out what's going on inside me, when things get violent. I'm going to see Luna."

When Quintus offers his aid, she thanks him quickly and sets off after the others instruct her on where to go. When she arrives at the seminary, she quickly makes her way to Luna's office and knocks on the door, nervously.

((Are we all sharing the proceeds from when we sell equipment, or not? It would be a good way to make sure wealth is relatively evenly distributed, but only if everyone does it.))
((I think that everyone has consistently been splitting the proceeds of whatever they sell))

"Come in, dear," Luna says from the other side of the door. It seems that the Headmistress was notified as soon as Avalyra entered campus.

As she steps in, Luna sees the distressed expression on Avalyra's face, and becomes concerned as well. "What's wrong? Please, tell me. You look upset."

((On an unrelated note... I'm excited because I just finished mapping out the general outline for the end-game of the entire quest. I think it's going to be pretty awesome, but of course all of you will be the judges of that.

That also raises the question about what comes next, after you guys fail/succeed at saving the world. Not that these characters you all have created will necessarily be permanently retired, but I'm going to want to take a break from DMing for a little while at least.

I would encourage someone else to start considering becoming the DM for a new game. I don't know how many of you would be willing to keep playing in this group after my story is over, but I'd definitely enjoy playing myself. So, think about it. You have plenty of time; I don't anticipate this story concluding for at least 1-2 months. Maybe it'd be cool to start up a new campaign in December, after NaNoWriMo is over?))
Before Muun actually begins to train Lucille, he makes sure to find a time of day to get himself into the inn room that was arranged for him and use it to finally bathe and clean himself off. Even though he's a Ranger, finding picturesque waterfalls and springs to clean up in while in the wilderness is not exactly a skill set he has. He'll manage to finish up and leave the inn room, fully dressed again before anybody can visit him.

((I really should try to DM for experience on doing so, though I may need some help on the setting and rules since I'm still pretty new to D&D. Plus I would probably make it a smaller adventure in case someone else wants to DM.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I think that everyone has consistently been splitting the proceeds of whatever they sell))
((Errrr... Actually I've been using the proceeds from Val's equipment sales to finance the cost of upgrading, and I had assumed everyone was doing the same. I guess I view it as if the characters spent the gold on it to buy it new, they're entitled to keep the money from selling it? General loot that no one has claimed, I've been splitting, however.))

((On an unrelated note... I'm excited because I just finished mapping out the general outline for the end-game of the entire quest. I think it's going to be pretty awesome, but of course all of you will be the judges of that.

That also raises the question about what comes next, after you guys fail/succeed at saving the world. Not that these characters you all have created will necessarily be permanently retired, but I'm going to want to take a break from DMing for a little while at least.

I would encourage someone else to start considering becoming the DM for a new game. I don't know how many of you would be willing to keep playing in this group after my story is over, but I'd definitely enjoy playing myself. So, think about it. You have plenty of time; I don't anticipate this story concluding for at least 1-2 months. Maybe it'd be cool to start up a new campaign in December, after NaNoWriMo is over?))

((Heh, actually when I got the bee in my bonnet about writing about Val's adventures in the afterlife should he die, it metamorphosed into being an epilogue for him, and then changed again into just being a story that takes place before the campaign, and now I've got an entirely different epilouge planned out to write. I'd be down for a new campaign (probably with a new character), but I'm probalby not the best person to DM it since I'm still not overly familiar with all the rules even after playing for a year and a half now. LOL.))
((Errrr... Actually I've been using the proceeds from Val's equipment sales to finance the cost of upgrading, and I had assumed everyone was doing the same. I guess I view it as if the characters spent the gold on it to buy it new, they're entitled to keep the money from selling it? General loot that no one has claimed, I've been splitting, however.))
((This is actually what i do as well. thing is the last couple of things i sold, i already had upgrades for, so no need for me to shell out cash to get them))

((Heh, actually when I got the bee in my bonnet about writing about Val's adventures in the afterlife should he die, it metamorphosed into being an epilogue for him, and then changed again into just being a story that takes place before the campaign, and now I've got an entirely different epilouge planned out to write. I'd be down for a new campaign (probably with a new character), but I'm probably not the best person to DM it since I'm still not overly familiar with all the rules even after playing for a year and a half now. LOL.))

((Dude i started out GMing Pathfinder, before we even started this campaign even. still can't remember all this stuff, but that's what rules lawyers like me are for(as long as we don't use our powers for evil.)))
((If i gmed it you can bet your ass it'd be pathfinder. but i'm still in the middle of gming a campaign so no fucking way. but i'm fine with playing in a 3.5 game though, even have a class in mind already... assuming we stick with the whole all splat books allowed thing.))
((I'd be fine with either 3.5 or Pathfinder. The only reason I picked 3.5 for this one initially is because I know the rules better. And I also have a character in mind for the next game. Good times))
((Alrighty then. If I end up GM I'll choose Pathfinder and add some house rules to it like the stat block for creating characters and generic traits.))


Avalyra closes the door behind her before she begins to speak, rather anxiously. "Luna, I don't know what's going on with me. When we were departing from the Ruby Keep and attacked, something in me took over. I was using my power in ways I never knew I could, and worse, all the violence felt normal somehow. It seemed like I knew clearly what to do when we were fighting our attackers, and I helped...kill them. I'm a killer!"

She pauses as she suddenly realizes that she's raising her voice, and takes a breath before continuing. "And, now I'm not even sure if this is my real personality. How I think, how I behave. When we were at Ruby Keep, I tried implanting a suggestion on myself to act more like a priest so Val and I could get a look inside the cathedral. And it worked! My thoughts and actions were as if I really was a priest, until the suggestion expired and the entire false persona evaporated. Now I'm always wondering if there's more layers; if I've just been enchanted to think the way I do now. Especially with all my memory missing..."

She looks intently at Luna, desperately hoping that her trusted friend can provide some answers to the questions that are now constantly on her mind.

((I can DM. But my preferred game style is pretty different from the one we have going now - totally focused on investigating mysteries, problem solving and such with cunning player characters. I also prefer sci-fi or modern superpowered settings rather than fantasy, but there's a first time for everything if everyone is already looking towards more 3.5/PF. I'd really like to run star wars saga, since I think the system is quite well done (seems a lot like 3.5 but refined) and I like Star Wars as a setting, but it's not easy to find legitimate copies of the rulebooks, so that may be out for us. I'm not super experienced with Mutants and Masterminds 3e (which is also quite like d20/3.5 but less clunky and very flexible), but the rules are freely available, so that's an option as well. Or we could do more 3.5/PF. Actually, I've been considering trying to run a megadungeon-style game too.))
Luna takes a deep breath and listens intently, wearing the practiced expression of concern and sympathy befitting of an ordained cleric of Pelor. She takes a moment to consider her response.

"Forgive me," she says after a few seconds of silence, "Your problem is one about which I am not accustomed to giving counsel. Normally, the best advice I can give to my disciples is to follow the will of Pelor. On rare occasion I may advise them to seek the wisdom of other gods. I don't quite think that would be as useful for what you've been going through..."

Luna rises from her desk and comes around to the other side, looking into Avalyra's eyes as she thinks about what she wants to say. "One should never become too comfortable with taking the life of another," she begins. "Though I would caution against labeling yourself a killer. My hunch is that you were simply defending yourself, or were carrying out your duties in service to the mission that the gods have lain out for you. These actions are morally justifiable, even if they are unpalatable to the soul."

There is another pause as she searches for more words. "As to the fighting spirit that overtook you in the heat of battle... I believe that has something to do with your troubled past - the past from which Pelor has thus far seen fit to protect you.

"However... the gods have forged a destiny for you, Avalyra - one that you will have to fulfill. Perhaps multiple gods are embattled in a contest for your very soul, in which case I do not envy your plight. I've always believed that in order to press on toward the future, one must know where they came from. As such.... do not be surprised if your true past is revealed to you, perhaps sooner rather than later. I cannot speak for the gods, but my feeling is that Pelor is waiting for the opportune time to reveal all to you, such that you will make a decision in accordance with the path he has created for you."

She steps slightly closer to the Elan, still looking in her eyes. "Of course... I am but an old woman, set in my ways and heavily biased toward the will of Pelor. That is the best counsel I can provide to you, but I encourage you to seek the wisdom of others in determining your best course of action. Your current traveling companions - even the youngest among them - have no doubt had more life experience than I could hope to match if I were to live another hundred years in this dusty old college.

"You know, however, that I am always here to talk if you need me. You are welcome to stay as long as you feel necessary; however, I'm sure that your friends are waiting for you, don't forget."

She smiles. "Now, I was just about to have my evening tea. Care to join me? Or, if you're hungry, I'm sure I can get the chef to whip up something for you."


Avalyra feels a lot more calm in Luna's presence. She feels safe for the moment, being around the headmistress, even though she doesn't find the answers she seeks. But when food is mentioned, she feels a bit abashed. "Um...I guess I never mentioned this before, but I don't actually need to eat at all. Sorry that I didn't say anything before, but I didn't want to stand out even more than I did. And there's something inside that tells me I'm human, even though I'm always reminded that I'm different, somehow."

Avalyra abruptly realizes that she's meandered with her thoughts. "I'd be glad to join you for tea. I don't know much about the gods, but with the clerics of Heironeous keeping a girl locked up against her will, and Vecna being underhanded and creepy, Pelor stands out in a good way. When you're kind to me and doing your best to help me..." Her voice trails off as she's clearly thinking about something.

When she continues, her voice is extremely soft. "I don't think I'm worthy, I don't know what I'd need to do, and I don't even know if the current me will last. But if I could choose who to be..."

((Sorry guys for holding up everyone again...))
After taking his bath and getting himself dressed again, he unlocks the inn door to allow people to allow any intrusion from his companions or Lucille.

He walks up to the bow laid on the bed. It is both a scientific and magical marvel, a tactical bow fitted with a tactical grip and even a tactical see-through (a sort of gimmick he has not needed to entrust his aim to). Muun had always wondered what the writing that makes up much of the weapon's decoration says, but he feels like whatever psalm written to motivate its user is just a soft veil over the weapon's true purpose which is to make killing swift and efficient. Killing so fast that one cannot think about what they are doing before it is done. Such writing sprawled over a weapon designed to make a beautiful statement would be the kind that is easily forgotten and never truly changing of a person.

He picks up the bow, thinking about his past training. He wonders if he gave his mentor now lost to time too much credit.. her methods were not much different than any other archer's, and really his aren't either. Maybe he wanted to feel like he was giving something no other person could, but what if his something is more than just serious training but... him? Or is it the bow's power? But neither the bow nor the leaves of Ehlonna made the Elven attacker they faced any sort of remarkable.

Putting himself on the bed, the warrior thinks about why he decided to continue fighting. It certainly isn't for the gods (and especially in his death he learns that the gods could care less if he is chosen for the job with their vested interest in keeping the dead defending their planes), and his city was already saved of something to fight. He was clearly bored and wanted to see more action, and to see what these other adventurers could possibly be fighting. And now he understands that most of their enemies are humans, just like they are and just like him. He recalls that he had striven for his ability to defend his home in a world where death is an everyday occurrence, but thinking of Lucille he sees a girl who wants nothing more than to experience the peaceful lands offered to her. Muun had lived in a plane where one would be too terrified to leave their room, but Lucille lives in a plane where one misses out on so much never venturing out. Does Lucille really need this kind of killing ability that he could train?

After a prolonged pause he pulls himself up and finally musters up the motivation to leave his room. He meets up with Celia again who asks "Hey! What's wrong? You look at little down." Muun shakes his head, "It's nothing."

Celia then waves off, "Well, loverboy! I'm gonna go explore the town a bit more. The way they made these sturdy shelters with trees and rocks is amazing, and the colors they got is nothing like in the forest!" Muun hehs, "Just be careful not to be bottled up to be sold."


Once he meets up with Lucille, who no doubt is eager to begin using the bow, Muun interjects an idea to change up the plans for that day, "Well, uhm.. why don't we go out to have something to eat and drink first?" An obvious invitation to a date, but he eventually uses the time spent with her, after some casual chatter is made, to begin speaking aloud his thoughts: "Lucille.. I took up the bow for a serious reason. It wasn't for fun or for sport.. I had to for survival, and to protect my homeland. There's still a lot I need to talk about of where I came from, but.. it's very unlike what you are used to." Gazing at her reaction, he continues, "To use a bow is to kill somebody or a monster that endangers you or someone else. It is to choose yourself over your target. You live in a world where a free man or girl does not have to choose their life or another's. People in this world use weapons mainly to drive their selfish agendas."

Leaning back and seeming afraid to look her through the eyes, continues, "When I am done with this quest for the holy relics, I am going to retire and.. maybe settle down.. or explore the world without bringing anymore conflict." Maybe he understands now why he wished so much to stay in the grove. He wasn't becoming lazy or complacent, he is tired of needless fighting. The only fighting he's known was needed and necessary. The grove would have been an escape from all of that.

Looking at her again, he asks, "Are you sure you wish to learn the bow?"


As Celia travels in the sky over the town something catches her eye. The door of the general store that had the strange people made of trees and little clothes is cracked open.


((The roleplay isn't the real reason I made this post, although I figure it was a good idea to do something right now. It's because I think I do want to be DM next time because it would give me a good opportunity to illustrate artistic content (like pictures of important settings and NPCs) and get myself exposed a bit.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Hey all. Thanks for being patient with me. No more bans I promise...at least not this campaign.))

If questioned, the half-orc warrior's habit of rising earlier and retiring later than usual is briefly dismissed with a curt nod and neutral grunt.

"Many preparations. Our quest much like war. A war for all of realm. And war always most dangerous when closest to goal." Tarkus is unsure if he is merely kidding no other but himself, but continues with routine, polishing, sharpening and repairing his armor and weapons and rigorously exercising in excess.

His isolation is less in heart than in mind, as comes naturally when introspection catches up with the fighter. Standing out in the cool night air one night, he stares out into the clear sky, illuminated by a bright and silver moon. This night there appear six bright stars twinkling brighter than even the moonlight. To Tarkus they look like they form the shape of a river. It is said in many folk tales the river represents the power of fate, grasping many up in its currents to lead them to its ultimate conclusion.

His mind made up, the half-orc approaches each of his comrades the next day.

In the plush interior of the mayor's private library he asks of a drinking Val "How long has been since we first meet?" However, he anticipates the nearby chatty metal man will interject with an exact measurement of some kind. To this he blurts out something he has always wanted to ask. "Are you only of your kind to come to our world?"

Later, with a furrowed brow he speaks to Muun privately at the inn. He nervously asks of the ranger of his plans should their quest succeed. In a whispered voice, he questions what good he thinks a warrior would be in a time of peace.

Later, in confidence and with the assistance of a scribe he writes a letter. Once finished he entrusts a copy to Valerie for safe-keeping.

DM only:
Check your PM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ha no juicy info for you snoopers to reveal

Breaking his fast with the others, his mood seems to have lightened somewhat. "Are we to meet Ava at Pelor school or await return?"

Before the party moves out towards its next destination, Tarkus will mount up his horse to take with them. In the event they teleport he will request it come with him if possible.

Mike M

Nick N
Val hardly sets foot outside of the mayor's mansion during this visit to Alydar. He's already equipped himself for the trials yet to come, and it's not as though he has planted any real roots since his arrival after his family's diaspora from Ruby Keep. Practically everyone outside these walls --even a good chunk of those within-- only know him as Kaff Reyneel, that stuffy museum worker who has inexplicably become involved with the great Heroes of Alydar and their globe-trotting adventures.

Well, except for a certain someone whom Val has been avoiding for reasons that he can't quite articulate. It's not as though they were ever anything approaching exclusive, and it's not as though he and Valerie ever... You know... Well except for that one night in Sigil, but that wasn't really Valerie, so that can scarcely be said to count. That and there was the revelation that Sarm had a bit of a thing for Arianna, even though he's not around and had never mentioned it. Not too long ago, Val could not have been bothered to give a damn about such complications, but now he found them troubling. Subsequently he does his best to just not think of them.

He spends his time in sequestration enjoying Valerie's selection of spirits, and quietly strategizing with his adoptive sister on how to make their next move. There is only one artifact left that remains unclaimed, and by all accounts there is a great deal of risk associated with obtaining it; Val and Valerie bounce various schemes, cons, and heists off one another, but ultimately it counts for little since neither knows much about this fortress where the rebels have entrenched themselves. Lucille ((L NAMES!)) had some contact with them, it's true, but the the sheltered nature of her upbringing limits her ability to contribute useful information about anything beyond the castle gates despite her fervent desire to provide assistance.

Ah, Lucille. There's a thorny subject. Though Valerie was eventually brought around to the side of reason that Val and his friends can't be dragging the princess around with them and that suitable precautions can be made to prevent detection, she could not be said to too be happy about it. Much of their discussion revolves around exactly what sort of training would be most useful; Lucille and Muun seem to be on board with training the princess up on archery and the arts of being a ranger, but Val has a different regimen in mind... Muun and his bow have been unmatched in combat, but what Lucille needs to learn, what she must learn, if Val's admittedly limited understanding is correct... Is how to wield a battle axe.

While Valerie is attending to municipal matters (she does have a city to administer too, after all), Val reclines in an overstuffed arm chair, staring into the hearth's warming fire and idly swirling a goblet of brandy. He's almost taken by surprise when Tarkus appears and inquires as to the length of their acquaintance. "Truthfully, I couldn't say, I haven't exactly been keeping track. Why do you ask?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus shuffles toward the hearth, standing on the stone masonry surrounding the fire so as not to further dirty the plush carpet with his boots. "Just personal reason. Thinking on memories of our journey." He picks up an ornate fire-poker to stoke the blaze but thinks better or it when he sees the ornate enlay of the handle. "I also not remember when exactly. Hard to keep track with all that happen."

The half-orc pulls a wineskin from his belt and drinks a bit before continuing. "Also wondering about passage of time 'cus...prophecy. Treaty of worms fortell doomsday, but speak only of invader. Relics combine to bring avatar to fight invader...if now is time spoken of, where are invader?"

Tarkus brow is furrowed in worry but he smooths over his wrinkles with his hand. "Hate to imagine something even Vecna and cult in fear of..."
Luna smiles at Avalyra. "Of course you don't need to eat, dear. You're an Elan. That shouldn't keep you from enjoying the pleasures of food." She opens a drawer in a cabinet, still in the office, and produces a teapot. She puts some teabags within, and then mutters a few incantations, magically causing the pot to fill with boiling water.

She takes out some cookies and pours two cups of tea, then sits on the visitors' side of her desk, and motions for Avalyra to sit beside her. "You mustn't bother yourself with questions of your own worthiness, child. The gods have deemed you worthy, and theirs is the absolute authority on such matters. Granted, you don't know enough about yourself to have an informed opinion, but I think this is something on which you can trust them."

She sips from her cup and takes a small nibble of cookie. "Now, if I understand your meaning, you wish to become a disciple of Pelor, yes? That is certainly a worthy pursuit, and I would be more than happy to provide to you all the materials you'd need to study.

"Given the rather extenuating circumstances, however, I believe that it would be appropriate to grant you a waiver for all of your class credits, in favor of an.... well, you could call it an internship, or you could call it on-the-job training.

"In any event, Pelor has willed that your place be with your companions who are currently trying to save the world. As such, that should be your focus. Perhaps during your down time, it will ease your spirit to study Pelor's teachings. I think that's a wonderful idea, actually."


Valerie looks at Tarkus with a skeptical eye. "Tarkus, what is this? And for the gods' sake, why the gloomy disposition? I'm the only one allowed to sulk around here," she says with a playful smile, gesturing at her non-functioning legs and wheelchair. "By decree of the acting mayoral authority in the City of Alydar, I demand that you smile immediately!"


Lucille's eyes widen at Muun. "Are you saying... you want to settle down... with me?" She blushes and smiles, looking away and trying to keep herself from tittering. "Well... I mean, we just met, Muun, and I don't know how father will react, but... Oh, what the heck. Yes, Muun, I'll marry you!" She throws herself into his arms and squeezes affectionately.

((Not sure exactly what you were going for with Celia, so I'll let you finish that part yourself, KM.

Also, the L name thing is actually intentional now. It didn't really come up during exposition and I don't see it coming up, but Lucille is a handed-down name for princesses/queens in this realm, and as such, similar-sounding names are very commonplace. That was my intention all along, honest
Well, once you guys pointed out how many L named female characters I had in this story, anyway
Muun definitely hadn't intended on implying marriage right away, but it seems to be too late now. Holding the girl in his arms he says, "Ah, you're right.. it might be a too soon for us but it would be nice wouldn't it? I do want to take you to see the world too. Neither of us has seen much of it so it would be a marvel for both of us."

Later, with a furrowed brow he speaks to Muun privately at the inn. He nervously asks of the ranger of his plans should their quest succeed. In a whispered voice, he questions what good he thinks a warrior would be in a time of peace.
At this time Muun thinks to himself. He leaves an air of silence before responding for Tarkus, "If you love war, then spend your time waiting for the moment peace ends and be the first to fight to regain it. As for myself, I'll be finished. I came to realize how much I don't enjoy this job and killing humans, even if they are as vile as a creature of darkness, makes my stomach churn. I only learned to fight like this because I had to."

After another moment, he soon suggests to Tarkus, "I know what you should do until that new time of war comes though... I heard you had a goat. Spend the time of peace taking good care of it."
Quintus lets out a heavy sigh. Ayldar's library, or rather what passes for one, is just to damn small, he had hoped to be able to spend some more time in Ruby keep to at least try and gleam the smallest bit of information on the artifacts from the more extensive libraries there, but that is a very dangerous place to be right now, even with a disguise... though he suspects Val could find a way to pull it off. He also finds himself regretting not searching the libraries of Sigil more, no doubt they have information he could never hope to find on this plane... And what of Ravenloft? Instead of chasing down vampire's perhaps he should have been searching their ancient texts? Who knows what they learned in there, though given their origins, they'd probably be more dangerous then useful.

But what of all that time he spent in the future? Terrible as it was, surely the Legion of Vecna would have at least spent a small part of their efforts learning about the artifacts and the enemies they were meant to face. Of course at that time, returning to the past was far more important task to focus on. Then again, does it even matter? With the exception of Set's fang, using the artifacts is generally a simple process of putting them on and immediately knowing how they work. Perhaps once they bring all the artifacts together the answer of how they are truly meant to be used will be revealed.

Finally done with his pointless blathering, Quintus sighs once again and faces Lysa, hoping for some kind of response... assuming she didn't fall asleep during all that.


Avalyra sighs. "So in the end, it still all revolves around the quest for the holy relics. No way to escape, no alternatives to consider." She forces herself to look Luna in the eyes. "Very well, it seems I must see this task to completion. Maybe I never had a choice, after all." She can't shake the sense of melancoly that settles over her, even as she reaches for a hazelnut cookie, her favorite.

((I was originally going to ask for a scenario to introduce the rest of the party to the benefits of Psychic Reformation, but does anyone actually care to rejigger their feats and skills?

And Val, there's 2 relics left, isn't there?))
Quintus lies in bed, half under the covers, thinking out loud as he stares at the ceiling. As he finishes his reminiscing and regrets, he turns his head.

Lysa is also in the bed, not nearly as covered by the sheets, and is staring at him with a slight sneer of distaste. "Please, stop talking," she says in exasperation. "I can think of far better ways to put those lips of yours to use."

She then rolls her eyes and props herself up on her elbow. "Living in the past doesn't suit you. Granted, I've only known you for what... six months now, give or take? But you've always struck me as someone who made the best of the moment he was in. Regrets are mosquitoes; all they do is get in the way. And if you don't stop with the self-pity and rumination, they'll certainly get in the way of this."

As Lysa closes the distance between the two of them, a sudden breeze blows the curtains inward, conveniently blocking the view of the camera, which pans away and fades to black in defeat.


((Zynx, there are two left, but only one is "unclaimed". The other is in the possession of Vecna's cult.))

Luna considers Avalyra's words. "I firmly believe that the acquisition of these deific aspects - or the Holy Relics, as you call them - is a shared destiny of you and your companions, yes. There is always a choice, of course... but choices have consequences, and given the gods' attachment to you, I can say with certainty that the consequences of forsaking that destiny would be distasteful to you."

Finishing her tea and cookies, Luna brushes the crumbs off of her lap and stands up. "Now... shall I gather your study materials and see you off, dear? Or is there something else?"

((If you want, you can fast-forward through the trip back. You'll be able to ride to town without incident))
a sudden breeze blows the curtains inward, conveniently blocking the view of the camera, which pans away and fades to black in defeat.
((I blinked while reading this, and then for a split second I saw Bish's face within the darkness that was described.

Oh right, if you were waiting on that Celia scene to finish, then I'll just say that the camera cut to a different scene there. ;b))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Catching the archmagi in the making in a rare appearance between the library and the bedroom, Tarkus finds they are on a similar wavelength in pondering the past and future. He slips a few potions he purchased out of his satchel and hands them to Quintus. "Hopefully not need...but have these just in case." He grips the mage in a firm handshake. "Would not be alive without you, friend. Plan to keep favor in return. Though think you would have much success in shaking up realm of afterlife."

The half-orc hands you a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x1, Potion of Protection from Evil x1 and a Potion of Heroism x1.

((I have other potions as well to divvy up so they are evenly distributed should we need them. 7 more potions of cure serious wounds, and two potions of Protection from Evil & Heroism. Let me know if anyone wants them.))


Valerie looks at Tarkus with a skeptical eye. "Tarkus, what is this? And for the gods' sake, why the gloomy disposition? I'm the only one allowed to sulk around here," she says with a playful smile, gesturing at her non-functioning legs and wheelchair. "By decree of the acting mayoral authority in the City of Alydar, I demand that you smile immediately!"

"Special instruction in event I do not return." Tarkus shakes head. "But not a thing to worry on now." He manages a grim smile. "You adapt well to circumstance. Admire your determination in keeping Alydar strong."
At this time Muun thinks to himself. He leaves an air of silence before responding for Tarkus, "If you love war, then spend your time waiting for the moment peace ends and be the first to fight to regain it. As for myself, I'll be finished. I came to realize how much I don't enjoy this job and killing humans, even if they are as vile as a creature of darkness, makes my stomach churn. I only learned to fight like this because I had to."

After another moment, he soon suggests to Tarkus, "I know what you should do until that new time of war comes though... I heard you had a goat. Spend the time of peace taking good care of it."
"War is all have known to succeed in. When there is not thing to be protected from, others seem have little use for me." He grunts in agreement with Muun. "Will never put down my weapon until I return to death for second and final time. But prefer to fight when needed to protect other. This quest see more seeking of killing in pursuit of our quest than I would like."

Eyes lighting up at Muun's mention of the goat, Tarkus visage lightens considerably. He lets out a genuine laugh and claps the ranger on the shoulder. "Fit to be matchmaker since claiming princess, Muun?" He smiles at his jest. "But maybe I will. Perhaps start a caravan of my own beginning with stubborn Goat..."


Once they meet up again, Tarkus approaches Avalyra with a proposition.

Check your PM


When it becomes clear to Avalyra that that Luna has no further advice or consolation to offer, she tries to suppresses the disappointment out of her voice and nods. "Yes, thank you Luna. You keep making time for me even though I don't deserve it." She gathers the materials that Luna gives to her into a pack, and makes her way back to her phantom steed, still faithfully waiting for her outside.

With the sky growing dim, she keeps her senses honed as she journeys back towards Ayldar, but her ride back is uneventful. As she dismounts from the summoned horse and enters the city, her mood is glum. Is Pelor any better than the others? If I have no choice in what I do, it's no better than being a puppet in a parlour show. Straying from my predetermined destiny will have unpleasant consequences? If being a follower of Pelor dictates everything one does, just like being a follower of Vecna dictates everything they do, or even followers of Heironeous... What if I had the power to overcome whatever threats the gods hold over me? Is that the only way to truly be a free creature, able to choose for myself? She's so deep in thought as she wanders the city's back alleys that she doesn't even notice crossing paths with Tarkus, until he calls her name.

"Oh, Tarkus!" she exclaims. She's so self-absorbed in her current dilemma that she immediately launches into a rant. "Have you ever wanted to change who you are? I mean, I just talked to Luna and she told me that I can't avoid my destiny. But if I can't choose what to do and have to simply follow the fate the gods have laid out for me, what's the point in living? I don't know who am I, I don't know how I got here, and no matter how many times I reinvent myself, I'm still stuck?" The overwhelming emotion in her words hangs in the air as she pauses to take a breath.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Oh geez, a discussion about fate with Tarkus? I don't know if I'm up to the task...))


"Oh, Tarkus!" she exclaims. She's so self-absorbed in her current dilemma that she immediately launches into a rant. "Have you ever wanted to change who you are? I mean, I just talked to Luna and she told me that I can't avoid my destiny. But if I can't choose what to do and have to simply follow the fate the gods have laid out for me, what's the point in living? I don't know who am I, I don't know how I got here, and no matter how many times I reinvent myself, I'm still stuck?" The overwhelming emotion in her words hangs in the air as she pauses to take a breath.

"Slow! Too many thought at once." Tarkus ushers Avalyra to a nearby wooden crate and takes a seat. He breathes deeply for a moment before collecting his thoughts. "Desire to change course through me many time before. But most strongly as youngling born slave who wished his fate was to become invincible warrior."

The fighter gives the flan girl a look which seems to either warn or convey an expression of a heavy heart. Uncertain if she wants to hear the full breadth of what he has to say, he nonetheless forges forward. Speaking at first unsteady and with a stammer, he slowly finds the courage to speak clearly as he continues.

"Though some things come true, they not always come in the way we think." The half-orc frowns momentarily as he struggles to find the words he means to say. "Boy became warrior mercenary and found glory in war for a time. But discipline and strength not make him invincible to pain of heart or body." Tarkus swallows and clears his throat with a grunt. "When you make certain choices, can be hard to turn away from fate you have wrought."

He loosens the leather straps on his left arm and slowly removes the plated gauntlet from his hand and arm. Peeling away the leather padding and pulling up the linen sleeve of his undershirt reveals the bruised and scarred bare flesh of his shield arm. "Can re-invent and reach for new identity but truth is...survival force hand of many onto the path they must walk. Each scar and mark worn remind me am of warrior fate, sworn by a boy's wish and hand dealt of nature."

The warrior places a hand on Avalyra's shoulder and looks her in the eyes. He speaks the following in a whisper. "In truth, do not see much difference in gods or men. Some righteous, some cruel. There be ordinary gods who would live as men, 'n extra-ordinary men who would make themselves gods."

"Do not believe your destiny controlled by gods. It may be set now by needs of survival, but it need not be forever. You can choose whether to allow you to be carried by current of river, or swim upstream. Even if it means to challenge a god."

He pauses to observe her reaction before continuing carefully.

"Have seen you challenge men in fight for your life. Did not understand all of Quintus words, but seen your form hide powerful brain magicks." He smiles a moment before raising an eyebrow in question. "Some would trust life to a god. I wonder if faith is so different from trusting your life in hands of another."

"I once spoke to someone else about this. Feel conclusion from then is same as now, but still worthy of pondering. "Gods move in mysterious and predictable ways. But my belief is more strong for trusting comrades and inner strength. Not sure if always want to be warrior...but in my heart I believe have ability to make a change."

"Listen to what your heart say to know yourself. Know yourself and you control your own fate."


It takes a moment for Avalyra to adapt to the half-orc's diction, but as she listens to Tarkus's heart-felt thoughts, she finds quite a few points that make her think. Maybe he's right. Perhaps my current situation is because of my past decisions. If only I knew what I did. And survival is indeed a priority, something I can't take for granted like I do now. But it is his final words that make most of an impact.

"Yes, you're right, Tarkus. I have to trust someone, and trusting you guys makes the most sense. But if I am to know myself by listening to my heart..." She frowns. "What if my heart doesn't say anything?"

((We've got 2 more katana +2's and 2 more boots of stealth +4. The latter, perhaps Val/Jack will claim? The former can be sold, 1573 gold for each party member.))
((Great roleplaying guys, and I'm enjoying it. Keep it going as long as you please.

I just wanted to let you all know that I don't really have anything to add until you guys actually get moving toward the stronghold. That probably requires some kind of plan on how to find it and/or get there. Carry on))
Quintus takes the potions and gives them each a look over, spending a bit more time staring at the protection from evil potion for a bit longer then the other... but he just shrugs and places it in his backpack. "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I hope I'm not shaking things up there anytime soon, at least not by going through the... uh... normal channels? Anyways, I'll be sure to continue doing what I can to keep you alive. Don't take this the wrong way, but I much prefer you to get hit and stabbed then I!"
((Man, do you have any idea how many spells I don't have yet in just the core rulebook alone I could buy with that? ...Probably about 8 if I go level 7 spells only. Actually, that would be enough to set up a single permanent telepathic bond(12.5k). That's one way to keep in contact with Ayldar if people are up for that(and would save me from casting a 5th level spell slot per day since I wouldn't be casting sending). Of course is someone wants an actual equipment upgrade, should probably go for that.))
((Everyone can level up, btw. That'll put Jack at Level 12 and everyone else at 14. You guys can update your character sheets for that while you figure out what to do next))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Got a purchase to make and some updates to Tarkus character sheet. I'm going to attempt the psyhic reformation as well but am still working on the details with Zynx. Hopefully have it sorted out by this weekend!))

Tarkus nods and beats on his plated chest. "What good this burden if not for blunting blades of enemy?"
It takes a moment for Avalyra to adapt to the half-orc's diction, but as she listens to Tarkus's heart-felt thoughts, she finds quite a few points that make her think. Maybe he's right. Perhaps my current situation is because of my past decisions. If only I knew what I did. And survival is indeed a priority, something I can't take for granted like I do now. But it is his final words that make most of an impact.

"Yes, you're right, Tarkus. I have to trust someone, and trusting you guys makes the most sense. But if I am to know myself by listening to my heart..." She frowns. "What if my heart doesn't say anything?"
The half-orc feels a sense of discord in Avalyra's words he cannot quite place. "Each life unique. What have fought for in mine maybe not answer riddles of your own story." Tarkus stands up while shaking his head slowly. "Heart may be very quiet or hard to understand. But as long as it beats, still has something it yearn for. Something to say."


As Tarkus continues to share his thoughts with Avalyra, a different voice invades her mind. What nonsense! You know that the heart is just an organ which pumps blood around the body. How can it have anything to say?

No, she tells herself. There's more to us than what we understand about our bodies, just like Luna says. After all, I can't even explain my abilities in terms of my body, let alone the many other phenomena that I've seen. I should try listening for something beyond just my thoughts. She stands up and faces her half-orc friend. "You're right, I do need to listen more carefully to start discovering who I am." She laughs mirthlessly for a moment. "It's funny: On one hand, I've gained such mastery of my power that I can completely reconfigure my capabilities at a whim. Yet on the other hand, all this control has given me no understanding of myself at all, not a single whit. Thank you, Tarkus. I've learned a lot by talking with you."


((I'll include a future shopping scene in my post now so that it won't hold the game up later.))

As Avalyra walks through the bustling markets, the mysterious duality inside of her again comes to the fore. She feels a strange affinity with certain items as she walks by them, but tries to ignore the strange sensations, and simply selects the raw materials she needs to craft a gift for her friend, and some bags of flour. But the unbidden urges continue to get stronger and stronger until she finally gives in and purchases the items, some that she doesn't even recognize. What she finds most bizarre is how familiar everything feels when the vendor shows her how to put on the buckler that she just purchased, when she can't recall ever wearing one.

((I forgot to include the masterwork cost when selling the katanas, so it should be 1700 gold each instead of 1573.

I just realized that the vest of armor doesn't actually occupy the same slot as the Robe/Dress of Spellcasting, so I actually don't need to enchant one into the other. I'll have a headband of conscious effort enchanted into the intellect one for 3k. Selling a ring of protection +1 (+1200), and trading in Avalyra's own katana +2 for a much more appropriate masterwork light crossbow with 30 bolts (+4762). Grabbing a Buckler +1 with a Crystal of Arrow Deflection, Lesser (-3665).))


bitch I'm taking calls.
As Tarkus continues to share his thoughts with Avalyra, a different voice invades her mind. What nonsense! You know that the heart is just an organ which pumps blood around the body. How can it have anything to say?

No, she tells herself. There's more to us than what we understand about our bodies, just like Luna says. After all, I can't even explain my abilities in terms of my body, let alone the many other phenomena that I've seen. I should try listening for something beyond just my thoughts. She stands up and faces her half-orc friend. "You're right, I do need to listen more carefully to start discovering who I am." She laughs mirthlessly for a moment. "It's funny: On one hand, I've gained such mastery of my power that I can completely reconfigure my capabilities at a whim. Yet on the other hand, all this control has given me no understanding of myself at all, not a single whit. Thank you, Tarkus. I've learned a lot by talking with you."

The half-orc smiles. "To speak these things and hear your words help me just as much." A sense of fulfillment washing over him, Tarkus feels the edges of his dread at the looming future begin to chip away. As he walks through the market and makes a few purchases of his own, he finds himself returning to the psionic girl with a question upon his mind.

"You say thing about...re-concentrate of your ability?" He clears his throat and raises an eyebrow. "And you able to do on simple whim?" The warrior's face scrunches up slightly in confusion. "Not sure how this work but...I have meditate on most recent battles and think need some change. Is power possible to use to..." Again the half-orc struggles to produce the right terms and quickly finds his vocabulary lacking. "Reform technique in my own mind?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Just kinda spinning my wheels here, I don't have any deep or meaningful RP for Val at the moment. Still need to level up though, I couldn't get a moment to myself these past couple days.

On the upside, if Val dies I've got something prepared : D ))
((When I get home tonight I'm going to fast-forward to a scene where you guys have just located the fort in the distance. Feel free to fill in the blanks during the day if you'd like, but it's not required or anything))

Mike M

Nick N
((DeadPhoenix, go ahead and buy spells with my gold since nobody else seems to have taken the offer))
((For oh wait, I missed that. For 9,600 gold, Val can trade in his armor and upgrade to +5, but 20K probably buys Quintus more usefulness than than 10K and 2 points in AC for Val.))
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