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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


I'm able to download this episode, huzzah!

Don't know if last episode was an anomaly or what, but thanks regardless.

Oh and for the record, chapter markers and custom art for each chapter works fine on the iOS official podcast app.
Oh good! I want everyone to be able to listen on whatever app they prefer. We just don't know what else to do to make Apple happy.

I submitted the new Famicast feed to iTunes as a favor for those guys, and it took a dozen attempts and tweaks -- to the LOGO, of all things, before Apple finally accepted it.


Oh good! I want everyone to be able to listen on whatever app they prefer. We just don't know what else to do to make Apple happy.

I submitted the new Famicast feed to iTunes as a favor for those guys, and it took a dozen attempts and tweaks -- to the LOGO, of all things, before Apple finally accepted it.
Yeah I have no idea, about anything, including the process. So submission of a podcast to iTunes has a process that has the file on their servers?

But thanks for everything anyway. Who knows what will happen week to week. It might help to perhaps choose the MP3 vs AAC version. Only the AAC gets posted to iTunes?
If you subscribe through the iTunes store, it will be AAC. However, you can manually subscribe to any podcast feed (including our MP3 feed) by using a menu setting in the iTunes program that lets you paste in any address. So you could use:


I am not sure whether manually subscribed podcasts will show up in the Apple Podcast app but it seems likely if you sync your phone.

Note: The MP3 version lacks chapters, though.


If you subscribe through the iTunes store, it will be AAC. However, you can manually subscribe to any podcast feed (including our MP3 feed) by using a menu setting in the iTunes program that lets you paste in any address. So you could use:


I am not sure whether manually subscribed podcasts will show up in the Apple Podcast app but it seems likely if you sync your phone.

Note: The MP3 version lacks chapters, though.

Yes, as I figured.

They should sync, as I've done it before.

Just a backup plan should I need it. I don't use the chapter markers. I stopped ayncing podcasts once rfn atopped ayncing across and resolved myself to just downloading on the device which I quite enjoy.


Glad to hear how much WayForward/IntiCreate (also, where's Gunvolt?) have fixed the issues with Shantae. The combat in these games wasn't great at all and from what I've heard they removed the belly dancing transformations?
That's right. Shantae doesn't have any genie powers in this one; instead, you find pirate tools in the dungeons that include a pistol, a speed dash, and other abilities I won't spoil. These are all action-based, so there's no need to pause and play a rhythm game to activate them. I think it helps the pacing feel much better than in the previous two games.


Never played a shantae game before, but am willing to try it for 3DS based in Jonny's impressions.

Had a quick look on the store under new releases (Pal region). Couldn't find it. Will have to a better search later. Hope it's not too expensive.

I'm a sucker for 2d planes in 3d.


@Jonny: Good. The rhythm game in the original Shantae was annoying. Risky's Revenge luckily did away with it.

@mrkgoo: It's not out in Europe yet.


Shovel Knight is en route and coming this month. I'm actually curious how well they've translated it – given that my experience with indie game translations was pretty lackluster.


An episode almost as long as the telethon itself (Ok, not really).
Episode 404: Reign of Firebrand said:
It's our last episode before the 5th Annual NWR Charity Telethon, so of course we brought in organizer (and former RFN host) Karl Castaneda to preview the big event. But first, he leads New Business with quick impressions of Woah, Dave!, the new game from the Bit.Trip guys under their new studio name, Choice Provisions. Karl also reports on the highly praised Shadow of Mordor from other consoles. James follows with extended impressions of Level 5's Fantasy Life, and it turns out that he and Gui are having quite different experiences with this massive game. Lindy came in a bit late, but we figured he's already suffered enough punishment by playing Lair, the ill-fated PS3 launch title from Factor 5. Guillaume takes his full turn next, trying the original Bayonetta (remastered for Wii U) and a neat little 3DS eShop title called Super Little Acorns Turbo. Jonny completes the cycle and ends his hunger strike (ha!) thanks to the long-awaited, never-certain release of both Gargoyle's Quest 2 and Demon's Crest on Virtual Console.

The second half of our show begins with Guillaume's now-annual report from Nintendo's holiday preview event in Canada. He got to play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and even both versions of Sonic Boom. Following that is a brief discussion about Nintendo's first revelation of their "Quality of Life" business -- it's a sleep monitor! Does this make any kind of sense for the company, and more importantly for us, will it relate to video games at all? There are few answers but plenty of speculation, for now. Finally, Karl brings us home with a point-by-point preview of next weekend's big telethon. It's our biggest event of the year, with all hands on deck from Nintendo World Report, and you should be part of the action! Just bookmark the official telethon page, donate early if you can, and be there on Saturday, November 8, 2014. You can talk with us live, win great prizes, chat with fellow Nintendo fans, and support a truly wonderful charity organization. Oh, by the way, our very first live segment on that day will be a Listener Mail round-up, so send in your questions now and let us know Saturday if you're available to do it live on the show!

Time: 2'25"52
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Holy crap: The telethon's on Saturday! /scream
Please try again -- I was just investigating this problem from the NWR thread and could not replicate the error. The file is on the server and downloads for me through both the direct link and the MP3 subscription feed. So whatever was going wrong, it may have been temporary. I promise that this was not some kind of joke!


On to the Fantasy Life... I've been clocking in at about roughly 80 hours (with a restart though) and it never came over as grinding to me in the second run. Part of that is probably helped by it being an "action" RPG (though less action–oriented than, say, Ys) which tends to annoy me far less than menu–based RPG combat. Also, the game always has me do different things, so if I feel tired of hunting down minerals, I can go do something else.

The menu map is atrocious, but when you have to go somewhere as part of the story, you get an arrow on the touchscreen mini map guiding you where you should go next. Other than that, it isn't helpful at all and I'm pretty thankful for my navigational memory working even in the space of video games here.

The writing comes off as less stupid in German actually, the only thing I've found irritating are the birds in Puerto that have this... well, call it a blend of L33Tspeak and 90's SMS shortcut lingo. *shivers*

All in all though, I seriously enjoy the game and if I'm still willing to play it after this month is over, I might consider getting the DLC expansion.


Hey, folks, Karl here.

Had a blast on this episode, and I definitely encourage people to tune in on Saturday at 12 Noon Eastern for the telethon. We've got a lot of great content and special guests planned. Just today we confirmed Robert Boyd (of Cthulhu Saves the World / Penny Arcade fame) to appear on the Start Tank segment. Hopefully we receive enough donations to get it unlocked. ;)


Hey, folks, Karl here.

Had a blast on this episode, and I definitely encourage people to tune in on Saturday at 12 Noon Eastern for the telethon. We've got a lot of great content and special guests planned. Just today we confirmed Robert Boyd (of Cthulhu Saves the World / Penny Arcade fame) to appear on the Start Tank segment. Hopefully we receive enough donations to get it unlocked. ;)

Please bug him to get Cosmic Space Heroine on Wii U!
He has said on Twitter that he hates "port begging" and that most people don't understand the amount of work it takes to port a game and launch it on additional systems. However, I would recommend that the NFR crew ask him about Nintendo's current policies and whether they would consider those platforms in the future.
I'm incredibly excited about the telethon (podcathon?) tomorrow - it will be my first one, and I've blocked off my whole day for it. I'm sure it will be a blast, and I'm glad I'll be able to donate to such a kickass cause (especially since I I saw zero paychecks between the time the episode 400 kickstarter was announced and the time it was fully funded, so I couldn't contribute).

I'm positive you will all do a fantastic job no matter what, but good luck regardless!


As mentioned, I wouldn't be able to make the thread for the telethon since I'm theoretically in it - could I get one of you guys to help?


I only just finished listening to episode 404 last night (like 10 hours ago) and I notice telethon was starting at some point today!

I don't really visit the site all that much, what are the channels for the telethon? Maybe I'll switch it on if I find the time during the day.


The first recording for the telethon is up - and it's the first FOUR HOURS.
- Live Listener Mail
- Top 5 Games of All Time
- Who Wants To Be A Nintendoaire?
- James and Jon: Unlicensed to Drive

All told: 4'12"50.

Download mp3
Download AAC

And the donation box is still open and looking for stretch goals!


And part 2 of the show, featuring yours truly flailing like a fish, is now live.
- Radio Trivia Live
- 10 Years of DS (feat Chris Johnston)
- Start Tank (feat Nintendo Free Radio and Robert Boyd of Zeboyd Games)

Total time: 2'58"48

Download MP3
Download AAC

The donations are still going - $6,135 now which means To Catch A Prehistoric Predator will happen!
I've been threatening this for a while but finally got around to it -- Episode 400 is now remixed and remastered with true stereo vocals (previously, only the music was stereo) and greatly improved volume balancing. Subscribers should delete the old file if necessary and re-download to get this new version. Otherwise, all existing direct file links now point to the improved remix.



I've been threatening this for a while but finally got around to it -- Episode 400 is now remixed and remastered with true stereo vocals (previously, only the music was stereo) and greatly improved volume balancing. Subscribers should delete the old file if necessary and re-download to get this new version. Otherwise, all existing direct file links now point to the improved remix.

Thanks man.


And we end a momentous week of RFN with a booming New Business.
Episode 405 "Quality of Fantasy Life" said:
It's been a very busy week on the RFN subscription feeds, with all three parts of the telethon recording as well as a remix of the epic 400th episode all added for our listeners. It has also been a good time for us to play games, especially with the lack of any formal New Business during last weekend's telethon, so now you get a double-dose of impressions for all the cool new games we're playing.

We start with a big overview of the Mario Kart 8 downloadable content, which brought Guillaume and Jonny both back into the online arena. Then, James catches up with Hyrule Warriors, and it's no big surprise that he loves the janky chaos and knowingly goofy action of this franchise mash-up. Jon tries The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, a new expansion of the disturbing action-roguelike that proudly wears its (original) Legend of Zelda influences and may finally be heading to 3DS after years of censorship drama. The podcast's first segment concludes with Jonny's early thoughts on Stealth Inc. 2, an extremely polished independent eShop game that is, at least for now, exclusive to Wii U.

But wait, there's more! New Business distends past the break to give us time for even more big games. Gui revisits Fantasy Life and reignites his debate with James over the best way to enjoy that addictive Level 5 joint. Then, we return at long last to Halo land with expert guidance from Lindy (even though he's not really a fan...) through the humongous new Master Chief Collection. Jonny shows some interest there, before swinging the pendulum hard back to Kirby Triple Deluxe, which turns out to be exactly what he wanted from this long-running Nintendo series.

We ran out of time for Listener Mail this week, but we'd love to hear your thoughts and questions on the recent announcements and latest game releases. Send 'em in and we'll run through a bunch of emails next time!

Time: 1'57"28
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Watch Dogs Wii U: Still happening. But you won't hear it on RFN... right?


Neo Member
I just got done listening to the telethon (catching up since I couldn't listen live). I really like listening to James but he is guilty of the worst kind of hyperbole. In this case, describing the 2014 year as "cruddy" for 3DS. Now, granted it was not as good as last year and the games released were maybe not the type that most devoted gamers want to play. However, Nintendo published more games this year for the 3DS than in any year prior. Here are the retail releases:

Bravely Default
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Yoshi's New Island
Disney Magical World
Mario Golf: World Tour
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Tomodachi Life
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright
Super Smash Bros for 3DS
Fantasy Life
Pokemon Art Academy
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Ultimate NES Remix

That is in addition to about 5 or 6 eshop only games, most of which were well reviewed. Clearly, they are heavily supporting the system, even though there were not many AAA releases. I chalk this up to the guys speaking off the cuff and not remembering everything that came out this year. Anyway, really appreciate the podcast and the effort put into generating great discussion.
That comment probably spoke more to his level of interest in the games that came out this year. I haven't played 3DS as much in 2014, either, but at least I got Smash and spent some time catching up with Fire Emblem and Pokemon from last year.


Been catching up on RFN over the last week and just now got to the episode 400 clips show. Can't believe how funny some of these clips are (Jonny's free console history, N64 episode), RFN is soo good.


No Smash this week. Blame Nintendo's Friday releases.
Episode 406: Wrasslevania said:
We're back with more games this week, and it's also time to catch up on Listener Mail! LET US BE THE TRUE SOUNDTRACK TO YOUR SUPER SMASH BROTHERS FOR WII U EXPERIENCE.

James is first on New Business with a few thoughts on I've Got to Run: Complete Edition, just released on 3DS by a friend of the show. He's also befuddled by the Virtual Console edition of Pokemon: The Trading Card Game, a digital version of the notoriously popular card game that was originally made for Game Boy Color. Jonny finally scratches Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 from his backlog, though not with out some grenade troubles. He also celebrates the release of a new Dragon Age by trying the first game... only five years late! The elder Jon is no less far afield with his thoughts on the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Yes, we actually let me talk about an MMO. You can't let that energy build up too much, or he might explode. Guillaume rescues this barely relevant segment with his impressions of Tengami, a pretty but very short game from the Wii U eShop, and that also leads us to ponder how Kirby and the Rainbow Cure might deal with the GamePad touch screen. He also tells us about Squids Odyssey, a lovely hybrid of Fire Emblem and billiards(?) that actually supports cross-buy if you live in Europe.

Listener Mail returns after a featured spot on the telethon, and we have a lot to discuss this time around. First is a look at Super Mario Bros. 2's legacy and whether we'll ever see a true sequel to this outlier of gaming's royal franchise. We also consider Konami's recent approach to Castlevania and whether that series has a future, officially or not. Next is a lengthy discussion of how interactivity, as the key artistic quality of video games, is expressed in criticism and pop culture. Just to bring us back to (alternate) reality, the episode concludes with a lightning round of questions about the Majora's Mask remake coming next year to 3DS.

We'll have some kind of Smash Bros. coverage for you next weekend, so let us know what you think of Sakurai's latest (or any other topic) by sending an email for the podcast!

Time: 2'13"46
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
No Pokemon either: Please understand.
Who pens the synopsis for each week's episode? They are consistently well-written, and I'm sure whoever creates them never receives proper credit for it.

So kudos to whomever it is - he/she does a fantastic job.


Oh man the Pokémon Trading Card Game. I love that game, played through it numerous times.
Oddly enough though I was the only kid in my school who had it. Everyone was into Red, Blue and Yellow, Gold and Silber and well the cards, but no one back then played the GBC game. Makes me actually wonder how well it did sales wise. The cards were huge on my school, but everyone was just into collecting and trading. Not even sure we knew how to play the actual card game properly.

Edit: Okay had the time to do at least a little bit of research. According to vg chartz, take that as you may, Pokémon Trading Card Game sold 3.7 million units, well.


Just so you know, chartz numbers are not research. They are fabricated, inaccurate numbers and are bannable here on GAF.

I am partially responsible for the wow talk this week so if you hated it, it's my fault. Sorry!
I really wish you guys would be more Nintendo specific. I know you guys talk about what you're playing during New Business, but it would be cool to keep the non-Nintendo bits short and concise.


I really wish you guys would be more Nintendo specific. I know you guys talk about what you're playing during New Business, but it would be cool to keep the non-Nintendo bits short and concise.
I'm fine with the nontendo games talk. Its just a fact that Nintendo platforms won't have the majority of the games now, so there will be at times people will talk about what they are playing on other consoles.

It was nice hearing about WOW talk even after 10 years since its been released.
There was more than normal this week. I do try to keep us focused on Nintendo games, but it varies a lot week to week since we don't assign ourselves. Still, I will point out that there were only two off-topic games discussed on this episode, out of seven total just in New Biz. It was a small part of the show, even this time. Next show will be mostly if not all Smash!
I really wish you guys would be more Nintendo specific. I know you guys talk about what you're playing during New Business, but it would be cool to keep the non-Nintendo bits short and concise.

There would be hardly anything to talk about. You expect them to talk about all the 2 VC games Nintendo has released? I'm glad they don't stick to JUST Nintendo. That would be dumb. Even if it is a Nintendo podcast, you need to play the stuff that's out on other consoles/pc to have any meaningful discussion on the few games on Nintendo consoles we do get.
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