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Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


That's how I feel at time.

No fucking clue who you are mate

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Team Writing GAF represent.

10/10 for delicious beer and meetings. You guys should hit that arcade bar GGaf went to last. They had Yuengling and Frogger.

i used to hit up the bk barcade a lot... i'm partial to allagash white and Tapper myself

one day they'll get street fighter 2 and i'm gonna go broke

That Aquamarine guy knows nothing!

To get away from silly GAF jokes...

Also, 3/10?

I seem to recognize your name.

Did you rejoice in said bannings? =P

i see u two bros all the time


You once threw me across a room. 11/10

mrs cumberbatch 10/10

Schattenjäger;124834445 said:
we have not - but hopefully we can have a convo one day

you had a shitty opinion about about something and your gk username breaks on mobile



We've had some convos in B/S/T and gaming threads, I think!
Yep. I know you by avatar pretty well. 8/10 would play foosball with

Seen you a lot on gaming side. Also love the avatar, but Yukiko is better. :p

Edit: 6/10, mainly for Chie
Oddly, I recognize your name better than your avatar. 3/10

0/10, which is interesting. Your username is pretty unique, lol.

I recognize your username, but nothing else. 1/10
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