When did it become so popular to bitch and moan about every little thing there is? For fucks sake. I understand people have disabilities, deformities, Things we don't like about ourselves, etc. I get it. But for gods sake going after the people who made a game that NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO FUCKING PLAY is so getting on my last nerve. Get off the internet. Don't play the game. You know, simple things to avoid being so butthurt about shit.
Like for fucks sake, I'm an overweight female who likes video games. Do you KNOW how many comments I see about 'my type' on the internet, calling them some of the most horrid things? (and I'm on the lighter side of heavy too)
Wanna know what I do about it?
Nothing. I go on my merry fucking way and deal with it.
I'll never understand why people expect everyone to walk on eggshells because something offended them.
Shit I've seen comments on this very website that hurt my feelings. And you know what? I survived
Sorry this kinda turned into a rant/ triggered moment or whatever. I'm just so tired of seeing 'WAAAA I'M A VICTIM FEED ME MY BOTTLE" bullshit