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Random thoughts.


I hate grating cheese!

I had a processor machine thing where I could drop a block of cheese in and it’d grate it but fuck knows what I done with it. Am I fucking standing about using a cheese grater!

Rentahamster Rentahamster what are your thoughts on this? You like wood chips and sawdust right?
I hand grated a whole block of Parmesan once and now my upper body looks exactly like Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s.


That feeling when someone you used to respect posts one of those “I hereby order Facebook to respect my privacy and no longer use my information for algorithms…yadda yadda.” things on social media…

I’m usually not shocked by which people post these things, but always reminded of the quote “Imagine how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are dumber than that.”


That feeling when someone you used to respect posts one of those “I hereby order Facebook to respect my privacy and no longer use my information for algorithms…yadda yadda.” things on social media…

I’m usually not shocked by which people post these things, but always reminded of the quote “Imagine how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are dumber than that.”
I’ve only ever seen exactly the type of people you’d expect post this. You have my condolences.


I was at work the other day and a coworker goes “Hey bro let me show you a video of this awesome sandwich I got”. Then, after showing me the video, turns around and pulls out a bag containing his lunch, which is the exact same sandwhich he just showed me in the video. I was like “ Dude what the fuck, you could have just showed me the actual sandwich!” I’m still laughing about it.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I was at work the other day and a coworker goes “Hey bro let me show you a video of this awesome sandwich I got”. Then, after showing me the video, turns around and pulls out a bag containing his lunch, which is the exact same sandwhich he just showed me in the video. I was like “ Dude what the fuck, you could have just showed me the actual sandwich!” I’m still laughing about it.
lol, this must be a sign of the times. :D


I was at work the other day and a coworker goes “Hey bro let me show you a video of this awesome sandwich I got”. Then, after showing me the video, turns around and pulls out a bag containing his lunch, which is the exact same sandwhich he just showed me in the video. I was like “ Dude what the fuck, you could have just showed me the actual sandwich!” I’m still laughing about it.

I don't know why but I find that deeply adorable.

I hope that someday, all of us can find someone who looks at us the way that dude looked at his sandwich.


I’m thankful every day that I can just jack off and feel great then be required to go through all the song and dance of attracting a female to get any sort by of sexual release. Am I right, fellas? Being a human rules.
celebrity perverts GIF


Starting watching Chuck on Prime yesterday. The lesson I've learned so far is that anytime a women shows any interest in a male character they are a spy (except for Anna).

Definitely got that early 2000s humor that wouldn't be allowed today. Flip and slide phones. Nice.


I was at work the other day and a coworker goes “Hey bro let me show you a video of this awesome sandwich I got”. Then, after showing me the video, turns around and pulls out a bag containing his lunch, which is the exact same sandwhich he just showed me in the video. I was like “ Dude what the fuck, you could have just showed me the actual sandwich!” I’m still laughing about it.
Reading this upset me more than Im willing to admit.


I meant the name?
Oh it's the thunderbolts movie coming out next year.

Why does the AL Central on baseball suck every year (unless they win the world series)? Almost the entire Al east and west have better records that the Twins who are in 1st place.

It seems this happens every year.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Get me the fuck out of London! This weekend has mostly been a shit show. The things I wanted to do I got to do so I’m happy but everything else seemed to go wrong.
@nightmare-slain is our own Bukowski & he doesn't even know it 😆
I love him.

FYI I feel like a cunt for saying this but I'll be offline the next 2 weeks as I'll be in a cabin in the woods with books, grilled cheese on a hot plate and raccoons to keep me company.

I need this otherwise I go insane 🙂

See ya soon ❤️
You ever felt so lost and angry in your life feeling like you’re wasting your time but there is still that something you always wanted to do or achieve? You spent years working towards it thinking if only you do that then you’ll find your purpose/happiness? You finally get it and start to feel better about yourself but then you realise maybe it’s not what you were looking for at all and instead having now done it you see what you are really missing and start to feel like shit and go back to the start again.

I felt like this was the missing puzzle piece! The answer. The moment where everything would be revealed. While I’m proud of what I’ve done it’s fucking infuriating that it’s made me feel worse and more angry.

I feel defeated, exhausted, and incredibly lonely :( Yesterday I actually burst into tears in public and again on the train then today I got so angry where I started shouting, swearing, and throwing things. I’m so pathetic!

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm fucking dead tired of dealing with seasons.

Fuck the summer and winter.

When can we return back to Eden?

Or better yet, it's 2023. I thought we'd be living in weather-controlled domes by now. :(
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What do you mean, "back" ?

Eden (I believe strongly) was on Mars. "Where five rivers meet". Would explain ancient cultural descriptions of "Gods" who "came down" and the sightings of ships in the sky, "Vimana's", etc. They escaped Mars or were cast out. There was no "apple" in the great Garden but there was information (data) I believe. Those who escaped or "cast out" took the data (knowledge) and came to Earth and taught the people
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i think i have an ear infection or something. i could feel an ache in my ear yesterday but today it's really fucking sore. the left side of my head is very sensitive and hurts to touch. my mouth is a bit sore too. i can hardly eat either.
I'd get that checked out ASAP friend. Really..
thought it might be my wisdom tooth acting up but its right in my fucking ear. i know i said my mouth is sore but it's not coming from my gums and the pain isn't as bad as it is in my ear.

i'm putting it down to wearing my airpods for too long over the weekend lol. i know it's silly but i feel less anxious having them in and putting transparency mode on with nothing playing. for one, i can actually hear better with them in and i guess there is something about wearing earphones that calms my nerves. maybe people think i'm listening to music (which i can't do in busy areas) and can't hear them but really i can hear everything. also it lets people know to not talk to me lol so i escape into my own little bubble. compared to my old earphones these are a lot more comfortable so i forget i'm wearing them.

if it doesn't clear up i'll have to see a doctor and get antibiotics. i'm not putting up with anymore infections.
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