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Rate the avatar above you! Thrice!


The crop is a bummer and I think it'd work better flipped, lead the eye into the post instead of putting a visual barrier there... but damn if it isn't a cool image.



Hamster is simple but has a less used pose reletave to other hamster avis

Points for removing the background
Overall balance is slanted to one side
Negative points for elbow clipping cut
Bonus points for the carrot


Now this is an avatar breakdown review!

maybe a bit too much contrast, i can't tell the face from his shirt i think, tho my monitor's pretty jacked up

uhh 2/5

you're correct and i'm ignorant

Mines review is simple lol. Looks like a out of proportion anime head. 3/10


I like turtles and it's recognizable.

Fits with the username too, so extra points for that. Now all you need is a fitting tag and your representation on this site will be chiseled to perfection.

Edit: 9/10!


I think that's a LoL character. That's right, right? I really don't know squat about LoL. My only real connection to it being SsethTzeentach. Looks cool, though. So 9/10.


Sorry. I don't care about Bayonetta, the art is kind of gross, the avatar is facing the wrong way, and the transparency is messy on dark theme.



that's ok i wasn't going for recognizability, just wanted something that looked offputting, sarcastic and slightly twisted, much like me <3

dunno what to rate yours so imma just go with a 4/5 for opening up and to discourage you from keeping things bottled up inside
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