A lot to respond to here, I'll try my best.
someone's trying to give her the benefit of doubt?
well, I guess we found one of those real life angels the people on the news are always talking about.
All I'm saying is that she can be educated and helped into changing her ignorant opinion. If that helps make me an angel then I guess all teachers and counselors are angels.
Oh, and to answer your edited statement, a friend of mine went to a Catholic school a few blocks away from the public school I went to. We both had the same experiences since we both grew up on the south side of Chicago. The type of school doesn't matter when compared to the area it is in.
But what if that's what it takes?
A part of me says "well then it is what it is" but another part of me says "then we are not showing them that we are better"
I like this example actually. And the response I have to you would be that, in your example I would be able to point to many "non-mutants" that are doing equally terrible things like Magneto and crew but she'd look past it.
That's the problem with you giving her this slack. She's looking past the "humans" that are causing problems and soley focusing on the mutants that cause problems. AND on top of that she's looking past the mutants that aren't causing any problems and she's looking past the mutants that's solved many problems.
Nothing wrong with this statement and you're right. From that standpoint though, it would take more than Obama existing for a person like her to change that opinion. She needs to be educated right.
Because reasons.
Game recognize game and some in here are lookin hella unfamiliar. Feels real bad to see a black man doing the most stretching and contorting in an attempt to protect this special flower here.
If you read my posts, I didn't stretch. I didn't even defend. I didn't even call her a special flower. But, people want to throw labels and accusations my way. In response to your last post lashing out at me over issues I already answered, go read my previous ones. Game recognize game but you have to know the whole argument first before stepping in.
Edit: Have to go, but good conversation back and forth. I'll be back later to respond to people who I'm sure will find more issue with my positive approach to this situation. Just letting some here know so you don't think I'm avoiding rebuttals.