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Radiant Historia |OT|: Change the Past to Save the Future


This game just keeps getting better. Story is really picking up in Chapter 3. I just got my
ability. The scene where you obtain this skill was so bad ass too! This skill also makes traversing dungeons a lot nicer if you don't feel like fighting. =)

I am 13 hours in and just encountered the scenario where
Queen Protea (spelled right?) wants to set the city on fire because of the resistance.
Shit is about to go down!!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Going to pick this up on Amazon today based on this thread.

Will play on my 3DS. :)


Amir0x said:
Yeah, it's really good. The timeline selection thing is brilliant and really makes the game have a special type of open ended nature that is really appealing to me. The battle system is unique and feels extremely fun. Literally my only complaints so far is that the music is kinda not memorable, and the mixture of 2D sprites with poor 3D backgrounds (always hated that in games).

It's a fantastic way to close out my DS career. A highlight of the system imo.

I haven't played it yet, so I don't know what's used and what isn't at this point in the game, but if you haven't converted to being a fan of the phenomenal music by the end, you'll have confused me.

I adore it.


Man, the battle system is great! Just love comboing a dude with like ten of my turns. Kinda reminds me of Valkyrie Profile in a way.

At first I was disappointed by this game 'cause it starts out so goddamn slow, but things are getting interesting now, what with jumping through different timelines to undo events and all.


semiconscious said:
while playing rh, it often feels exactly like i'm finally getting around to playing a classic ps1 rpg i missed (the most recent example for me being xenogears last year)...
Minus all of the awful stuff the PS1-era RPGs had, like emo protagonists, "lets go look for Sephiroth" and *coughXenogearsseconddiskcough*.

I'd say it has the heart and soul of Super Nintendo RPGs, right down to the timed hits!
Yuterald said:
This game just keeps getting better. Story is really picking up in Chapter 3. I just got my
ability. The scene where you obtain this skill was so bad ass too!
Yeah, that scene was also one of my favorites, but the scene after that is totally one of the best moments.
Stocke fending off the Alistelian guards BY HIMSELF as Sonja flees with Roche, reminding himself how ironic it is considering the way Kiel went off and Stocke told him not to do this sort of thing.

Alistelian guard:"Stay away from me!"

*Do not read unless you have reached Alternate History Chapter 3.
Pinko Marx said:
Marco is a bro.
Thats it. I want a Marco icon now.


Just a question to anyone who is far in the game like about Chapter 3 or further. Do you guys have too much money? Right now I'm around Chapter 3 and I have around 60k. Seems a bit too much and it's not like I'm saving my money. I'm buying a lot of items and weapons.


Is this game one of those Atlus games that will be rare in a month and unless they reprint it I'll have to pay out the ass to get a copy?


I'm about 3 hours in, working on the Alternate History's Chapter 1 after getting pretty far and hitting a brick wall in the Standard History.

So far... Hm.. I guess the description that this game is essentially "a high caliber 90s PSX RPG that somehow got lost in time" is pretty accurate. It's not the most unique thing ever to grace RPG-dom, but by God, its characters and story is remarkably solid and always manages to keep my interest.

On that note, Stocke is the most competent JRPG main character I've played as this entire generation. (I wonder if Neku from TWEWY counts as "competent", now that I'm thinking about it). The guy is actually good at his job and is really only screwed over by incredibly bad luck/timing as opposed to actually having exceptionally poor leader skills despite the in-game characters glorifying him.

The writers managed to make Stocke rather soldier-like and very competent without being some brooding asshole, skillfully evading the "Squall Leonhart" trap of JRPG protagonist leader writing. Hell, I was most surprised in a normal conversation held between Raynie and Stocke pretty early in the game. After Raynie was like "Do you think we have some comradeship between us in the future Stocke?", Stocke pretty much said "yeah, maybe" instead of going into a Squall tangent about how he must never rely on people again and he must save the world by himself and that people suck and that its better not to depend on others, blah, blah, blah.

The battle system is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be, especially once you start getting more skills to push enemies all over the board into eachother and switching turn order around to do good combos.


I'm glad to hear that the story really picks up. I didn't read the spoilers, but from what unspoiled stuff that has been said here, gives me a sigh of relief. I'm also happy that people are saying it seems very long.


Reluctant Member
Amir0x said:
i like this game but this most definitely does not remotely seem out of DS capabilities. It's 2D sprites in the same ancient, archaic pixelated low geometry 3D backgrounds we've come to see on all DS games. I mean personally I wish they went all 2D, I always hated the clash - and it's even worse when the clash is against mid-PSOne/N64 tier geometry.

Sadly, this is the thing that is bothering me most about the game. Games that aren't cohesive visually bug the hell out of me. The game really would have benefited from some hand-painted backgrounds as in Legend of Mana.

Other than that though, I love the game (well, maybe not the battle system so much. I notice a lot of people here like it, but for me it's just okay. Not fantastic.) I love jumping in-between time lines to try to reach the true future. Though I wish they allowed you to go back to any time in the past and didn't make it so obvious that THIS is the event that needs changing. It would have been interesting if they let you figure that out for yourself. The quests do a bit more of that though, since you don't know where the quests are or you don't always know what you need to do.

I also have to admit I'm pretty fond of the illustration style of the characters. The thick black shading just makes it for me. I'll have to try something like it on my next project.


dammit! played for about an hour or so and all I did was fight battles without advancing the story and I just started Chapter 1! Cant believe I was able to make that lv 15 combo and I assume I can rack up more as I progress...
must finish Ys Chronicles... *sigh*


Neo Member
Spent so many hours on this game. Having 2 different timelines really makes it longer, and both feel distinct from each other story-wise other than when they intersect. Just gotta finish off the big bad now that I'm done with every other node.
Pinko Marx said:
The story stays interesting and the characters aren't annoying like in most jRPGs these days.
Marco is a bro.
Agreed man, even some of the characters I thought that would be annoying by their artwork(Marco) surprised me and he is actually a decent character.


I just went through and did a lot of sidequests. From some helpful information on where to locate them all. Might as well go for a complete playthrough, plus the stuff you get for doing them is usually only good during the earliest time you can accomplish them. Except for skill scrolls and the like. But those are good to have too.
Just bought this, can't wait to fire it up.

The way Atlus' PR guy was talking the game up a few podcasts back on ++Good Games had me foaming at the mouth.


Jealous Bastard
rpgs i like:
chrono trigger
chrono cross
secret of mana
secret of evermore
kingdom hearts
final fantasy 6
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 9
all mario rpgs

given that info, will i like this? i am so, so tempted. i realize this is not an exact science, mind you.


beelzebozo said:
rpgs i like:
chrono trigger
chrono cross
secret of mana
secret of evermore
kingdom hearts
final fantasy 6
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 9
all mario rpgs

given that info, will i like this? i am so, so tempted. i realize this is not an exact science, mind you.

Yes. It is Final Fantasy VI's aesthetic and characters with time travel elements reminiscent of Chrono Trigger. It's also pretty good in its own right.


At first, this game's writing/characters/story failed to grab me, and I worried that I would simply lose interest and move on to something else. I'm glad I stuck through the slow opening hour or two, however, because now I'm hooked. It might not have all of the little touches that the genuine 16-bit/32-bit RPG's of yesteryear possessed, but the time traveling mechanic, enjoyable combat, competent writing, and interesting soundtrack make this one of the better original DS RPG's out there.

The world of Radiant Historia isn't particularly interesting compared to the settings of more revered classics like Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger, but I'm hopeful that further exploration will open up more interesting areas and backstory.

The combat is really what surprised me the most. It reminds me of Valkyrie Profile, and that's a very good thing. This is one of the better RPG combat systems I have encountered in a long while. Shuffling around your party's order to set up a massive combo that will wipe out the entire field is endlessly satisfying, and it seems like new abilities come just frequently enough.

I don't mind the mixed 2D/3D aesthetic, but I will admit that this is not a technical showpiece by any means. The only thing that kills me is that they didn't bother to give Stocke a diagonal running/walking animation. Would it have killed them? It looks ridiculous to see him running northeast while facing perfectly north.


I'm glad to see all the positive impressions in here. I was going to wait to play this (got it on launch) until I could dedicate some serious time to it and finish it without straying too far, but it looks like this one is going to the top of the pile of games I need to work on. Will probably make this my focus whenever I have time this week.


I am not sure if this was mentioned anywhere else yet, but you can hold the Start button during any scene to completely fast forward it. You don't even have to hold the X button to advance text quickly if you don't feel like sitting through old events. I noticed some reviews (like Game Informer) failed to mention this feature in their review and actually complained about how you had to sit through old scenes when revisiting time lines/nodes. This should make finding new events/backtracking even more satisfying.

Just make sure you don't always use the hold Start method. Some scenes that are old may have changed due to choices/items acquired later on and the new text may be mixed in during old dialogue. But if you stay on top of the game I am sure you are actively seeking those new events so you wouldn't skip over those scenes to begin with.


^ They should have done it like 999. Where if it's old text it will auto speed it but the moment you hit new text, the speeding stops.


Yuterald said:
I am not sure if this was mentioned anywhere else yet, but you can hold the Start button during any scene to completely fast forward it. You don't even have to hold the X button to advance text quickly if you don't feel like sitting through old events. I noticed some reviews (like Game Informer) failed to mention this feature in their review and actually complained about how you had to sit through old scenes when revisiting time lines/nodes. This should make finding new events/backtracking even more satisfying.

Just make sure you don't always use the hold Start method. Some scenes that are old may have changed due to choices/items acquired later on and the new text may be mixed in during old dialogue. But if you stay on top of the game I am sure you are actively seeking those new events so you wouldn't skip over those scenes to begin with.

Yeah i found out that start button method a while back, you dont actually need to hold it just press the button and it will skip whatever cut scene you are on. If there's multiple cut scenes in a row it will skip to the next one and so on.

Sadly it does skip past new stuff as well, so kind of have to be careful when using it, but yeah its much much quicker than holding X.


Can you miss sidequests, characters or items in this game? Like if you solve a timeline, can you no longer can get 'x' sidequest/item/etc?


Hobbun said:
Can you miss sidequests, characters or items in this game? Like if you solve a timeline, can you no longer can get 'x' sidequest/item/etc?

You can't miss anything.
You can return and replay any part of the game, even the bosses.
Part of the reason I'm enjoying the game this much, FAQs are not necessary at all.


Grzi said:
You can't miss anything.
You can return and replay any part of the game, even the bosses.
Part of the reason I'm enjoying the game this much, FAQs are not necessary at all.

Ok, that’s exactly why I was asking as well. I just wanted to play the game without having to refer to anything and not worry about missing a weapon, character, etc.



7Th said:
The game is fun and everything, but that damn slight menu loading time is constantly annoying.
Huh? The menus are instant and very responsive for me. Comes up quickly after I press X and the menus themselves are instantaneous.


I haven't had any issues with the menus loading either.

I'm about four hours in and I'm still on Chapter 1 with like 17/200something events done. This game feels so massive!


Lovin the game, but there are a lot of moments where I go "WHY!! Just time travel back!!", but I guess story flaws are expected. Most recently for example in Cygnus
(After getting owned by sleeping gas and waking up in a jail cell with your entire party missing, why not just go back in time and not get captured? Instead Stocke decided to sleep in the cell and waste away a day and then risk dying by fighting an "undefeated" gladiator).
mjc said:
I'm about four hours in and I'm still on Chapter 1 with like 17/200something events done. This game feels so massive!

i'm in chapter 3 (both timelines), with 22 hrs logged (including a very small bit of grinding), & i've only managed to complete 75 of the events :) . so, yeah, unless they go & dump a ton of'm on you all at once at some point, it does indeed look to be a pretty damn big game...


Tguy said:
Agreed man, even some of the characters I thought that would be annoying by their artwork(Marco) surprised me and he is actually a decent character.
That's what I thought, too. I thought he would be some obligatory cutesy mascot character (like Mog or Teddy), but ended up being and acting not so.
Einherjar said:
Lovin the game, but there are a lot of moments where I go "WHY!! Just time travel back!!", but I guess story flaws are expected. Most recently for example in Cygnus
(After getting owned by sleeping gas and waking up in a jail cell with your entire party missing, why not just go back in time and not get captured? Instead Stocke decided to sleep in the cell and waste away a day and then risk dying by fighting an "undefeated" gladiator).
Not sure if this is exactly spoilers but
The book is the one that allows Stocke to travel back in time, it doesn't always work when he wants it to. That's explained when he first met the twins and they explained that
I hope that helps.


Reluctant Member
ScOULaris said:
At first, this game's writing/characters/story failed to grab me, and I worried that I would simply lose interest and move on to something else. I'm glad I stuck through the slow opening hour or two, however, because now I'm hooked. It might not have all of the little touches that the genuine 16-bit/32-bit RPG's of yesteryear possessed, but the time traveling mechanic, enjoyable combat, competent writing, and interesting soundtrack make this one of the better original DS RPG's out there.

I felt the same way... when I first got it I played about an hour and then put it aside to finish another game I had been working on. I was hesitant to pick it up again but it came so highly recommended I decided to see if it got better further on.

I love the quests in this game. They are probably one of my favorite parts. They actually feel important and aren't just fetch/drop/hunt quests meant to pad out the game, which has become something that recent games rely too heavily on. In particular (spoilers for What Was Inherited and A Letter to Tomorrow):

I like how in A Letter to Tomorrow you feel that you've really accomplished something important. Giving Cedric Viola's diary in order to keep Hugo from gaining too much power seems like such a major quest sort of thing. Especially after you've viewed the bad ending for that quest, you realize how important your actions were. In What Was Inherited, too, it's just a small sub-quest but it is related to the larger over-arching quest of saving the world.

It amazes me that they'd put this sort of thing as optional, but I like it.
Really digging the game so far. Like others in the thread have stated, the first hour or so is a bit slow but it really picks up when you start hopping between timelines. The battle system is pretty ace too. I had trouble putting it down and going to bed last night. It's pretty rare for a game to do that for me these days.
Einherjar said:
Lovin the game, but there are a lot of moments where I go "WHY!! Just time travel back!!", but I guess story flaws are expected. Most recently for example in Cygnus
(After getting owned by sleeping gas and waking up in a jail cell with your entire party missing, why not just go back in time and not get captured? Instead Stocke decided to sleep in the cell and waste away a day and then risk dying by fighting an "undefeated" gladiator).
I can think of a few reasons to explain that, but I'll give one:
The resistance kid who was in the cell with Stocke. Even if Stocke did rescue his party by going back in time, the kid would still get captured by the slavers, and he'd probably be killed by the gladiator. Plus, it looks like Stocke generally only goes back in time to fix a no-win situation or to reverse a death. Since he could not confirm that his allies were dead, there was no compelling reason to go back until he gained more information on the situation.
Slightly spoilerish question for AH Chapter 1, but would anyone mind telling me what happens in the Sand Fortress
if you don't find all the bombs?
It's somewhat a pain to replay that segment and I'm already far past it.


Izayoi said:
Huh? The menus are instant and very responsive for me. Comes up quickly after I press X and the menus themselves are instantaneous.
We've been especially spoiled by Tactics Ogre on the PSP. That game is instant. This game is not instant.


hypersheep said:
Slightly spoilerish question for AH Chapter 1, but would anyone mind telling me what happens in the Sand Fortress
if you don't find all the bombs?
It's somewhat a pain to replay that segment and I'm already far past it.

The place explodes and is in flames, and your path is blocked. At this point you're prevented from going further in the AH, and would have to learn the needed ability in SH, but it isn't a Doomed Timeline like other choices.
Luigi87 said:
The place explodes and is in flames, and your path is blocked. At this point you're prevented from going further in the AH, and would have to learn the needed ability in SH, but it isn't a Doomed Timeline like other choices.
Thanks dude! If you would allow to me to indulge in my spoilerness a bit more,
how do you get the node in SH where Aht sends the dead guy back, or is it something story related?
So I was thinking of pulling the trigger on this one yesterday and even put it my cart at Play-Asia... but then decided not to. This morning, I changed my mind, decided I wanted it and what do you know? Sold out at Play-Asia.


I found a copy at videogamesplus.ca, but it's shipping from Canada to Australia. Nice.


Neo Member
What a great game, I'm 18 hours in and can't put it down. The use of the time travel is fantastic.
Not a big fan of the 1 on 1 battles however, I feel they don't make good use of the battle system


So how is the save system in this game? Save points or save anywhere? I usually only play my DS on breaks or waiting for my ride so I usually spend it in short bursts of 15-20 minutes. And not having to put it in sleep mode and being paranoid of it dying on me would be nice.


Edgeward said:
So how is the save system in this game? Save points or save anywhere? I usually only play my DS on breaks or waiting for my ride so I usually spend it in short bursts of 15-20 minutes. And not having to put it in sleep mode and being paranoid of it dying on me would be nice.
Save points. There's usually one every five, ten minutes.
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