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I think every day I find at least one thread I wish I had your avatar for. That's part of the reason I've chosen a picture of Shizune's exasperated/"What the hell were you thinking?" expression.

haha! I do happen to get avatar quoted A LOT


Sorry, can't say that I recognize you. 1/10. Suspect a similar fate for myself.

No avatar. I might have seen you, but no avatar....):

2/10. 1 for possibly being entirely on the potential I have seen you, and the other 1 as a free point.


No avatar. I might have seen you, but no avatar....):

2/10. 1 for possibly being entirely on the potential I have seen you, and the other 1 as a free point.

I'm half-sure I MS Paint-ed you on to the Project Beast Hype Train.

Back when I looked like this:

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