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Rayman 4 Before 2007

official French Rayman forum,

Désoler de faire un même topic mais d'abord je vait l'éxpliquer .Tout d'abord toute les informations de Rayman 4 seront mise ici si ils y en à d'autres j'éditerait .Pour cela j'aurait besoin de 10 membres qui m'éderont pour être le plus préçit au sujet et bien sur parce que c'est pour la RZ .

Tout d'abord avec beaucoup d'information nous savons qu'il va sortir avant 2007 .Puis nous avons aussi trouvé que Rayman 4 sera éxellent .Pourquoi ?Tout simplement parce que il n'est pas près de sortir et à ce qu'il parait Ubi Soft il travaille déjà alors bien évidemment ce jeu sera de qualité car 4 ans pour un jeux vidéo c'est éxéptionnelle(Rayman 3 est sortie en 2003 donc il ont commencé en 2003).Et avec peut être un peu déspoire nous pouront peut être savoir dans ce jeu de quel race, de quelle origine est Rayman .Et cela sera peut être son dernier épisode .

/!\/!\-----------------------------Le jeu------------------------------------/!\/!\
Avec des informations de Rayman 3 peut être que nous revérons Murfy .Et surement Globox car c'est le meilleur ami de Rayman et dans tout les épisodes à par le 1 il y est .Et peut être que il y aura une alliance entre les pires-ennemies de Rayman car aucun de ces ennemies à été tué et ils veulent surment se venger .

/!\-------------------------------L'info de la semaine-------------------------/!\
Cette info est vrai Rayman 2 à failli s'appeller Rayman 5 !Cette info est du guide de Rayman 2 .

Voilà une idée qui pourait être fait dans Rayman 4 Rayman à combattu beaucoup d'ennemie différent .Et cela à fait que j'ai eu une idée pourquoi Mr;Dark ne serait pas devenue ami avec Rayman et lui raconte que Barbe-Tranchante et André se sont unifié .Et donc dans le jeu nous pouront le controler .

Et j'aurait besoin d'un Français qui parle Englais pour traduire des petites info aux Englais car eux aussi on le droit des avoir une chose Rayman 4 ne sort pas en 2007 mais avant !

I tryed to Translate this. LOL!

To afflict to make same a topic but d'abord I vait l'éxpliquer Tout d'abord all information of Rayman 4 will be put here if they of with d'autres j'éditerait there Pour that j'aurait need for 10 members who will m'éderont to be more préçit on the subject and well on because c'est for the RZ. /!\------------------------------L actuality -------------------------------------/!\ All d'abord with much d information we know qu'il will leave before 2007 Puis we as found as Rayman 4 will be éxellent Pourquoi?Tout simply because it n'est not close leaving and with this qu'il appears Ubi Soft it works obviously this play already then will be of quality because 4 years for video games c'est éxéptionnelle(Rayman 3 left in 2003 thus it started in 2003).Et with can be a little déspoire will pouront us can be to know in this play of which race, of which origin Et that is Rayman will be can be its last episode. /!\/!\--------------------------- it play ------------------------------------/!\/!\ With information of Rayman 3 can be that we will revérons Murfy Et surely Globox bus c'est the best friend of Rayman and in all the episodes with by the 1 it is Et there can be that there will be an alliance between theenemy ones of Rayman because none of these enemy at killed summer and they want surment to be avenged. /!\-------------------------------L'info of the week -------------------------/!\ This information is true Rayman 2 with failed s'appeller Rayman 5!Cette information is guide of Rayman 2. /!\-idea --------------------------------------/!\ Voilà an idea which pourait being made in Rayman 4 Rayman with fought much d ennemy different Et that with fact that j'ai have an idea why Mr;Dark would not have become friendly with Rayman and him tells that Bore-Sharp and Andre unified Et thus in the play will pouront us to control it. And j'aurait French d'un need which speaks small Englais to translate information in Englais bus them also one it right of having a thing Rayman 4 does not leave in 2007 but front!


I'll just translate the news part:
At first, we know with the many information, that it will come out before 2007. Furthermore we think Rayman 4 will be excellent. Why? It's simple, because the game is not close to be released and Ubi Soft will then have already worked for four years on the game - that's exceptional for a videogame and a sign for good quality (Rayman 3 came out in 2003 and so they started the work on Rayman 4 in 2003). With some hope we may find out about Rayman's race and his origin in this game. It's maybe his last episode.

I didn't want to translate the other parts, because I'm not too much into the Rayman series (just played the Rayman 2 and I didn't even finish it).
When I was working at Ubi Soft, while part 3 was being worked on, they were already working on part 4. If memory serves me right, it was quite different that part 3. Considering how well 3 fared, perhaps its a good thing.


trippingmartian said:
Is Michael Ancel working on this? And if so, why isn't he putting the finishing touches on BG&E?

BG&E came out last year...

I look forward to Rayman 4. Wonder if it'll be an intergenerational release like Rayman 2.

DJ Sl4m

I wish it would go back to 2d even if only temporarily, Rayman 1 was easily one of the BEST platformers ever. Best IMO

On a side note, Rayman 3 was shit, irritating charachter voices, crappy camera work and the levels were so damn small I really didn't give a shit since it felt more like completing a chore than playing in a virtual world.

Rayman 4 will suck


DJ Sl4m said:
I wish it would go back to 2d even if only temporarily, Rayman 1 was easily one of the BEST platformers ever. Best IMO

On a side note, Rayman 3 was shit, irritating charachter voices, crappy camera work and the levels were so damn small I really didn't give a shit since it felt more like completing a chore than playing in a virtual world.

Rayman 4 will suck

Rayman 3 GBA was 2D. Rayman 2 for GBC was planned but never released.

I'd like to see Ancel back on R4 if it'll be anything like The Great Escape.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
trippingmartian said:
But was it finished?

What are you talking about?!?!?!

Regardless of whether the game could be considered "finished", what more could he even do?
DJ Sl4m said:
I wish it would go back to 2d even if only temporarily, Rayman 1 was easily one of the BEST platformers ever. Best IMO

On a side note, Rayman 3 was shit, irritating charachter voices, crappy camera work and the levels were so damn small I really didn't give a shit since it felt more like completing a chore than playing in a virtual world.

Rayman 4 will suck

I recall seeing test footage from either 3 or 4 that features some of the lush, beautiful 2D scenery I had ever seen. Either 4, or perhaps originally part 3, is (or was) to be 2D sidescroller. Well, 2.5D if you know what I mean.

BTW, I contributed some ideas for levels which was supposed to be part 4, so I'm curious if they will be included, though I'm not holding my breath.
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