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Immensely talented marketer/10.

(And thanks for the kind words, Fiction!)
took me a long time to shake the "omg hes a schill" moniker...I think my rampant posts about Tomba and Darksiders convinced people I probably just like certain games , and I grew up with Sony so, i like Sony games...go figure


And I also feel that you are familiar somehow...maybe we've met in a thread?

Not sure which. But I feel like I've seen your avatar once or twice. I also had this avatar last year a little after TLoU PS3 release, so it could have been from then.



literally never seen you before, I'll remember the avatar now though

I think every day I find at least one thread I wish I had your avatar for. That's part of the reason I've chosen a picture of Shizune's exasperated/"What the hell were you thinking?" expression.


Never heard of you but you seem nice.

Thank you! I must admit, I've only seen you around this thread today, but I do like your avatar. :)

I can be a dick sometimes, I'm only human. Try to keep it to a minimum these days though.
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