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Radiant Historia |OT|: Change the Past to Save the Future


I don't think Radiant Historia changes my opinion about stories in jRPGs - it's still completely absurd and frequently poorly written - but with a concept this finely executed, it really doesn't matter much.

It might just be that I've played too many of them, but playing this game really tests my tolerance of JRPG story bullshittery. Like I'm on Chapter 4, and I'm just rolling my eyes as the game throwing every fucking JRPG cliche at me.

Good thing the neat battle system and story path progression saves the game.


Dark Schala said:
Perhaps Raynie could be code-switching (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-switching)? (Again, I have a silly imagination. Forgive me.) Your feelings aren't silly; I understand it pretty well. I think it's awesome that we all read games and texts differently. Ex: I read my textbooks in Professor Farnsworth's voice. It's unfortunate that it's quite jarring, but I guess it's the way of the Woolseyism.

If it makes you feel better, "dude" is a word that originated in the 1880s. It literally meant "fastidious man", "tourist" or a guy concerned about his appearance. "Aplomb" originated in the 1820s. What I meant by "context" is more along the lines of the immediate speech situation and circumstances of the speech act (in terms of the sentence). I didn't mean context in terms of what we know about the world. Sorry if that was ambiguous. I get the feeling that localization teams don't necessarily look up the etymology and borrowing dates of lexical items when incorporating their uses in-game.
lol, thanks for the historic info mate, but I still find the way they use some words to question the quality of the translation. ...and the image I quoted further increases my thoughts on it XD
Also, I'll only accept this code switching if it's apparent in the original JP version, but I doubt that.

JEKKI said:
lol! sweetdiculous!


my new favorite word!
....yeah this game's translation could've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

Apparently I'm now in the FINAL CHAPTER OF ALT. HISTORY, i just realized it when I loaded my save. I shed a tear but looking at how many events and nodes I've been through, it'd make sense that this would be the last chapter of A. History

wELL looks like i'm at the final chapter of Alt. History ;.; Gonna grind and level up Stocke to Lvl. 70 or higher, since I'm making 1k EXP per battles and it takes 5k exp for Stocke to level up now.

OP, if you want I can post about useful grind spots throughout the game. Of course I'll put them in spoiler tags for convienice's sake.
cosmicblizzard said:
I guess the Fire Emblem series might be what you're looking for? Possibly Glory of Heracles as well. Idk. You're an SMT fan, so you're clearly not new to the genre. Melodrama is a big part of it since it channels a lot of anime tropes. More subtle stuff does exist, but it's not common. Can't really help you much since I'm more into the over the top stories and find the subtle ones boring.
Yeah, funny thing is that I like anime, but I'm not that big on it and nah I'm not new to the genre at all been playing rpgs since genesis/snes days.

I also love Yakuza, I think that's filled with melodrama,but I think it works so well with that game. Soul Eater was decent from what I've seen of it. :p

I think really, I just like RPGs that don't have such annoying characters that follow you around. With this game(Radiant Historia), I think it's nice that I'm liking every character so far.

Oh yeah, I just picked up Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Baten Kaitos1+origins for Gamecube not too long ago, looking forward to playing those since I missed out on Gamecube rpgs besides Tales of Symphonia.
Tguy said:
I think really, I just like RPGs that don't have such annoying characters that follow you around. With this game(Radiant Historia), I think it's nice that I'm liking every character so far...

hehheh... yeah, i'm pretty much in the same boat: give me a likable protagonist, a few likable party members, & some satisfactory gameplay, & i'm good to go on whatever kind of trope/cliche-filled journey lies ahead. i spent much of my youth cultivating a taste for cheesy pulp entertainment (as in burroughs, lovecraft & rohmer), &, ever since 'discovering' them, have found many jrpgs to pretty comfortably fit into the same format - corny, exaggerated, & sometimes unintentionally funny, but interesting & quirky enough overall to keep me going. & yeah, every so often, there's one that will achieve a sort of raymond chandler -type transcendence, but that in no way, for me, does anything to lessen my enjoyment of the rest...

if you're willing to accept most jrpg fiction as pulp fiction (even those games that aspire to be something more than that), it becomes lots easier to tolerate (& even have some fun with)...
Dark Schala said:
I think it's one of the trends I don't like about JRPG narratives lately-- quite a few of them seem to take themselves too seriously, try to develop overly complex plots and the plot itself is lost in development. It's almost like the writers forget that they're writing a game rather than an interactive movie, but that's a general descriptor.

It has nothing to do with seriousness. It's that most of these writers don't know how to write serious stuff.

It's mainly to do with stereotypical characters, an extreme lack of subtlety, amazing plotholes, and complete over-saturation of cutscenes(and yet even with all of those scenes they still can't develop a character right).

Edit: Anyway , I think I'm gonna wait til I finish the last two chapters of TO before I pick this up.


JEKKI said:
coz it's the new camera Im using o_O

but yeeaaaaayyyy finally made it to Chapter 2!

and it took 8 hours!! wtfreek man this game is loooong!

and what's worse is I kno theyre gonna make me go back to the other events in chapter 1 that I didnt do!!

freakin megaman historia!

Hehe. I love this game so much. Really, I wish my enthusiasm could really help people pay attention to this game. It's the biggest surprise of the year so far. The year isn't so old but I wasn't really super anticipating this game before I picked it up. It always looked interesting but it's essentially knocked me on my ass in terms of its quality. It's so great.

Honestly, I'm about 15 hours in, and unless something changes I think this is going to be one of my top ten jRPGs.

TheChaos said:
It might just be that I've played too many of them, but playing this game really tests my tolerance of JRPG story bullshittery. Like I'm on Chapter 4, and I'm just rolling my eyes as the game throwing every fucking JRPG cliche at me.

Good thing the neat battle system and story path progression saves the game.

It should be noted that because I've played so many jRPGs, I've accumulated one may be considered a "thick shell" in regards to how I experience the storylines in these games. They're so frequently among the worst stories in the industry that I've formed the habit of completely ignoring it in favor of the other features. Not that I don't complain about it (it's the biggest issue facing a genre with so heavily an emphasis on narrative), but I can at least get beyond it to enjoy the core game. Otherwise I'd have abandoned the genre ages ago :p

In Radiant Historia's case, it's not the worst jRPG story I've encountered, but the amazing timeline concept and the fantastic battle system really just catapult this beyond the typical level of this genre. It's so amazing.


I'm almost at the end and I'd have to say my opinion of the game has only improved as the game went on. I didn't have anywhere near the enthusiasm that some of you guys had on this game, but after getting to the end part of the game, I think it's a pretty swell game which doesn't make you feel that you have wasted your time.

The characters stay very consistent throughout which "may" be a bad thing if you're looking for character development, but it's refreshing to have a game that doesn't have much jrpg drama going on and just gets on with the plot.


I am really loving the music for this game. I just got to
and have just let the system sit so I can listen to it. Reminds me of my snes/ps1 days where I would turn the tv off but leave my speakers and system on so I could just listen to awesome music as I came across it. Love it.

Kind of disappointed in the music disk that came with it. I mean, it's a really nice bonus but i wish there were more than 5 tracks on there.


Oxx said:
Atlus don't do Europe. They would have to team-up with another company to release it officially.

Given how easy it is to import from Canada/US they don't usually bother.

Maybe the 3DS region-lock will force their hand with future games.
That's slightly disappointing... I'm sure I saw it mentioned in a UK magazine. So I guess I have no choice but to import, right? I've found someone selling it new for £30 (with bonus CD, including P&P); should I bite now, or wait?


Wichu said:
That's slightly disappointing... I'm sure I saw it mentioned in a UK magazine. So I guess I have no choice but to import, right? I've found someone selling it new for £30 (with bonus CD, including P&P); should I bite now, or wait?

Buy it. Don't bother waiting It won't come, and if it does it won't have the CD which is a nice enough bonus.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Tizoc said:
lol, thanks for the historic info mate, but I still find the way they use some words to question the quality of the translation. ...and the image I quoted further increases my thoughts on it XD
Also, I'll only accept this code switching if it's apparent in the original JP version, but I doubt that.
Are there any good grind spots in Alt History Chapter 4 or any chapters prior to that, if you don't mind me asking? That'd help a lot, thanks. This game is looooong.

Hah, code-switching was my way of trying to make up for the dialogue, but yeah--now that I've played a lot more last night, some of it is weird at times. But it's just a small amount of "pop culture dialogue", so I can ignore it. I highly doubt that code-switching would be in the Japanese version. I haven't encountered an instance of code-switching in any Japanese game I've ever played. They mainly stick to one dialect (mainly the standard dialect--think in terms of the Queen's English, which is widely considered the standard). It would be interesting to see a game honestly use code-switching in its dialogue from a linguistics perspective, but no one would ever be that creative. :(
Edit: The Dragon Quest series' newer translations use different dialects across landscapes. I can't think of other series that use it off the top of my head right now. It'd be nice if Chrono Trigger did something like that across eras, actually--the only instance I saw was Ayla's telegraphic speech.

You would have probably disliked the Working Designs translations because of how many liberties they took. I swear, it's because of those translations (and Woolsey's translations) that I look for dialogue in a game to make me laugh now. XD

I think the best parts of this game that prevents me from disliking it are: the magnificent battle system, the music, the overarching narrative (so far), and the awesome cast of characters. I really like Stocke, and his personality as a soldier/spy doing his duty highly contrasts with that of FF13's Lightning Farron, also a soldier. Game doesn't have a ton of character melodrama so far, so it's great.

Fimbulvetr said:
It has nothing to do with seriousness. It's that most of these writers don't know how to write serious stuff.

It's mainly to do with stereotypical characters, an extreme lack of subtlety, amazing plotholes, and complete over-saturation of cutscenes(and yet even with all of those scenes they still can't develop a character right).
I wonder why that is. Do most of these writers not... take writing classes, or is it because they're told that they need to cater to a particular audience (ie: the anime-watching public)? I recall Wada saying that "Final Fantasy is aimed towards a teenage audience" at some point in time, but I didn't really believe that. FF never seemed aimed towards a certain audience. But then there's the whole Final Fantasy XII issue where Vaan was inserted in for some reason.

I really loathe Motomu Toriyama's writing (and whoever wrote Kingdom Hearts II--I don't want to point fingers at Nomura, but he couldn't have been the only guy on the project), but I really like Yasumi Matsuno, Shigesato Itoi and Yoshitaka Murayama's writing. Nojima, I like, but Advent Children made me seriously question his skills. In fact, do any of these writers have a background or degree in creative writing, I wonder?

I wonder that if it's because games have the opportunity to present themselves in a cinematic fashion (via mountains and mountains of cutscenes) that some writers seem to rely on the visuals, one-line exchanges between characters in dialogue or a single character speech to tell the story? Again, it's probably me with nostalgia glasses on, but when developers and writers had to deal with graphical limitations, they seemed to put more effort into storytelling and dialogue.


Oy, I made a lot of progress with the game today, but this one boss battle put me down pretty quickly in just a few turns. I think it's AH Chapter 1. The ability needed to pass this part is
. Anyways, I started the boss battle
at the top of the sand fortress with the commander, and anytime he attacks me from the power zone he put down (2nd row entirely) he just does some massive damage.



Well, I finished the game this afternoon! Took me 42 hours with 60+ character levels. This is easily my favorite DS RPG and I think it's just one of my favorite RPGs ever. This is the first portable RPG that grasped me in such a way that I could never put it down (well, maybe this and the new Tactics Ogre on PSP as I finished that yesterday, lol!). I played it everyday since I bought it which is a rarity for me, especially for a portable game/RPG.

The pacing of the game and the story threads were just so engaging you just HAD to know where it was going. Combat was always interesting and it was incredibly addicting to hunt down alternate endings and completing the numerous sidequests. The story tab and the "complete" fraction became an addiction for me, I just couldn't stop! I am now sitting at 199/236 events and I am eager to finish it off!

The final boss was pretty tough. It could have been a nightmare if I wasn't properly prepared. For those curious what I had equipped at my levels here is what I had:

Moirae Manteau (from Arena sidequest)
Beast Charm
Beast Charm
Beast Charm

Diable Spear
Diamond Mail
Thauma Charm
Thauma Charm
Thauma Charm

Gaia Blade
Diamond Armor
Queen Stud
Queen Stud
Queen Stud

I REALLY like Marco's buff spells. Raynie with the emphasis on magic with Stocke as my main physical damage dealer felt good to me. I could cure all status ailments, heal all members properly, buff characters, push and pull enemies, and deal MAJOR magic and physical damage when needed with this balance. Thankfully at LV60 it seems most characters learn really good skills so I was glad I leveled up before taking on the final segments.

Now, as far as SPOILERS go,
the ending was really, really nice. I LOVED how whatever sidequests you finished had an impact on the final scenes that played before the credits. It really made me want to seek out the rest of the quests to see the final conclusion. The game just felt like such a tight package, never forgetting all the minor characters introduced along the way. When I saw Kiel revived standing next to the gravestones it just instantly put a smile on my face. They really wanted the player to feel a sense of closure with the events that have played out and the effects they had on the characters.

For some reason I didn't expect Heiss to be Eruca's uncle and I also didn't expect Stocke to be Ernst, Eruca's brother. Their were definitely hints along the way, but for some reason I tend to turn my 'forward thinking" mind off when I play RPGs and I usually just let all unfold as I play and see it all as I witness it. The whole royal bloodline sacrifice thing was cool as shit too. I thought it was so awesome that Heiss obsessed with the negative associations with the ritual process and because of that obsession it led to his insanity. Stocke definitely had his conflicting moments, but due to the positive experiences he had and the friends he met it made him stronger. It's a classic idea, but they really put a nice spin to it.

One thing I REALLY enjoyed were some of the endings, especially The World's Betrayal. That scene was incredible. You attempt to assassinate Dias, but instead takes note of your skills and offers you to join him as his assassin. If you decide to join him Stocke just goes around murdering everyone, running rampart across the continent. Loved it.

Now, I have to be an asshole and nitpick a few things, there were a few things I wish were better.

-Translation. Seemed stiff and very literal. I guess it KIND OF suits the demeanor of a soldier, but still. For the most part everyone sounded the same. However, the story was so engaging that I almost didn't care in the end, which this game does a lot, for all it's shortcomings the game makes up for it in other areas.

-Music. I LOVE the stuff here, but there is not enough. Definitely quality over quantity though. Thank god there was a unique final boss track because I was getting worried after hearing the same two boss tracks cycle throughout the entire game. Yoko did a great job with the soundtrack, but I definitely wish there was more variety. A TON of the areas in the game reused a lot of tracks.

-Enemies. Fighting them was always fun, but there needed to be more of a variety. The game constantly introduced new elements in the battlefield like buff panels and enemies that could not be pushed/pulled, but they definitely colored swapped a lot of enemy pallets around.

In the end, these issues were more a matter of preference than being a problem. The game was just so much fun to play and kept me incredibly engaged and that's all that really matters in the end.
Volcynika said:
Oy, I made a lot of progress with the game today, but this one boss battle put me down pretty quickly in just a few turns. I think it's AH Chapter 1. The ability needed to pass this part is
. Anyways, I started the boss battle
at the top of the sand fortress with the commander, and anytime he attacks me from the power zone he put down (2nd row entirely) he just does some massive damage.


if he's in a zone, either push or grapple him out of there - he won't necessarily go back...


semiconscious said:
if he's in a zone, either push or grapple him out of there - he won't necessarily go back...

He did go back there both times I knocked him out, unfortunately. I'll just try again later.


The only MAJOR change I would make to this game so far is allowing time travel to every single node, not just the doorways. Would eliminate a lot of dialogue/scene backtracking.
Currently at SH/AH Chapter 3. About eight hours in. I am really digging this game. It's nice to have such a delightful game on my DS. Between this, and Sword of Storm, my down time is almost non-existent.

I like the music, but it's nothing amazing. The story is fun, yes the writing could be better but having played so many RPGs, this is certainly one of the better stories in the medium.


Attackthebase said:
Currently at SH/AH Chapter 3. About eight hours in. I am really digging this game. It's nice to have such a delightful game on my DS. Between this, and Sword of Storm, my down time is almost non-existent.

I like the music, but it's nothing amazing. The story is fun, yes the writing could be better but having played so many RPGs, this is certainly one of the better stories in the medium.

man i was going so super slow. Still was on SH/AH Chapter 1 at 8 hours hehe

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
JEKKI said:
I'm aimlessly wandering around looking for secret bombs.

Ugh, that gave me issues too. Here are the locations:
-The Mess Hall (first floor--right room, in front of barrels on the left side of the room)
- In front of the storage Room (first floor--a little down from where the soldier is standing)
- Northwest Hallway (second floor-- just walk around here and a shiny will pop out; it's next to a pillar in the top hallway on the left side)
- Armoury (second floor, right room--behind some barrels)
- Left Dead End on the Third Floor (around where the soldier is running)

I hope that helps.


Slowly pushing my way into the 3rd chapters on both timelines, excellent stuff. The sidequest that asks you to kill that boar in the forest is pretty crazy, first enemy to truly kick my ass. Probably going to have to wait on that I guess,


Amir0x said:
The only MAJOR change I would make to this game so far is allowing time travel to every single node, not just the doorways. Would eliminate a lot of dialogue/scene backtracking.
Cutscenes aren't an issue much since you can press Start to skip them immediately, but I agree on the backtracking @_@

Dark Schala said:
Are there any good grind spots in Alt History Chapter 4 or any chapters prior to that, if you don't mind me asking? That'd help a lot, thanks. This game is looooong.
OK these are the grind spots I used-
Standard History Chapter 1-
The Sand Fortress is a good place to grind EXP in at early levels. You can get between 100-150 EXP from every enemy you battle against. Here you should level up to 20 or 25.

Standard History Chapter 3-
While Granorg is burning there will be soldiers in the city. Each battle nets you at least 200 EXP IIRC. The locations you should battle enemies in for the most EXP are the entrance and the right side where the item and weapon shops are. Here I would recommend grinding til Level 40-50

Alt. History Chapter 7-
The Imperial ruins are a good place to grind it, the first room has 2 enemies that give at least 500 EXP, so a total of 1000 EXP can be gained from battling them.
One trick to beat them easily is have Gafka learn Bedrock Smash, and have Raynie or Stocke learn the tech. that pushes the back row enemies forward. B. Smash will do heavy damage to enemies in the 2 front rows.

Main advantage these areas have is that the enemies are easy to defeat and you can recover your HP and MP nearby =)
Hope that helps.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Tizoc said:
Cutscenes aren't an issue much since you can press Start to skip them immediately, but I agree on the backtracking @_@.
That cannot be said enough. I don't really like playing through a few events that I had already played through in order to get to one part that I need to advance the story with. It's nice that I can skip the cutscenes, but man I really wished more of the events themselves were nodes. Or if I'm warping around to finish some sidequests, I have to skip some conversations or run through an area and finish some story stuff before getting the sidequest item. The sidequests are fun, but I wish warping through time was as fluid as Chrono Trigger sometimes.

Thanks for the grind spots. They'll be extremely useful because I get the impression that I'm underleveled sometimes.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
Really, I wish my enthusiasm could really help people pay attention to this game.

It kinda does. I know you're not a jRPG fetishist so I can take your praise seriously.


Finished all the content in the game, which isn't hard to do. Pretty good game, but could be so much more with a better translation. Other than that, I don't really have any gripes and I'm pretty satisfied with the game. Definitely one of the best jrpgs I've played in recent years because it's so easy to get into the game and keep on playing, the pacing is simply great.

This is probably another game that the DS's sound doesn't really do full justice, even if you do use headphones.


Is there a trick to beating that giant Snorlax? He straight pounded my pooter... does Stocke learn an Ice spell?

I think it's AH Ch 3. when you get to Celestia.

I left him for now and jumped to SH to continue that thread.


bubnbob said:
Is there a trick to beating that giant Snorlax? He straight pounded my pooter... does Stocke learn an Ice spell?

I think it's AH Ch 3. when you get to Celestia.

I left him for now and jumped to SH to continue that thread.

Just use traps and stuff. There isn't many tricks to battles, just gear up properly.

Also, I finished everything within
hours. You don't need to grind in this game really, gear is often much more important.

In fact you can pretty much skip all random battles if you wanted after a point early-middle of the game, but I don't know how feasible that is.


It wont let me use traps on an occupying space.

Can I knock the snorlax around, even though hes, well, a giant ass Snorlax?


Totakeke said:
Just use traps and stuff. There isn't many tricks to battles, just gear up properly.

Also, I finished everything within
hours. You don't need to grind in this game really, gear is often much more important.

In fact you can pretty much skip all random battles if you wanted after a point early-middle of the game, but I don't know how feasible that is.

Holy shit you completed all 236 events in 30 hours!? I am at 44 and still need to finish off the Master/pact events and a few others. Did you go for any of the super rare drops in the final dungeon. Apparently, practically every enemy in that dungeon from the machines to the crystals drop best armor and weapons. I am going to begin hunting that crap once I finish up the rest of the events, but I hear the drop rates are pretty ridiculous.

And it's true, levels help, but this is definitely a gear dependent game. I love games where equipment and strategy matter more than pure level grinding. I would advise most people to hold onto every accessory/weapon/armor as a lot of the final/end game gear provides a lot of give and take when it comes to ATK and MAG.

Oh, and on a funny side note, did anyone else think of the other DS RPG Sands of Destruction during this entire game? I know that game isn't popular on GAF, but I played through it last summer and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I could not get that game out of my head whenever someone mentioned desertification or whenever I saw a soldier/NPC turn to sand. Probably not the best association to make, lol, because this game is obviously WAY better than SoD.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Game is great so far. I've only gotten past the first major choice, but so far I really like it.

The odd thing about this RPG compared to most others is that your main character is profecient. Most RPG's you always start off as a character that is either not very strong or adapt at the beginning, emo, or have amnesia. In this game you start as a character with renown skill as a special agent. It's more like your starting the character as a Dias Flac not a Claude C. Kenni.

Of course outside of lore your character does still start at level 1.
Totakeke said:
Finished all the content in the game, which isn't hard to do...

:) ...

hell, i'm finding just locating some of the events to be tricky :) . as in 'no, do not continue on (despite the fact that the last sequence booted you out of town & on your way) - turn around, go back into town, & talk to everyone again first' tricky. finished the game yesterday (truly cool endgame sequences, both pre- final boss & after), & spent several hours today getting all the way to 218 complete - with half or more of what remains having to do with
completing party special attack quests
, which've been the hardest of all...


Do you have to get all the bad endings for completion? Because I dont think I can get a bad end for the Rosch + Sonja sidequest, I gave Rosch the right answer.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
FINALLY finished all of my exams and I can launch into this full-force without breaking it up into segments.

For those who finished the game, is there something like a "true ending" of some sort? A simple yes/no will do. I've gone out of my way to get the bad endings if I see a branch coming off of a node that leads to nowhere.


Dark Schala said:
FINALLY finished all of my exams and I can launch into this full-force without breaking it up into segments.

For those who finished the game, is there something like a "true ending" of some sort? A simple yes/no will do. I've gone out of my way to get the bad endings if I see a branch coming off of a node that leads to nowhere.

There is a "true ending" of some sort, or rather "complete" ending.

And yes, even if you come to a branching point that will result in the game moving forward or a bad ending you can always warp back and watch the bad ending regardless of the decision made. You definitely CAN NOT miss anything in this game. The structure truly is perfect.


Can I re-do sidequests and get the bad end of those? Like when you give Gunther Viola's journal. You can give it to him (good) or say no (bad).

I gave Rosch the right answer for Sonja, but theres still a branching point, and the sidequest says Clear. Can I get the bad end to that, or did I miss out on 100% completion?
bubnbob said:
Do you have to get all the bad endings for completion? Because I dont think I can get a bad end for the Rosch + Sonja sidequest, I gave Rosch the right answer.

just re-fought the final boss, & yes! - i got the perfect ending (& it is pretty perfect, & worth shooting for)...

so what i can tell you, based on this, is that getting the perfect ending appears to involve
either completing a certain number of side missions, or completing particular side missions. completing all side missions / bad endings not required...

edit: just checked gamefaqs, &, yeah, getting the perfect ending
has to do with completing about a dozen particular side-missions. which obviously means that, unless you're gonna peek, you're kinda stuck completing as many as you can :) ...

&, yeah, you can always go back & redo any mission
(tho completion won't really get you anything but a sense of personal satisfaction :) )...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
bubnbob said:
Can I re-do sidequests and get the bad end of those? Like when you give Gunther Viola's journal. You can give it to him (good) or say no (bad).

I gave Rosch the right answer for Sonja, but theres still a branching point, and the sidequest says Clear. Can I get the bad end to that, or did I miss out on 100% completion?
Beaten already, but yes, you can still go back to do quests like that. I just tried and it worked. Just make sure you do the last "decision" step only. You don't have to talk to the person who gave you the quest. (I don't know that if in some cases you do need to talk to the quest giver.) That's pretty awesome that nothing's missable!

Yuterald said:
There is a "true ending" of some sort, or rather "complete" ending.
Thanks a lot! I'll try to figure out the conditions myself.


Saw the 85 on metacritic's homepage which piqued my interest and then watched a bit of the trailer. Seems right up my alley... too many games on my plate though. I'll have to snag it one of these days.


whoo~!! jus made it to Chapter 3 and now they're like go do a mission at Lazvil Hills!!

Lazvil Hills in every freakin chapter!! what is this game?!?! Lazviliant Hillstoria?!?!


Yuterald said:
Holy shit you completed all 236 events in 30 hours!? I am at 44 and still need to finish off the Master/pact events and a few others. Did you go for any of the super rare drops in the final dungeon. Apparently, practically every enemy in that dungeon from the machines to the crystals drop best armor and weapons. I am going to begin hunting that crap once I finish up the rest of the events, but I hear the drop rates are pretty ridiculous.

Yeah, all 236. I didn't go for any of the special drops or steals.

And you can never ever miss events in this game. So don't worry about missing stuffs because you can always go back in a way or another.

semiconscious said:

Well I was talking more about the effort required to do them, which isn't much really. I did use a guide for the ones I didn't complete by myself because they are really quite hidden.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Totakeke said:
Yeah, all 236. I didn't go for any of the special drops or steals.

And you can never ever miss events in this game. So don't worry about missing stuffs because you can always go back in a way or another.
Man, I suck! I have about 20+ hours in Chapter 4. I must be doing it wrong. XD (Though I've been grinding for a bit, so that's probably why--I probably get enjoyment out of filling up the bars and getting more skills).

Did you use one select party (ie: Stocke, Marco, Raynie) rather than rotate around? Some of the other characters seem okay in battle (though
seems somewhat useful in boss battles but not a necessity), but I don't really see them as necessary.

And since you finished all 236...
nodes like the Prologue node have another dotted branch leading off of them. Will I find a solution to completing those missing events later on in the game, or did I miss something


Dark Schala said:
Man, I suck! I have about 20+ hours in Chapter 4. I must be doing it wrong. XD (Though I've been grinding for a bit, so that's probably why--I probably get enjoyment out of filling up the bars and getting more skills).

Did you use one select party (ie: Stocke, Marco, Raynie) rather than rotate around? Some of the other characters seem okay in battle (though
seems somewhat useful in boss battles but not a necessity), but I don't really see them as necessary.

I just switched around, but towards the end once you open up more skills and skills from quests, I found
to be just great for all situations so I stuck with the character. The third character I rotated around but I always liked using
whenever I could.

Also for some reason, my physical damage can never match my magic damage output. Not sure if the enemies DEF is higher than their MDEF by default. Plus they tend to do physical buffs and debuffs more than magical ones.

And since you finished all 236...
nodes like the Prologue node and AH: Chapter 2 have another dotted branch leading off of them. Will I find a solution to completing those missing events later on in the game, or did I miss something

Those are usually from sidequests. Like I said, you can never miss anything because there's no point of no return.
I think the nodes in question are story, so you shouldn't worry about it.

For party members, was I the only one who really enjoyed used
Aht and Gafka. You can build up such absurd combos with them and Gafka's physical skills don't seem to count as physical. Also, Wind God's strike makes stealing absurdly easy.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Thanks, guys! Went back and got something done in Chapter 2, so I guess the other stuff I'm missing will come with the story.

I feel like I'm using magic more than physical damage too. Even with a seemingly high attack stat, magic seems to work better for a few characters.
is a huge exception, and he's built like a hard-hitting tank. I like using him since he can help rack up those combos. For
, I guess I'll have to start using her in normal battles to see how great she is outside of bosses
(and I think it's mainly because she learns Push Assault in the mid-level 30s that I didn't use her much)
Dark Schala said:
I feel like I'm using magic more than physical damage too. Even with a seemingly high attack stat, magic seems to work better for a few characters...

having stuck with stocke, raynie, & marco, i just went with magic & buffs, &, aside from some attrition-type boss battles, i never really had problems - actually found most of the game to be pretty easy (my party was 60+ by the end)...


Okay, I've been MASSIVELY addicted to this game. I have about 53 hours logged and my main character levels are about 80. I have 229/236 events completed and I cannot pull myself from grinding in the final dungeon.

The rare drops in the final dungeon are SUPER rare, but holy shit are they good. The only event I have left I believe is to beat the super secret boss
the Master
. This guy is pretty damn tough. When I tried him with character levels around mid 60s I got annihilated. I would really like to get all my characters outfitted with the best dropped items before I take on this dude.
I tend to use hyperbole upon the first impressions of a game and I will try to restrain myself this time.


damnit, i've only played 5 hours

I spent a more than I will admit on the first few nodes figuring out what to do
like going forward in a thread that was doomed for failure to advance the story
but when I did, my brain did this thing that made me entranced and in love with a plastic cart of software. As my last RPG of the DSi, it is an amazing swan song!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
malingenie said:
I tend to use hyperbole upon the first impressions of a game and I will try to restrain myself this time.


damnit, i've only played 5 hours

I spent a more than I will admit on the first few nodes figuring out what to do
like going forward in a thread that was doomed for failure to advance the story
but when I did, my brain did this thing that made me entranced and in love with a plastic cart of software. As my last RPG of the DSi, it is an amazing swan song!
LOL. It only gets better! Don't worry, I spent a ton of time in the first few chapters than I should have. Just go through it at your own pace and you'll be fine. The more people playing, the better. It's kind of disappointing that the game isn't getting that much attention, even with Amir0x's endorsement. But a ton of stuff is coming out this month, so it isn't surprising.

Yuterald said:
Okay, I've been MASSIVELY addicted to this game. I have about 53 hours logged and my main character levels are about 80. I have 229/236 events completed and I cannot pull myself from grinding in the final dungeon.
Everyone stops learning new skills around level
, right? Grinding is massively addictive, I agree. I spent nearly all night on this game. I don't regret one bit of it, but most of it was grinding and clearing up some of the stuff I missed before rather than progressing. Kinda surprised when I looked at the clock after a while, heh.

semiconscious said:
having stuck with stocke, raynie, & marco, i just went with magic & buffs, &, aside from some attrition-type boss battles, i never really had problems - actually found most of the game to be pretty easy (my party was 60+ by the end)...
I feel like Stocke, Raynie and Marco have the most synergy in battles. If I want to clear battles quickly, I use them. But if I want to be more strategic,
I use Aht and Gafka
. The game isn't necessarily hard, but can be quite long.
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