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Random thoughts.


I am between the the age 27-42.
Well, silliness aside, we are the inheritors of two nuclear meltdowns, 32 known "broken arrows" (nuclear incidents) just in the U.S., and regardless of the Cellular Defense Team and the science that's supposedly says it's harmless, safety awareness is typically kept in the dark where it can only be dealt with after the fact.

Long story short, I expect brain cancers like mine to become quite commonplace in the future.

I'm not saying you have it, but the symptoms you described sound a whole lot like the beginnings of my Focal Onset Aware Seizures. And cancers aren't likely to be the only neurological crises we experience. I'm sure the issues you and many, many others are experiencing are due to our mistakes of the past.
Well, silliness aside, we are the inheritors of two nuclear meltdowns, 32 known "broken arrows" (nuclear incidents) just in the U.S., and regardless of the Cellular Defense Team and the science that's supposedly says it's harmless, safety awareness is typically kept in the dark where it can only be dealt with after the fact.

Long story short, I expect brain cancers like mine to become quite commonplace in the future.

I'm not saying you have it, but the symptoms you described sound a whole lot like the beginnings of my Focal Onset Aware Seizures. And cancers aren't likely to be the only neurological crises we experience. I'm sure the issues you and many, many others are experiencing are due to our mistakes of the past.
Well that's scary lol.

The loud environment thing has only started recently and I mean maybe in the last year. This week has been the most intense. If there are too many sources of sound then it gets overwhelming. For example, this morning I was making breakfast in the kitchen and the sound of the microwave, air fryer, running water, tv on, cats running about, and someone cutting the grass outside was too much for me. Even if I'm only watching TV i get irritated if it's too loud. At work if it gets too noisy I need to go stand in a room for a bit to calm down.

I've had a few other things that have started recently including my eyes shaking (not all the time) and my vision being out of focus for no obvious reason. I get if i've been watching a lot of TV or playing games but it happens if i'm not straining my eyes. For a while I kept seeing flashes/lines in my eyes but that seems to have stopped. I've always had a twitch in my neck but i also get twitches in my jaw now. They can hurt. I don't know if it's my nervous but i bite my lip a lot, my cheek twitches, and i frown/blink. And another thing is that when i'm feeling really anxious I kinda shut down and don't talk. It's almost like i don't have the energy for it and if I do try talk it takes more effort and i can stutter. The other day I was like this and i thought this is so weird because usually i can talk just fine.

Fuck knows what's happening.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Well, silliness aside, we are the inheritors of two nuclear meltdowns, 32 known "broken arrows" (nuclear incidents) just in the U.S., and regardless of the Cellular Defense Team and the science that's supposedly says it's harmless, safety awareness is typically kept in the dark where it can only be dealt with after the fact.

Long story short, I expect brain cancers like mine to become quite commonplace in the future.

I'm not saying you have it, but the symptoms you described sound a whole lot like the beginnings of my Focal Onset Aware Seizures. And cancers aren't likely to be the only neurological crises we experience. I'm sure the issues you and many, many others are experiencing are due to our mistakes of the past.


Well that's scary lol.

The loud environment thing has only started recently and I mean maybe in the last year. This week has been the most intense. If there are too many sources of sound then it gets overwhelming. For example, this morning I was making breakfast in the kitchen and the sound of the microwave, air fryer, running water, tv on, cats running about, and someone cutting the grass outside was too much for me. Even if I'm only watching TV i get irritated if it's too loud. At work if it gets too noisy I need to go stand in a room for a bit to calm down.

I've had a few other things that have started recently including my eyes shaking (not all the time) and my vision being out of focus for no obvious reason. I get if i've been watching a lot of TV or playing games but it happens if i'm not straining my eyes. For a while I kept seeing flashes/lines in my eyes but that seems to have stopped. I've always had a twitch in my neck but i also get twitches in my jaw now. They can hurt. I don't know if it's my nervous but i bite my lip a lot, my cheek twitches, and i frown/blink. And another thing is that when i'm feeling really anxious I kinda shut down and don't talk. It's almost like i don't have the energy for it and if I do try talk it takes more effort and i can stutter. The other day I was like this and i thought this is so weird because usually i can talk just fine.

Fuck knows what's happening.
You seem to be confirming exactly what I was thinkin'... All of it.

It took, probably about six solid months after the symptoms became intense for my general doctor to send me off to a neurologist who sent me for an MRI. But the seizures (which I had no clue that's what was happening) came on within about a 30-second time frame. I could feel it coming on, though I didn't know what was...coming on. My body began to slow down, I lost the ability to speak, I recognized the faces of coworkers but could not identify who they were exactly and what role they played in my existence. These, in the beginning, before the biopsy and chemo and radiation therapy, would last about three minutes, I would regain the ability to move, and it would take about 15 minutes to be able to speak again, and about an hour or two to become fully aware of who the people were around me.

Also, holy fucking shit about the amount of shit you have going on in the mornings. I use that time to make my salad, and maybe listen to some meditative music. But all that fucking output -- jeez!

But yeah, sound and anxiety triggered by sound (especially) has been a very intense thing to deal with.
tried buying Baldur's Gate 3 on Steam but i can't get the order to go through. first time Steam opened a website to approve the transaction with my bank but I kept getting an error. My bank has held £45 on my credit card for it. Tried again and managed to approve it with my bank but when it tried going back to Steam it failed again. so now I've got £90 on hold with my credit card. i know i shouldn't be worried because it'll probably fall off and it's a credit card so i'm not out of money (at the moment) but i hate when this happens. I've set £90 aside just incase I need to pay it.

neither order is showing up on Steam, the £5 in my wallet is still there, and I've not had a confirmation email so looks like my banks just put the credit aside for Steam who obviously haven't took it. Bloody pain in the arse! Need to wait a few days for it to disappear. I'm not sure what happened... I'm going to try again but order it through Steam program on my PC.
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english is a weird language...

I just thought about the phrase "all but..." as in "it's all but done". which means "it is almost done"... but that makes no sense.
"all but done" should mean that it's far from being done...

the word "but" either means "except" or it is used as a generic objection... so if something is "all but done", you're literally saying that the thing is [everything] [except] [done]. if something is EVERYTHING except being done, it would mean you're trying to say that it's so far from being done that you could call it everything else, except being done...

so wtf is up with that phrase? I think as a non-native speaker stuff like this really sticks out, because you have to learn it and thus take wqy more note of inconsistencies like that.

you could say... that phrase is... all but logical... at least you should be able to say that :D
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english is a weird language...

I just thought about the phrase "all but..." as in "it's all but done". which means "it is almost done"... but that makes no sense.
"all but done" should mean that it's far from being done...

the word "but" either means "except" or it is used as a generic objection... so if something is "all but done", you're literally saying that the thing is [everything] [except] [done]. if something is EVERYTHING except being done, it would mean you're trying to say that it's so far from being done that you could call it everything else, except being done...

so wtf is up with that phrase? I think as a non-native speaker stuff like this really sticks out, because you have to learn it and thus take wqy more note of inconsistencies like that.

you could say... that phrase is... all but logical... at least you should be able to say that :D
I actually interpret something like "it's all but done" to mean "the work is done, and unless something fuck's it up, we should be good to go." So, there's an element that suggests it's done on your end, but there's a waiting period before it becomes active, and let's hope it doesn't get fucked up whilst we're waiting. Something like that, anyway.

But yeah, language is weird. Great tool for helping us to express ourselves, but not necessarily the "end all" in doing so.
english is a weird language...

I just thought about the phrase "all but..." as in "it's all but done". which means "it is almost done"... but that makes no sense.
"all but done" should mean that it's far from being done...

the word "but" either means "except" or it is used as a generic objection... so if something is "all but done", you're literally saying that the thing is [everything] [except] [done]. if something is EVERYTHING except being done, it would mean you're trying to say that it's so far from being done that you could call it everything else, except being done...

so wtf is up with that phrase? I think as a non-native speaker stuff like this really sticks out, because you have to learn it and thus take wqy more note of inconsistencies like that.

you could say... that phrase is... all but logical... at least you should be able to say that :D
try scots english. we use but at the start or end of setences for no reason. maybe other places do it but i know we do it.

"i'm going to put GTA on to play" ... "but i don't want to play that"
"we're going to visit your grandad" ... "i was wanting to go out but"
"we're going to the pub do you want to come?" ... "i've no money but"

not really great examples but i hope you get the idea lol.
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Anyone else listen to music and can distinctly hear each element (e.g. vocals, bass, guitar, drums, anything else) separately and able to focus on each one specifically, tuning out the others? I've been able to do this seemingly all my life. Is it a musician thing or is my brain wired weird? It's particularly fun with classical music. Being able to hear that one oboe in the orchestra that's doing their best...

E: I think this is why I loved games like Amplitude, Guitar Hero and Rock Band. They played into the way I already hear music.
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Anyone else listen to music and can distinctly hear each element (e.g. vocals, bass, guitar, drums, anything else) separately and able to focus on each one specifically, tuning out the others? I've been able to do this seemingly all my life. Is it a musician thing or is my brain wired weird? It's particularly fun with classical music. Being able to hear that one oboe in the orchestra that's doing their best...

E: I think this is why I loved games like Amplitude, Guitar Hero and Rock Band. They played into the way I already hear music.
I did music for a while and we were taught how to listen to each instrument. There were many hours of listening to classical music and having to tell what each instrument was and what it was playing. I also done a bit of work recording music and that requires being able to make sure instruments aren't too loud or quiet and that they mix well. I played various instruments (guitar, bass, drums, piano) so wanted to be able to play my favourite songs and that meant trying to single out each instrument. Getting tabs for guitar/bass was easy and I suppose piano was too but for drums I had to listen to the songs.

Not sure if that's what you mean but yeah I suppose i can listen to a song and focus on a single instrument.

I do think most people would just listen to how the song is as a whole without giving much thought to it. I'm not saying you need to be trained or talented to pick out instruments. I like listening to songs and focusing on the one instrument
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Anyone else listen to music and can distinctly hear each element (e.g. vocals, bass, guitar, drums, anything else) separately and able to focus on each one specifically, tuning out the others? I've been able to do this seemingly all my life. Is it a musician thing or is my brain wired weird? It's particularly fun with classical music. Being able to hear that one oboe in the orchestra that's doing their best...

E: I think this is why I loved games like Amplitude, Guitar Hero and Rock Band. They played into the way I already hear music.

If I'm trying to, yeah. that's why I like prog rock/metal a lot these days. you can listen to the same song dozens of times and hear something new every time you focus on different instruments in different parts of the songs. really good replay value 😁 lol
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I am watching a show on NPR (edit: oops meant PBS) about rabbits and honestly, I need to stay in this kind of chill.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Anyone else listen to music and can distinctly hear each element (e.g. vocals, bass, guitar, drums, anything else) separately and able to focus on each one specifically, tuning out the others? I've been able to do this seemingly all my life. Is it a musician thing or is my brain wired weird? It's particularly fun with classical music. Being able to hear that one oboe in the orchestra that's doing their best...

E: I think this is why I loved games like Amplitude, Guitar Hero and Rock Band. They played into the way I already hear music.

That is half the fun of listening to music. AFAIK it's typical but requires the listener to actually listen actively.


°Temp. member
“if you average 20 viewers per stream, you’re in the top 1% of twitch streamers”

Whoa, I had no idea THAT many people were streaming these days. That really puts into perspective how hard it is to get big streaming these days.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've been here since 2008 and I still don't have a tag. I thought maybe at least I would have "Unashamed GOG Shill" as a tag at some point.

Actually, I think I did have a tag prior to 2016 but when there was sort of a mass exodus here (where whoever formed and fled to ResetEra) for some reason I lost it.


I still can't find my kindle. I seriously am looking for it and I have no idea where I put it. Got a book or 3 I'd like to read on there.

Last time I remember having it was when I visited my brother in November. I had it when I got home but I've no idea where it's gone since. Probably off with my wife's missing kindle trying to make more like in the movie Batteries Not Included.

just post a pair of boobs with everything you write
Golden Girls Rose GIF

I'd suggest something like "Breast Shit-poster" or whatever. I'm just looking for attention.
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so many neo members... i don't like it. i like that there are new members but i'm just seeing a lot of stupid posts. anyway, going by the ban page it looks like they are getting weeded out. 16 bans permanent bans yesterday lol.

if i see any more neo members they'll be going on my ignore list for a while until they get banned or show they are willing to contribute to the forum.



Severus Snape School GIF by Harry Potter

Für einen Penis?

*Auf einen Penis

edit: I guess in a context where you're hungry for something that's a metaphorical hunger and not literally something you wanna eat, "Nach einem Penis" would be also correct... but because eating a penis is almost like a mix of literally eating a dick, and being metaphorically hungry for dick, both could be used... I think... never thought about that until just now tbh.

edit2: or would you need to write "Hungrig nach Penis"... without the article...

see now it's getting complicated
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Severus Snape School GIF by Harry Potter

*Auf einen Penis

edit: I guess in a context where you're hungry for something that's a metaphorical hunger and not literally something you wanna eat, "Nach einem Penis" would be also correct... but because eating a penis is almost like a mix of literally eating a dick, and being metaphorically hungry for dick, both could be used... I think... never thought about that until just now tbh.

edit2: or would you need to write "Hungrig nach Penis"... without the article...

see now it's getting complicated

The Office Smile GIF

Take it up with Google translate mein lieber Bruder. ♡

Edm Coding GIF by Monstercat
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