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As the Steam Sale is winding down, I have $5.43 left in my wallet. I need to use it or it will give me an aneurysm. What are some good ones that I probably dont know about?


So I downloaded a save file from off the internet. It is roughly around the same place I left off. It's missing a whole bunch of things I had done up to that point, but it is much better than the alternative. At least I don't have play through the game from pretty much the start.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well god damn, Binding of Isaac is loads of fun. I also bought Bastion since it was only $4, but haven't tried it yet.
If you don't like the TYPE of game Bastion is you might find that you could take or leave it in terms of gameplay, but the all-around aesthetic is magic (dat narration).


If you don't like the TYPE of game Bastion if you might find that you could take or leave it in terms of gameplay, but the all-around aesthetic is magic (dat narration).

I agree with this. While I don't necessarily dislike Bastion, it doesn't grab me. The narration is quite good though and the game has massive charm. Very funny at times.


welp, this sucks. poison ivy spread like crazy. my eyes are swollen like crazy and my stomach is covered, my right wrist is pretty bad too. left wrist, right ankle, sigh. It's really just the face that bothers me because I have zero self confidence, can't even look people in the eye when I'm talking to them. My confidence wasn't great before, but now I'll basically lock myself in my room for the next week or so till it gets better. If it gets any worse I'm gonna need to go to the doctor :(


I want old Rare back :c

It doesn't even have to be old-old Rare. The Rare that made Viva Pinata would still be great :c

Microsoft completely mismanaged that buyout. Dear god. Some good games came out of it, but.. damn.

I just (apparently) was able to stretch out my videocard's life before I have to RMA it by racing to the overclock application that comes with it and cranking the fan to full blast before it shut off the video again. Now I wait for my glasses to show up so I can make a new realpic avatar.
Also, Laurel and Hardy were the best of the black and white era. Anyone who denies this is wrong.

Just to expand on this -
Stanley: [reading newspaper] Listen to this...wealthy young widow with large fortune. Wishes to communicate with congenial young men...object matrimony. Reply: Box 204J
Oliver: It's probably some old crab with a face that would stop a clock. I wouldn't wanna marry her, no matter how much money she had.
Stanley: Well, I'd marry her.
Oliver: You would!
Stanley: Well after all, beauty's only skin deep. I'd take some of the money, and I'd have her face lifted. Then we could settle down and I wouldn't have to scrape chins any more...wouldn't have to work hard any more.
Oliver: Tell me that again.
Stanley: Well...if beauty was only kne--skin deep...I could take some of the money...and I could have her skinned...and then she'd be able to look at a clock without having to work hard any more...and we could settle down and I could scrape her chin...and congenial...if...if I didn't have to work hard anymore.
Oliver: ...that's a good idea!

Also my friend is being a bro and buying the pizza for me :D


I see that Facebook post Dave.

I disapprove.

You mean about Drive? That movie was horrendously bad. The acting was ok, but with people like Ron Pearlman and Albert Brooks, you cant really expect much. The dialog was childish, the music was abysmal. For a car movie, the driving scenes were laughably staged, there were no actual driving skills shown the entire movie other than drag racing. Every single turn taken was shown from inside the car where he was clearly driving from the back of a trailer. The plot was predictable and the ending was unsatisfying.


I do love me some 80's pop. Flock of Seagulls, Tears for Fears, Eddie Money, Soft Cell, ect. I actually just watched Drive the other week for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised. It put some nice twists on the cliche action/thriller movie tropes.

And I ate this for lunch today:


Actually, I eat this for lunch almost every single day. /so good

and the poison ivy on my face has cleared up a lot thanks to my medicine, so that's good news!


I do love me some 80's pop. Flock of Seagulls, Tears for Fears, Eddie Money, Soft Cell, ect. I actually just watched Drive the other week for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised. It put some nice twists on the cliche action/thriller movie tropes.

And I ate this for lunch today:


Actually, I eat this for lunch almost every single day. /so good

and the poison ivy on my face has cleared up a lot thanks to my medicine, so that's good news![/QUOTE]

I could get with everything in that lunch but the onions. I love me some feta cheese though.
You mean about Drive? That movie was horrendously bad. The acting was ok, but with people like Ron Pearlman and Albert Brooks, you cant really expect much. The dialog was childish, the music was abysmal. For a car movie, the driving scenes were laughably staged, there were no actual driving skills shown the entire movie other than drag racing. Every single turn taken was shown from inside the car where he was clearly driving from the back of a trailer. The plot was predictable and the ending was unsatisfying.

Sure, if you like reliving the 80s, which I'll have you know, I grew up in. It wasn't that great and not worth synthesizing to try and sound just like.

Dave, I am disappoint. Drive was fucking sweet


Do you need to watch the show or read the comic to really get into the Walking Dead games? I think I'm gonna try it but have no knowledge of anything WD


Do you need to watch the show or read the comic to really get into the Walking Dead games? I think I'm gonna try it but have no knowledge of anything WD

I'm up to date on the comics, I'm up to date on the shows and I've played both episodes of the game, twice through to measure the choices within. Although, we established you and I dont have the same taste in movies or music, so I'm not sure how much my opinion will matter. I can, however, give you in depth knowledge of The Walking Dead universe if you wish.

But to answer your question no, not really. You wont spy the cameo of a main character if you're not familiar with the source, but no, it stands well on its own.



Did it blue screen or did it just restart?

Randomly restarting is something that can happen when your PC is overheating. Playing a game is the most likely time it would do that. Games put your computer under more stress than pretty much anything else.

I had the strangest dream last night. I was buying cheese off boats. I was opening up the boxes to see if there was any mould on the cheese. Boxes and boxes of cheese.

Where the hell did that come from? Jumping on to big boats and buying nothing but cheese. Cheese boats. lol


Did it blue screen or did it just restart?

Randomly restarting is something that can happen when your PC is overheating. Playing a game is the most likely time it would do that. Games put your computer under more stress than pretty much anything else.

I had the strangest dream last night. I was buying cheese off boats. I was opening up the boxes to see if there was any mould on the cheese. Boxes and boxes of cheese.

Where the hell did that come from? Jumping on to big boats and buying nothing but cheese. Cheese boats. lol

Ezio has a side mission where he's got to save the cheese for a store owner in Venice. That's where it came from.


But what kind of cheese? Feta? If so, I approve of your dream.

edit, just finished watching Hugo, really good movie

Surprisingly, these details were never mentioned during the dream. It may just have been Cheddar cheese.

Ezio has a side mission where he's got to save the cheese for a store owner in Venice. That's where it came from.

I've not done this mission yet. OMG! I think I've been affected by the Animus! :O
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