But Hyrule Warriors is a Musou game developed by Koei/Omega Force using the Zelda IP and not Team Ninja.
Well you are right, at the end we are just speculating we could end up with another Metroid game by Team Ninja, the companies seems to be really close. But after Other M Nintendo going back to the Prime formula or a in-house handheld Metroid Fusion type game seems more likely to me.The concept of Hyrule Warriors came from Hayashi, the leader of Team Ninja, and Team Ninja co-developed the game alongside Omega Force/Nintendo.
The next Metroid could come from a variety of parties, but given Nintendo's closeness with Tecmo Koei I would not be so quick to count that out as an impossibility.
sörine;149218370 said:When did Nicalis say they weren't doing the promused patch for Wii U 1001 Spikes? I can't find anything on that, is it new news?
sörine;149218370 said:When did Nicalis say they weren't doing the promused patch for Wii U 1001 Spikes? I can't find anything on that, is it new news?
Also, while I'm here, I love how predicting that Dragon Quest XI will be on mobile platforms is classified as "obnoxious fatalism."
Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I read "But the creator of the series said this would NEVER happen" on GAF, I would have enough money to buy all of the microtransaction items in the DQXI mobile version.
The Japanese game industry is evolving at breakneck speed. What was true a year ago or half a year ago is not necessarily true today. Monster Strike and Terra Battle were on the cover of Famitsu back to back. The dedicated-game-device business is collapsing. Dragon-Quest-in-the-West was a failure and they've given up, so Japan's situation is, now more than ever, the driver of the business decisions behind the future of the series.
If Horii digs in his heels and it comes out on 3DS? Ok. Also totally plausible. You could make a compelling argument that this is the most likely outcome.
But I was actually just trying to make fun of people who think it's going to come out on PlayStation 4, to say nothing of the poor saps who are holding out hope for PlayStation Vita.
It works, and despite my casual disregard for the health of my party, I haven't been knocked out yet - although that's probably a function of luck. It lets me grind EXP on Personas and Party Members while also getting money and ingredients. Conversely, it's not fun.
Episode 415 "Boring Victory Lap" said:After two annual specials in a row, it feels good to slip back into our usual format this week. New Business gets a strong start to thanks to Guillaume's post-game evaluation of Bayonetta 2, including some positive sessions with its online cooperative mode. James gives quick updates on Atelier Escha & Logy and Persona Q, but his main topic is the level editor in Smash U. Jon transports us all back to 80s arcades with his impressions of 3D After Burner II, while Jonny also regresses with the lovely (and awkward) HD remake of the GameCube remake of Resident Evil.
Listener Mail is abbreviated this time, but for good reason. The questions concern Club Nintendo and a very personal discussion of how games can help us cope with loss. Things get serious for a while, but we end the show on a thrilling note, as birthday boy James opens a mysterious and frankly nefarious package from one of his admirers. However, we don't really want anyone to mail us anything except musings of the electronic kind!
Finally, we are excited to announce the return of our community-driven RetroActive feature. After sifting through dozens of your great suggestions, we settled on a trio of nominees with little in common, except that they're all readily available on Virtual Console: Castlevania III (NES), Pokemon Trading Card Game (GBC), and the original Sin & Punishment (N64). Listeners will determine which game we play and discuss on a future episode, so please vote without delay and try to play along once the winner is announced! Voting will only be open for about a week and a half from this posting, so vote now, before you forget!
At the stage creator discussion, looks like you guys want to believe brawl never existed.
Using levels created in the level creator for Brawl online was effectively impossible.
And by that I mean playing Brawl online was effectively impossible.
Jon and I once swapped friend codes and left the Wii on for 24 hours. Never registered us as friends. First time we managed to play online was 8.0/10 GotY The Conduit
Hell yeah!POKEMON TCG is your retroactive pick!
Episode 416: Exciteclaus said:We have a snappy episode for you this week, starting with New Business As Usual. Jonny tees off with Gunman Clive 2 from the 3DS eShop, and he also recounts multiplayer (very multiplayer) bouts of Mario Kart 8 and ye olde Nintendo Land. James digs into the new demo for Code Name S.T.E.A.M. and finds cause for both hype and (mild) concern. Guillaume goes full retro with Wario Land 3 and Mighty Final Fight, and Jon gets annoyed by one of his all-time favorite games with Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Listener Mail includes three letters this week. One requests our top picks from the final set of 100+ Club Nintendo rewards. The second laments Joystiq's demise and asks about which gaming news sites we can recommend to fill that void in everyone's hearts. The final letter asks about the possibility of using the 3DS as a Splatoon controller, which launches a discussion on Splatoon local and online multiplayer.
We still have lots of good emails to cover soon, but you should never wait to send in a hot idea for the show. Also, we had to close RetroActive voting earlier than planned, due to a problem with the survey service... We'll fix that next time, but as it is, voting was cut off after 100 votes, and the winner is Pokemon: The Trading Card Game! Download your copy on 3DS (or find the old Game Boy Color cartridge) to play along and discuss the game with the RFN crew on an upcoming episode.
Is this going to be Super Mario Bros 3 all over again?Jon gets annoyed by one of his all-time favorite games with Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Nah, it's much more trivial than that, and it's something he could easily ignore (but won't, which is his prerogative).
Eh, I think you're trying to play the game in a way the developers didn't really intend, which is totally fine, but complaining that it doesn't cater to your emergent gameplay does seem trivial to me.
Now if your actual complaint was that there should be a save point before or after that first boss on the orbital station, I might agree. Prime has a few areas where there aren't enough save rooms; another is the Phazon Mines.