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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I have the best project supervisor. I can literally say "I've done nothing" and he'll just be like "Oh, ok"

And it's not like he just doesn't care, he's just a really nice guy. I have never seen him get annoyed at anyone.


Mornin' RP GAF



Hey RP GAF been a while, I'm moving so no internet at the new house until further notice. How have you all been?
uda nim dùg i.me.am
today morning good is.it → "Good morning!"

coffee kij.men
/coffee/ seek.I → "I seek coffee!"

...ooh, "bitter tears" is "a-gig". This might come in handy somewhere on GAF in the future.

edit, sad story of the day: The Sumerians have no native word for coffee and apparently none for tea, either, despite their relative proximity to tea-land. So the entire civilization somehow managed to survive so many centuries without caffeine.


I'm not going to be as active on here, or GAF as a whole anymore. I've become massively unproductive and I gotta get my shit together. I'll pop in every now and again, but for now, I've got work to do.

I cant quit you!


I'm not going to be as active on here, or GAF as a whole anymore. I've become massively unproductive and I gotta get my shit together. I'll pop in every now and again, but for now, I've got work to do.

I cant quit you!

I have always had to balance multiple forums and work but luckily that's part of my job. I understand why you would not be able to be as active. Best wishes. Just check in every now and again so we know you are still around.

just substitute reddit with GAF:

Hey RP GAF been a while, I'm moving so no internet at the new house until further notice. How have you all been?

For the most part there isn't much of a "you all" anymore. Just a few stragglers from the original thread. We usually hang out in the TC / IRC. Hope you have been well.


I'm not going to be as active on here, or GAF as a whole anymore. I've become massively unproductive and I gotta get my shit together. I'll pop in every now and again, but for now, I've got work to do.

I cant quit you!

Once I start working again (shouldn't be too long from now), I won't be on here as much either. Lately, I've just had a lot of spare time.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I've been really, really busy with the new job and other interesting things, good and bad. I feel neglectful but not by choice :(
I'm not going to be as active on here, or GAF as a whole anymore. I've become massively unproductive and I gotta get my shit together. I'll pop in every now and again, but for now, I've got work to do.

za.e lu mah i.men!
(You gent great are)

I use my brain's natural ADD powers to manage my GAF-time and my productive time. I'm sure you'll somehow work out a way to keep yourself helpful to those around you while still able to pursue your joys in life. :)
GAF.a sar.men
GAF.on write.I → "I write on GAF". Interestingly, the verb for "to write" is the same as the verb for "to disturb someone", which fits perfectly with the current Internet culture.

Alternately: GAF.a sar.menden
← "We write on GAF". Isn't it a little interesting how the locative suffix is the same as it is in languages like Spanish (though it's more like a prefix there ... "Voy a mi baño", and so forth)? There are even a few less simple examples of actual cognates between this millenia-dead lingo and current romance languages.


My new servers -- a 48 core number crunching bad-ass machine and a 24TB data storage dude -- are in the loading bay. In a couple hours, they get delivered down here to the research wing. Then the only thing preventing me from going full throttle is that the A/C guys have dragged their heels for months on upgrading the cooling in our tiny server room.


I wanted to read Japanese when I believed that Ninokuni (PS3) hadn't a snowball's chance of coming here. I subscribed to this mail letter that teaches you a new word each day, but just the romanji part of it. I tried learning all of the other shit, but it seemed almost insurmountable so I just gave up. I need to try it again.
me said:
nihongo o wakarimasen

Japanese, you are not sure?

"I do not understand Japanese".

Beyond that sentence and a few random words, I think all I can recall is "resutoran ni ikimasu". :)

...or, in the older lingo I'm playing with: kar.a du.men
marketplace.to go.I
(edit: maybe "ganba.a du.men". One of the problems with languages that lived for thousands of years is that there's so much word drift! "kar" seems to be considered rather archaic, and it has other meanings (like "port authority") which dilute the sentence).

RawPower, it seems best to get a handle on the grammar before you start memorizing the vocabulary. Once you have that in place, it's easier to start gaining words, because you can put them into meaningful sentences right away.


Fair enough.

The meetup is in a few days, and I can already feel my social anxiety building up. But I'm still doing it, because I'll only regret it if I don't. How can I conquer my fears if I don't face them?
Fair enough.

The meetup is in a few days, and I can already feel my social anxiety building up. But I'm still doing it, because I'll only regret it if I don't. How can I conquer my fears if I don't face them?

*thumbs up*

Just remember that you are the most metal of all. With that, you can overcome anything.

Luke.e engar didi i.am
pa.ani nam-en gul i.am
adamen tuku.meš
an gul.e an zid tud.am

Luke is a farm boy
His father is an evil priest/lord
They have a fight
The evil man is reborn as the righteous man

This is fun; I hope it does not annoy people with all the weird characters and barcode spoiler blockage


*thumbs up*

Just remember that you are the most metal of all. With that, you can overcome anything.

Luke.e engar didi i.am
pa.ani nam-en gul i.am
adamen tuku.meš
an gul.e an zid tud.am

Luke is a farm boy
His father is an evil priest/lord
They have a fight
The evil man is reborn as the righteous man

This is fun; I hope it does not annoy people with all the weird characters and barcode spoiler blockage

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the most metal of them all

I hope I gave you enough hair.

This thread is giving me opportunity to practice working with layers-oriented graphic editors. I would have done very little of this otherwise.


an.a lu.e
mu.ani Kirk i.me.am
ge.eš.e e-ne kam.meš
túg-bir-ra.ani dug

A man is in the sky
His name is Kirk
Many girls love him
They like his torn clothing

edit: Argggg, the Sumerian Lexicon doesn't have the verbs "can" or even the words "able" or "capable"! This pretty much throws a wrench in my attempt to translate the theme to "Firefly".


FINALLY downloading Kingdoms of Amalur on Steam. My wife has saved herself from a ritualistic style beating by giving me my Valentine's Day present early. I guess she got tired of me reading her every single review I came across.
Hah, this place is a corpse.

The girls are missing. No point in posting when the girls are gone. I'm just teabagging with translations of modern plots and lyrics to a seven thousand year old language.


ašte.ĝu dab.men
Take my love,
gún.ĝu dab.men
Take my land,
gá ki nu.uš.men.a dab.men
Take me to a place where I don't stand

That last line is too literal a translation. I probably should just go for "take me to a terrible place". edit: plus, I have no idea if my attempt to recursively insert a sentence inside a sentence is legal in this language!


Reluctant Member
Oh man, you guys... the Double Fine Kickstarter!

I can't believe they've managed to get DOUBLE their goal in less than 24 hours. Every time I look it's another $5000 or $10000. They're breaking all sorts of records for this sort of thing.

This is so exciting.
Rayman Origins is so.....fucking.....good!
Damn right it is. I totes got the collectors edition 'cause Rayman is my favourite 2D platformer. FUCK ALL Y'ALL MARIOS AND SONICS

Oh man, you guys... the Double Fine Kickstarter!

I can't believe they've managed to get DOUBLE their goal in less than 24 hours. Every time I look it's another $5000 or $10000. They're breaking all sorts of records for this sort of thing.

This is so exciting.

They're going to break $1m before the first day is up, it's insane
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