Yeah, they'll have whatever optimizations they made for BF3.
yep with bethesda... they are both horrible developpers and im not even sarcastic, im 100% serious.angular graphics said:Worst PC developer this gen..?
MisterAnderson said:I'm going to try to say something logical for a change.
Yeah, we are all raging (trololol) because we can't play this properly on release night...but it will get fixed in a day or two and it will be the superior version once it's fixed.
PC Master Race optimist, signing off.
Thunderbear said:But the guy you quoted said "This game runs insanely smooth that my eyes hurt. Weird."
Running smoothly would be framerate, not visual fidelity? I agree with you about visual fidelity, but Rage runs butterly smooth which I assume is what he meant...
MisterAnderson said:I'm going to try to say something logical for a change.
Yeah, we are all raging (trololol) because we can't play this properly on release night...but it will get fixed in a day or two and it will be the superior version once it's fixed.
PC Master Race optimist, signing off.
And I wasn't even talking about the PC version.Autofokus - Page 51 said:By page 65, I predict a major backslash about the tech.
Main arguments : a) muddy textures and b) UE3 poor texture streaming 2.0
Autofokus said:And I wasn't even talking about the PC version.
brb, I'll get me a cookie. *nom nom nom*
IoCaster said:Just a quick FYI for PC players that want to adjust FOV...
Steam thread - EX. cvaradd g_fov 15 (this results in 80 + 15 = g_fov 95)
kx11 said:should i upload some very low textures from ps3 version ?? some people need to see how carmack is wrong about his game
SalsaShark said:for the 11th time: read what Megatextures actually are.
SalsaShark said:for the 11th time: read what Megatextures actually are.
reektann said:It's a shame how Carmack has said the texture quality is the same across all versions. Maybe they'll bring out this PC high res pack they were talking about.
Actually I think it's around 100.NBtoaster said:That would be something like 50GB.
54-46! said:Actually I think it's around 100.
SalsaShark said:for the 11th time: read what Megatextures actually are.
MegaTexture employs a single large texture space for static terrain. The texture is stored on removable media or a computer's hard drive and streamed as needed, allowing large amounts of detail and variation over a large area with comparatively little RAM usage. Depending on the pixel resolution per square meter, covering a large area could require several gigabytes of memory. However, an average video card has only 1 gigabyte of RAM available, not including what is used by the rest of the game. As the player moves around the game, different sections of the megatexture are loaded into memory. They are then scaled to the correct size and applied to the 3D models of the terrain.
daxter01 said:people with the game does lack of dynamic lighting bother you?
All I need to know. Sounds perfect.Eurogamer said:This certainly isn't a video game like the ones we're used to playing in 2011, smothered in celebrity voice actors and shoulder-grabbingly intense expository cut-scenes, and varnished by psychologists so we never look in the wrong direction when we're sprinting away from a set-piece. Instead it's something simpler and more old-fashioned.
daxter01 said:people with the game does lack of dynamic lighting bother you?
Yikes, that is I was considering getting the PC version.Reuenthal said:
Yeah with me having a somewhat old hardware and for PC gamers in general having problems I will probably skip this.
EvilDick34 said:I took 3 quick pictures of what makes this engine from id rock despite it's ugly streaming of textures.
NBtoaster said:Where's the AA man
But yeah, pretty impressive detail.
JaseC said:Well, this is practically unplayable for me. Any time I turn around the game pauses for a few seconds while the textures load. Alt-tabbing to the task manager reveals ~90% CPU usage, so I can only assume that GPU transcoding isn't working at all.
JaseC said:Setting Steam to go online seems to have fixed this for the most part (the only time the game has briefly frozen since the beginning is when I followed Dan Hagar out of the garage and into his ad hoc office). Weird, but I can now play the game.
Thanks, great vids! Not really been following this game but i find the environments truly beautiful.Blimblim said:In case anyone still wonders what the game looks like at 60 fps, our videos are up
Jubbly said:Didn't read earlier posts, but what GPU and CPU have you got?
NBtoaster said:PS3v360
Only 1 screen shows a discernable difference. Nice job (on console at least).
(site will take a millenia to load)
AgentOtaku said:dammit, at work =/
Someone host 'em?
TTP said:Discussion on that comparison occurred a few pages back.
AgentOtaku said:thanks, lookin' now