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RARE's GBA team interview (IGN)

Kon Tiki

IGN: Was a "Mr. Pants" game a hard sell? How difficult was it to convince the team and publishers that Mr. Pants could helm a puzzle game?

Rare GBA Team:The gameplay behind Mr. Pants has been around the office for some time. It was a lot of fun to play every time someone picked it up, so we knew it was good. It went through various incarnations to try and package it in a way that would be fun and appealing, and Coconut Crackers was one of those attempts. It only came together in the end when the Mr. Pants theme was applied and a particular graphic style was employed.

IGN: Any reason for It's Mr. Pants going back to a flat appearance versus Coconut Crackers more styled, 3D camera perspective?

Rare GBA Team: Coconut Crackers actually had both 2D and 3D layouts in it. But there were consistency issues when swapping between both modes and they were hard to solve to everyone's liking. Secondly, the perspective on the 3D board made it hard to play, as squares towards the back of the grid looked a lot smaller than those nearer the front and it was hard to tell what shape you were making. Finally the 3D view just didn't look as nice as we'd have liked. It was very pixelly, that was the main reason why we thought it didn't work.

IGN: Of all the requests the GBA development team receives from fans, what game has been requested the most?

Rare GBA Team: There are several games that frequently get mentioned, the most popular being Killer Instinct and Battletoads.

IGN: So now that Banjo Pilot and It's Mr. Pants caps off the original four RARE GBA games announced back at E3 2001, what's next for the handheld team?

Rare GBA Team: We are just in the process of finishing off DKC3 for the GBA, and after that you'll just have to wait and see.

IGN: How large is the Rare handheld team, and who does it consist of? Is there anyone on that team that was at Rare during the 16 bit era of Donkey Kong Country and Battletoads?

Rare GBA Team: The handheld team consists of less than a dozen people and several of those have survived from both the 8-bit and 16-bit days.

IGN: Speaking of Battletoads, what would be involved in reviving this franchise on the Game Boy or other system?

Rare GBA Team: The management giving the go-ahead would be the first hurdle to overcome, after that it would be relatively easy to update this classic for the new generation of machines.

IGN: What would you say would be the most important lesson you guys learned developing on handheld hardware?

Rare GBA Team: I think the most important thing we have learned is that you need a very strong IP to actually sell any games on the system. Take Sabre Wulf for example, a relatively unknown licence that achieved fantastic review scores but really failed to achieve the sales it deserved.

IGN: What would be your dream project on a Nintendo handheld system?

Rare GBA Team: How about Grand Theft Auto Pokemon, now that would sell a few. Personally I would love to do a sequel to either Blast Corps or Sabre Wulf on the DS.

Blast Corps on DS? :drool


DKC3 stands as the only game I ever completed 100% (Or 103%, I think was the total) Great game, I'd buy it for GBA in a second.

I wonder what part of Rare is working on Gizmondo.

I think MS's support for that is token, at best, porting a few older PC games. I doubt they'd invest money developing for the system exclusively, they know it's going to bomb.


Donkey Kong Country 3 was the most pathetic slop of shit to come out of Rare in the 1990s. It's amazing that it even shared the same name as the previous two sequels.

Blast Corps on DS would be nice, especially if they can do it without the texture-pixalation issues that most DS games have. I wonder if Nintendo would publish it, or if they'd let THQ or whoever take care of it.


snapty00 said:
Donkey Kong Country 3 was the most pathetic slop of shit to come out of Rare in the 1990s. It's amazing that it even shared the same name as the previous two sequels.



No, DK64 was arguably the worst game Rare ever released since DKC.

DKC3 had great overworld and level design, great music, and the graphics hadn't got any worse since DKC2 or 1. It was platforming perfection for the series.


OMG. Few weeks ago I was thinking how awesome a Blast corps on the DS would be. Probably wont happen though.


Donkey Kong Country 3 was the most pathetic slop of shit to come out of Rare in the 1990s. It's amazing that it even shared the same name as the previous two sequels.

Oh come on, while it never rose to the heights of the previous game (DKC2…the best in the series), it was far, far from a bad game. Nor was DK64 incidentally, but its problem was that it just had too much stuff to do, i.e collect largely. Compared to your typical 3rd party 'make a quick buck' offerings though, ALL of Rare's 1990's platforming efforts shit on the competition.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
suaveric said:
Is it any coincidence that the same team made DKC3 and Dk64?

Indeed. Whereas the talent from the DKC team apparently all went to work on the B-K series, which is obvious from the quality of the respective titles.

Not that I thought much of DKC2 either. I certainly don't get all the praise it gets for it's music, DKC shits all over it in that respect.


True, DKC had the best music of the series, and indeed, the best music of any SNES game. The kind of music Rare got out of the SNES is amazing.


I'm looking for the godgamers who finished BlastCorps with all Platinums. I think I got between 5 and 10. That game was adictively hard to complete 100%.


Donkey Kong Country 3 and Donkey Kong 64 pretty much were "your typical 3rd party 'make a quick buck' offerings."

Well technically yes, point is though that the standard of quality for these games were still much higher than your typical third party platformer. I played through DKC3 and it is a decent game, just a follow up to the previous two maintaining the same basic formula. DKC64 I rented and got about three levels in, yes it can get repetitive and mundane and I think Rare simply tried to pack too much shit in and made the game too bloated and monotonous for its own good. Yet, I wouldn't consider these games to be bad, just flawed (particularly DKC64). However, these games are still light years ahead of some truly shit platformers released by third parties during the 16/32/64 bit era and I don't think it's correct to lump Rare's stuff in the same category.


Blabala said:
I'm looking for the godgamers who finished BlastCorps with all Platinums. I think I got between 5 and 10. That game was adictively hard to complete 100%.

I wrote a fricking strategy guide for that game so I did beat the game with all Platinums.

Yes, it was a pain in the ass :p


I had got 32, then one sunny Sunday afternoon NFL Quarterback Club '98 decided to fuck up my save game :<


DKC3 is easily the worst DK game ever. It's the only one that I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes.

BTW, does anyone know how it sold compared to the first two games?
Geez the DK64 hate it strong. I found it semi-enjoyable.

I liked it a bit as well. While the collection of items was extreme, the production values were great. I found it to be a lot more enjoyable than DK3.


Farore said:
Me too... some of the minigames were really fun...

i must admit i also found it enjoyable to some extent, especially with the long droughts back in the N64 days, but that still doesn't nullify the fact that its a horrible POS game that i'd regret paying for if it wasn't for the fact that it had a free Expansion Pak included.


Geez the DK64 hate it strong. I found it semi-enjoyable.

I actually liked the game. Maybe it was because I didn't try collect everything that I was supposed to. That's also why I never beat the game...

If they remade DK64 and took out the whole "collect x amount of this colored banana with y monkey" I think it would be much more enjoyable.
I hope MS continue to be lenient on the handheld front, and publish games either through themselves or third parties like THQ.

Rare's N64 games are just begging to be pillaged. Especially the ones that would work well on DS thanks to the features. Blast Corps would be awesome. Then there's the IP that MS is amassing from the likes of Bungie. That could deal a blow or two depending on the system the games landed on.


Will start substantiating his hate
I doubt you'll see a new Blast Corps title (or even a port) on a Nintendo platform before Xbox 2.
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