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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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...What image? You're scaring me. D:

She's threatened me like this, too. I have no idea what she was going to post but I went and bought Half Minute Hero off PSN so she wouldn't do it.

If you both want to be spared the image, Billie must reveal my finest contribution to a game; the pinnacle of writing... the Goddess Room description of the Ultimate Evil Lord. What is he, Billie? What is he made of?! O_O


.............. *cough*

XSEED Marketing

It's a good think most of the games XSEED puts out are games I want or else I'd feel awkward :s

I'm not Marketing at all, though! :( I've just been having fun with it is all. :) I think you'll hear my voice in some certain characters...

How about something that's not a RPG? :p

Mmm... we do have those too, but there's not much opportunity to add humor to say, games like KORG-DS.
Okay Miss "all my conversations with Billiechu are me trying to get her to buy XSEED games". Who runs XSEED's Twitter account again?


I do, and y'all better appreciate it! I do all the community management onto of my actual job. :p

EDIT: And to bed with me because I have said work to do in the morning. -_-


I send you totally hilarious tweets* and you don't respond :(

*said tweets are probably not hilarious and are a waste of time


I'm home again ><

got a pic of the Melbourne-gaf meet up if anyone's interested :p


This picture kind of makes me want to buy a Neogaf t-shirt. I've never really thought about it until now. I was also thinking, "wow! that guy on the left is tall. He even has to duck his head down to be in the photo". I then realised he was standing on a chair. I clicked to zoom in, and didn't really notice it at first. :)
Now I remember. That's why I went on gaf the other night. Cause I saw a girl wearing a Gaf t-shirt at a club. lol. Drunk gaf posts... Groan..

Edit: is it just me, or do AUS GAF look like super heroes?

Do we start naming uniforms and powers? I'd say at least one of them dresses up as a kangaroo with boxing gloves...

You heard it here first folks

Pfft, being Jesus is pretty common...I got 3 of them in my family.


Reluctant Member
Shanshan: Learn to tailor! :eek:

I've been thinking about learning just so I can get clothes into the right shape for me. Also, there are some cute t-shirts I want but the shape is all wrong for me so if I could learn to cut them up and remake them that would be awesome.
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