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Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


never heard of you

or you



Never heard of him...though he is just a junior. He still has time to commit account suicide and become the next JBaird (or whatever his name was).
Sai-Kun, well he is Sai and he is my senior, 1/10. Poster below me, you should know me as the only one with the custom tag "Junior Member", and also I am the one.
Daripad! <3 :3 10/10

7 of /10.

I seent your face round here before. *spits* i seent e'rrybody though. you a good poster though, I like reading your stuff. I can't remember what topics though. but I like your avatar too. good piece of artwork.

me I don't give a damn 'bout none of y'all. I been here forever and a day and I seen most of you since you were tiny little junior members.

me I jump around mostly. i'm like one of those comic book characters that are always around but not popular enough to get their own series.


7 of /10.

I seent your face round here before. *spits* i seent e'rrybody though. you a good poster though, I like reading your stuff. I can't remember what topics though. but I like your avatar too. good piece of artwork.

me I don't give a damn 'bout none of y'all. I been here forever and a day and I seen most of you since you were tiny little junior members.

me I jump around mostly. i'm like one of those comic book characters that are always around but not popular enough to get their own series.


You love Superman and Batman
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