• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


Never sure what kind of thread I'm getting myself into when I see you are the one posting it/10

I...I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I do know, though, that thunderbolts and lightning are very very frightening.

Seen your avi around, 3/10

I know you really like Prime 2. I have the Trilogy and am working my way through it and really enjoying the first game. Looking forward to seeing how good the sequel must be.

10/10, always see you and your unique Nabbit avatars

A SmashGAF notable, and someone whose name I always kind of read out loud to myself in wonderment of our homophonic names.


You make reasonable, entertaining off topic posts all the time. You seem to be one of the cooler NeoGAF members, but I don't know anymore than that.

3/10 would rate again.

Thank you. I know you made a very cogent and complex point about criticism in that Metroidvania thread, and I appreciated reading it at the time.
if you don't know maxcriden, you don't know GAF


That fucking face. 10/10.

Only recognize the avatar because it creeps me out.

Well, the dude above Booties' pink shirt one. Pink shirt one is kind of adorable, though.


You know what.

I now know a lot of you on an extremely intimate level based on the seer number of posts in this thread.
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