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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Hey Alberto, I hate to dig up old wounds but would you mind posting the chat logs? I've never seen James act like that and I would like to hear his side of the story. If you don't want to post it up for everyone to see a PM would suffice.



Not all that surprised though. He was being weirdly protective when people were joking about her posting in here while on vacation.
Hey guys and gals, heads up since he was a regular, I had to remove Jamesfrom818 for stalker behavior.

He's been continuously harassing nintendoll since the BBQ meetup on Saturday, where he got her number purely under the pretense of coordinating that artwalk thing. Since then it's been texts and calls after midnight every night, with her position being quite clear on the matter ("go away and stop" essentially), but he's even gone as far as to say that they're in a relationship.

I've confirmed it all, and he's also been acting oddly with regards to hpro so this has become a concern. I know you folks coordinate regularly in tinychat and so forth, so I highly suggest avoiding further communication and especially doing anything in real life. Authorities will get involved if this behavior continues, as I have been happy to do on previous occasions with stalking on gaf.

In future meetups, women in particular should be careful giving their phone number out casually as if we're all real life friends. This is still the Internet, treat it as such. Thanks.

Holy shit. Not really surprised it happened but surprised it was him and to that level. Not even sure what to say.

I have also stated this before on here in IRC and TC. We are all strangers no matter how chummy we have become. I wouldn't undress in front of any of you...


Hey Alberto, I hate to dig up old wounds but would you mind posting the chat logs? I've never seen James act like that and I would like to hear his side of the story. If you don't want to post it up for everyone to see a PM would suffice.

Ditto. Out of morbid curiosity, I'd like to see it too.


Not all that surprised though. He was being weirdly protective when people were joking about her posting in here while on vacation.

I didn't even notice that honestly. I thought people were just joking around in here.

I guess not. :/


Reluctant Member
As long as you guys PM SA about it.

What he did was wrong, but airing that conversation would be a bit tasteless :/

I don't really want to know, to be honest. It might make me even more angry.
Ditto. Out of morbid curiosity, I'd like to see it too.

Hm. I suppose it could not hurt for people to see what kind of behavior is considered bannable. Whenever I post here, I tend to flip back to the page an hour later to see if there's a "banned" tag, because I have no real context or idea for where the line precisely lies.

I have also stated this before on here in IRC and TC. We are all strangers no matter how chummy we have become. I wouldn't undress in front of any of you...

I would. Name the time and place, Tonybaby. ;)

This is an example of where the line probably is. :p

edit: I just realized that I'm naked in my avatar, sort of.
Unfortunate set of events that I hope don't mar the fun LA GAF (and others, sup lore) had. I've done meets for years, several online people have my number and it's never been an issue. You can't really tell who's going to go stalker-mode. I've been lucky that none of the men I've met through the internet have broken that boundary. I'm sorry nintendoll and hpro that this happened.


I would hope not!

This news still stings. I've met people from other forums, and I've been lucky enough that not only were they not creepers, but most of them became good friends. Hearing about something like this happening is extremely disappointing.

I've met people from forums also, but hearing this stuff is crazy, and discouraging.


I'm just catching up with what's going on now and I do apologize for bringing this back up but I do need to address this.

Because I am helping organizing the New York Meetups, I have received personal contact information from a number of Gaffers here (most are from Tiny Chat and this thread). I want to reassure that I have no intention of breaking your trust and using it for my own self gain. This means I will not use it to harass, sell your information for profit, stalk you, or anything of that nature. It was only meant to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible during the meetup, making sure people don't get lost, etc. I have joked about stalking/creeping beforehand but I never had any intention of actually doing so. Sorry, I'm much too busy to devote a part of my life to you.

If you are uncomfortable with me having your info, please message me and I will not hesitate to remove all contacts I have of you. I may just do that anyway to protect my own hide.


........ wtf is this shit.

I feel like I just entered the twilight zone. When I went this morning everything was fine and dandy... I come back and it is all weird and creepy.


That is some shocking stuff. I honestly wouldn't expect that sort of thing happening in this sort of a community, but I guess you can never be too careful. :_(


That is some shocking stuff. I honestly wouldn't expect that sort of thing happening in this sort of a community, but I guess you can never be too careful. :_(

That's actually the most disturbing thing about it all. It's creepy how some people are not at all what they seem.


I still can't shake the feeling that we only have one side of the story right now.

edit: even after speaking to James. There's just this huge gap here that doesn't make any sense to me.
Well on the bright side, I don't feel so creepy anymore. :p

You aren't creepy.

The private investigators I hired to look after you would have told me about that.
Just kidding, obviously, but you just come off as a cool dude with maybe a tiny bit of social phobia or low self-esteem or something, but I suspect that's pretty normal for this forum.
heard about what happened in the NBA thread, bummer to hear that, thats the one thing about meeting people online, small chances but that can happen.

edit- well not so small chances i guess, idk never met anyone i knew from online forums etc

bleh lazy to change my pic or whip up a new one on my garbage laptop, might just put my fake beard one back :D


The Cryptarch's Bane
Creepin on nintendoll, tsk.

Well done EviLore, stay strong RP friends, etc.

I suppose it's generally worth noting that the fact that this is so shocking is actually a good thing, since we seem to be a fairly non-creepy group on the whole

Holla back Florida-GAF!!


I still can't shake the feeling that we only have one side of the story right now.

edit: even after speaking to James. There's just this huge gap here that doesn't make any sense to me.

Well we did only hear just one side of the story. It just seems that Evilore wouldn't just ban him, nor would SA ban him from TC without some good reason.

However you are right, I am curious to know his point of view


Well we did only hear just one side of the story. It just seems that Evilore wouldn't just ban him, nor would SA ban him from TC without some good reason.

However you are right, I am curious to know his point of view

I'll PM the log of what James said. It doesn't explain much, though, because there's still a huge gap here that isn't being accounted for.


Reluctant Member
Now that I've read the log from it (which was not what I had planned on doing, but when it's put right in front of you...) yeah, I got a bit of a douche chill there. It's a bit hard to believe him on um... one particular aspect of his story.

On the other hand, now I have "Don't believe Ondore's lies!" stuck in my head.


I swear to god if there's some crazy twist to this story...

I'm tempted to post a Shyamalan picture, but I can't quite pull myself to it.

All in all this is pretty weird, but I really am not sure how to react. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, just fromt he thread. :/
All in all this is pretty weird, but I really am not sure how to react. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, just fromt he thread. :/

For what it's worth, a person can be both a pretty cool person and also someone with the type of obsessive personality that leads to unfortunate incidents like these. It just takes one bad egg to kill the bacon and cheese strata.

That's why I said earlier that he could learn from this and become a better person.
Anyway, let's pepper this shock-party with at least a little bit of happy:

My giant pumpkin thing is coming along slowly but surely, and I think that I will be able to make both it and my candy box by Thursday night. With luck, I'll also pring some sort of appropriately "scary" shirt (it's a Halloween theme for this year's Wicked Faire).

I got to watch the first five episodes of Being Human with a cute girl yesterday. There were exposed bodies, both on the TV screen and off. Cool show, and I got free pierogies out of the night, both meat and potato kinds!

Tonight is a party. It has a bunch of themes, but sadly I'm leaving for it in six minutes and haven't had a chance to really do anything for that. It's a shame, because I have many feet of red EL-wire, and it would have been awesome to make it into a heart shape and pin it to a shirt. Unfortunately, on my trip back from last month's Arisia convention, all my crap was tightly packed into a duffel bag, and the EL-wire's transformer broke, or at least its casing did. I will need to examine it more closely and maybe tape it up thoroughly before using it again. Who knows, maybe I'll have enough time to look at it before the Wicked Faire. Gotta be something Halloweeny you can do with scary* red wire.

* aargh, every time I've written the word "scary" in this post, I first wrote "creepy" and had to change it because the word suddenly means something different than the intended context!


My guess is he purposely left out some of the more revealing parts of his conversation. But nevertheless, I had to force myself to finish reading through that exchange. It gave me some very unpleasant vibes.
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