Is there a way to make swimming in Banjo more intuitive? Like, am I missing something? Pretty difficult to control.
Is there a way to make swimming in Banjo more intuitive? Like, am I missing something? Pretty difficult to control.
I think it's time for Banjo-Kart (or Rare kart) on Xbox One.
Similar to Diddy Kong Racing (boats, planes, karts). 16 players online. That would be so cool. Rare is the only developer who could make such a game with the same quality as Mario Kart.
Don't mention Sega Allstars was crap(yeah, hyperbole)
So, you've never played it before? It's amazing! The beginning is slow though ( in all strategy games).
I'm on chapter 6 of 9 in Conker's BFD. In that past I put this game down early on (Terminator spoof boss). Im amazed that this game is holding my attention given the mature (see: immature) content. I am immensely dissapointed that there is no onlone MP for Conker as I have always wanted this for "Beach" mode and reloaded failed me here as well. Anyway, looking forward to completing Conker, I figure about 3 more hours still.
Where do I go from here?
P.S. it's a sin that DK country, Killer Instinct, Goldeneye 007, and most of all - Diddy Kong Racing didnt make it into this collection. I get get that there is licensing issues but damn.
So I started playing Viva Pinata at 5:46 just to try it out and now at 11:20 I've finally turned it off. It's insane how addicting it can be. It's a beautiful looking game and has that Rare charm. I just recently got someone to help me water plants before stopping which is nice a suppose but I still found myself watering the plants and making her job meaningless lol.
I'm just curious but does the size of your garden ever grow? I can barely hold all the pinatas I have and I know there must be tons more of them.
I'm just curious but does the size of your garden ever grow? I can barely hold all the pinatas I have and I know there must be tons more of them.
Your garden grows when you reach ranks 11 and 21, if we're talking the first VP. Dunno if it's the same or different for TiP.I'm just curious but does the size of your garden ever grow? I can barely hold all the pinatas I have and I know there must be tons more of them.
Your garden grows when you reach ranks 11 and 21, if we're talking the first VP. Dunno if it's the same or different for TiP.
So I started playing Viva Pinata at 5:46 just to try it out and now at 11:20 I've finally turned it off. It's insane how addicting it can be. It's a beautiful looking game and has that Rare charm. I just recently got someone to help me water plants before stopping which is nice a suppose but I still found myself watering the plants and making her job meaningless lol.
I'm just curious but does the size of your garden ever grow? I can barely hold all the pinatas I have and I know there must be tons more of them.
In Gun Fright when you've gone through all the famous people, you start killing mexicans, gunslingers and hillbillys. It literally says "Mexicans". So, all mexicans are outlaws I guess.
You get no jiggy for collecting 100 notes
Then whats the last jiggy for?
Then whats the last jiggy for?
One JFG question. I'm missing some little koalas so I will replay some levels, I need to get all the tribals on the level at the same time or just get the ones I need?
I don't even eat stuff like that, and always stop playing while eating. It's the xbox controllers the way the sticks are built dirt gets stuck very easily compared to other controllers and literally when I hardly play. Other controllers only get this dirty after years of play and without wiping or cleaning them at all. Was this really not tested?
Steve Burke's music is something else. Dude got noticed in early 20s and got involved in xbox UI stuff? So good.
Sorry, here you go
Battletoads Rat Race... Man. The first 2 portions of it were fairly easy, but that third part is nigh impossible. Can't make any lee way on him at all. Any tips? I'm not using any rewind at all, only infinite lives.
I fucking did the Button Masher snapshot. Lazae/video/7196049
Nearly destroyed my controller in the process. But my method was a bit special...
Not hard at all lolWas that one supposed to be hard? I did it first try with no issues.
Button Masher snapshot wasn't bad. Did it on my first try, but when I went to do it a second time to try and better my time, I failed miserably. I dunno!
Now if you really want to button mash to your hearts content, I hear there's a bird lady on Cloud Cuckooland who has a Jiggy and a Cheato page to give you....
Rare Replay hits top 50 in Japan. Kind of surprising, when you consider the low sales.
Underwurld just may be the worst game I have ever played in my life. Anyone agree? Even the snapshots are horrible.
Otherwise, this collection is fantastic.
I got the 1000 GS in Viva Pinata when it first came out - I'm assuming that means I can't unlock them again in Rare Replay? If not, do the milestones automatically unlock for VP on Rare Replay or do I need to play through it again to get them?
Underwurld just may be the worst game I have ever played in my life. Anyone agree? Even the snapshots are horrible.
Otherwise, this collection is fantastic.
It's the same achievements, so you won't be able to get them again. Yes, the milestones will unlock when you go to Viva Piñata.
I finished Battletoads yesterday. I wish I could say it's a great game, but it's spoiled by the insane difficulty level. Honestly, it's one of the hardest games I've ever played, even with the rewind function. And it's not a good difficulty. I don't know how anybody had the time, patience, and skill required to beat it back in the day. I had heard stories about the Turbo Tunnel level, but that's a walk in the park compared to later levels.
The Clinger-Winger level in particular is horrendous. I'll never play that level again. I abused the hell out of the rewind function, and still found it a nightmare.
It's a real shame, as Battletoads would be an outstanding game if it were more accessible. The graphics, sound, controls, and variety in gameplay mechanics are all incredibly impressive for it's age.
Do ClingerWinger by pausing on every turn if you want to cheat it. When I do it like that, I don't even see the orb on the screen.
What do you mean? Do you hit pass as your going into the turn and then press the direction you need to go? Wouldn't that lead to the same result basically by mistiming the turn? I used the rewind feature to attempt to nail it every time and that dam ball still catchs me.