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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Alright, it's time to stop starting games and start finishing them.

Shank and Skyrim must be first.

I remember the ps2 days I had like 10 incomplete games on one memory card...

Things are too new and shiny to pass up!

I got my account activated 8th this month so I managed to totally miss Realpic January. I don't let that take me down though, so I have just decided to use my own photo as an avatar the first month I am in here.

And RawPower, Castlevania series is awesome. I still have been entertaining myself lately with BF3, but I actually also played Super Mario Bros. (with the original NES, I haven't never really understood emulators) through just couple of days ago.

Welcome to our humble abode, it's never too late to start :)

My cousin has the last known NES of anyone I know and we tried playing Mario on it...and after several minutes of blowing and tapping on the cartridge while inside the NES we still got the flickery color screen. I was so disappointed.


I got my account activated 8th this month so I managed to totally miss Realpic January. I don't let that take me down though, so I have just decided to use my own photo as an avatar the first month I am in here.

And RawPower, Castlevania series is awesome. I still have been entertaining myself lately with BF3, but I actually also played Super Mario Bros. (with the original NES, I haven't never really understood emulators) through just couple of days ago.


Reluctant Member
New people :O Welcome and please post more!

I also need to finish games. That's why I was going to go through all of my PS1 games and finish them. ._. But then I got into this funk and I'm having trouble finding much of anything fun.


Reluctant Member
I decided on giving up consoles
I keep saying this and then I remember the new Monolithsoft game on Wii U. Damn you for making me NEED to play a console game.
I'm just going to get a nice computer and hope Japanese devs either come around to computers or not bother with anything but handhelds.


What did that to you?

I feel like I've seen everything this current gen can do.

Not just technologically either, each gen has its own "culture" and we've seen this one's form, mature, and about to end. Time for a new beginning. As such, I've been playing less and not paying attention as much to the industry.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I believe there are some notable things left to see in this generation, my friend. But you are certainly free not to watch for them.


I got my account activated 8th this month so I managed to totally miss Realpic January. I don't let that take me down though, so I have just decided to use my own photo as an avatar the first month I am in here.

And RawPower, Castlevania series is awesome. I still have been entertaining myself lately with BF3, but I actually also played Super Mario Bros. (with the original NES, I haven't never really understood emulators) through just couple of days ago.

Hey, it's you from the Dating Age thread! Welcome! :D


I got my account activated 8th this month so I managed to totally miss Realpic January. I don't let that take me down though, so I have just decided to use my own photo as an avatar the first month I am in here.

And RawPower, Castlevania series is awesome. I still have been entertaining myself lately with BF3, but I actually also played Super Mario Bros. (with the original NES, I haven't never really understood emulators) through just couple of days ago.

Welcome! You have come to a good place. ^_^ The avatars switch back and forth quite a bit depending on our moods (of which mine has swung back into missing my glasses days), so you'll see a few here and there with real pics and many with Tence's awesome MS paint avatars.

I buy everything~

This is why I love you. Your addiction will save the gaming industry. :)

Tactics Ogre PSP is fun...but god dammit I really want Trails in the Sky.


Succumb!!! (I'm sure it's on sale somewhere too...) (;_;)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Welcome! You have come to a good place. ^_^ The avatars switch back and forth quite a bit depending on our moods (of which mine has swung back into missing my glasses days), so you'll see a few here and there with real pics and many with Tence's awesome MS paint avatars.
Look at that.

Jess begins an instant exodus back to RealPics with a week-plus left in February.

I suppose going a week as myself before becoming the ninja Lissar dreams I am sounds about right for this thread.


So I stayed away from this thread after the first couple of weeks so I would focus on school, and then when I realized that I was procrastinating anyways it took me a few more weeks to figure out you guys got moved to the Community subforum... my point is, 'sup guys! Nice to see that you're all still here! :D


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I stayed away from this thread after the first couple of weeks so I would focus on school, and then when I realized that I was procrastinating anyways it took me a few more weeks to figure out you guys got moved to the Community subforum... my point is, 'sup guys! Nice to see that you're all still here! :D
I think I can speak for us all when I say that you were undoubtedly missed.
Look at that.

Jess begins an instant exodus back to RealPics with a week-plus left in February.

I suppose going a week as myself before becoming the ninja Lissar dreams I am sounds about right for this thread.

:D I get bored. I loved the themed days back in RP proper. It's fun to switch it up.

So I stayed away from this thread after the first couple of weeks so I would focus on school, and then when I realized that I was procrastinating anyways it took me a few more weeks to figure out you guys got moved to the Community subforum... my point is, 'sup guys! Nice to see that you're all still here! :D

Welcome, Pau! Yeah, we got moved to Community, but we're still going strong. I've been distracted by work/vacation of late too, but we have strong regulars to keep the thread fresh and on top.


- like the glasses ^_^

Danke. I don't remember whose these were during the korean BBQ meet up. I tried on several pairs. :p

True. I can't downsize though.

Every comp (usually) comes with Paint in the Accessories section of your programs. It's easy.

I would, but I'm actually waiting for my aunt to Skype me. :p I was forever alone in the Dallas airport except for Raw and justagaffer. So sad.

I used a razor. Now I look like a kid. (Also, headphones)


Awww... Still looks good, though! (and headphones are awesome) (except when they squeeze your temples)

[quote="Hawkian, post: 35317917"]the chat

it is tiny[/QUOTE]

Hawk! You joined us. Yesssssssssssssss...

[quote="RawPower, post: 35317961"]I'm a conformist.[/QUOTE]


[quote="clearacell, post: 35318007"][img]http://i.imgur.com/5eHZT.jpg[img]

girl you got style[/QUOTE]

Haha. Nice. I knew they had to be yours.


Reluctant Member
what's you playing?

FFXIII-2, which I *technically* finished in December, but for various reasons am playing again.

It's not because I just love it so darn much, I assure you.

Lissar. Your avatar. Its adorableness is giving me diabetes. Did you draw it?

This is my Tence-ified avatar. My drawings will be next month :D Assuming people actually decide to use them.
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