When it's not being too easy, it's being too hard. I suppose Monster Hunter does generally allow you to completely flee an area so that you can drink potions in peace, though.
You missed the next sentence in that quote
It's one of the easier games in the genre. It's just designed in such a way that everything feels cheap
Sorry if I wasn't being clear. I don't have any problem with easy (or hard) games. I just mean to say that I'm not frustrated with it because it's hard but because it's cheap.
Like one game people often praise for being difficult is Demon's Souls. I love that game. It never frustrates me because when I die I think "oh I could've done that differently" or "I made a mistake".
This game isn't like that. The situations where I died feel like there was literally nothing I could have done to prevent it. It's just the game, by chance, had attack patterns of the enemies in such intervals that you are infinitely staggered. Or the enemy slightly turns their body and you, in the middle of an attack, end up hitting the face instead of the shoulder which hits you for 2000 damage and then knocks you back against a wall that crits you for an additional 1500.
In these cases there's literally nothing I could do.
So my point is that even if the game is generally easier it is more frustrating because of the other points in my post.
But I can totally understand that people enjoy this game. And for the west there just aren't many of these to choose from. So it may be less frustrating as people have less to compare it to and less games to play in the genre instead of this one.
I do agree with Roubjon that the base game is fun. It's a bit simple but it's decently entertaining. It's (what I perceive to be) design flaws that become apparent in the later chapters when they start putting more enemies and increasing the damage in an attempt to be more difficult that ruin the experience for me.
My rant aside, I've played at least 50 hours and do intend to "finish" Ragnarok Odyssey. But it's definitely one of the lower tier games I've played. If someone wanted something of this genre and only had a PSV and does not want to play the better PSP games available on PSN, I may recommend this but with very strong caveats.