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Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


I know you from somewhere... huh, can't remember at the moment though from where exactly. 3/10
Love your avi by the way. :)
I know you! You're that guy who wanted someone to make that Avatar for him!
Um, 3/10? Or something? Sorry man, you seem great I'm just new here :p


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

Hates paparazzi :)
Don't know you, 0/10, but I do like your username.

I know you from somewhere... huh, can't remember at the moment though from where exactly. 3/10
Love your avi by the way. :)

Thanks, I don't know who else I'd use on a video game forum. Sonic, Mario and the like seem over used, but no one's got Samanosuke!

I've been seeing your avatar a lot lateley, 3/10 as well.


Don't know you, 0/10, but I do like your username.

Thanks, I don't know who else I'd use on a video game forum. Sonic, Mario and the like seem over used, but no one's got Samanosuke!

I've been seeing your avatar a lot lateley, 3/10 as well.

I'm afraid I don't know you well, so I'd say maybe a 2/10? You have a nice av though.


Rings no bells. 0/10
Saw your face around a lot, your posts too. Last I saw you was in the Phil Fish thread.. Love your avi, one of my favourite characters of new Who. 6/10)

Thanks, I don't know who else I'd use on a video game forum. Sonic, Mario and the like seem over used, but no one's got Samanosuke!
Good pick for an avi, though I don't know from which game the char is.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Seen you around a bunch lately
0/10. I like the Avata/username combo though. I'll be keeping an eye out for you to see if you live up to it.

Good pick for an avi, though I don't know from which game the char is.
Samanosuke is the main protagonist of Onimusha, my avatar is one of the high detail character drawings from the first game.
0/10. I like the Avata/username combo though. I'll be keeping an eye out for you to see if you live up to it.

Samanosuke is the main protagonist of Onimusha, my avatar is one of the high detail character drawings from the first game.

No recollection of you or your avatar.


El_Gato you look vaguely familiar 4/10

I think I remember the name. 1/10

Is Korra worth watching past Season 1? I really want to continue but my friends and the internet are saying no.

Do it Season 3 was simply fantastic best season so far especially after an uneven second season.
Season 2 is pretty messy but there's still a lot of good stuff in there (The Beginings part 1 & 2 are the highlight of the season)


I think I remember the name. 1/10

Is Korra worth watching past Season 1? I really want to continue but my friends and the internet are saying no.

Watch it, just for the characters and the world. There are some great moments, and season 3 makes up for season 2 partly.]

Where else are you going to get more avatar?
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