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Random thoughts.


I want to expand in so many directions...I want to be truly free...creatively, personally, etc. But sadly I feel trapped, limited. There's cultural pressures for example for me to remain the way I currently am. I can't just have my way easily unfortunately. Even if things work out and I find or get what I want, I have to confront the forces holding me back one day...or I might die before that time comes. Who knows

Same, sans the cultural aspect. I've been confronting some essential stuff lately. It's quite fascinating to experience everything that comes with it; the positive and negative. I know I should and can confront more. But there's a thin line there and going over it won't help. Oh well.
Same, sans the cultural aspect. I've been confronting some essential stuff lately. It's quite fascinating to experience everything that comes with it; the positive and negative. I know I should and can confront more. But there's a thin line there and going over it won't help. Oh well.
I get the feeling 100%. It's another thing to deal with or put off dealing with...but I believe that one day we will get there
Indeed we will. Step by step. I know it in my heart.
Dark Souls Gamer GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment


I want to expand in so many directions...I want to be truly free...creatively, personally, etc. But sadly I feel trapped, limited. There's cultural pressures for example for me to remain the way I currently am. I can't just have my way easily unfortunately. Even if things work out and I find or get what I want, I have to confront the forces holding me back one day...or I might die before that time comes. Who knows
I'm curious to the cultural pressures are if you are OK sharing.

But over all I know the feeling. So many things I'd like to accomplish or experience yet the challenge of over coming the BS in my life makes even simple things feel like I'm climbing Everest (waiting in line, hoping you don't die before reaching the top).

Indeed we will. Step by step. I know it in my heart.
Wise words.


Just thought I’d share some random bullshit after scrolling and seeing this thread.

My wife and son went camping with her family and just for 2 days and I’m quickly feeling what it’s like to live alone. This is making me realize I’d have some serious mental problems if this was my life normally. Without the distraction and headaches my family gives me I have too much quiet time which takes my mind places.

I feel like I’m developing OCD as I get older and the little imperfections in my life are eating me alive. Mostly material bullshit. I find it hard to just sit and relax and watch a movie/show or play video games without feeling grief for some reason…..

Overall I consider myself a happy person and I’m grateful for everything, but being alone is something I don’t think I’d be able to do even though sometimes it feels like it’s what I want.

Just venting…..


I'm having a hard time with anxiety right now. Everything is overwhelming. What is really bothering me is how loud everything is. I've just had to shut myself in my bedroom with the windows and door closed and have my noise cancelling earphones on with no music. It's so peaceful now.

I've never been this bad before. I noticed loud environments starting to irritate and stress me out but it's happening every day now. I can't go anywhere without my earphones incase it starts getting too much. If I can't block it out then I start to panic and have to rush home.
Where earplugs. I wear 33 dbs at work and can still hear and engage in conversations. The reduced volume makes my day so much better.
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I've took my cat to the vet this morning for a growth she has next to her eyes. I was quite stressed. She did well. Operation planned for next week. Sigh.
sorry to hear that :( hope she is OK!

my cat has a cut/lump on her ear. it's been there for a while (about a week now). it could just be a wound from her playing outside but it could have been another cat fighting her. she isn't the fighting kind of cat though. i just noticed today it feels bigger and i can see it through her fur. if it doesn't improve over the next few days i might need to take her to the vet.


sorry to hear that :( hope she is OK!

my cat has a cut/lump on her ear. it's been there for a while (about a week now). it could just be a wound from her playing outside but it could have been another cat fighting her. she isn't the fighting kind of cat though. i just noticed today it feels bigger and i can see it through her fur. if it doesn't improve over the next few days i might need to take her to the vet.

She's OK. It's not malicious (?) But it's has grown out of proportion now so yeah. Needs to to.

Yeah keep an eye on it. Disinfect perhaps preemptively and see how develops. Sorry to hear man.....

And about your auditory sensory overload; I have the same (have done a hearing test about a year and a half ago and i have the hearing of someone half my age. Plus the autism factor = no filter)
Earplugs or headsets works wonders like another poster mentioned.
She's OK. It's not malicious (?) But it's has grown out of proportion now so yeah. Needs to to.

Yeah keep an eye on it. Disinfect perhaps preemptively and see how develops. Sorry to hear man.....

And about your auditory sensory overload; I have the same (have done a hearing test about a year and a half ago and i have the hearing of someone half my age. Plus the autism factor = no filter)
Earplugs or headsets works wonders like another poster mentioned.
good for getting it checked out. if it's not going to harm her that's good but still worth getting it removed.

i tried to move her fur to get a better a look at it but she pulled away so i think it might be hurting her. the other day when i noticed it it felt just like a small lump but it looks quite big now. it looks a little crusty so i think it's probably just a cut. my other cat (her sister) is little bully and attacks her so i wouldn't be surprised if it was her that attacked her. i'll try clean it up for her.


I see. Could probably be a bruise (hence the lump) with a small wound. Try to look after petting her and she's relaxed. And try to disinfect (i know not that easy) Be very gentle. Maybe wait a day or two for it to heal a bit because it's to painful atm for (in) direct contact? I don't know. Just spitballing.
I see. Could probably be a bruise (hence the lump) with a small wound. Try to look after petting her and she's relaxed. And try to disinfect (i know not that easy) Be very gentle. Maybe wait a day or two for it to heal a bit because it's to painful atm for (in) direct contact? I don't know. Just spitballing.
it doesn't seem to be bothering her. she's running about crazy right now playing with bits of paper lol. i don't know if it is hurting her but when i tried to see it she pulled away. i'll see how it goes but hopefully it's healing and the crusty bits will fall off soon.


Surely killing and eating larger animals is more ethical because less animals die and the amount of usable food produced is higher per death. The intelligence of the animal is irrelevant. So eating whales is the most ethical.
Wheat, grains and fruits are highly unethical due to large numbers of insects killed during production.
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°Temp. member
If you start a youtube channel or twitch channel, do you still have to get you name, logos, etc... trademarked? or not? Because nobody can take the channel/stream from you but normally you do that with a business...


Gold Member
Shit of course there was an incident in my city's airport a few days ago and now all the travel plans are fucked...

Hopefully things are gonna get better in 20 days when i have my trip booked, the fuckers only sned an sms to let you know that now you have to take the plane in another fucking airport, 2-3 hours away from the original one, i have the flight at 6.30am so they are gonna just send an sms during the night if something happen...

One dude work an entire year for a week of relax and this shit happen...

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'd hate to say it, but Microcenter sucks now.

It used to be a spot to find new gadgets and blow some money , however, after the pandemic, the variety of in-store stock has fallen off precipitously.
It's not fun anymore.

On the bright side, they do keep e-mailing me coupons for free stuff, so that's cool and all.
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Surely killing and eating larger animals is more ethical because less animals die and the amount of usable food produced is higher per death. The intelligence of the animal is irrelevant. So eating whales is the most ethical.
Wheat, grains and fruits are highly unethical due to large numbers of insects killed during production.

I set fire in the rain.
So, you farted, right?
If I ever die and go to hell then the devil would make me paint for all eternity. I fucking hate painting. I despise it. I loathe it. It infuriates me. It makes my blood boil.

But yeah that's the garden fence painted. Never a-fuckin-gain, thank you very much!


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
If I ever die and go to hell then the devil would make me paint for all eternity. I fucking hate painting. I despise it. I loathe it. It infuriates me. It makes my blood boil.

But yeah that's the garden fence painted. Never a-fuckin-gain, thank you very much!

Don't worry, we will meet there and i will be forced to mow the lawn.


If I ever die and go to hell then the devil would make me paint for all eternity. I fucking hate painting. I despise it. I loathe it. It infuriates me. It makes my blood boil.

But yeah that's the garden fence painted. Never a-fuckin-gain, thank you very much!

Don't worry, we will meet there and i will be forced to mow the lawn.

There's a lot of grass in heaven ♡

I'm stressed about my cat's surgery tomorrow morning.

Oh well. It'll be fine.
Scrap that, I'll take painting. Instead my eternal punishment can be trying to replacing a tire on an electric scooter. What a fucking absolute joke that is. I can't get the bastarding thing on. I swear I will fucking throw the whole scooter to fuck if I can't get it back on. There is no need for it to be that difficult.
i'm thinking about getting back into photography. when i was younger i had a crush on this cute photographer girl and i thought if i bought a cool DSLR i'd impress her :messenger_tears_of_joy: i ended up actually enjoying taking photos and made some money doing photos for local bands so i thought i want to study this and be a professional photographer but it didn't happen.

not trying to impress anyone now but i do miss it. the sensible part of my brain tells me to just use my iphone for taking photos to see if i want to stick with it but at the same time i want to go and buy a cool new camera. apparently DSLRs are being replaced by mirrorless cameras. mirrorless cameras seem to be better for people who want to also shoot video footage but they don't have as good battery life. so i think i should still buy a DSLR. I don't mind buying second hand. i also wanted to try film photography but it seems like too much trouble to get the film developed either myself or paying someone to do it.
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