Aw dammit, thought this was bumped because the PAX panel had been put up.
Edit: not a good way to start a new page, RFN 4 Life!
Edit: not a good way to start a new page, RFN 4 Life!
@Nintendo_NWR said:The RFN panel audio recording will be posted Monday night. Sorry for the delay!
I wouldn't mind a Wrecking Crew remake for eShop though. <.<
There is now a video of the entire panel, and it seems to have better audio than our direct mixer recording. Thought this might help some of you enjoy it more!
Just saw that. Will listen for the 4th timeFor subscribers to the feeds, a clearer version of the panel audio just dropped into the feed.
Now I can see if that person during the Q&A who sounded like a child was actually a child.
Episode 287: Demolition Sherpa said:Fresh off our third trip to PAX East and another successful panel, Jon, James, and Jonny rejoin with Greg for a good old-fashioned podcast. Sir Leahy gets it rolling with Cave Story 3D, which of course he loves and has now played through three different times. Lindemann has just barely started the American release of Xenoblade Chronicles, but his early impressions spark a lively discussion amongst the entire group, now that we've all played at least a bit of the game. Jonny completes New Business with his initial thoughts on Tales of the Abyss for 3DS, as well as Metal Torrent, Nintendo's cheap and remarkably short shoot-em-up for DSiWare.
Later in the first segment, we start up RFN's "coverage" of PAX East 2012 as Jon and James describe their terrifying encounter with Way of the Warrior, a legendarily abysmal fighting game for 3DO. Following that trend is Jon's weird tale of Demolition Man, and more importantly, the mysterious stranger who provided unexpected and disturbingly accurate guidance through Stallone's monstrous game-movie blend for the same cursed platform.
Segment Two continues our PAX memories, but this time with a stronger leaning toward actual good video games. StreetPass is a favored topic across multiple 3DS titles, but we also played demos for (Bit.Trip presents) Runner 2, Hell Yeah, and Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 3. Jonny gets his own chance at bad game glory with Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for N64. And we share very fond memories of Chris Kohler's Retrogame Roadshow panel, which you can even watch online.
We didn't have time for Listener Mail this week, so there's a good chance it will feature on the next episode. Send in your questions and comments! You should also start playing MotoHeroz, the WiiWare game (from developers of Trials HD) voted by listeners to be the focus of our next RetroActive feature. Drop your thoughts in this here official forum thread and we'll read some of the best comments on the podcast! Finally, don't forget that the RFN t-shirt is on sale now, and proceeds benefit this show and the website, so we hope you'll check it out.
Episode 288: Extra Tinglish said:Now that we've cleared out all the crazy PAX stories, it's back to business as usual... New Business, that is! Greg has extensive impressions of Rhythm Thief, the Layton-inspired music adventure game from Sega. After hearing his account, you'll find it even harder to wait until July's American release of this 3DS gem. How does James follow that kind of ringing endorsement? With utter confusion, naturally, as he cracks open Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, the only Tingle game available in English (via Europe). It is weirder than you could possibly imagine. Jon throws us a curve ball, or whatever's the hockey equivalent, by joining an online NHL '94 league and spending far too much on a Genesis USB controller adapter. But it's safe to say that he'll be better prepared for next year's retro tournament! Jonny completes the segment with Fez, the absolutely befuddling platformer/puzzle game (which is different than a puzzle-platformer!) on XBLA that is also chock full of Nintendo references, from Zelda to Tetris.
Listener Mail returns this week with some of the best letters we've ever had (and there are more waiting in the bag). A devoted fan in the Australian bush wonders whether her spotty Internet will further limit her gaming choices in the new console generation. A young man grieving his lost grandmother asks how we find comfort in video games. Another listener draws parallels between the early days of 3DS and Vita, questioning whether Sony can save its floundering handheld. Finally, a listener we met at PAX East follows up to prod our memories of when we realized that we'd never grow out of gaming.
We'd love to hear from you as well, so please send in your questions and comments! RetroActive is coming up very soon --next week, in fact-- so please check out MotoHeroz on WiiWare (there is a demo) and store your thoughts in the official forum thread. We'll pick some of the best comments and read them on the show. See you next week, when our friend Guillaume from Negative World visits again!
I forgot to say last week that the Demolition Man story was hilarious. Looking forward to hearing about James playing the Tingle game.
Probably going to touch up the OP a bit next week - have to add MotoHeroz to the Retroactive list at least.Anything else that should go in?
Updated the OP: Added sister show descriptions, the links to audio for the PAX panels... and the t-shirt.
Episode 289: S.O.P.H.I.A on the Sauce said:While Greg kicked back to enjoy the NFL Draft, the rest of us kept RFN running smoothly with plenty of help from our friend and frequent guest (of late), Guillaume from Negative World. Jonny doesn't really have a fresh game to discuss in New Business (just a quick wrap-up on Fez), so he leads a brief tour through the recent Nintendo Direct announcements. Most notably, the group expresses both concern and optimism for New Super Mario Bros. 2 (as of recording time, we didn't yet know about the digital release plan). James digs deeper into the dark hole of Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, and now we have the bemused perspective of Guillaume, who also played it at some point. Jon teases the host and much of the Internet masses with his glowing impressions of Diablo 3 from the recent open beta test. Finally, our guest jams on Mario's Picross (for Game Boy/3DS), SSB Brawl training, and 3D Classics: Kid Icarus.
After the break, we bring RetroActive #22 to a noble conclusion with a comprehensive, warts-and-all feature on MotoHeroz. This critically acclaimed, little-played WiiWare title comes from the developers of Trials HD and Trials Evolution on XBLA. The Wii off-shoot is quite similar in many ways, but it also incorporates thoughtful platforming and a baffling online mode to complement the very challenging, often equally satisfying races. We all developed quite different feelings about MotoHeroz after playing it for this feature (including a near-complete turnaround for Guillaume), leading to one of the most ambivalent and enlightening RetroActive segments yet!
We'll have Greg and Listener Mail next week, so please send in your very best questions (recent Wii U news might be a good starting point). And if you have suggestions for the next RetroActive, there's a forum thread for just that.
Time: 2'07"34Episode 290: BOMZALDROPPEN said:This feature-rich podcast starts off with a smattering of impressions for Rhythm Thief, Metal Slug 3, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, NHL '94 Online, Tales of the Abyss, and Xenoblade Chronicles. We also spend part of New Business going over some current issues in video gaming. And all that is probably the least interesting stuff you'll get out of this episode.
We return to Listener Mail this week, and the bag goes deep as we've had an overabundance of fantastic emails; it may take a while to catch up with all the best ones, but here's a sampling of five to get us started. We cover topics such as StreetPass gluttony, Mario revisiting SubCon, the downsides of Nintendo's new digital release strategy, how to continue gaming in a foreign land, and the unsung majesty/absurdity of Pandora's Tower. Keep 'em coming, please!
We finally end with a very special announcement that you'll definitely want to hear. More next week!
The road to 300 and all the madness that ensues begins... NOW.
Time: 2'07"34
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
If Greg is leaving I might end my subscription.The announcement at the end sucked =(
The announcement at the end sucked =(
Seriously.Greg's my favorite member of the show.
GOD DAMN IT I WAS JOKING. My worst case scenario has come true.Seriously.Greg's my favorite member of the show.
"special announcement" sounded way to positiv -_- damnit.
Really gonna miss his voice and his taste in gaming :/
Where is Guillaume from/where does he live? If he is in france, his schedule must be a mess as well.