I can dig it. Nice eyepatch, 8/10. Would rate higher but the character is looking away from the post and I always find that weird.
Nice stensil art. 9/10
I can dig it. Nice eyepatch, 8/10. Would rate higher but the character is looking away from the post and I always find that weird.
Nice stensil art. 9/10
7/10It is ok. 6/10
it's scary, but i like it - 3/5
it's anime but i like it 4/10
not bad
8.4/10 that's a Smokin' pussy
I don't recognize the character. 6/10 for the clean look and the transparency, though
B+/10lol i didn't undersand your explanation but like it a lot
it's like goofy and dumb
A bit weird but kind of cute. Snazzy specs.
Nice crop, colours and contrast just right, not over sharpened; eight out of ten.
lol, what reference? It's just a chick sticking her tongue out, no more, no less.Don't understand the reference, hair is pretty bad, 4/10.
Haha, excellent avatar/username combo. 9/10Well... Junior here. I think this is an obligatory thread for anyone new!
The avatar above. 8/10. I like it, especially because you are using an image with a transparent background.
Well... Junior here. I think this is an obligatory thread for anyone new!
The avatar above. 8/10. I like it, especially because you are using an image with a transparent background.
Cute dog.
lol, what reference? It's just a chick sticking her tongue out, no more, no less.
I suppose bright pink hair isn't everyone's cup of joe to be fair.
10/10. Jeff Bridges is a God(see: Against All Odds) and the dude is awesome!
Is that Twilight Sparkle? 7/10
Things were so much different back in the day. A lot of it better.
Get in the fucking robot, Shinji/10
It is alright.
Beautiful middle eastern lady. Quaint, but fairly unremarkable. 6/10Pretty unremarkable. 5/10
I'm more in to young girls 7/10
A bit boring innit 4/10
ahaha I like it. Horrible! 8/10
adequately draws vision to the post, also is a wizard i think 7/10doesn't draw the eye to the left 10/10