CliffyB's Cock Holster
This is a shame. I've met Steven many times and he has done a lot to overcome his disablilties and a lot of times, he's a very sensible dude. Not sure what cause him to block the person in the images, but it's very disheartening.
Disabled people can be arseholes too. Its called being human
Treating people solely as members of a group/class doesn't work because its dehumanizing.
No matter how cut and dried the moral equation, you simply cannot lump people together as a monolithic entity, its stupid and lazy.
The way I look at it is this: Was every German under Nazi rule "evil" because to some extent they went along with it? And if so, after WW2 when that regime collapsed, were they suddenly all redeemed and made into good Europeans?
Obviously the answer is No, and No. Because even in times are turbulent as WW2 and dealing with an ideology as repugnant as Nazism was, you can't judge people fairly as a group, its never that simple.
With that in mind, bear in mind the rhetoric being spouted in the present culture wars, particularly regarding to people's position vis-a-vis Trumps presidency, trans-rights, issues of race and sexuality etc. Where not paying lip service to progressive values is tantamount to original sin!
Kinda puts into context how fucking ludicrous it all is.
Sorry about the tangent, and to be crystal clear none of this was aimed at the poster quoted, it was just a jumping off point for me.