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Reluctant Member
Site died. Nooooooooo.

Everyone checking obsessively to see it hit one million. (aka I'm part of the problem.)

I'll wait until it's back up to post about it for a second time on FB.
I will use all of these on Facebook...








I'm tempted to do the kickstarter thing just because it's like the "hip" thing to do.

Lemme think about it for thirty days or so.

In the meantime, I'm finally going to see if the hand-held sewing machine my dad handed me half a year ago actually works. I'm really more of a needle and thread guy, but I figure it couldn't hurt to try, especially since I've been in a costuming slump lately.


Reluctant Member
I'm tempted to do the kickstarter thing just because it's like the "hip" thing to do.

Lemme think about it for thirty days or so.

You make it seem like it's a bad thing D:

Think of it as supporting Lissar getting a game that would make her cry with joy *thumbs up*
I'm tempted to do the kickstarter thing just because it's like the "hip" thing to do.

Lemme think about it for thirty days or so.

In the meantime, I'm finally going to see if the hand-held sewing machine my dad handed me half a year ago actually works. I'm really more of a needle and thread guy, but I figure it couldn't hurt to try, especially since I've been in a costuming slump lately.

$15 guarantees you the game and a documentary. And to actually have input in the game.

So I'm a cheapskate. Instead of buying cottony stuff to fill my felt tubing, I'm going to wad up paper towels and such. Hopefully, the stuff will be robust enough. Should be.


Reluctant Member
Butbut you could help make it even good-er!

$15 is not so bad.

Ha. It's on my list of things to almost certainly fund. I just have to get other money stuff out of the way first.

"HandyStitch" device seems to work. Looks like a very bulky stapler. Power plug looks like an audio plug. Gonna test it on some leftover felt.
The shitty thing about Kickstarters (not necessarily this, just in general) is that it's essentially a hole you throw money in to and hope it goes to the thing you're donating to.

Like one guy raised a $100k to make a movie about Neil Gaiman (with no actual prizes, just that the movie would probably be made) and then announced Gaiman wouldn't sign off on it.

I don't know if he was allowed to keep the money or not.


Has anyone played the Goemon games on N64 or SNES? If anyone says yes to the N64 titles and didn't love them, I'm going to play the veiny violin*.

Not really. Just added that for comedic effect.


Reluctant Member
The shitty thing about Kickstarters (not necessarily this, just in general) is that it's essentially a hole you throw money in to and hope it goes to the thing you're donating to.

Like one guy raised a $100k to make a movie about Neil Gaiman (with no actual prizes, just that the movie would probably be made) and then announced Gaiman wouldn't sign off on it.

I don't know if he was allowed to keep the money or not.

Yeah, I PROBABLY wouldn't throw money at an unknown.

For example, if it were Jane Jensen or Yahtzee, I'd be all over that.

I'm more hesitant about people with no track record.



If they committed to Android, Linux, Wii or (possibly) Wii U, I'd jump in faster. Or if it were Java or Flash or somehow HTML5 based. I'd still pitch in for a good cause, though, even if I didn't get anything out of it.

Licensing fees/devkit costs would probably make up the bulk of the expense for a Wii U version.
Licensing fees/devkit costs would probably make up the bulk of the expense for a Wii U version.

Has there been any word on Nintendo's policy on that for this coming gen? I know that they have easier to work with APIs (or, well, APIs like the ones that devs already know how to work with), but I'm curious now how much licensing is going to be.

Woohoo, stitching test successful!
Has there been any word on Nintendo's policy on that for this coming gen? I know that they have easier to work with APIs (or, well, APIs like the ones that devs already know how to work with), but I'm curious now how much licensing is going to be.

Woohoo, stitching test successful!

No word, but I don't expect it to change radically.

Also, this is now the best idea on the internet:

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